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20%多效唑·甲哌 FEE7 微乳剂防止小麦倒伏和增产机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冬小麦二棱期喷施植物生长调节剂20%多效唑·甲哌鎓微乳剂375 mL/hm2,可以显著抑制茎秆基部节间伸长,增加各节间充实度,其中赤霉素(Gas)和生长素(IAA)降低,可显著增强小麦抗倒伏能力和降低田间倒伏率.处理还协调了穗数、穗粒数和粒重的关系,增产幅度6.2%~28.6%.增产原因可能在于促进籽粒灌浆强,增加籽粒中内源Gas、IAA、细胞分裂素(CTKs)的水平,增强了籽粒库活性,同时促进茎叶中干物质向籽粒运转.  相似文献   
Stem lodging is a common problem in cereal crop production and a main constraint for grain yield improvement. The leaf sheath that surrounds and protects the hollow internodes of stem could provide the plants with a great physical support. However, this biomechanical function has been ignored for several decades in cereal crops. This study aimed to examine the biomechanical properties of basal stem internodes and lodging susceptibility of the whole plants with or without the clasping leaf sheath in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) among different genotypes and agronomic practices (including planting densities and nitrogen application rates). The main objective was to quantify the mechanical role of the leaf sheath in oat and wheat crops by a “safety factor” method. On average, the leaf sheath contributed 40%, 68% and 38% of the overall stem bending strength, flexural rigidity and safety factor, in oat, while it accounted for 11%, 24% and 10%, respectively, in wheat plants. The significant contribution of the leaf sheath is due to its vital role in enlarging the peripheral position (i.e., second moment of area) and stiffness (i.e., Young's modulus). The contribution ratios (%) were found to be higher in oat than in wheat plants, due to the greater mass density of leaf sheath and more proficient/prevailing stay-green capability in oat genotypes. This study emphasizes the important mechanical role of clasping leaf sheath on stem internodes of cereals and indicates that the stay-green trait of the leaf sheath can be exploited to design appropriate varieties with improved lodging resistance and great yield potential.  相似文献   
小麦倒伏的雷达极化特征及其遥感监测   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
研究探索了雷达遥感大面积监测小麦倒伏状况的潜力。利用覆盖整个小麦生育期的5景时间序列Radarsat-2全极化影像数据,对比分析了倒伏小麦与正常小麦在不同时间、不同极化的雷达后向散射动态响应规律,发现雷达极化特征对小麦倒伏十分敏感,基于此提出利用雷达极化指数监测小麦倒伏的方法。并利用内蒙古额尔古纳市上库力农场春小麦抽穗灌浆期的实地调查数据,对提出方法进行验证,结果表明该方法能有效辨识和监测小麦倒伏。为大面积监测小麦倒伏提供了一种简单、快速、有效的手段。  相似文献   
试验选用不同穗型的3个粳稻品种为材料,分析其抗倒机理及与倒伏密切相关的各性状,并初步探讨穗型与倒伏之间的关系。结果表明:株高与倒伏指数呈极显著正相关;节间长、茎粗、穗部性状等均与倒伏指数存在显著相关;直立、半直立穗型品种较弯曲穗型品种倒伏指数小,株高偏矮,基部茎杆节间短且粗壮坚韧,穗短而穂颈角小,表现出较好的抗倒性能。  相似文献   
小麦倒伏信息无人机多时相遥感提取方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用两期无人机可见光遥感图像,对灌浆期冬小麦倒伏图像特征及倒伏信息提取方法进行研究。从增强图像空间域方面,对图像进行二次低通滤波,获取地物散点图,以散点存在明显分界线为判定标准,选出小麦倒伏信息提取的单特征,对两单特征线性拟合构建倒伏小麦两时期提取特征参数F_1和F_2,再以两特征参数相似性构建综合特征参数F_3。将特征参数结合K-means算法提取冬小麦倒伏信息,整体精度(OA)达86. 44%以上,Kappa系数达0. 73以上,倒伏信息提取精度(F)为81. 07%以上,因此综合特征参数可作为两个时期冬小麦倒伏信息提取特征参数。分别用本文方法、支持向量机、神经网络法和最大似然法提取验证区域倒伏小麦信息,经验证,本文方法提取小麦倒伏信息整体精度(OA)达86. 29%以上,Kappa系数达0. 71以上,倒伏信息提取精度(F)达80. 60%以上;其他3种常用方法提取的整体精度(OA)为69. 68%~87. 44%,Kappa系数为0. 49~0. 72,倒伏信息提取精度(F)为65. 33%~79. 76%。结果表明,本文方法整体精度和倒伏信息提取精度均高于目前常用分类方法。因此,综合特征参数与K-means算法对冬小麦在灌浆期倒伏信息提取具有一定的准确性和适用性。  相似文献   
Soybean lodging can result in serious yield reduction. Detecting the quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with lodging tolerance for their further application in marker‐assisted selection (MAS) has the potential to enhance soybean breeding efficiency. In this study, a genome‐wide association analysis (GWAS) was performed to identify soybean accessions that could potentially be used to produce lodging‐tolerant varieties, based on the comprehensive evaluation of lodging scores (LS) obtained for the parental cultivar “Tokachi nagaha” and its 137 derived cultivars. Results showed that genotype, environment and genotype × environment interaction significantly influenced LS. Of the 31 significant SNPs identified, 22 were consistently detected in two or more environments and 27 SNPs were located in or close to agronomically important QTL mapped by linkage analysis. Best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) of LS tend to decrease with the elite alleles contained by accessions increasing. Some excellent accessions, with lower BLUPs and Di (stability coefficients) values and more elite alleles, were selected. This study contributed to understand the genetic mechanism of lodging, providing genetic and phenotypic information for MAS.  相似文献   
倒伏是玉米的重要胁迫之一,为提高玉米新品种抗倒性检测的效率,需选择倒伏胁迫高发环境作为测试环境。该文结合倒伏胁迫发生机理和大风概率统计模型,首先计算每个气象站点的因风倒伏概率,通过插值和区域统计,得到东华北、黄淮海两大玉米主产区各县区的因风倒伏概率,最后进行玉米抗倒性检验环境的选取分析。结果表明:倒伏胁迫概率超过60%的县区适宜作为玉米抗倒性检测的备选环境,只需3~5个点即可基本保证每年试验都会发生倒伏胁迫;黄淮海发生极严重倒伏胁迫的平均概率高于东华北,与实际情况吻合,两大区域可作为极严重倒伏胁迫检测环境的备选县区有54个,严重倒伏有16个,一般性倒伏有21个;本方法为测试环境选取决策提供了一种量化操作的手段,有助于提高测试环境倒伏胁迫的发生概率和新品种抗倒性检测的效率,降低应用风险。  相似文献   
进行了小麦植株穗部性状及地上各节间性状与倒伏的相关分析以及节间长度性状的多元相关分析。结果表明,株高、重心高与倒伏为极显著正相关,基部节间长度与倒伏也呈极显著正相关,但穗长与稳下节间长与倒优无相关。穗下节间的茎杆直径、髓腔直径与倒伏相关很小,基部四个节间的茎杆直径、髓腔直径与倒伏为正相关,但只有基部的穗下第五节间髓腔直径与倒伏相关达显著水平。基部四个节间长度有按比例一致变化趋势,而穗长、穗下节间长度则无此一致变化趋势。  相似文献   
Lodging in maize leads to yield losses worldwide. In this study, we determined the effects of traditional and optimized nitrogen management strategies on culm morphological characteristics, culm mechanical strength, lignin content,root growth, lodging percentage and production in maize at a high plant density. We compared a traditional nitrogen(N) application rate of 300 kg ha–1(R) and an optimized N application rate of 225 kg ha–1(O) under four N application modes: 50% of N applied a...  相似文献   
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