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Since 2012, a new pathogenic syndrome has frequently been observed in many areas of kiwifruit cultivation in Italy. The main symptoms include an initial withering of the leaves followed by a total and sudden collapse of plants, mainly occurring during summer. The withered leaves fall and the main and secondary feeder roots appear rotten, sometimes showing a reddish-brown discoloration. The disease, that affects both the green and yellow-fleshed cultivars, has been called kiwifruit vine decline and is locally known as moria. The syndrome has been found consistently associated with soil waterlogging, which frequently occurs either after the traditional agronomical practice of irrigating orchards through surface irrigation or after very heavy rainfall. So far, the role played by bacteria in this syndrome has not been investigated. In the present study, Clostridium spp. were isolated from both rotten roots and soils obtained from Italian kiwifruit orchards affected by the syndrome, indicating for the first time that anaerobic bacteria are able to cause damage to woody crops. C. bifermentans and C. subterminale incited symptoms in kiwifruit in both in vivo and in vitro pathogenicity tests. Soil waterlogging seems to potentially favour colonization of kiwifruit roots by anaerobic bacteria, probably because saturation of the soil can facilitate proliferation and persistence of these bacteria during long periods of the vegetative growth of the crop. The occurrence of anaerobic bacteria does not exclude the possibility that other microorganisms can play additional/synergic role(s) in causing the kiwifruit vine decline.  相似文献   
为了明确不同施氮形态与分株损伤对入侵性克隆植物生长及克隆整合的影响,本研究以入侵克隆植物香菇草Hydrocotyle vulgaris为研究对象,设计了三因素控制试验。包括基部和端部分株连接或断开,基部分株进行3种氮形态添加(铵态氮、硝态氮、有机氮)和对照处理(去离子水),端部分株设计有无损伤2种处理。结果表明,克隆整合促进了香菇草的整个克隆片段、基部与端部分株的生长。3种形态的氮添加均促进了香菇草整个克隆片段以及基部分株的生长,其中硝态氮对香菇草生长的促进最显著。此外,端部分株损伤并没有显著抑制香菇草的生长。氮供应形态以及分株损伤没有显著影响克隆整合对香菇草生长的作用均。总之,入侵植物香菇草的克隆整合在适应多种形态异质氮供应以及应对分株损伤中发挥着重要作用,在高硝态氮输入地区应适当加强对香菇草的入侵防控。  相似文献   
克隆植物对水盐胁迫的响应不仅在个体水平上,在种群分布格局和种群关联水平上也有一定的响应特征。利用Ripley’s K(r)函数和L(r)函数,对艾比湖湿地自然保护区4种克隆草本植物组成的混生群落进行点格局分析和关联分析。结果表明:“密集型”克隆植物花花柴(Karelinia caspia)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)在0~5 m尺度上多为集群分布;“游击型”克隆植物罗布麻(Apocynum venetum)、白麻(Poacynum pictum)在0~1 m尺度上多为随机分布,在1~4.5 m尺度上集群分布,在4.5~5 m尺度上为均匀分布;4种植物间除花花柴和芦苇为负关联关系外,其他多为正关联关系。在较强的水盐胁迫环境下,克隆植物更倾向于集群分布,这与克隆植物的生理整合作用以及种间正关联关系有关。  相似文献   
本文增补报道了采自浙江海岛地区及西南部的45个《浙江植物志》未收录或记载不全的植物类群。其中小花锦葵(MalvaparvifloraLinn.)等1种1变种3变型为中国分布新记录,倒卵算盘子(GlochidionrubrumBl.)为中国大陆分布新记录;千斤拔属(FlemingiaRoxb.exAit.)等6属和瓣蕊唐松草(ThalictrumpetaloideumLinn.)等18种(包括1杂种)5变种为浙江分布新记录.此外,证实了旗杆芥属(TurritisLinn.)等1属7种2变种在浙江确有分布。  相似文献   
【目的】探索一种利用甘蓝胞质雄性不育系(CMS)下胚轴和子叶进行快速扩繁的技术,为利用CMS大量繁制甘蓝杂交种提供一条新途径。【方法】以甘蓝CMS 05-2-10为试材,将苗龄5~7 d无菌苗的下胚轴和子叶切下,接种于MS培养基上,45~50 d后统计再生芽数,比较6-BA与NAA不同质量浓度配比对不定芽的诱导情况;将诱导出的不定芽接种于添加不同质量浓度(0,0.1,0.3,0.5 mg/L)NAA的MS生根培养基上,20 d后比较生根率和根的长势。【结果】在对下胚轴和子叶进行不定芽诱导时,MS培养基中分别添加1.0和4.0 mg/L的6-BA对下胚轴、子叶的诱导效果较好,其芽再生频率和分化系数分别为83.3%,53.0%和3.6,3.0。在MS培养基中添加1.0mg/L 6-BA+0.2 mg/L NAA,其对下胚轴不定芽的诱导效果较好,芽再生频率为80.7%,分化系数为3.4,褐化率为1.5%;在MS培养基中添加4.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.3 mg/L NAA,其对子叶不定芽的诱导效果较好,芽再生频率为50.0%,分化系数为3.2,褐化率为3.4%;二者的褐化率均明显低于仅添加6-BA的处理。在MS生根培养基中添加0.3 mg/L NAA时,不定芽的生根效果较好,生根率达100%,且根系生长健壮。【结论】利用甘蓝胞质雄性不育系CMS 05-2-10的下胚轴和子叶作为外植体进行不定芽的诱导,对于下胚轴,其适宜培养基为MS+1.0 mg/L6-BA+30 g/L蔗糖+8 g/L琼脂;对于子叶,其适宜培养基为MS+4.0 mg/L 6-BA+30 g/L蔗糖+8 g/L琼脂。不定芽诱导生根的最适培养基为MS+0.3 mg/L NAA+30 g/L蔗糖+8 g/L琼脂。  相似文献   
从植物根系形态分布研究、植物根系力学特性及固土机理、大气-植被-土体相互作用和微生物固土4个方面,明确了生态边坡的概念,简要介绍了生态边坡稳定性机制的理论及试验进展,展望了该领域未来的发展方向。  相似文献   
利用外源钾通道基因改良水稻钾素营养   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过基因枪导入法,将外源钾通道基因 (KAT1和AKT1)导入水稻中花8号、中花9号、中花13以及8706中,获得了转基因植株,经分子检测,证实了钾通道基因在水稻基因组中的整合与表达。盆栽试验表明,转基因植株在低钾和高钾两种钾水平下其钾的累积能力都有明显提高。  相似文献   
DNA去甲基化酶(dMTase)是主动去甲基化过程中具有糖基化酶和脱嘌呤裂合酶活性的双功能酶.基于茶树基因组数据,本研究利用生物信息学方法对茶树DNA去甲基化酶(CsdMTase)编码基因进行了全面鉴定和序列分析.全基因组鉴定结果表明,舒茶早基因组中包含4个CsdMTases,系统进化分析将CsdMTases分为DME...  相似文献   
In separate experiments conducted in 2007 and 2008, growth and accumulation of selected caffeic acid derivatives (CADs; i.e., caftaric acid, chlorogenic acid, echinacoside, caffeic acid, cynarin, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid and cichoric acid) were determined in Echinacea angustifolia DC. var. angustifolia seedlings grown in hydroponic culture (floating raft system) at a density of 122 plant m−2 (at planting). Plants were harvested 11 (2007) or 16 (2008) weeks after transplanting (i.e., 15 or 20 weeks after sowing). In both years, plants grew vigorously and at harvest approximately half of the plants under observation had developed one to three inflorescences. In 2008, the root yield (2940 kg ha−1) harvested in nearly eight months from two consecutive hydroponic cultures was within the yield reported in the literature for field cultivations lasting two to four years. None of the selected CADs was found in the leaves, while the inflorescences (stem and capitulum) contained only caftaric acid and echinacoside at concentrations higher than the detection limits (0.05 mg g−1 dry weight). Echinacoside, cynarin and chlorogenic acid were found in root tissues at concentrations ranging from 0.36 to 5.25 mg g−1 dry weight. In all plant samples, echinacoside, which is the marker compound for E. angustifolia material, did not reach the minimum quality standard (10 mg g−1 dry weight) for the production of standardized extract. We concluded that short-cycle, high-density greenhouse hydroponic culture stimulates plant growth and root production in E. angustifolia, but it does not ensure sufficient CADs accumulation in dried roots.  相似文献   

Overexpression of Rubisco small subunit (RbcS) of C4 plant, sorghum (sorghum bicolor) was shown to enhance the catalytic turnover rate (k cat) of Rubisco in rice (Oryza sativa). In this study, the effects of other Rubisco small subunits of C4 plants, Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus) on kinetic properties of Rubisco in rice were studied. The expression levels of Napier grass RbcS (NgRbcS) and guinea grass RbcS (GgRbcS) proteins accounted for 41% and 45% of total RbcS, respectively in homozygous overexpression lines. The k cat and K m for CO2 (Kc) of Rubisco were increased in all transgenic lines. Interestingly, the k cat was markedly higher in NgRbcS homozygous line, whereas K c was notably higher in GgRbcS homozygous line. Although its effects depend on species, these results suggest that the introduction of C4 RbcS are effective approaches to alter the catalytic properties of Rubisco in rice.  相似文献   
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