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M.  M.  Adilov 《农业科学与技术》2010,(4):103-106
The results of the three-year researches which had the purpose to establish an optimum depth of seeding at sowing and rational norm of seeding of red beetroot seeds at under-winter sowing in conditions of mid-loamy typical grey soils of the central climatic zone of Uzbekistan are stated in article. The researches were spent at statement of field experiences in quadruple frequency with the area of a registration allotment 10 M^-1. Crops were carried out in the first decade of December against mulching surfaces of ridges by humus and without mulching. Crops were carried out on ridges in width of 70 sm tape-two-lined with distance between tapes of 50 sm, between lines-20 sm and distance between plants in a line of 12-13 sm, at density of standing of 228-230 thousand plants/hectares. Experiences were spent with zoned in Uzbekistan multi-seedling grade of a red beetroot "Bordo 237". Experiences were accompanied by phenological supervision, biometric accounts, the account of field germination of seeds, density of standing of plants and definition of size and quality of a crop. Results of researches were exposed to the statistical analysis by a dispersive method. It has been revealed that at under-winter sowing of a red beetroot the effective way providing acceleration of shoots occurrence, formations of high-grade density of standing and increase of productivity of root crops is mulching the surfaces of ridges by humus. It is defined that optimum depth of seeding at sowing both at application of mulching and without it is the depth of seeding 4 sm. It is established that the most rational norm of seeding of the seeds, providing high-grade density of standing, is at cultivation with application of mulching 8 kg/ha, and at cultivation without mulching 8-10 kg/ha. Application of mulching the surfaces of ridges by humus, depths of seeding of 4 sm and norms of seeding of seeds of 8-10 kg/ha in conditions of under-winter sowing in comparison with cultivation without mulching and depth of seeding 2 sm and norms of seeding of 6 kg/ha provides an acceleration of receipt of fresh production of a red beetroot for 12-14 days and considerably raises root crops productivity. Application of agro receptions improved by us is the important reserve of acceleration of receipt of red beetroot early production and increase of its manufacture.  相似文献   
6月10日上午,洁晶集团在深圳路厂区组织“慈心一日捐”活动。公司总裁林成彬带领班子成员和主管级以上管理、技术人员等数十人一起参加了捐款。林总指出,企业的发展离不开社会,同时也要回报社会。洁晶集团始终守法经营,注重慈善工作,他积极倡导广大职工为慈善事业贡献自己的一份力量。6月13日,公司将募集到的72290元善款集中捐赠到市慈善总会。  相似文献   
3月17-18日,全省水产工作会议在郑州召开。省农业厅副厅长张惠民、副巡视员陈明孝、水产局局长张西瑞等领导及全省辖市和直管县水产主管局长等参加会议。会议由省农业厅水产局副局长陈会克主持,陈明孝副巡视员传达了中央对全国渔业渔政工作的重要批示精神,陈会克副局长传达了全国渔业渔政工作会议、全国渔业安全  相似文献   
1985年8月25日联合国国际黄麻组织(Iriternational Jute Organization)主管科学研究和开发工作的高级官员M.K阿里博士(Dr.M.Kasem Ali)在农牧渔业部及湖南省农业厅有关负责同志陪同下,专程到中国农业科学院麻类研究所考察,参观了麻类所的试验地和实验室,与麻类所所、  相似文献   
近日,徐州佳和食品有限公司出台了两套旅游方案,在原来国内游的基础上又增添了一项出国游,由各部门推荐的35名优秀员工、9名中高级主管将于3月30日分别去北京、新马泰旅游观光,费用全部由该公司埋单。  相似文献   
在全国人民贯彻英明领袖华主席抓纲治国战略决策,深揭狠批“四人帮”取得伟大胜利的大好形势下,在区党委、区革委的关怀和直接领导下,全区水产工作会议子6月21日至25日在南宁市召开。参加会议的有各地、市主管水产工作的衣办主任或副主任,  相似文献   
本刊记者 《陕西林业》2007,(5):F0003-F0003
10月24日,我省森林防火工作会议在西安召开。全省各地市主管森林防火工作的副局长,防火办主任,厅直单位主管防火工作的领导、防火办主任参加了会议。省森林公安局局长马利民主持了会议,省厅副厅长朱巨尼作了重要讲话。会议要求全省各级森林防火部门要高度警戒,将重点林区旅游景点、交通要道、  相似文献   
<正>本刊讯工商总局副局长刘凡日前在接受中国政府网在线访谈时表示,在执法一线进行农资打假工作的工商干部要加强  相似文献   
“在吴桥县,老百姓不认识县长,但都认识赵凤娟。”,这是吴桥县主管农业的李强县长常挂在嘴上的一句话。李县长由衷赞叹的这个人,就是被吴桥县老百姓誉为“编外农民”的县农技中心主任赵凤娟,在全县600km2的广阔田野上.到处留下她的足迹。她把所学的科技知识,无私奉献给全县父老乡亲。  相似文献   
<正>为严格学术期刊出版资质,优化学术期刊出版环境,促进学术期刊健康发展,根据新闻出版广电总局《关于规范学术期刊出版秩序促进学术期刊健康发展的通知》《关于开展学术期刊认定及清理工作的通知》,总局组织开展了学术期刊认定工作。经过各省、区、市新闻出版广电局,中央期刊主管单位初审上报,总局组织有关专家严格审定,确定了第一批认定学术期刊名单。在公示的《第一批认定的学术期  相似文献   
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