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运用电导率法对秋眠级不同的2个苜蓿品种“WL-525HQ”和“WL-232HQ”进行耐热性测定。叶片经梯度高温处理后,细胞伤害率呈“S”型曲线。通过Logistic方程拐点确定半致死温度,“WL-525HQ”和“WL-232HQ”的高温半致死温度分别为54.13 ℃和52.26 ℃,“WL-525HQ”的耐热性强于“WL-232HQ”,其结果与2种苜蓿的实际耐热趋势一致。  相似文献   
易位系是向小麦转移外源种属优异基因的重要种质资源。普通小麦-滨麦衍生系M13063A-1由小麦-滨麦第六部分同源群二体异附加系材料连续自交获得。为了给普通小麦-滨麦衍生系M13063A-1的利用提供依据,本研究利用形态学、细胞学、原位杂交、分子标记等技术,对该材料进行了鉴定。细胞学鉴定结果显示,M13063A-1有丝分裂中期染色体数目为44条,减数分裂中期I染色体构型为2n=22Ⅱ,且在减数分裂后期Ⅰ可均等分离。原位杂交结果表明,M13063A-1含有42条普通小麦染色体和1对普通小麦-滨麦易位染色体,易位染色体长臂为滨麦Ns基因组染色体片段,短臂为6BS。分子标记分析确定M13063A-1携带的滨麦染色体片段为6NsS。成株期条锈病抗性鉴定显示,M13063A-1抗条锈菌生理小种条中31和条中32。因此,M13063A-1是一个抗条锈病的普通小麦-滨麦6BS·6NsS附加易位系,可以用作小麦抗病育种的桥梁材料。  相似文献   

Soil salinity is a major constraint to sustainable crop production. Genetic improvements are needed for growing soybean in salinity-prone environments. Salt-tolerant soybean genotypes alleviate a reduction in photosynthesis and growth under saline conditions; however, the detailed mechanisms involved remain unclear. Here, we aimed to clarify how Na and Cl root-to-leaf transport is quantitatively regulated, and to identify whether photosynthetic tolerance depends on traits associated with either stomata or with mesophyll tissues. Two pairs of pot-grown soybean near-isogenic lines (NILs) consisting of tolerant and susceptible counterparts, derived from a cross between salt-tolerant FT-Abyara and salt-sensitive C01, were subjected to salinity treatment in a rainout greenhouse. Comparison of photosynthetic responses between genotypes indicated that genotypic differences in salinity tolerance depended on the ability for sustained CO2 assimilation in mesophyll tissues, rather than stomatal conductance. The ratio of photosynthetic rate to intercellular CO2 concentration (A/Ci) declined exponentially with increasing Na and Cl concentration regardless of genotype, but tolerant genotypes effectively kept both elements at significantly low levels. Under saline conditions, tolerant genotypes reduced Na and Cl content at the two transport pathways: from root to stem, and from stem to leaf, but the reduction of Cl at each pathway was only minor. These results suggest that integrating genetic capacity for Cl transport regulation and osmotic adjustment should be an important target in salinity-tolerance soybean breeding.  相似文献   
高原粳稻子预44抗稻瘟病基因遗传分析和定位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
 以高感稻瘟病的低海拔粳稻江南香糯与高抗稻瘟病的高原粳稻子预44作亲本进行杂交,获得F1、F2、BC1F1和以F2单粒传构建的、由276个株系组成的F7重组自交系群体。分别用稻瘟病菌生理小种ZB13和ZE1对两亲本江南香糯和子预44及其杂交后代群体F1、F2和BC1F1进行抗性接种鉴定和遗传分析。结果表明,子预44对稻瘟病菌生理小种ZB13和ZE1的抗性都表现为单基因控制的显性遗传。进一步利用重组自交系F7群体的266个有效株系作为定位群体,将抗稻瘟病菌生理小种ZE1的基因定位在水稻第11染色体上与SSR标记RM206间遗传距离为0 cM的位置,暂定名为Pi zy(t)。这些结果为进一步将子预44中的抗性基因用于水稻抗病育种及该抗稻瘟病基因的克隆奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   
新世纪中国茶树育种和良种繁育研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从茶树育种新技术、茶树遗传资源收集与利用、茶树新品种选育及鉴定、茶树良种繁育与推广等方面综述了进入新世纪以来中国茶树育种与良种繁育的发展。同时讨论了中国茶树育种和良种繁育研究未来发展趋势及需要注意的问题。  相似文献   
利用SSR标记对北美温带玉米杂交种选育的24个自交系和我国生产应用的10类骨干代表系进行遗传多样性评价。结果表明,54对SSR引物在48份玉米自交系间共检测到290个等位基因变异,每对引物检测出3~9个等位基因,平均为5.4个。每个位点的多态性信息量(PIC)变化于0.29~0.86之间,平均为0.70。标记索引系数(MI)变化范围0.86~7.45,平均为3.86。供试北美温带选系和其他类群的玉米种质均具有较丰富的遗传多样性。3个杂交种选系的遗传相似系数中3号选系最小(0.776),说明3号较其余两个杂交种选系的遗传差异大。根据SSR标记聚类分析、主坐标分析和遗传进化分析结果表明,北美温带选系和其他种质的48份玉米自交系划分为6大类群,分类结果与系谱来源基本一致。  相似文献   
搜集和整理2001~2012年国审普通玉米杂交种及其双亲来源,研究每年国审玉米品种数量的变化趋势,对选育的杂交种在2个以上的亲本自交系进行统计,并分析这些自交系的来源。结果发现,普通玉米杂交种2006年审定的数量最多,2003年其次,2007年以后普通玉米杂交种的审定数量在10~20个。在对2001~2012年间国审玉米杂交种亲本来源的分析发现,共有39个亲本自交系组配2个及其以上杂交种,组配杂交种比较多的自交系依次为吉853>丹598>lx9801>昌7-2>京2416>丹340。  相似文献   
Deep rooting is an important trait in rice drought resistance. Genetic resources of deep-rooting varieties are valuable in breeding of water-saving and drought-resistant rice. In the present study, 234 BC2F7 backcross introgression lines were derived from a cross of Dongye 80 (an accession of Dongxiang wild rice as the donor parent) and R974 (an indica restorer line as the recurrent parent). A genetic linkage map containing 1 977 bin markers was constructed by ddRADSeq for QTL analysis. Thirty-one QTLs for four root traits (the number of deep roots, the number of shallow roots, the total number of deep roots and the ratio of deep roots) were assessed on six rice chromosomes in two environments (2020 Shanghai and 2021 Hainan). Two of the QTLs, qDR5.1 and qTR5.2, were located on chromosome 5 in a 70-kb interval. They were detected in both environments. qDR5.1 explained 13.35% of the phenotypic variance in 2020 Shanghai and 12.01% of the phenotypic variance in 2021 Hainan. qTR5.2 accounted for 10.88% and 10.93% of the phenotypic variance, respectively. One QTL (qRDR2.2) for the ratio of deep roots was detected on chromosome 2 in a 210-kb interval and accounted for 6.72% of the phenotypic variance in 2020. The positive effects of these three QTLs were all from Dongxiang wild rice. Furthermore, nine and four putative candidate genes were identified in qRDR2.2 and qDR5.1/qTR5.2, respectively. These findings added to our knowledge of the genetic control of root traits in rice. In addition, this study will facilitate the future isolation of candidate genes of the deep-rooting trait and the utilization of Dongxiang wild rice in the improvement of rice drought resistance.  相似文献   
文章在对中国农业现代化前期研究总体现状进行搜索并分类的基础上,对国内外农业现代化进程中农业流通现代化思想演变,生产要素流通现代化、农产品流通现代化、农业生产与流通现代化关系、现代农业流通现代化研究内容等相关研究文献进行述评。归纳出中国特色农业现代化进程中农业流通现代化研究的重点、特点和趋势。并根据中国农业现代化进程中的时代特征要求,对传统农业现代化研究视角进行讨论。  相似文献   
配电网起着输送和分配电能的作用,线路损耗给供电企业造成很大的成本投入,降低能源的利用率。分析配电网线路损耗的原因,提出降低线路损耗的具体措施,以期为配电网节能降耗、安全运行提供参考。  相似文献   
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