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The availability of nitrogen (N) contained in crop residues for a following crop may vary with cultivar, depending on root traits and the interaction between roots and soil. We used a pot experiment to investigate the effects of six spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars (three old varieties introduced before mid last century and three modern varieties) and N fertilization on the ability of wheat to acquire N from maize (Zea mays L.) straw added to soil. Wheat was grown in a soil where 15N‐labeled maize straw had been incorporated with or without N fertilization. Higher grain yield in three modern and one old cultivar was ascribed to preferred allocation of photosynthate to aboveground plant parts and from vegetative organs to grains. Root biomass, root length density and root surface area were all smaller in modern than in old cultivars at both anthesis and maturity. Root mean diameter was generally similar between modern and old cultivars at anthesis but was greater in modern than in old cultivars at maturity. There were cultivar differences in N uptake from incorporated maize straw and the other N sources (soil and fertilizer). However, these differences were not related to variation in the measured root parameters among the six cultivars. At anthesis, total N uptake efficiencies by roots (total N uptake per root weight or root length) were greater in modern than in old cultivars within each fertilization level. At maturity, averaged over fertilization levels, the total N uptake efficiencies by roots were 292?336 mg N g?1 roots or 3.2?4.0 mg N m?1 roots for three modern cultivars, in contrast to 132?213 mg N g?1 roots or 0.93?1.6 mg N m?1 roots for three old cultivars. Fertilization enhanced the utilization of N from maize straw by all cultivars, but root N uptake efficiencies were less affected. We concluded that modern spring wheat cultivars had higher root N uptake efficiency than old cultivars.  相似文献   

Effects of three supplemental calcium (Ca++; 2.5, 5.0, and 10 mole m?3) concentrations on ion accumulation, transport, selectivity, and plant growth of salt-sensitive species, Brassica rapa ‘Sani’ in saline medium were investigated. Supplemental Ca++ in the presence of 125 mol m?3 sodium chloride (NaCl) did not improve the dry weight and leaf area indicating no role played by Ca++ in the alleviation of salinity induced growth inhibition. However, calcium chloride (CaCl2) did significantly affect sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and Ca++ contents of roots and shoots. The ion contents of shoots were significantly greater than those of roots per g dry weight, indicating ion transportation to shoots is greater than ion accumulation in roots. Use of CaCl2 in 125 mol m?3 NaCl reduced the Na+ content but increased K+ and Ca++ contents in shoots. Sodium contents in shoots differed among the supplemental Ca++ treatments indicating the role of CaCl2 in Na+ ions transportation. Calcium content in shoots declined significantly in the control treatment (0 CaCl2) but increased significantly in 10 mol m?3 CaCl2. The root also showed the effects of Ca++ on the reduction of Na+ content and the increase of K+ and Ca++ content. Unexpectedly, 5 mol m?3 CaCl2 induced the highest Na+ content in roots at 16 days after treatment. Supplemental CaCl2 application influenced the K+ or Ca++ selectivity over Na+ in two ways, ion accumulation at roots and transport to shoots. However, high CaCl2 treatments allowed greater Ca++ selectivity over Na+ than low CaCl2. Likewise, high supplemental CaCl2 showed higher K+ selectivity over Na+ than low CaCl2. A marked increase in K+ versus Na+ selectivity for the transport process occurred at 10 mol m?3 CaCl2 treatments. The roots and shoots exhibited higher K+/Na+ and Ca++/Na+ ratios in high CaCl2 treatment than in low. The results are discussed in context to supplemental Ca++ concentrations, ions accumulation, transportation and selectivity of salt sensitive Brassica rapa cultivar.  相似文献   
The response of different wheat cultivars to drought imposed after three and six weeks of seedling emergence was evaluated in the wire house. The seeds of recommended local wheat cultivars were sown in plastic pots. The drought stress decreased the water relation, nutrient uptake and grain yield of all the wheat cultivars. The early drought stress significantly reduced the nitrogen (N) uptake by 38% while late drought stress decreased nitrogen uptake by 46%. The phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) uptake were decreased by 49% and 37% under early drought stress, respectively while their uptake was decreased by 51% each under late drought stress. Grain yield was reduced by 24% under early drought stress while it was reduced by 60% under late drought stress. Water deficit at early growth stages reduced grain weight by 10% while it was reduced by 35% under water deficit at later stages of growth.  相似文献   
A field experiment conducted on rapeseed (Brassica juncea L.) during 2005–2006 in a typical lateritic soil (Alfisol) of West Bengal, India revealed that sources of sulfur viz. gypsum and magnesium sulfate and levels of sulfur (0, 20, 40, 60 kg S ha?1) have significant influence on grain yield, total biological yield, sulfur concentration in grain and stover, total sulfur uptake, oil content and oil yield and chlorophyll content. The maximum grain yield (18.28 q ha?1) and oil yield (8.59 q ha?1) was obtained with magnesium sulfate followed by gypsum yielded the grain yield of 17.99 q ha?1 and oil yield of 8.22 q ha?1 at 40 kg S ha?1. Overall, the best performance was recorded when sulfur was applied at 40 kg S ha?1 either as magnesium sulfate or gypsum. Results revealed that magnesium sulfate may be considered as the better source of sulfur than gypsum to raise the mustard crop in sulfur deficient acidic red and lateritic soils of West Bengal and if farmers apply either magnesium sulfate or gypsum to soils, the possible deficiency of sulfur and magnesium/calcium in soils and plants can be avoided.  相似文献   

Commercial fertilizer (particularly nitrogen) costs account for a substantial portion of the total production costs of cellulosic biomass and can be a major obstacle to biofuel production. In a series of greenhouse studies, we evaluated the feasibility of co-applying Gibberellins (GA) and reduced nitrogen (N) rates to produce a bioenergy crop less expensively. In a preliminary study, we determined the minimum combined application rates of GA and N required for efficient biomass (sweet sorghum, Sorghum bicolor) production. Co-application of 75 kg ha?1 (one-half of the recommended N rate for sorghum) and a modest GA rate of 3 g ha?1 optimized dry matter yield (DMY) and N and phosphorus (P) uptake efficiencies, resulting in a reduction of N and P leaching. Organic nutrient sources such as manures and biosolids can be substituted for commercial N fertilizers (and incidentally supply P) to further reduce the cost of nutrient supply for biomass production. Based on the results of the preliminary study, we conducted a second greenhouse study using sweet sorghum as a test bioenergy crop. We co-applied organic sources of N (manure and biosolids) at 75 and 150 kg PAN ha?1 (representing 50 and 100% N rate respectively) with 3 g GA ha?1. In each batch of experiment, the crop was grown for 8 wk on Immokalee fine sand of minimal native fertility. After harvest, sufficient water was applied to soil in each pot to yield ~1.5 L (~0.75 pore volume) of leachate, and analyzed for total N and soluble reactive P (SRP). The reduced (50%) N application rate, together with GA, optimized biomass production. Application of GA at 3 g ha?1, and the organic sources of N at 50% of the recommended N rate, decreased nutrient cost of producing the bioenergy biomass by ~$375 ha?1 (>90% of total nutrient cost), and could reduce offsite N and P losses from vulnerable soils.  相似文献   
Zinc (Zn) is a plant nutrient; however, at elevated levels it rapidly becomes phytotoxic. In order to obtain insight into the physiological background of its toxicity, the impact of elevated Zn2+ concentrations (1 to 10 μM) in the root environment on physiological functioning of Chinese cabbage was studied. Exposure of Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) to elevated Zn2+ concentrations (≥ 5 μM) in the root environment resulted in leaf chlorosis and decreased biomass production. The Zn concentrations of the root and shoot increased with the Zn2+ concentration up to 68‐fold and 14‐fold, respectively, at 10 μM compared to the control. The concentrations of the other mineral nutrients of the shoot were hardly affected by elevated Zn2+ exposure, although in the root both the Cu and Fe concentrations were increased at ≥ 5 µM, whereas the Mn concentration was decreased and the Ca concentration strongly decreased at 10 µM Zn2+. The uptake and metabolism of sulfur and nitrogen were differentially affected at ≥ 5 µM Zn2+. Zn2+ exposure resulted in an increase of sulfate uptake and the activity of the sulfate transporters in the root, and in enhanced total sulfur concentration of the shoot, which could be ascribed partially to an accumulation of sulfate. Moreover, Zn2+ exposure resulted in an up to 6.5‐fold increase in water‐soluble non‐protein thiol (and cysteine) concentration of the root. However, nitrate uptake by the root and the nitrate and total nitrogen concentrations of the shoot were decreased upon Zn2+ exposure, demonstrating the absence of a mutual regulation of the uptake and metabolism of sulfur and nitrogen at toxic Zn levels. Evidently, elevated Zn2+ concentrations in the root environment did not only disturb the uptake, distribution and assimilation of sulfate, it also affected the uptake and metabolism of nitrate in Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted at farmer's field in Mollisols of Tarai soils in Uttarakhand (India), to assess the direct and residual effect of sulfur fertilization in wheat-soybean cropping sequence. Four levels of sulfur (S; 0, 15, 30, and 45 kg ha?1) were applied to main crop (wheat) along with recommended dose of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K). The direct and residual effect of sulfur at highest level showed 27 and 6 percent increase in grain yield of wheat and soybean over control, respectively. The increase in grain yield of wheat was significant at each sulfur level. The direct as well as residual effect of sulfur showed significant increase in sulfur concentration and its uptake by grain and straw except increase in sulfur concentration and uptake by soybean straw. In wheat-soybean cropping sequence, the agronomic efficiency and apparent sulfur recovery decreased with increase in levels of sulfur, but the percent response increased with increasing sulfur application. Different forms of sulfur such as total sulfur, organic sulfur, calcium chloride extractable sulfur, potassium dihydrogen phosphate extractable sulfur, and non-sulfate sulfur in post-harvest soil increased according to sulfur level applied but it decreased under control and also after residual crops. The buildup of sulfur in surface soils was greater than in the deeper soils. Application of sulfur showed the positive sulfur balance and it increased with increase in sulfur level, while it was negative under control. A major portion (46–62%) of applied sulfur contributed to increase in sulfur content of root zone soil followed by unaccounted component (25–40%) and small portion (11–18%) was absorbed by wheat plant as uptake.  相似文献   
Commercial grade zinc (Zn) sulfate hepta hydrate (ZnSHH) is the most widely used source of Zn in India and several other countries for amelioration of Zn deficiency in crops. However, it releases water of hydration at temperature above 30°C and forms lumps on storage, which make it difficult to handle it and apply in fields. Therefore, conditioning of ZnSHH with ZnO and neem oil reduces the release of water of hydration and prevents lumps formation and can be well stored. Field experiments were conducted at the research farm of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India during rice growing seasons (July-November) of 2009 and 2010 to study the effect of conditioning ZnSHH with ZnO and neem oil on growth, productivity and Zn fortification of rice (Oryza sativa) grain and uptake by Basmati rice ‘Pusa 1121’. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with 3 replications comprised of 9 treatments of Zn fertilization. The present study shows that when conditioned with 2% ZnO and 4% neem oil ZnSHH improved yield attributes, grain and straw yields, Zn uptake and partial factor productivity (PFP), agronomic efficiency (AE), recovery efficiency (RE), and physiological efficiency (PE) of Zn in Basmati rice ‘Pusa 1121’. In general, ZnO was inferior to ZnSHH. Application of ZnSHH conditioned with 2% ZnO and 4% neem oil can be a better source of Zn for transplanted puddled Basmati rice on Zn deficient soils.  相似文献   
土壤中的有机污染物可从根系进入植物体内,并可进一步通过食物链富集,从而威胁人群健康。植物根际微生物种类繁多、数量巨大,其中很多根际细菌可通过成膜作用在植物根表形成细菌生物膜,协助植物抵抗外界的不良环境或促进植物生长。有机污染物在被植物根系吸收的过程中,多需经过根表细菌生物膜这一特殊界面。综述了根际细菌在植物根表的成膜作用,以及根表功能细菌生物膜对污染物根际环境过程的影响及作用机理,分析了利用根表功能细菌生物膜调控植物吸收有机污染物的可行性,试图为防治土壤有机污染、降低作物污染风险、保障农产品安全等提供理论依据。  相似文献   
【目的】旨在明确不同树龄骏枣树形成单位产量所需的各器官营养元素年吸收量的异同点,以期为骏枣生产中的科学均衡施肥提供理论依据。【方法】以新疆阿克苏地区4、 7和10年生骏枣树作为试材,从枣树地上部分各器官分别采样,测定N、 P、 K、 Ca、 Mg、 Mn、 Fe、 Zn和Cu含量。【结果】骏枣树形成地上部各器官单位生物量所需要的养分含量,不同树龄间相比差异均不显著,但其生物量在总生物量中所占的百分率有差异,4、 7、 10年生骏枣树果实占地上部年总生物量的百分率依次为72.9%、 73.7%、 75.7%,叶片依次为5.4%、 5.2%、 5.1%,花依次为1.3%、 1.5%、 1.4%,茎枝依次为20.4%、 19.5%、 17.6%,三个树龄骏枣树各器官生物量的大少顺序均为果实>茎枝>叶片>花。每形成1000 kg果实的总生物量随着树龄的增大而逐渐减少,茎枝保留和剪掉部分生物量均降低。采前落果率随树龄增加上升,叶片生物量减少,受精花生物量上升,而其掉落部分生物量表现先上升后下降。三个树龄骏枣地上部分生物量年增加量所需要的各营养元素量顺序均为K>N>Ca>Mg>P>Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu,每形成1000 kg果实所需要吸收的养分量非常接近,4年生骏枣树为N 22.8 kg、 P 1.7 kg、 K 34.0 kg、 Ca 7.4 kg、 Mg 5.0 kg、 Mn 54.5 g、 Fe 916.9 g、 Zn 202.8 g、 Cu 42.5 g; 7年生骏枣树为N 22.7 kg、 P 1.7 kg、 K 33.9 kg、 Ca 7.3 kg、 Mg 4.9 kg、 Mn 53.9 g、 Fe 907.2 g、 Zn 204.5 g、 Cu 42.0 g; 10年生骏枣树N 22.1 kg、 P 1.7 kg、 K 33.4 kg、 Ca 6.8 kg、 Mg 4.7 kg、 Mn 51.8 g、 Fe 871.3 g、 Zn 204.8 g、 Cu 40.4 g。【结论】3种树龄骏枣树地上部年总生物量中果实生物量与其余生物量的比例约为3∶1,且形成1000 kg果实所需的养分量也基本一致。由于总生物量和果实产量随树龄的增加而增加,因此,对养分的总需求量增加。但是由于果实生物量所占比例有所增加,测算单位产量所需要的各营养元素年吸收量时,也应考虑果实以外器官的年生物量所需要的养分吸收量,才能得到较准确的肥料施入量和各营养元素的比例。  相似文献   
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