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[目的]考察浸矿剂硫酸铵(NH4)2SO4胁迫下稀土离子钇的毒性研究。[方法]选择蚯蚓作为土壤生态环境污染指示生物,采用滤纸接触法研究硫酸铵胁迫下稀土钇( Y)对蚯蚓的急性毒性效应。[结果]①稀土钇单一染毒,蚯蚓的48 h 半致死率浓度为 LC50=213.41 mg/L、24 h半致死率浓度为 LC50=322.63 mg/L。②硫酸铵单一染毒下,蚯蚓的48 h半致死率浓度为 LC50=13.89 g/L、24 h半致死率浓度为LC50=15.05 g/L。③低浓度10 g/L的硫酸铵与稀土钇复合染毒,蚯蚓的48 h半致死率浓度LC50=198.65 g/L、24 h 半致死率浓度 LC50=399.85 g/L;中浓度14 g/L的硫酸铵与稀土钇复合染毒,蚯蚓的48 h半致死率浓度 LC50=167.3 mg/L、24 h半致死率浓度 LC50=256.73 mg/L;高浓度20 g/L的硫酸铵与稀土钇复合染毒,蚯蚓的48 h半致死率浓度 LC50=31.03 mg/L、24 h的LC50=127.65 mg/L。[结论]低浓度的硫酸铵降低稀土钇对蚯蚓的毒性,产生一定的拮抗作用。中浓度的硫酸铵增加稀土钇对蚯蚓的毒性,产生较明显的协同作用。高浓度硫酸铵显著增加了稀土钇对蚯蚓的毒性。稀土钇染毒下蚯蚓死体更易断裂,而活体对针刺反应相对不灵敏。 相似文献
[目的]探讨微咸水淋洗对高粱和谷子生长发育特征及产量的影响。[方法]选择松嫩平原吉林西部中度苏打盐渍土壤种植高粱和谷子,设对照、补充灌溉、低额淋洗(250 mm)和高额淋洗(400 mm)4个处理,利用当地微咸水进行淋洗灌溉试验与研究。[结果]补充灌溉和淋洗处理较对照均更好地促进了2种作物的植株生长和根系发育;2种作物补充灌溉处理的产量较对照达到极显著增长水平。高额、低额淋洗处理的高粱产量分别较补充灌溉增加26.2%和14.1%(P=0.01);高额淋洗处理的高粱产量虽比低额淋洗有显著增加,但未达极显著水平;高额、低额淋洗处理的谷子产量分别较补充灌溉增加78.5%和33.9%(P=0.01)。[结论]400 mm淋洗量已接近高粱试验地的淋洗上限,但不是谷子试验地淋洗量的上限。 相似文献
《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10):2173-2190
ABSTRACT Poor water management and high nitrogen (N) losses are the key problems faced by rice farmers under rainfed inland valley systems. There is a need to evaluate different N fertilizers so as to identify one that could withstand these problems. The performance of polyolefin-coated urea (POCU) was therefore compared with conventional urea in a pot experiment with indica rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR36), using two water management systems: 1) Submerged condition referred to as good water management (GWM), and 2) excessive irrigation (over 4000 mm in 120 days) referred to as poor water management (PWM). The study was carried out during 1997 and 1998 cropping seasons under glasshouse conditions. For PWM in 1997, the pots were subjected to leaching only whereas in 1998, they were subjected to both surface runoff and leaching. For both cropping seasons, POCU-treated plants under PWM had a significantly higher grain yield (377.5 and 343.0 g m?2) than urea-treated plants (316.5 and 260.5 g m?2). In addition, POCU-treated plants had a significantly higher number of grains per panicle than urea-treated plants. In 1998, both the partial factor productivity of applied N and the agronomic nitrogen-use efficiency of POCU-treated plants under GWM and PWM were significantly higher than those of urea-treated plants. It can be inferred that (using sandy soils and under PWM), POCU could perform significantly better than conventional urea. This finding is important, considering the usually high nitrogen losses in rice-growing inland valley swamps. 相似文献
The decomposition of oak leaf litter was studied by means of a litterbag experiment in an oak forest in the Netherlands. The contribution of microbial activity and leaching to weight loss and element dynamics during the first 6 weeks of decomposition was investigated by means of frequent respiration measurements and extractions of the litter and by a qualitative comparison of throughfall and litter percolation water chemistry. The oak-leaf litter lost 9.3% of its initial dry weight during the first 6 weeks. In total, 90% of this observed weight loss was explained by the processes studied. About 5.9% (64% of the total) of this weight loss was attributed to microbial tespiration and 0.5% (5%) to the loss of inorganic solutes. Leaching of dissolved organic compounds was estimated to account for 2.0% (21%). The results indicated a fast leaching of K and Cl out of the fresh litter during the first 2 weeks, while Mg, Fe, Mn, Si, ortho P, and dissolved organic N were released at a much lower rate. At the same time, small amounts of H+, NH
and NO
were retained in the litter. 相似文献
浸提时间对污泥中重金属浸出的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
[目的]探讨污泥中重金属的释放动力学特性。[方法]采集了我国南京某污水厂的剩余污泥,应用固体废物浸出毒性的浸出方法,研究了浸提时间对污泥中重金属浸出的影响。[结果]污泥中重金属在水溶液中的浸出存在明显的吸附-解吸(释放)的动态平衡过程。污泥中重金属种类的最大浸出浓度因重金属种类的不同而存在较大差异,其中,Cr、Cu、Fe、Ni和Zn的最大浸出浓度均出现在第8小时,Mn的则出现在第18小时左右,而Mo虽然在第8小时后的浸出浓度变化渐趋缓慢,直到第24小时时仍未达到其最高浸出浓度。[结论]浸提时间对污泥中重金属的浸出影响显著,污泥具有较高含量的有机质、氮和磷等营养元素,其潜在的农业利用价值较高。 相似文献
[目的]探讨磷石膏改良吹填土的机理。[方法]通过室内模拟脱盐试验,探讨磷石膏对吹填土理化性质的改良效果。[结果]施用磷石膏可提高吹填土的脱盐速率,以混施效果最好,与对照相比差异达0.01显著水平;磷石膏的施入使单位体积水量的淋盐效率下降,增加淋洗用水量;混施磷石膏可以部分抑制吹填土脱盐碱化,淋洗后pH比对照低0.6个单位,总碱度、RSC、SAR都低于对照,而且可使吹填土的离子组成由NaCl型转为CaSO4或Ca(HCO3)2型。[结论]磷石膏对吹填土淋洗脱盐不但有促进作用,而且可以改善吹填土的理化性状。不同施用方式的效果存在一定的差异,以与吹填土混合施用效果最好。 相似文献
硫酸浸出电镀污泥中Zn、Cr条件及其动力学研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用硫酸作为酸浸出剂,考察了浸出时间、酸浓度和浸出温度对电镀污泥中重金属Zn、Cr浸出效果的影响,并运用Avrami方程拟合Zn、Cr的浸出动力学。结果表明:硫酸浸出Zn、Cr的最适浸出时间、酸浓度、温度均为4h、3mol/L、20℃。Zn、Cr的浸出过程均可用Avrami方程进行很好的拟合,其浸出反应的表观活化能分别为3.58和3.06k J/mol,即两者的浸出过程均是扩散控制的,为工业规模的硫酸浸出电镀污泥中Zn、Cr提供理论参考。 相似文献
[目的]探讨城市生活污泥在沙化林地利用的可行性。[方法]通过室内淋溶模拟试验,研究施用污泥对风沙土养分及重金属含量的影响。[结果]施加污泥模拟淋溶后,风沙土总氮、总磷、速效氮、速效磷在各土层含量显著增加,且0~20 cm土层增幅明显大于20~40、40~60 cm土层;各重金属(Cu、Cr、Pb、Zn)含量在0~20 cm土层增加显著,40~60 cm土层增幅较小。施用污泥淋溶后,风沙土内梅罗指数(0.67)虽低于国家林地土壤质量标准(0.70),短期内未对土壤造成严重污染,但若长期施用污泥,应注意各重金属特别是Cd的累积效应所带来的潜在危害。[结论]城市污泥在沙化林地的短期应用具有较好的可行性。 相似文献
在不同浸出条件下铅离子污染土的固化试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用水泥来固化/稳定污染土中的重金属离子是一种常用的处置方法。着重讨论了添加蒙脱土后的复合固化剂对铅离子的固化效果。设计了不同蒙脱土和水泥掺量的12组固化剂,通过污染土制备、压实成型、强度测试和溶出试验4个步骤来获得试验数据。其中在溶出试验过程中,设定了4种不同的溶出条件以进行对比分析。结果表明:即使已经远远满足TCLP条件的固化产物,但在更加恶劣的试验条件下,浸出液的浓度非常高,远远达不到标准,所以在固化应用于实际工程时,根据条件不同,要考虑到更加恶劣的条件。 相似文献