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The effects of phytase supplementation on the apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of amino acids (AA) have been inconsistent. Two experiments evaluated the effect of providing a mixture of pancreatic enzymes (Pancreatin®) to growing pigs fed sorghum–soybean meal diets supplemented with phytase on the AID of AA, energy, and phosphorus (P), as well as the ileal digestibility (ID) of phytate; there were four periods per experiment. In Experiment 1, eight pigs (BW 22.1 ± 1.3 kg) were fitted with a T‐cannula at the distal ileum. Each period consisted of 9 days; 7 days for diet adaptation, and 2 days for digesta collection. Treatments (T) were: (i) basal sorghum–soybean meal diet, (ii) basal diet plus Pancreatin®, (iii) basal diet plus phytase and (iv) basal diet plus phytase and Pancreatin®. Phytase increased the digestibilities of phytate and P (p < 0.001), but did not affect the AID of AA and energy (p > 0.10). Except for methionine (p = 0.07), Pancreatin® did not affect the AID of AA. Phytase and Pancreatin® did not interact (p > 0.10). Experiment 2 was similar to Experiment 1, but Pancreatin® was infused into duodenum. Pancreatin® infusion did not affect the AID of AA (p > 0.10); and tended to reduce (p = 0.09) the AID of lysine. Phytase × Pancreatin® interactions were not observed (p > 0.10). In conclusion, phytase and Pancreatin® did not improve the AID of AA in growing pigs fed sorghum–soybean meal diets indicating that phytates did not affect AA digestibility.  相似文献   
In a WTO battle and the press the argument is often made that eliminating US cotton subsidies would have a large effect on the incomes and competitive position of farmers in developing countries. In Francophone West Africa cotton productivity has stagnated after rapid gains in the first two decades following independence (1960-1980). A farm model was constructed based on farmers’ definition of their decision-making framework which they use to respond to income and weather risks. With this model the effects on farmers of eliminating US subsidies are compared with various productivity increasing measures for cotton and sorghum in Dioila, Mali. Dioila is located in a representative cotton region producing 16% of the cotton in Mali. We include sorghum due to its importance for consumption and the observation of Malian farmers substituting cereals (sorghum and maize) for cotton as the returns to cotton have fallen in the 21st Century. In the farm model, the elasticity of transmission of a change in the world cotton price to the farm gate price is taken into account. The gains from eliminating US subsides are small. In contrast, the various technological alternatives including Bt cotton introduction, the use of higher fertilization levels for cotton, and the introduction of improved sorghum cultivars and moderate fertilization along with a marketing package all have substantially higher returns Even with substantial improvement in the mechanisms enabling farmers to benefit from the higher prices resulting from elimination of US subsidies, there are still much higher returns resulting from the various types of productivity increases.  相似文献   
粒用高粱耐盐种质资源的鉴选与综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旨在为高粱耐盐种质资源的开发利用及耐盐新种质的创新提供一定的理论依据。选用20 份高粱种质作为试验材料,采用150 mmol/L NaCl 溶液进行处理,置于人工气候培养室,测定发芽率、发芽势等相关指标;将20 份材料置于25℃恒温培养箱中进行催芽,用150 mmol/L NaCl 溶液浇灌,以等量的浇水为对照,调查并比较幼苗成活率、生长速率及枯萎指数。采用隶属函数进行相关性分析,并进行聚类分析。结果表明,在150 mmol/L盐胁迫下,‘3438’、‘航天育种SP42’、‘09305R’、‘3560R’品种的发芽率高于对照,其他指标均小于对照。20 份材料中,在芽期鉴选出耐盐材料4 份,苗期筛选出3 份;相关性大小顺序为相对芽长>相对根长>相对植株鲜重>发芽势;20 份材料分成高度耐盐型、耐盐型、中等耐盐型、盐敏感型和高度盐敏感型品种5 类。确定150 mmol/L NaCl选定为高粱品种萌发期耐盐性鉴定的标准盐浓度,确定发芽率、发芽势、根长、叶长、植株鲜重可用于高粱耐盐性的鉴定指标。  相似文献   
The effects of feeding high-tannin sorghum (HTS) (5% catechin equivalents (CE)) on the performance of laying hens were examined in two experiments. In experiment 1, the effects of including varying levels of HTS in layer diets were investigated. Sixty-three Isabrown hens were randomly assigned to each of the seven diets over a period of 56 days. In experiment 2, the effects of bentonite on the utilization of HTS (3.74% CE) by laying hens were investigated. Forty-five Isabrown hens were randomly assigned to each of five diets over a period of 42 days. In both experiments, weekly measurements were made for feed intake (FI), percent hen-house production (% HHP), egg weight and egg specific gravity (ESG). The results of experiment 1 showed that the different sorghum inclusion levels had no effect (p>0.05) on HHP, egg weight and ESG, while those of experiment 2 showed that maize and LTS diets gave similar weight gain, FI and FE (p>0.05). However, HHP was higher (p<0.05) for the LTS diet than for the other diets. The addition of bentonite of 0.25% or 0.5% to the HTS diet did not improve (p>0.05) layer performance. When all the results were considered together, it was concluded that HTS can be used in layer diets without adverse effects on performance. The use of bentonite to deactivate sorghum tannins is not considered necessary.  相似文献   
安徽省发展高能作物甜高粱的必要性与可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了甜高粱的特点与主要用途,其能够在易旱、易涝、盐碱地、贫瘠地上种植,是用于生产燃料乙醇和畜牧业饲料的优质高能作物,安徽省是其最适种植区之一。为避免与粮争地,在安徽省充分开发"四荒"土地资源,结合两淮煤炭塌陷区、沿淮洼地以及江淮丘陵易旱区的综合治理,是甜高粱产业化发展首选的可行性区域。最后还简要介绍了甜高粱在安徽省大规模种植需进行的相关研究。  相似文献   
[目的]饲喂青贮甜高粱与玉米秸秆对肉牛增重的效果研究,选择11月龄、体重280Kg 的西门塔尔公牛20头进行饲喂效果对比试验。[结果]显示:对照组、试验组平均每头日增重为0.98 kg、1.45 kg。试验组比对照组平均日多增重0.47 kg,提高47.96%;净收益每头每天比对照组多9.78元。[结论]表明:青贮甜高粱饲喂育肥肉牛增重效果明显,经济效益较好。  相似文献   
种植密度对杂交糯高粱群体库源关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用裂区试验设计,密度为主区,设置4个密度(9.0万、10.5万、12.0万、13.5万株/hm 2)处理,副区为3个杂交糯高粱品种,共计12个处理,小区面积14m 2,3次重复。研究杂交糯高粱在不同密度条件下群体库源特征的变化。研究结果表明,各生育时期的叶面积指数和源生产能力均与密度显著相关,增加种植密度是增源的关键措施,增加密度可在一定程度上增加群体有效库容量,因此,合理的密植是实现库源协调的关键措施。在高密度条件下,增加穗粒数是进一步提高有效库容量的关键措施。选用类似于泸糯8号这种源足、库大的品种,合理增加种植密度,是四川东南部杂交糯高粱进一步高产的有效途径。  相似文献   
采用盆栽试验,分别设置1、3、5、7 cm播深,对34个高粱品种在不同播深下的出苗率、幼苗形态和幼苗干物质量进行分析,筛选耐深播性鉴定指标,综合评价高粱品种的耐深播性。研究结果表明,随着播种深度的加大,出苗率、苗长、根长、根数和苗重均呈下降趋势,3、5、7 cm与1 cm播深上述指标测定值的比值分别为0.84~0.60、0.96~0.75、0.83~0.53、0.88~0.64和0.95~0.85;中胚轴长、根重和根冠比呈上升趋势,3、5、7 cm与1 cm播深上述指标测定值的比值为1.52~3.30、1.10~1.25和1.17~1.50;胚芽鞘长在播深间差异不显著。主成分分析结果表明,前4个主成分的累积方差贡献率为77.647%,相对根冠比、相对根长、相对中胚轴长和相对出苗率载荷量最大,将其作为高粱耐深播性筛选的主要指标并计算隶属函数值。根据隶属函数值对高粱品种进行聚类分析,结果显示,34个高粱品种可聚为3类,晋粱白2号等11个品种为耐深播品种,红青壳等14个品种为中等耐深播品种,吉品609等9个品种为深播敏感品种。品种间耐深播性差异明显,杂交种较常规种耐深播性强。  相似文献   
几种饲料作物在内蒙古呼和浩特地区的生产性能评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
李青丰  徐军  李治国 《草业科学》2003,20(12):22-25
在内蒙古呼和浩特地区,种植并评价了6种(品种)饲用高粱和高丹草类植物的生产性能及作为饲用植物的价值。结果表明,此类植物具有高产、饲用价值高、利用方便等特点,应用前景广阔,可以考虑作为饲用玉米和苏丹草类植物的换代产品。从植物产量、叶量和分蘖特性等方面综合考虑,饲用高粱大力士和高丹草健宝明显优于其他品种,可以作为该地区的首选推广品种。  相似文献   
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