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高原冷凉地区保护性耕作技术实践及模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保护性耕作技术是近年来农业部着力推广的一项新的农业耕作技术。冷凉地区“西北风沙源头区”保护性耕作带项目实施中,通过技术整合、机具改进后,试验示范取得了突破性进展,技术体系在一年一作春小麦、甘蓝性春油菜种植方面得到进一步完善,因地制宜采用机械措施在免耕播种作业中形成种沟,有效地解决了高寒地区春旱缺墒和雨水聚集的实际问题。  相似文献   
不同耕法的土壤理化及农艺学效应研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤耕作能有效的改善土壤理化性质,提高土壤肥力.综述了翻耕法、垄作法、深松耕、少免耕和保护性耕作五种耕法对土壤物理和化学性质的影响研究进展,阐述了各耕法的特点,提出了一些建议.  相似文献   
Sweetpotato varieties with high carotene content have high value for human health. This work aims to improve the breeding efficiency of special varieties with high carotene content by combining molecular markers and agronomic traits to evaluate and screen the parents. The cluster analysis was carried out to identify and screen promising parents by utilizing phenotypic results of the agronomic and characteristic traits, and RAPD and ISSR markers of 15 parents and their offspring by group crossing. Among different parental materials, greater variations were observed in two important traits, the carotene content and the storage root yield. Negative correlation was found between the carotene content and both fresh and dried root yields. The most significant positive correlation was between the carotene content of parents and that of their offspring, with the coefficient of correlation value of 0.7932**. The relationship based on the agronomic characters of the trial materials was not in agreement with the known genealogy, while that based on the molecular marker data showed better result. Each primer amplified 13.8 bands oflSSR markers on average, in which the rate of polymorphic loci was 89.6%. 9.4 bands of RAPD markers were arnplified per primer, in which the rate of polymorphic bands was 74.46%. Large genetic variation of carotene content was found among the parents. For analyzing the genetic diversity of sweetpotato, the molecular marker methods were better than morphological traits; ISSR markers were more efficient than RAPD markers. The combination of molecular markers and agronomic trait analysis may provide valuable theoretic basis for selection of parents to breed new varieties with high carotene content.  相似文献   
紫苏是我国传统的药用植物,随着近年来其营养保健功能的重视和开发,紫苏已成为很有发展潜力的食药两用型作物。该研究以贵州省农业科学院油菜研究所选育的2个紫苏材料奇苏1号(油用型),奇苏3号(叶籽两用型)为研究材料,研究一般肥力水平下,不同种植密度处理对紫苏的经济产量及相关农艺学性状的影响。结果表明,2个品种的农艺学性状随栽培密度变化表现一致。其中,株高、茎节数、一次有效分枝长度、分枝位、单株穗数、单株产量与栽培密度呈显著负相关,主穗长度与主穗粒数与栽培密度呈显著正相关。栽培密度对千粒重的影响不显著。2个品种的单产均表现为随栽培密度增加先增加后降低。以栽培密度与紫苏单产建立回归方程,2个紫苏品种的回归方程分别为:y=54.046 5+96.777 1x-45.719 8x2(r=0.999 4)及y=38.717 6+42.111 3x-16.757 7x2(r=0.999 8)。根据回归方程,奇苏1号最适栽培密度为158 745株/hm2,籽粒产量可达1 578.90 kg/hm2。奇苏3号最适栽培密度为188 745株/hm2,可产籽粒977.55 kg/hm2,每公顷同时还可收获约3 000 kg紫苏干叶及2 400 kg紫苏梗。该研究结果将为紫苏品种推广、高产栽培及综合利用提供重要参考。  相似文献   
在中国科学技术信息研究所发布的《2010年版中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》数据中,《中国油料作物学报》的影响因子在上年的基础上又有大幅度上升,比上年(0.888)增长15.4%,达到1.025,在农艺学、园艺学类期刊中列第4位,在农业类期刊(包括农学类、农艺学园艺学类和农业大学学报类)中列第9位,在  相似文献   
西洋南瓜种质资源及杂交组合的主要农艺性状和营养品质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了9份西洋南瓜新种质及2个杂交组合的农艺性状及营养品质间的相关性.结果表明:11份材料的感官品质均符合育种要求.其中,803(161-5-1)可溶性蛋白和VC含量最高,分别为6.476 mg/g和0.028 mg/g;802(0322-2-2)的可溶性糖含量最高,为63.3 mg/kg;113(0326-8-1)的干物质含量最高,为19%;111(3028-53-1)的可溶性固形物含量最高,为14.6%.杂交组合瑞绿1号(153×801)、瑞红1号(111×153)总体表现优于双亲,显示出杂种优势.  相似文献   
在中国科学技术信息研究所发布的《2011年版中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》数据中,《中国油料作物学报》的影响因子为0.99,在农艺学、园艺学类期刊中列第4位,在农业类期刊(包括农学类、农艺学园艺学类和农业大学学报类)中列第7位,排名比上年上升了2位;扩展版的影响因子为1.734;总被引频次为1198。学报的综合评价指数为59.0,在1998种核心科技期刊中排名列第210位,比上年上升了15位。特别是学报  相似文献   
小麦多酚氧化酶研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦面粉和面食品的色度是小麦磨粉品质和面食品的主要评价指标.。特别是面条、馒头、饺子、烙饼等中式食品对白度的要求相当高。.多酚氧化酶(PPO)与小麦面粉及其面食品在加工、贮藏中的褐变直接相关.。同时,多酚氧化酶种类的遗传变异和表达差异也决定小麦籽粒中的PPO总活性高低,从而直接或间接影响面粉的白度。笔者综述了近年来小麦多酚氧化酶生化机理、分布和分子生物学遗传分析以及与品质关系等方面的研究进展,并且根据多酚氧化酶的表达特性,讨论了小麦高白度新品种选育的策略。  相似文献   
Through the efforts of the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project, the whole genome sequence office has been decoded (International Rice Genome Sequencing Project, 2005). This sequence information has provided new tools for genetics and has created a new paradigm of plant breeding. Many phenotypic traits of economic interest are controlled by multiple genes and often show complex and quantitative inheritance: Recent progress in rice genomics has had a great impact in the genetic dissection of such traits into single genetic factors. Such genetic factors can subsequently be identified at the molecular level by map-based strategies (Yano, 2001). So far, we have identified several genes involved in heading date (Yano et al., 2001), field resistance to rice blast, cool temperature tolerance (Takeuchi et al., 2001) and pre-harvest sprouting (Takeuchi et al., 2003), and genetic dissection of root morphology and yield-related traits is progressing. Working from the current status of genetic dissection, we have begun marker-assisted introgression of particular genes of interest into elite rice cultivars in Japan. Exploitation of economically important genes in natural variants will be essential to enhance the potential of new breeding strategies.  相似文献   
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