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Zmyslony  Jean  Gagnon  Daniel 《Landscape Ecology》2000,15(4):357-371
Contagious spatial patterns were shown to exist in the landscape of front-yards in street sections of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Montréal. Neighbour mimicry was hypothesized as the mechanism behind this pattern (Zmyslony and Gagnon 1998). To assess the role of spatial environmental factors in structuring this pattern, we carried out a path analysis on the front-yard landscape with five spatial factors: relative distance, street side, width, depth and type of front-yard. We removed all non-significant factors from our model with simple Mantel tests and untangled the common spatial component from the relationship between spatial factors and front-yard landscape with partial Mantel tests. We then used path analysis to evaluate the relative importance of all significant spatial factors in structuring front-yard landscape and to determine the r 2 (% of landscape variation explained by spatial factors). Results showed that (1) among all spatial environmental factors, distance (proximity) remained the best predictor of front-yard vegetation – distance alone explained an average of 20% of the landscape variation of a street section, (2) depth, width and type of front-yard also structured the front-yard landscape independently of distance, (3) front-yard landscape expresses greater similarity within the same side of a street section, and (4) in two street sections of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, spatial factors predicted over 40% of the landscape variation. This suggests (1) that landscape contagion exists also in highly humanized environments and (2) that the mimicry phenomenon was induced not only by proximity, but also by similar environmental conditions in same side street sections and whole street sections. Finally, we suggest that street sections are a very useful and appropriate unit of analysis of urban ecosystems.  相似文献   
长江上游低山丘陵区小流域森林植被变化对径流影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林植被的变化可以调节森林水文过程。本文以广元市碗厂沟的5个小流域为研究对象,根据实测水位资料,分析了在植被恢复过程中流域径流的变化情况。结果表明:随着森林植被的不断恢复,(1)流域降水转化为径流的数量(即径流系数)降低;(2)在相同的雨量级与相似的雨强情况洪峰得到削弱,洪峰时间延长;(3)在相似的降雨历时的条件下洪水过程线历时增长。  相似文献   
云南西双版纳基诺巴卡土地利用/土地覆盖时空动态研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
该研究以地理学为理论依据,以3S技术、PRA访谈、田野社区调查为主要手段,对基诺山土地利用/土地覆盖时空演变进行了35a跨度的分段对比研究和驱动因子分析。研究表明:轮作周期的缩短,将直接影响到植被自然演替的方向和群落的恢复;土地利用的高破碎度加大空间异质性,给地段性生态环境增加压力;森林组分的变化,将直接影响到山地生态系统的稳定性,生物多样性的保护;研究区人口目前未对耕地产生较大压力,人地矛盾主要是在农业耕作的方式上而不是土地对人口的承载能力上;国家政策和市场经济是土地利用/土地覆盖变化的决定因素,基诺族土地价值观是土地利用/土地覆盖变化的内核。  相似文献   
植物生产类宽口径专业人才培养模式的改革,体现了现代化建设事业对农科高等人才的需要。文章以湖南农业大学的教学改革为例,介绍了植物生产类宽口径专业人才培养的新模式。  相似文献   
[目的] 为探究草原不同放牧强度下植被群落的改变,解析群落特征变化对土壤团聚体的影响。[方法] 以希拉穆仁荒漠草原控制放牧试验区为研究对象,采用野外调查、室内分析相结合的方法,分析轻度放牧(LG)、中度放牧(MG)、重度放牧(HG)和禁牧(CK)下植被群落特征和土壤团聚体特征及二者的关系,揭示植物群落变化对土壤团聚体的影响。[结果] (1)植物群落物种数随放牧强度的增加而增加,LG的群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H'')和Simpson优势度指数(D)显著低于其他放牧强度(p<0.05)。地上生物量随放牧强度的增加而降低,HG的地上生物量显著低于其他放牧强度(p<0.05)。不同放牧强度下地下生物量差异显著,且不同土层的地下生物量均以LG最高。(2)平均重量直径(MWD)和几何平均直径(GMD)的变化趋势与大团聚体含量一致,在0—5, 5—10 cm土层表现为随放牧强度的增加先增加后降低再增加(LG最高、MG最低)。(3)群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H'')、Pielous均匀度指数(J'')、地上生物量、容重是影响大团聚体含量、MWD和GMD的显著性因子(p<0.05)。[结论] 放牧强度对土壤团聚体稳定性具有负反馈调节作用,主要通过影响植被群落多样性指数(H''J'')、地上生物量、土壤容重的变化而引起土壤团聚体稳定性的变化。该结果为希拉穆仁草原放牧强度选择及生态恢复工作提供理论支撑和科学依据。  相似文献   
以塔里木河中游英巴扎地区为例,探讨了景观生态学的多样性指数,优势度指数及均匀度指数在植被监测中的应用。结果显示,景观生态学中的一些指数研究方法在植被监测方面有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
土壤电导率是表征土壤水溶性盐的一个重要指标,可反映土壤盐渍化程度.为了研究高寒草甸退化对土壤电导率的影响,以三江源区未退化高寒草甸和退化高寒草甸为研究对象,系统分析了退化高寒草甸的植被特征和土壤特征与土壤电导率的相互关系.结果表明:高寒草甸退化会对土壤电导率产生显著负影响,且土壤电导率与评价高寒草甸的退化指标植被盖度、...  相似文献   
生草和树枝覆盖对果园土壤持水性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对黄土高原枣园普遍盛行传统清耕制,将生草及覆盖技术引入枣园生产中,于2011—2013年采用人工土槽模拟研究方法,探讨不同生草和覆盖措施对枣树地土壤持水性能的影响。结果表明:生草与枣树枝覆盖能有效改善土壤物理结构、提高土壤孔隙度、降低土壤容重;各处理土壤水分蓄持能力及比水容量均按枣树枝半覆盖+白三叶生草、枣树枝全覆盖、白三叶生草覆盖和清耕处理依次递减,处理间的差异在高吸力阶段更为明显;与清耕处理相比,生草与覆盖处理土壤饱和含水量、田间持水量、凋萎系数均有提高,枣树枝半覆盖+白三叶生草处理增加最为明显,分别增加9%、20%、33%。  相似文献   
青海气候变化趋势及对植被生产力影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
应用青海省南部三江源区、东北祁连山地及环青海湖区气象站1961-2004年气温、降水和所在地区植被地上净初级生产力资料,分析和模拟了44年来有关气候变化特征以及植被生产力与气温、降水、地理坐标参数间的关系,模拟估算了假设未来气候温暖化情景下青海植被生产力变化的可能。结果表明:44年来青海各地气温均在升高,青海北部比南部增温明显;年降水量变化平稳,但北部比南部有所增加;土壤实际蒸发散表现出明显的升高趋势;青海南部植被地上净初级生产力(NPP)逐年降低,青海东北地区相对平稳。模拟计算表明,由于青藏高原植被的生长主要受温度条件的限制,在未来气候增暖,降水不变或增加的趋势下,植被地上NPP均有所增加。  相似文献   
Vegetation fractional coverage(VFC) is an important index to describe and evaluate the ecological system.The vegetation index is widely used to monitor vegetation coverage in the field of remote sensing(RS).In this paper,the author conducted a case study of the delta oasis of Weigan and Kuqa rivers,which is a typical saline area in the Tarim River Watershed.The current study was based on the TM/ETM+ images of 1989,2001,and 2006,and supported by Geographic Information System(GIS) spatial analysis,vegetation index,and dimidiate pixel model.In addition,VBSI(vegetation,bare soil and shadow indices) suitable for TM/ETM+ images,constructed with FCD(forest canopy density) model principle and put forward by ITTO(International Tropical Timber Organization),was used,and it was applied to estimate the VFC.The estimation accuracy was later proven to be up to 83.52%.Further,the study analyzed and appraised the changes in vegetation patterns and revealed a pattern of spatial change in the vegetation coverage of the study area by producing the map of VFC levels in the delta oasis.Forest,grassland,and farmland were the three main land-use types with high and extremely-high coverage,and they played an important role in maintaining the vegetation.The forest area determined the changes of the coverage area,whereas the other two land types affected the directions of change.Therefore,planting trees,protecting grasslands,reclaiming farmlands,and controlling unused lands should be included in a long-term program because of their importance in keeping regional vegetation coverage.Finally,the dynamic variation of VFC in the study area was evaluated according to the quantity and spatial distribution rendered by plant cover digital images to deeply analyze the reason behind the variation.  相似文献   
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