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关于Mapmaker/Exp遗传作图中标记分群和排序操作技术的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mapmaker/Exp (3.0)是国内外广泛使用的遗传连锁数据分析软件, 在分子标记数量大时(多于500个)往往出现所绘制连锁图谱图距偏大的现象。本文从标记分群和标记排序两个遗传作图环节分析原因并概括出以下两个实施要点:(1)标记分群不应强求同一LOD值, 对特殊的连锁群可试用不同LOD值; (2)在标记排序时, 一次order命令后用ripple命令反复梳理有时并不能获得最佳排列顺序, 而应多次使用order, 每次order后用ripple反复梳理, 经反复比较才能得出最佳排列顺序, 必要时还须结合人工调整。通过大豆遗传作图实例比较了软件推荐思路2的通常用法和作者建议的新用法所构建的遗传图谱及相应QTL定位的差异, 认为新用法具有更好的效果。  相似文献   
Biological soil disinfestation (BSD) is a method of controlling soil-borne pests and diseases through anaerobic decomposition of plant biomass incorporated in field soil with temporary irrigation and covering with sheets. In this study, effects of BSD on suppression of spinach wilt disease were investigated in two different field experiments using mainly Brassica juncea plants as plant biomass. Soil bacterial community compositions were analyzed with clone library analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences to determine the relationship between the bacterial composition in the treated soil and suppression of the disease. For the BSD-treated soils, oxidation–reduction potential dropped, and acetate was usually detected at high concentrations. Although the control treatment (irrigation and polythene covering without biomass) decreased the wilt disease incidence in spinach plants cultivated in the treated plot as compared with those for the non-treated plot, BSD-treatments suppressed the disease more effectively. The clone library results showed that both non-treated and control soils contained diversified bacterial communities of various phylogenetic groups, while members of the Firmicutes mainly from the class Clostridia dominated in the BSD-treated soils. The clostridial groups detected were diverse and the major clone groups were closely related to strictly anaerobic fermentative bacteria such as Clostridium saccharobutylicum, Clostridium cylindrosporum, Clostridium sufflavum, and Clostridium xylanovorans. These clostridial groups were almost eliminated from the soil bacterial community when the BSD-treated soil was treated again with irrigation and covering without biomass before the next cropping, in which the wilt disease was hardly suppressed.  相似文献   
In maize, the effects of nitrogen (N) deficiencies on the determination of kernel number per plant (KNP) have been described only by changes in plant growth rate during the critical period for kernel set (PGRcp). We hypothesize that N availability affects KNP also through variations in biomass allocation to the ear, which determines a stable N concentration in this organ. Six maize hybrids of different breeding origin were evaluated in field experiments at two N levels (0 and 400 kg N ha−1 applied). Traits included were KNP and per apical ear (KNE1), and the allometric estimation of PGRcp, ear growth rate during the critical period (EGRcp), and N content and N concentration in different plant organs. We demonstrated that (i) N availability promoted differences among genotypes (G) in the response of EGRcp and KNP to PGRcp, (ii) variations in KNE1 were explained by EGRcp (r2 = 0.64) and by ear N content at silking + 12 d (r2 = 0.64), and (iii) ear N concentration was a highly conservative trait (range between 10.47 and 15.98 mg N g biomass−1) as compared to N concentration in vegetative tissues (range between 4.94 and 18.04 mg N g biomass−1). Three response patterns were detected among hybrids, one for which the relationship between EGRcp and PGRcp did not vary between N levels and experiments, a second one for which N availability affected this relationship, and a third one for which the response was affected by the year (Y) effect. These results, together with the high correlation between EGRcp and ear N content (r2 = 0.88), evidenced the importance of both photo-assimilate and N availability on EGRcp and KNP determination. Values of 1.5–2.3 g ear−1 d−1 during the critical period and 0.49–0.70 g of N ear−1 at silking + 12 d were determined as thresholds for maximizing KNE1, and both could be easily estimated by means of allometric models.  相似文献   
Mapmarker/Exp 3.0遗传图谱构建中重要参数设置初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mapmarker/Exp(3.0)是目前分子作图中应用最广的软件之一,但由于许多重要参数的默认值并非是作图的最佳值,影响提高作图的精确性.本文以川麦42×川农16重组近交系(F_8)作图群体为实例,对Mapmarker/Exp 3.0软件在遗传作图中不同LOD值、max distance值以及用compare and try、compare和order 3种排序方式对遗传图谱的影响进行了初步比较, 结果表明,作图过程中,不应强求采取统一LOD值,对于特殊的连锁群可采取不同的LOD值;max distance值在20至50为宜,值过小容易遗漏大量本来正确连锁的标记;小于等于7个标记的连锁群可直接用compare命令排序.  相似文献   
Kernel water relations play a key role in controlling the duration of grain filling. This duration is controlled by the relationship between kernel water and biomass development, as it determines the timing kernels reach a critical percent moisture content (MC, measured on a fresh weight basis) at which biomass accumulation stops. The time in which this critical percent MC is attained can be affected by the timing kernel net water uptake stops (i.e. maximum water content is reached), or by the relationship between water loss and biomass deposition after maximum water content is attained. Which of the two mechanisms could be behind genotypic differences in maize (Zea mays L.) grain-filling duration was unknown. We also studied the relationship between kernel water and volume development, as it was unknown in this species. Thirteen commercial hybrids were evaluated under different growing environments, and weight, water content and volume of their kernels were measured throughout grain filling.  相似文献   
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