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The hilly terrain of the Appalachian region creates an environment in which large differences in soil temperature occur over a very short distance on the landscape. The ability of a grass to display adequate growth over a range of temperatures would greatly enhance its adaptability and use as a forage or for soil conservation. A growth chamber experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of temperature on the growth of six bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] selections from the Appalachian region. Midland, a cold tolerant bermudagrass, was included in the study for comparison purposes. The grasses were grown under a 14 hour day length with three day/night temperature regimes: 18°C/13°C, 27°C/21°C, and 35OC/29°C. Two of the selections had significantly higher dry matter production than Midland over the range of temperatures.

This effect was especially pronounced at 35°C where the top growth of Quicksand common and Selection 13 exceeded that of Midland by 206% and 158%, respectively. The higher yielding selections were comparable to the other bermudagrasses when mineral concentrations, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and acid detergent lignin levels were considered. Both Quicksand common and Selection 13 seem to have the potential to be particularily useful on south facing slopes where elevated soil temperatures are encountered.  相似文献   
Recent lysimeter studies have demonstrated that the nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), can reduce nitrate (NO) leaching losses from cow urine patches in grazed pasture systems. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of fine particle suspension (FPS) DCD on soil mineral N components, pasture yield, nutrient uptake and pasture quality under grazed pasture conditions. A field study was conducted on the Lincoln University dairy farm, Canterbury, New Zealand, from 2002 to 2006. FPS DCD was applied to grazed pasture plots at 10 kg ha?1 in early May in addition to applied cow urine patches at a nitrogen (N) loading rate of 1000 kg N ha?1, with DCD reapplied in early August. Soil mineral N levels in the urine patches were monitored. Pasture yield, N and cation concentrations and uptake were measured in treatment urine patches and inter‐urine areas of the pasture. Comparisons were made with control plots which did not receive DCD. NO levels under the DCD‐treated urine patches (0–7.5 cm) were in the order of 10 kg N ha?1 compared with 40–80 kg N ha?1 under untreated patches, and soil ammonium (NH) levels were consistently higher under the DCD‐treated patches. The DCD significantly and consistently increased pasture yield in both the urine patches, and inter‐urine areas of the pasture in all 4 years of the trial. Mean annual dry matter (DM) yields over 4 years were inter‐urine areas, 10.3; inter‐urine + DCD, 12.4; urine, 12.4 and urine +DCD 16.0 t DM ha?1, representing an average DM yield increase of 20 and 29% in inter‐urine and urine patch areas, respectively. On a whole paddock basis, the increase in annual DM yield resulting from DCD application was estimated to be 21%. N, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) concentrations in pasture were unaffected by treatment with DCD; however, total annual uptake of these nutrients by pasture was significantly higher in all years where DCD had been applied. Pasture DM, protein, carbohydrate, metabolizable energy and fibre levels and sward clover content were not affected by treatment with DCD. The results demonstrate the agronomic value of the DCD treatment in addition to the environmental benefits in a grazed pasture system.  相似文献   
花椒良种选育研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对韩城市大红袍产量、品质等进行调查的基础上,通过选优对比试验,选育出了狮子头、无刺椒及南强1号优良品种,该品种具有丰产性能强、品质优、易采摘(无刺或错开集中成熟期)等优良特性。  相似文献   
探究生物炭对亏缺灌溉下温室重壤土栽培番茄产量和品质的影响,确定番茄产量和综合品质最优的灌水量及生物炭添加量,为重壤土地区温室番茄栽培提供灌水及生物炭施加依据。采用桶栽试验,设置3个生物炭添加量(0,3%,6%,按干土重的百分比计)和3个灌水水平(充分灌溉W1:75%~85%θf;中度亏缺W2:55%~65%θf;重度亏缺W3:40%~50%θf。θf为田间持水量),共9个处理。结果表明:无生物炭添加时,亏缺灌溉下番茄产量降低了13.8%~54.0%(P<0.05),果实硬度、果色指数、VC、可溶性固形物、有机酸含量等营养品质指标均显著降低,果型指数、番茄红素则呈现增加的趋势,灌溉水利用效率在重度亏缺下降低了10.9%(P<0.05);在充分灌溉条件下添加生物炭,番茄产量和灌溉水利用效率分别提高了12.3%~22.0%和23.3%~28.6%,可溶性固形物含量降低了6.4%~17.7%(P<0.05),对VC、番茄红素、有机酸含量及外观品质无显著影响;在亏缺灌溉条件下添加生物炭不利于...  相似文献   
选取关中平原冬小麦越冬后2002—2009年每年3—5月共9旬的条件植被温度指数(VTCI)遥感干旱监测结果,将冬小麦越冬后分为四个主要生育时期,分别运用因子权重排序法、熵值法及组合赋权法确定各生育时期干旱对产量的影 响权重,计算关中平原各市冬小麦每年的加权VTCI,并建立加权VTCI与冬小麦单产间的一元线性回归模型。结果表明,关中平原大部分地区的加权VTCI与小麦单产密切相关。其中,熵值法确定的加权VTCI与小麦单产的线性相关性不显著,渭南、咸阳及铜川的决定系数R2值均低于0.5;因子权重排序法和组合赋权法确定的加权VTCI与小麦单产的线性相关性显著,咸阳、宝鸡及西安的R2值接近或高于0.6,渭南接近 0.5,铜川较差。且组合赋权法的结果中宝鸡和西安的R2值接近0.7,优于因子权重排序法和熵值法的结果。  相似文献   
为探究赤霉素和磷肥配合施用对胡麻叶片光合酶活性以及籽粒产量的影响,以‘轮选2号’为材料,采用田间二因素裂区试验设计,研究了不同磷肥用量水平(P0:0 kg·hm-2 P2O5,P1:67.5 kg·hm-2 P2O5,P2:135 kg·hm-2 P2O5)和赤霉素(Gibberellin acid, GA3)喷施浓度(G0:0 mg L-1,G1:15 mg·L-1,G2:30 mg·L-1)对胡麻光合同化酶活性、干物质积累量及籽粒产量的影响。结果表明:施磷和喷施赤霉素均显著提高了胡麻叶片RuBP(Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate)、PEP(Phospho...  相似文献   
根据关中灌区自然经济条件,提出了一种新的机械化模式。经过9年实践表明,采用该模式,无论丰年、平年、灾年均可大幅度增产,能提高抵抗自然灾害的能力,使丰、灾年间产量波幅减小,更趋稳定。  相似文献   
采用根管土柱栽培的方法,研究了拔节期和抽穗期切断不同深度(20 cm和40 cm)根系对黍子根系整体及地上部营养生长的影响。结果表明,与不断根相比,在抽穗期和拔节期断掉20 cm或40 cm以下根系,均能导致黍子株高、旗叶叶绿素含量、旗叶SOD与POD活性、单株绿叶面积、总根活力、总根长、总根重及产量明显降低,旗叶M DA含量明显增高。抽穗期断深层根对黍子的影响大于拔节期。但同一生育时期不同深度断根处理间黍子产量差异未达显著水平,表明深层根系(40 cm以下根系)对产量的贡献更大。  相似文献   
陇东黄土高原冬小麦生产农业气象要素分析   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
对陇东黄土高原半湿润半干旱气候区旱地冬小麦生长期光、热、水三要素与产量进行了相关分析,得出对冬小麦产量起决定作用的农业气象要素为:孕穗—成熟期光照时数,≥0℃积温,开春土壤含水量 返青—孕穗期降水量(R2 3H)。建立了逐步回归方程,Y=-317.138 0.6317X1 0.4647X2。  相似文献   
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