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长期过量施肥可导致蔬菜地土壤养分大量累积、养分利用效率下降和环境污染风险增加。以浙北平原不同种植年限蔬菜地土壤为研究对象,采用化学测试方法研究了菜地土壤氮和磷的积累及其淋失潜力的变化。结果表明,随着种植年限的增加,蔬菜地土壤全磷、有效磷(Olsen P)和NO3-N呈明显的积累;蔬菜种植年限为〈2、2~5、6~10、11~20、20~30和>30a的表土全P平均分别为0.66、0.75、1.07、1.49、2.40和2.12g·kg-1,有效P平均分别为13.2、37.8、42.2、70.2、137.9和101.7mg·kg-1,NO3-N平均分别为9.15、13.58、50.18、46.48、73.28和74.20mg·kg-1,同时土壤N和P垂直下移渐趋明显。土壤水溶性磷含量随土壤有效磷(OlsenP)积累的变化存在一个明显的突变点,相对应的土壤OlsenP临界值约为60mg·kg-1。随着种植年限增长,蔬菜地地表径流中氮和磷浓度呈明显增加,利用年限为20~30a的蔬菜地径流中可溶性P和NO3-N浓度分别约为利用年限〈2a蔬菜地的13.12和9.48倍。研究认为,长期超量施肥已导致这一地区蔬菜地土壤养分的过度积累,在蔬菜生产中应重视和提倡平衡施肥,控制土壤氮磷的积累。  相似文献   
土壤中的有机污染物可从根系进入植物体内,并可进一步通过食物链富集,从而威胁人群健康。植物根际微生物种类繁多、数量巨大,其中很多根际细菌可通过成膜作用在植物根表形成细菌生物膜,协助植物抵抗外界的不良环境或促进植物生长。有机污染物在被植物根系吸收的过程中,多需经过根表细菌生物膜这一特殊界面。综述了根际细菌在植物根表的成膜作用,以及根表功能细菌生物膜对污染物根际环境过程的影响及作用机理,分析了利用根表功能细菌生物膜调控植物吸收有机污染物的可行性,试图为防治土壤有机污染、降低作物污染风险、保障农产品安全等提供理论依据。  相似文献   
It is believed that some organic compounds form complexes with iron and aluminum and prevent the fixation of phosphate applied to soils.  相似文献   
To estimate the impact of water percolation on the nutrient status in paddy fields, the seasonal variations of the concentrations of cations, anions, inorganic carbon (IC), and of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in percolating water that was collected from just below the plow layer (PW-13) and from drainage pipes at the 40 em depth (PW-40), as well as in irrigation water were measured in an irrigated paddy field. Total amounts of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn leached from PW-13 during the period of rice cultivation were estimated to range from about 390 to 770, 65 to 130, 33 to 66, 340 to 680, and 44 to 87 kg ha-1, respectively. Amounts of losses that were estimated from the differences between the input by irrigation water and the output by percolation water from the plow layer corresponded to 11 to 26, 22 to 47,5.9 to 12, and 13 to 26% of exchangeable Ca and Mg, amorphous Fe, and easily reducible Mn in the plow layer, respectively. The concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn in PW13 were higher than those in PW-40. The amounts of these nutrients that were retained in the subsoil between the 13 em and 40 em soil depth corresponded to 83, 86, 61, 99, and 89% of the amounts that percolated from the plow layer, respectively. Total amounts of IC and DOC that percolated from the plow layer ranged from 750 to 1,500 and 85 to 170 kg-C ha-1, which corresponded to 5.0 to 10.0% and 0.6 to 1.1% of the total carbon content in the plow layer, respectively. Eighty eight % of IC in the percolating water from the plow layer was also retained in the subsoil.  相似文献   
设施土壤盐分的累积、迁移及离子组成变化特征   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
通过对我国不同地区设施栽培现状的野外调查和取样分析,研究了设施栽培条件下土壤盐分的累积、迁移及离子组成变化特点。结果表明:1)设施栽培条件下,土壤含盐量的变化幅度大,且均明显高于露地土壤,各研究区域内已有40%8~9%的土壤含盐量超过了作物正常生长的临界浓度。2)设施栽培的可持续利用周期较短,连续种植到4年左右的设施土壤,其耕层盐分的累积量可达到作物的生长障碍临界点,之后因设施使用率的下降以及采取的措施而有所降低,但仍高于露地土壤。设施连续使用会导致土壤环境质量的不断恶化。3)设施土壤剖面(0100.cm)盐分含量均高于相邻露地,盐分含量随土层深度增加而降低,其中耕层(020.cm)的盐分含量显著高于其下各层;盐分离子在土壤剖面的运移同时存在着明显的向底层迁移和向表层聚集两种方式,但以表聚为主;此外,盐分离子的大量累积和向底层迁移,特别是NO3-的淋溶已严重影响到部分地区的地下水水质。4)设施栽培后,土壤中的NO3-、SO42-、Cl-、Ca2+、Mg2+、K+、Na+均有不同程度的累积,阴离子以NO3-和SO42-为主,阳离子以Ca2+为主。盐分的大量累积以及某些离子的相对富集在一定程度上引起了作物养分的供需失衡、土壤酸化、棚室内CO2供应不足等生产问题。  相似文献   
不同品种水稻产量形成过程的养分积累与分配特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过测定三系杂交稻"汕优63"、两系杂交稻"两优2186"和常规稻"IR64"不同器官N、P和K含量动态,探讨了3种水稻各生育期的养分积累与分配特征。结果表明:3种水稻稻株N含量均随生长过程逐渐下降,同一生育期水稻N含量以"汕优63"最高;除"汕优63"K含量在齐穗时明显上升外,3种水稻的K含量随生长过程逐渐下降;而P含量总体上在分蘖盛期最高。完熟期3种水稻的N积累量依次为24.79g/m2、15.14g/m2和14.42g/m2,P积累量为4.766g/m2、3.306g/m2和3.678g/m2,K积累量为2.439g/m22、.029g/m2和1.725g/m2。"汕优63"分配到籽粒中的N素比例为61.23%,分别比"两优2186"、"IR64"高17.97%和11.23%;分配到籽粒中的P素比例为62.97%,分别比"两优2186"、"IR64"高6.41%和9.63%;分配到籽粒中的K素比例为27.51%,分别比"两优2186"、"IR64"低3.00%和2.39%。在全生育期中,"汕优63"、"两优2186"和"IR64"的N需求量依次为31.33g/m2、22.88 g/m2、24.82g/m2,N、P、K吸收比依次为1∶0.192∶0.098、1∶0.219∶0.134和1∶0.255∶0.120。3种水稻中"汕优63"的养分生产效率最低。N、P、K生产效率"汕优63"依次为37.25kg/kg、193.80kg/kg和378.80kg/kg,"两优2186"依次为52.54 kg/kg、240.38kg/kg和392.16kg/kg,"IR64"依次为58.38kg/kg、228.83kg/kg和487.80kg/kg。三系杂交稻"汕优63"的N、P、K需求量大,积累量高,分配到籽粒中的比例亦高,与其高产特性相吻合。在保证N、P、K供给的前提下,进一步提高养分生产效率是实现"汕优63"高产、高效的关键。  相似文献   
冀南地区蔬菜保护地土壤养分变化特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对冀南地区蔬菜保护地土壤养分现状及变化趋势进行了研究,结果表明,保护地耕层土壤有机质、土壤速效N、速效P和速效K比相邻露地栽培分别平均增加146.64%、51.68%、567.17%和110.41%;比1981年土壤分别增加143.23%、97.97%、2311.00%和98.8%。随栽培年限的增加,耕层土壤速效N、速效P和速效K有积累的趋势,土壤养分主要积累在0~20cm土层,随着土层加深土壤养分积累程度降低,其中以日光温室栽培的土壤养分积累高于塑料大棚。  相似文献   
Background, Aim and Scope   Part 1: Behaviour of Polycyclic Musks in Sewage Sludge of Different Treatment Plants in Summer and Winter Part 2: Investigation of Polycyclic Musks in Soils and Plants -  Preamble. In Part 1 of the study, screening tests were performed to investigate the occurrence of PCMs in sewage sludges. For a preliminary risk assessment, further information is needed about their behaviour in the terrestrial environment. Hence, Part 2 examined the adsorption of PCMs to soil, their dissipation and leaching in soil and their uptake by plants. Background, Aim and Scope   Polycyclic Musks (PCMs) enter the environment via the waste water system. Because of their persistence, they can accumulate in different matrices like sewage sludge or biota. By the use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer, PCMs are transferred to agricultural soils. Therefore, in Part 1 of the study, screening tests were performed to investigate the occurrence of PCMs in sewage sludge. For a preliminary risk assessment, further information is needed about their behaviour in the terrestrial environment. Hence, Part 2 of the study examined the adsorption of PCMs to soil, their dissipation and leaching in soil, and their uptake by plants. Materials and Methods: In the screening study, samples of activated sewage sludge were taken both in summer and in winter at 21 treatment plants. In order to get an overview of the contamination situation, sampling covered different types of treatment plants (in rural, urban, industrial areas). Analytical methods for the determination of HHCB, AHTN, ADBI, ATTN, AHDI and ATII in the sludge samples were developed and applied. Results: The analytical screening of PCMs showed their presence in activated and dried sewage sludge samples. HHCB and AHTN represented about 95% of the PCMs investigated. Their concentrations in the activated sludge samples varied between 2.9 and 10.4 mg/kg dry mass (dm) and 1.1 to 4.2 mg/kg dm, respectively. Although different types of sewage treatment plants were investigated, similar PCM levels were found, showing the widespread input of these compounds into domestic waste water. Discussion: PCM concentrations in activated sludge varied widely. The variation drops substantially when concentrations are related to the varying dry mass. In dehydrated sludge, PCM concentrations were up to 24 mg/kg dm for HHCB and up to 6.9 mg/kg dm for AHTN. These high values are comparable to those obtained in other investigations analysing PCMs. If the degradation of organic mass during anaerobic decomposition is included in the evaluation, the figures obtained are comparable to those for activated sludge. Elimination in sewage sludge was higher in summer than in winter. Therefore, the contamination of the sludges in winter reached higher levels compared to the summer. Conclusions: The results show that PCMs are widespread contaminants in sewage sludge. Recommendations and Perspectives: PCM should be considered in a risk assessment as potential contaminants of sewage sludge destined for agricultural use. Due to the high PCM levels in sewage sludge, further investigations into the degradation and elimination behaviour in sewage sludge have to be carried out, including that involving PCM metabolites such as lactone derivatives.  相似文献   
以杂交中稻组合II优498为材料,在三角形强化栽培(TSRI)条件下,研究3种晒田强度(0~20 cm土壤相对含水量为80%±5%、60%±5%和40%±5%,分别记为W1、W2和W3)和3种穗肥运筹(晒田复水后第1、8和15天施用第1次氮素穗肥,分别记为S1、S2和S3)对灌浆结实期水稻光合生产和氮素利用的影响。结果表明,晒田程度和穗肥运筹对水稻光合生产、干物质积累、氮素积累、转运和利用和产量的影响存在显著互作效应,且晒田影响最为显著,氮素穗肥运筹次之。轻度晒田(W1)复水后第1天施用第1次氮素穗肥会降低抽穗后15 d和30 d的群体光合和有效穗数,推迟至复水后第8天或第15天施用第1次氮素穗肥可以提高抽穗后15 d和30 d的群体光合、收获指数和氮素稻谷生产效率;中度和重度晒田(W2和W3)复水后第1天和第8天施用第1次氮素穗肥可以提高孕穗期和齐穗期剑叶Pn和抽穗后15 d和30 d的群体光合、干物质积累、籽粒产量及构成指标、稻株氮素积累与利用。经过分析比较得出,TSRI模式下W2S1为晒田强度和穗肥运筹的最优组合,产量达到10.96 t ha-1。  相似文献   
为探明覆膜条件下深翻对春玉米干物质积累及转运的影响,以‘伟科702’为供试材料,在覆膜条件下设深翻(FS)和旋耕(FR)2个处理,测定并计算不同处理下干物质积累及转运。结果表明:吐丝期后,FR干物质积累量显著高于FS,且随生育进程差异增大。干物质最大积累速率、持续时间均表现为FR>FS,最大速率出现时间为FS>FR。FR吐丝后的营养器官的转运量、转移效率和对子粒贡献率均显著高于FS,各器官表现为叶>茎>穗部。  相似文献   
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