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大地园林化——中国现代园林发展的必由之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代园林建设已走过了传统的游憩观赏阶段,进入了改善人居环境及满足景观效应的阶段,传统园林已不能适应现代社会的发展需求。通过对传统园林局限性的分析,阐述了大地园林化的必要性和主要内容。  相似文献   
薯蓣茎段组织培养的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以薯蓣的单芽茎段为外植体,采用不同种类、浓度的植物生长调节剂进行离体培养。研究结果表明,以MS为基本培养基(蔗糖30g/L、琼脂6g/L),附加0.2 mg/L BA 0.01 mg/L NAA作为芽诱导培养基效果最好,诱导率高达83.2%,芽苗长势良好,叶片较大,叶色浓绿;继代增殖培养以MS 0.5 mg/L BA 0.05 mg/L NAA为最佳培养基,培养25d后增殖系数达4.38;诱导生根的最佳培养基为1/2 MS 0.2 mg/L IBA,生根率为86.7%,组培苗根系粗壮,长势旺盛。  相似文献   
用灰色局势决策方法对云南省种羊场人工草地绵羊系统1990~1999年的系统各种资料进行权衡并加以量化评价,计算出整个系统及其子系统(或要素)效果测度值.  相似文献   
Angela Karp 《Euphytica》1955,85(1-3):295-302
Summary Somaclonal variation is a tool that can be used by plant breeders. The review examines where this tool can be applied most effectively and the factors that limit or improve its chances of success. The main factors that influence the variation generated from tissue culture are (1) the degree of departure from organised growth, (2) the genotype, (3) growth regulators and (4) tissue source. Despite an increasing understanding of how these factors work it is still not possible to predict the outcome of a somaclonal breeding programme. New varieties have been produced by somaclonal variation, but in a large number of cases improved variants have not been selected because (1) the variation was all negative, (2) positive changes were also altered in negative ways, (3) the changes were not novel, or (4) the changes were not stable after selfing or crossing. Somaclonal variation is cheaper than other methods of genetic manipulation. At the present time, it is also more universally applicable and does not require containment procedures. It has been most successful in crops with limited genetic systems and/or narrow genetic bases, where it can provide a rapid source of variability for crop improvement.  相似文献   
To determine how stock abundance fluctuations of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma are related to variations in reproductive characteristics, the length at 50% maturity of the fish sampled off the Pacific coast of northern Japan from 1990 to 1999 was examined. In both sexes, the fish density increased, and the body length of age-3-5 fish decreased, but the condition factor and the age at 50% maturity showed no clear trend during this period. Male length at 50% maturity decreased, while value for females showed no clear trend. In both sexes, significant negative correlations were found between density index (combined age-3-5) and each body length at age-3-5. Significant positive correlations were seen between each body length at age-3-5 and length at 50% maturity in males. Positive correlation between body length at age-5 and length at 50% maturity was significant in females from 1990 to 1999, except for the samples in 1998. We suggest that the fish density might affect the length at maturity in males and possibly also in females.  相似文献   
本文对瓜类蔬菜子叶离体培养的研究进行综述,包括再生途径、影响因素及应用等方面研究的进展,讨论了瓜类蔬菜子叶离体培养存在的问题和今后研究的重点。  相似文献   
A sheep-pox virus strain has been adapted and multiplied in primary lamb kidney cell cultures. The main characteristics of the strain have been verified in vitro after clones were isolated, and the results confirmed its identity. The safety and the potency of the strain have been investigated in sheep.

The inoculation of the strain to sheep was followed by a post-vaccinal reaction materialised by a nodule at the site of inoculation and an increase of temperature by about 1°C. No reactions adversely affecting pregnancy have been noted. Immunisation was demonstrated by an increase in the level of neutralising serous antibodies and protection against the pathogenic virus. The immunity tended to decrease during the second year after primovaccination and a yearly booster vaccination appeared to be necessary. Primovaccination of lambs over 2 months of age produced a better immunity, especially when the lambs were born from vaccinated ewes.

This strain forms the active principle of a freeze-dried vaccine containing no adjuvant of the immunity.  相似文献   

番茄及其近缘野生种茎段原生质体培养的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张长远  吴定华 《园艺学报》2000,27(3):216-217
利用番茄茎段作为原生质体来源的外植仁,在适宜的培养基中,成功地获得了野生秘鲁番茄(Lycopersicon peruvianum Mill.)、栽培番茄‘粤农2号’(Lycopersicon esculentum ‘Yuenong No.2’)和番茄近缘里生种类番茄茄(Solanum lycoersicoides Dun.)的再生植株。3种材料的再生植侏移植到土壤中均能正常生长,植株性状与对照无差  相似文献   
为了解蝴蝶兰类原球茎(PLB)耐脱水性规律,本研究通过取一定数目、鲜重的PLB样品分别经不同相对湿度或时间脱水后进行相关测定,结果表明经相对湿度52%下脱水2d的PLB含水率13.31g/gdw(脱水重/鲜重比值40.62%)是质膜损伤和胁迫致死的临界含水率。虽然不同脱水条件使材料达到接近的含水率,但较高湿度脱水对PLB组织细胞伤害较小。相较于含水率指标,PLB脱水重/鲜重比值与相对电导率、成活率有良好的线性关系。进一步的研究表明PLB脱水处理前用水浸泡不能明显提高脱水后的PLB脱水重/鲜重比值,但能明显提高成活率。从实验结果我们可以得出,慢速脱水蝴蝶兰PLB可减轻脱水损伤,降低脱水损伤对PLB起始含水率的敏感性;采用PLB脱水重/鲜重比值替代含水率表示材料失水程度是可取的。  相似文献   
牡丹组织培养研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵鑫  詹立平  邹学忠 《核农学报》2007,21(2):156-159,147
本文从牡丹组织培养对品种、外植体的选择、基本培养基类型、生长调节物质选择和组培苗的移栽等方面论述了牡丹组织培养的研究现状。牡丹的组织培养中,外植体多采用胚、腋芽、顶芽、茎尖、幼叶、叶柄和土芽(地下芽)等,并且培养经过低温诱导后的鳞芽,可显著提高萌发率;在愈伤组织诱导试验中,选择分化程度较低的材料(如土芽),容易脱分化,获得愈伤组织;在牡丹的增殖培养中,6-BA起到了不可或缺的作用;生根培养中常使用的生长调节物质有IBA、NAA和IAA。此外,还探讨了牡丹组织培养研究中存在的问题,以及未来的研究和发展方向。  相似文献   
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