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N. Ioannou 《Phytoparasitica》2000,28(3):248-256
Preplant soil fumigation with methyl bromide (MB) is presently standard practice in greenhouse tomato production. Since this compound is scheduled to be phased out by 2005, the possibility of using solarization as an alternative soil disinfestation method was examined in four greenhouse tomato trials. Solarization was applied for 8 weeks in July-August, using transparent polyethylene sheets for soil mulching, and compared with MB fumigation applied in September, before planting, at 80 g/m2. Solarization raised the maximum soil temperature by 9°C and reduced the population density ofFusarium spp. in soil by 91–98%. Similar reductions of soil inoculum (95–99%) were obtained with MB fumigation. Both methods provided effective control of Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt and corky root rot on tomato plants. MB fumigation was in addition highly effective against root-knot nematodes, whereas nematode control with solarization did not exceed 50%. Both treatments resulted in similar fruit yield increases, ranging within 90–140% compared with plants grown in untreated soil. During the second cropping season following soil treatment, solarization exhibited two times higher residual effectiveness against vascular wilt diseases compared with MB fumigation. The latter treatment, however, was superior to solarization in its residual effectiveness against root-knot nematodes and to a lesser extent against corky root rot. Fruit yields from solarized and MB-fumigated soil during the second cropping season were higher than those obtained from untreated soil by approximately 35% and 60%, respectively. In Cyprus, solarization appears to be an effective alternative to MB fumigation in greenhouse tomato production, especially if integrated with other approaches enabling more effective nematode control.  相似文献   
枯草芽孢杆菌G3菌株的抗菌物质及其特性   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
 产几丁质酶枯草芽孢杆菌G3菌株的固体培养物在黄瓜灰霉病菌和番茄叶霉病菌抑菌试验中证实,抑菌活性物质存在于过滤上清液中,它们是从酸沉淀物中提取出的伊枯草菌素、生物表面活性素和存在于盐析粗蛋白中的几丁质酶。在叶霉孢子萌发试验中,伊枯草菌素微弱地抑制孢子萌发但强烈破坏芽管和新生菌丝;生物表面活性素和几丁质酶则强烈抑制孢子萌发并长久性地抑制芽管伸长。在PDA平板上的灰霉菌丝抑菌试验中,伊枯草菌素抑制菌丝生长,引发菌丝顶端膨大,形成泡囊,泡囊破裂后原生质外泄;几丁质酶抑制菌丝生长,引发产生不规则的菌丝团;生物表面活性素在平皿上对菌丝则不显示出抑菌活性。  相似文献   
串珠镰刀菌引起玉米穗粒腐病防御酶变化及其电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 对串珠镰刀菌(Fusarium moniliforme)侵染引起玉米穗粒腐病的防御酶活性变化和病原菌侵染过程进行研究。采用人工接菌的方法,分别对抗(Bt鄄1)、感(掖478)玉米材料进行接种,取抗、感材料间隔24 h 的6 个时间段接菌部位的苞叶组织,分析玉米植株感病后部分防御酶、同工酶谱的动态变化,并用扫描电镜对病原菌入侵植株过程进行组织病理学观察。扫描电镜观察发现,菌丝首先要经过1 ~ 3 d 生长后,大约在72 h 左右开始侵入气孔,并且随着时间的推移,侵入气孔的菌丝量逐渐增多。这说明病原菌是直接通过气孔侵入寄主苞叶组织。同时,玉米受串珠镰刀菌侵染后,苯丙氨酸解氨酶 (PAL)和过氧化物酶(POD)的活性都是先上升后下降,在感病材料Ye478 中PAL 的活性要比抗病材料Bt鄄1 中增加的更快、更高;同样对于POD 来说,在感病材料Ye478 中的活性要比抗病材料Bt鄄1 中的高,但变化趋势在2 个材料中相似;而丙二醛(MDA)的含量则相反,在感病材料Ye478 中的活性要比抗病材料Bt鄄1 中的低;对POD 同工酶酶谱分析,2 个材料都增加了3 ~ 4 个条带,没有明显的区别,这说明玉米感病后会通过增加POD 的活性来抵御外源病菌的侵入。总体而言PAL和POD 活性水平与材料抗性呈负相关;MDA 与材料抗性呈正相关关系。对玉米植株感病后防御酶活性变化的分析和病原菌入侵寄主的电镜观察结果,可为深入研究玉米穗粒腐病抗病机制和抗病育种提供参考。  相似文献   
 通过平板对峙培养法、孢子萌发法和温室盆栽法筛选高效防治小麦苗期茎基腐病的木霉共培养菌株。从17株供试菌株中,筛选出3株平板抑制率较高的木霉菌株:深绿木霉HB20111、哈茨木霉LTR-2和TW21990,并进行两两组合共培养发酵。孢子萌发试验表明,HB20111+TW21990共培养发酵滤液对假禾谷镰孢孢子萌发抑制率最高,达71.83%,较单菌株HB20111和TW21990分别提高了6.13%和19.53%(P<0.05)。温室条件下,HB20111+TW21990共培养发酵液500×稀释浸种效果最好,对小麦苗期茎基腐病防治效果和幼苗质量增长率分别达78.81%和130.80%,较单菌株HB20111和TW21990的分别提高了17.88%、30.46%和50.05%、61.22%(P<0.05);荧光定量检测结果表明,与单菌株相比,HB20111+TW21990共培养发酵显著降低假禾谷镰孢在小麦幼苗根围土、根际土、根系和茎基部中的拷贝数(P<0.05),且假禾谷镰孢拷贝数与病情指数呈正相关,与幼苗鲜质量呈负相关。本研究发现HB20111+TW21990共培养发酵具有增效作用,对小麦苗期茎基腐病的防治效果显著高于单菌株。  相似文献   
11种杀菌剂对马铃薯软腐病的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁欢  徐进  王晓宁  张彤  许景升  张昊  冯洁 《植物保护》2020,46(5):309-315
由果胶杆菌属细菌Pectobacterium spp.引起的软腐病是世界范围内马铃薯生产上重要的细菌性病害之一。本研究分别采用碟片法和生长速率法探究了11种常用的杀菌剂对胡萝卜果胶杆菌胡萝卜亚种菌株Pcc20181的离体抑菌效果; 采用马铃薯半薯接种法评价了供试杀菌剂对马铃薯软腐病的防控效果。碟片法和生长速率法测定结果均显示:11种供试杀菌剂中72%农用硫酸链霉素SP、0.3%四霉素AS和3%噻霉酮WP离体抑菌效果最好, 抑菌圈直径介于0.13~1.47 cm, EC50介于1.695~44.363 mg/L; 新鲜半薯接种法测定结果表明, 11种供试杀菌剂中有8种对软腐病均有控病效果, 防效为33.33~92.50%。其中, 3%噻霉酮WP对马铃薯软腐病的防效最高为92.50%, 随后依次为72%农用硫酸链霉素SP (89.76%)、20%叶枯唑WP (58.81%)、0.3%四霉素AS (51.60%)。综合评价, 3%噻霉酮WP、20%叶枯唑WP和0.3%四霉素AS对马铃薯软腐病具有较好的防控效果。  相似文献   
杨海燕 《中国食用菌》2021,(1):124-126,131
食用菌产业扶贫是践行"精准扶贫"理念、解决贫困地区产业基础薄弱和贫困户收入来源单一问题的重要途径.以"精准扶贫"为视角,分析食用菌产业扶贫现状及问题,提出要精准识别食用菌产业发展基础、精准统筹产业发展资源和精准探索产业管理模式等建议,为全面提升贫困地区食用菌产业质量,拓宽产业发展路径,确保如期完成脱贫任务.  相似文献   
以乔木白蜡为试验品种,通过对不同时期土壤和植物叶片取样的养分检测及对植物生长量的监测,探讨不同施肥处理,特别是施用磷肥对白蜡生长量的影响。结果表明:合理使用有机肥和无机肥,特别是磷肥的合理使用,增加了植物对氮肥的吸收,促进了土壤氮素释放。说明了磷肥在白蜡生长过程中所起的重要作用,打破了园林苗木生长过程中主要以氮肥为主要肥料施用的观念,阐述了磷肥在白蜡生长过程中对其生长量所产生的显著影响。  相似文献   
申嗪霉素是一种新型微生物源杀菌剂,主要成分为吩嗪-1-羧酸。测定了申嗪霉素对油菜菌核病菌菌丝生长的抑制作用。结果表明,申嗪霉素对油菜菌核病菌51个菌株菌丝生长的平均有效抑制中浓度(EC50值)为3.31±0.77 μ g/mL,并且与常规杀菌剂多菌灵、菌核净无交互抗性关系。离体叶片和田间药效试验表明,申嗪霉素对油菜菌核病的防治效果随其处理剂量增加而提高,用有效成分200 μ g/mL药液处理时,抑制离体叶片发病的效果可达到67.08%,田间防效可达83.29%,优于对照药剂异菌脲。  相似文献   
Phytophthora root rot, caused byPhytophthora cinnamomi Rands, is the most important disease of avocado (Persea americana Miller). In an attempt to identify root rot-resistant rootstocks that could ultimately be used under conditions in southern Florida, we screened open-pollinated progeny of avocado from the National Germplasm Repository in Miami. From 1996 to 1998, a total of 2,355 seedlings from 51 accessions were examined in potting mix artificially infested withP. cinnamomi. Most seedlings developed severe root rot, but tolerance was observed in some families (i.e., progeny of certain accessions). Although the most susceptible families developed mean disease ratings of up to 97% root necrosis, mean ratings for the most tolerant families were less than 60%. There was also a strong relationship between the racial background of the female parent and the tolerance of seedlings. Seedlings of the West Indian race and hybrids between it and the Guatemalan race were significantly more tolerant than those from other parents (P< 0.05). Individuals in several families developed < 50% root necrosis, the arbitrary standard of tolerance in this study. Twelve families accounted for 82% (188 of 229) of the tolerant seedlings, and only two of these did not have a West Indian or Guatemalan × West Indian pedigree. Broad-sense heritability for PRR tolerance was 0.45. This is the first report on the inheritance of PRR tolerance in avocado and on the influence of genotype and racial pedigree under controlled conditions.  相似文献   
A six-week growth trial was conducted to compare the effects of different feeding strate- gies of dietary immunostimulants on the growth and immunity of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (4.70 ±0.20g). Shrimps were fed with diet containing glycyrrhizin continuously, containing β -glucan continuously, discontinuously (seven days with diet containing β -gluseven days with diet without -glucan; two days with diet containing β-glucan following five days with diet without -glucan),  相似文献   
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