Summary Somaclonal variation is a tool that can be used by plant breeders. The review examines where this tool can be applied most effectively and the factors that limit or improve its chances of success. The main factors that influence the variation generated from tissue culture are (1) the degree of departure from organised growth, (2) the genotype, (3) growth regulators and (4) tissue source. Despite an increasing understanding of how these factors work it is still not possible to predict the outcome of a somaclonal breeding programme. New varieties have been produced by somaclonal variation, but in a large number of cases improved variants have not been selected because (1) the variation was all negative, (2) positive changes were also altered in negative ways, (3) the changes were not novel, or (4) the changes were not stable after selfing or crossing. Somaclonal variation is cheaper than other methods of genetic manipulation. At the present time, it is also more universally applicable and does not require containment procedures. It has been most successful in crops with limited genetic systems and/or narrow genetic bases, where it can provide a rapid source of variability for crop improvement. 相似文献
To determine how stock abundance fluctuations of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma are related to variations in reproductive characteristics, the length at 50% maturity of the fish sampled off the Pacific
coast of northern Japan from 1990 to 1999 was examined. In both sexes, the fish density increased, and the body length of
age-3-5 fish decreased, but the condition factor and the age at 50% maturity showed no clear trend during this period. Male
length at 50% maturity decreased, while value for females showed no clear trend. In both sexes, significant negative correlations
were found between density index (combined age-3-5) and each body length at age-3-5. Significant positive correlations were
seen between each body length at age-3-5 and length at 50% maturity in males. Positive correlation between body length at
age-5 and length at 50% maturity was significant in females from 1990 to 1999, except for the samples in 1998. We suggest
that the fish density might affect the length at maturity in males and possibly also in females. 相似文献
A sheep-pox virus strain has been adapted and multiplied in primary lamb kidney cell cultures. The main characteristics of the strain have been verified in vitro after clones were isolated, and the results confirmed its identity. The safety and the potency of the strain have been investigated in sheep.
The inoculation of the strain to sheep was followed by a post-vaccinal reaction materialised by a nodule at the site of inoculation and an increase of temperature by about 1°C. No reactions adversely affecting pregnancy have been noted. Immunisation was demonstrated by an increase in the level of neutralising serous antibodies and protection against the pathogenic virus. The immunity tended to decrease during the second year after primovaccination and a yearly booster vaccination appeared to be necessary. Primovaccination of lambs over 2 months of age produced a better immunity, especially when the lambs were born from vaccinated ewes.
This strain forms the active principle of a freeze-dried vaccine containing no adjuvant of the immunity. 相似文献