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11种杀菌剂对马铃薯软腐病的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁欢  徐进  王晓宁  张彤  许景升  张昊  冯洁 《植物保护》2020,46(5):309-315
由果胶杆菌属细菌Pectobacterium spp.引起的软腐病是世界范围内马铃薯生产上重要的细菌性病害之一。本研究分别采用碟片法和生长速率法探究了11种常用的杀菌剂对胡萝卜果胶杆菌胡萝卜亚种菌株Pcc20181的离体抑菌效果; 采用马铃薯半薯接种法评价了供试杀菌剂对马铃薯软腐病的防控效果。碟片法和生长速率法测定结果均显示:11种供试杀菌剂中72%农用硫酸链霉素SP、0.3%四霉素AS和3%噻霉酮WP离体抑菌效果最好, 抑菌圈直径介于0.13~1.47 cm, EC50介于1.695~44.363 mg/L; 新鲜半薯接种法测定结果表明, 11种供试杀菌剂中有8种对软腐病均有控病效果, 防效为33.33~92.50%。其中, 3%噻霉酮WP对马铃薯软腐病的防效最高为92.50%, 随后依次为72%农用硫酸链霉素SP (89.76%)、20%叶枯唑WP (58.81%)、0.3%四霉素AS (51.60%)。综合评价, 3%噻霉酮WP、20%叶枯唑WP和0.3%四霉素AS对马铃薯软腐病具有较好的防控效果。  相似文献   
温湿度调控对番茄灰霉病菌产生的细胞壁降解酶的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 番茄灰霉病菌在致病过程中能够产生4种细胞壁降解酶,以PMG酶活性最高,其次是β-葡萄糖苷酶和PG酶,Cx最少。灰霉病菌在不同温度下侵染番茄叶片时产生的致病酶活性不同,4种酶在20℃时表现了最高的活性,15℃次之,当温度达到25℃时,各种酶的活性都急剧下降,随着温度的再升高,酶活更低。随着湿度的增高,病菌产生的细胞壁降解酶的活性也增加,当相对湿度达到90%以上时,4种酶的活性也达到最高。温湿度对番茄灰霉病菌产生细胞壁降解酶的影响趋势,与其对发病的影响趋势是一致的。  相似文献   
火龙果腐烂病是一种对我国新兴的火龙果果业潜在风险较高的真菌病害。近年来,我国口岸多次从越南进口的火龙果鲜果中截获该病害。本文介绍了其病原真菌仙人掌平脐蠕孢(Bipolaris cactivora(Petrak)Alcorn)地理分布、寄主范围、经济危害性、症状及病原菌形态特征、形态学鉴定和分子检测方法 ;分析了病原菌的进入风险和定殖与扩散风险,提出了加强口岸植物检疫,严防病原菌传入及病害在国内发生扩散和蔓延等风险管理措施。  相似文献   
Aphanomyces euteiches causes severe root rot of peas. Resistance is limited in commercial pea cultivars. Real-time fluorescent PCR assay specific for A. euteiches was used to study the relationship between disease severity and pathogen DNA content in infected peas. Five pea genotypes ranging in levels of resistance were inoculated with five isolates of A. euteiches. Plants were visually rated for disease development and the amount of pathogen DNA in roots was determined using the PCR assay. The susceptible genotypes Genie, DSP and Bolero tended to have significantly more disease and more pathogen DNA than the resistant genotypes 90-2079 and PI 180693. PI 180693 consistently had less disease, while 90-2079 had the lowest amount of pathogen DNA. The Spearman correlation between pathogen DNA quantity and disease development was positive and significant (P < 0.05) for three isolates, but was not significant for two other isolates. This suggests that the real-time PCR assay may have limited application as a selection tool for resistance in pea to A. euteiches. Its utility as a selection tool would be dependent on the correlation between disease development and pathogen DNA content for a given pathogen isolate. The accuracy and specificity of the real-time PCR assay suggests considerable application for the assay in the study of mechanisms of disease resistance and the study of microbial population dynamics in plants.  相似文献   
申嗪霉素是一种新型微生物源杀菌剂,主要成分为吩嗪-1-羧酸。测定了申嗪霉素对油菜菌核病菌菌丝生长的抑制作用。结果表明,申嗪霉素对油菜菌核病菌51个菌株菌丝生长的平均有效抑制中浓度(EC50值)为3.31±0.77 μ g/mL,并且与常规杀菌剂多菌灵、菌核净无交互抗性关系。离体叶片和田间药效试验表明,申嗪霉素对油菜菌核病的防治效果随其处理剂量增加而提高,用有效成分200 μ g/mL药液处理时,抑制离体叶片发病的效果可达到67.08%,田间防效可达83.29%,优于对照药剂异菌脲。  相似文献   
防治烟草根黑腐病拮抗芽孢菌株的筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由基生根串珠霉菌(Thielaviopsis basicola)引起的烟草根黑腐病是烟草生产上重要根部真菌病害,近年在我国烟草种植区有加重危害的趋势,目前防治措施主要依赖化学药剂,给卷烟卫生带来一系列问题[1].探索该病生物防治途径,克服农药残留和病原菌抗药性十分重要.芽孢杆菌是土壤和植物微生态区系的优势生物种群,具有优良生防特性[2],采用芽孢杆菌作为烟草根黑腐病生防因子尚未见报道.本研究从烟草根际土壤中分离筛选对烟草根黑腐病病菌有较强拮抗作用的芽孢菌株,研究其抑菌活性、控病作用及其分类学地位.  相似文献   
本文研究了太白山锐齿栎景观林带树干基部筑巢的两种蚂蚁的筑巢生态学及其巢内真菌的组成。研究结果表明:亮腹黑褐蚁Formica gagatoides Ruzsky是锐齿栎林中的优势蚁种,可在地表及树干上活动,主要取食栎树枝条上蚜虫所分泌的蜜露及其他昆虫和植物材料;盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster sp.仅在蚁巢周围活动,捕食其他小型昆虫;亮腹黑褐蚁F.gagatoides蚁巢材料含水量非常高,而盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster sp.的蚁巢较为干燥。锐齿栎林中树干的平均蚁栖率为20.3%,但蚁栖率随海拔差异而不同(海拔1800m的锐齿栎林带蚁栖率仅为6%,海拔1600m的锐齿栎林带蚁栖率高达38.5%)。两种蚂蚁的长期营巢活动造成树干基部腐朽、孔洞不断扩大,严重影响锐齿栎树干的水分、营养传输及生长,且极易倒伏和风折。两种蚂蚁巢内及其体表真菌的种类组成明显不同,从亮腹黑褐蚁F.gagatoides蚁巢材料中可分离出7种真菌,而从盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster sp.巢中仅分离出2种;从亮腹黑褐蚁F.gagatoides体表可分离出4种真菌,而从盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster sp.体表分离到3种真菌;其中Tri...  相似文献   
枯草芽孢杆菌G3菌株的抗菌物质及其特性   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
 产几丁质酶枯草芽孢杆菌G3菌株的固体培养物在黄瓜灰霉病菌和番茄叶霉病菌抑菌试验中证实,抑菌活性物质存在于过滤上清液中,它们是从酸沉淀物中提取出的伊枯草菌素、生物表面活性素和存在于盐析粗蛋白中的几丁质酶。在叶霉孢子萌发试验中,伊枯草菌素微弱地抑制孢子萌发但强烈破坏芽管和新生菌丝;生物表面活性素和几丁质酶则强烈抑制孢子萌发并长久性地抑制芽管伸长。在PDA平板上的灰霉菌丝抑菌试验中,伊枯草菌素抑制菌丝生长,引发菌丝顶端膨大,形成泡囊,泡囊破裂后原生质外泄;几丁质酶抑制菌丝生长,引发产生不规则的菌丝团;生物表面活性素在平皿上对菌丝则不显示出抑菌活性。  相似文献   
山东省小麦根腐病病原菌的分离鉴定   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
为明确山东省小麦根腐病的病原菌种类,于2012—2014年从山东省10个地市采集小麦病株,通过组织分离法获得了185株分离物,利用形态学鉴定方法,结合基于5.8S r DNA-ITS序列或TEF-1α基因序列分析的分子鉴定方法对分离物进行了鉴定。结果表明:分离物中共得到135株麦根腐平脐蠕孢Bipolaris sorokiniana,占分离病原菌总数的72.97%,属优势种群;50株镰孢属Fusarium菌株,其中14株尖孢镰孢菌Fusarium oxysporum、19株层出镰孢菌Fusarium proliferatum和17株黄色镰孢菌Fusarium culmorum;按照柯赫氏法则进行致病性测定,证实了4种病原菌对鲁麦21号具有致病性,麦根腐平脐蠕孢的致病力较强,病情指数显著高于镰孢菌属真菌。研究表明,山东小麦根腐病主要是由麦根腐平脐蠕孢和镰孢属真菌侵染引起的,麦根腐平脐蠕孢为优势菌群。  相似文献   
N. Ioannou 《Phytoparasitica》2000,28(3):248-256
Preplant soil fumigation with methyl bromide (MB) is presently standard practice in greenhouse tomato production. Since this compound is scheduled to be phased out by 2005, the possibility of using solarization as an alternative soil disinfestation method was examined in four greenhouse tomato trials. Solarization was applied for 8 weeks in July-August, using transparent polyethylene sheets for soil mulching, and compared with MB fumigation applied in September, before planting, at 80 g/m2. Solarization raised the maximum soil temperature by 9°C and reduced the population density ofFusarium spp. in soil by 91–98%. Similar reductions of soil inoculum (95–99%) were obtained with MB fumigation. Both methods provided effective control of Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt and corky root rot on tomato plants. MB fumigation was in addition highly effective against root-knot nematodes, whereas nematode control with solarization did not exceed 50%. Both treatments resulted in similar fruit yield increases, ranging within 90–140% compared with plants grown in untreated soil. During the second cropping season following soil treatment, solarization exhibited two times higher residual effectiveness against vascular wilt diseases compared with MB fumigation. The latter treatment, however, was superior to solarization in its residual effectiveness against root-knot nematodes and to a lesser extent against corky root rot. Fruit yields from solarized and MB-fumigated soil during the second cropping season were higher than those obtained from untreated soil by approximately 35% and 60%, respectively. In Cyprus, solarization appears to be an effective alternative to MB fumigation in greenhouse tomato production, especially if integrated with other approaches enabling more effective nematode control.  相似文献   
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