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桩柱结构广泛应用在大型围网养殖工程中,其主体结构的安全与稳定关系到围网养殖的成败。该研究以舟山桃花岛海域双排桩柱式围网养殖工程结构(Prestressed High-intensity Concrete (PHC)桩,桩径0.6 m,极限弯矩0.246 MN·m)为例,采用地基反力法中的常数法,将海床土体简化为若干个相互独立的弹簧,分析不同水流速度、波高、水深、埋深以及波流联合条件下桩柱结构的力学特性。结果表明:桩柱结构最大位移在结构顶面且随流速、波高、水深的增加而增大,随桩柱结构埋深的增加而减小;弯矩零点上下两侧正、负弯矩均沿水深方向先增大后减小,呈现镜像的\  相似文献   
试验对竹/木销连接的双层规格材组合木梁进行四点弯曲加载试验。试验参数包括销的种类(竹销和木销),钉入角度(45°、60°、90°)和竹销直径(8、10、12 mm)。结果表明,90°和60°角连接时,竹销连接组合木梁刚度比木销连接分别提升11%和18%;组合木梁随销钉入角度的增加,刚度逐渐增加,90°角连接比60°和45°角连接刚度分别提升7%和29%;增加竹销直径可以有效提升组合木梁刚度。  相似文献   
为了便于计算机对于农业工程中阶梯梁(轴)进行分析计算,本文首先根据阶梯悬臂梁挠曲线的曲率,与假定直径为c的等截面梁的挠曲线的曲率完全相同的条件,对阶梯悬臂梁进行等效变换,从而达到用等截面梁代替阶梯梁的目的。其次利用简支梁挠度,相对挠度及支座截面转角的关系,推导并建立阶梯连续梁的三弯矩等效方程及其挠曲线等效方程。利用上述方程,具有分析程序化、计算公式化的特点,方程可靠实用。  相似文献   
为适应轴设计的教学需要,本文对目前广为使用的轴设计程序,作了3点改进。(1)提出一种通用的力学模型,使之适用于大多数轴的设计。(2)显示或打印弯矩与扭矩图。(3)按危险截面的顺序和统一的格式显示或打印安全系数校核的有关数据和结果。整个程序已中文化,采用人机对话方式,配有必要的说明与示意图,便于学生掌握。该程序主要用于学生熟悉轴的设计方法步骤,了解轴设计的各项影响因素,掌握合理设计的途径。同时,该程序亦可应用于一般机械设计。  相似文献   
位移法是计算高次超静定结构的重要方法,等截面弯曲杆件的刚度方程是其基础。文章详细论述了刚度方程的两种推导方法,分析了两种推导方法的内在联系。这有助于更深地理解超静定结构相关内容,也可以进一步了解单位荷载法的应用。  相似文献   
核桃(Juglans regia)又名胡桃,为胡桃科(Juglandaceae)核桃属(Juglans)落叶乔木,位列世界四大干果(核桃、扁桃、腰果、榛子)之首(张毅萍,2002),素有"木本油料之王"的称号.20世纪80年代以来,我国核桃生产逐步由粗放、半粗放经营转向科学管理,集约化栽培,并大力开展核桃良种选育和推广工作,综合丰产技术已得到不同程度的推广应用,但我国核桃生产与一些发达国家相比差距较大(潘月红等,2012).其主要原因在于粗放经营,管理水平低,产量低而不稳,从而制约了我国核桃的发展进程.要使核桃产业稳定且可持续地发展下去,在生产上必须加强管理,对树体进行有目的的修剪及整形,使树体营养的分配更加合理.  相似文献   

This state-of-the-art report presents the basic concepts of some of the thermo-hydro (TH) and thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) wood processes that are in use today, i.e. heat treatment, compression of wood in the longitudinal or transverse direction and wood welding. The reasons for the growing interest in TH and THM techniques are discussed, and the development of the different concepts, from first ideas to current status, is briefly presented. The physical and chemical changes that occur in wood during TH and THM processing according to the latest research are also presented. Finally, developments that are close to or already have an industrial application are presented, and the challenges for further development of the heat treatment, compression and wood welding processes are discussed. The TH processing of wood is based entirely on water and heat, and a THM process incorporates an additional mechanical force. The purpose of wood transformation by a TH or a THM process is to improve the intrinsic wood properties, to acquire a form and functionality desired by engineers without changing its eco-friendly characteristics or hindering its further use in the total material life cycle. Only a few of the recently developed techniques, e.g. heat treatment, wood welding and various densification applications, have been industrialized to some extent. There are many reasons for this relatively low transfer of the research results to a full up-scaled industrial production. Some of them are related to unsolved problems at the laboratory level on small-sized samples and others are related to the scaling-up processes in industry. Furthermore, the ageing of heated wood leads to deterioration with time, in some cases there is an unpleasant odour, the strength of the wood decreases substantially and the wood becomes more brittle. These are new challenges which need to be resolved by the collaboration of researchers from the different scientific domains of academia, research institutes and industry.  相似文献   

Five-ply self-bonded boards were obtained by pressing beech veneers parallel to the grain without additional adhesives, steam or pre-treatment. Fifteen different combinations of pressing parameters were tested, including temperature (200°C, 225°C and 250°C), pressure (4, 5 and 6 MPa) and pressing time (240, 300 and 360 seconds). Due to severe pressing conditions, the new product showed a higher density and different properties compared to a conventionally glued laminated wooden board. The self-bonding quality was assessed through dry shear strength tests, through a three-point bending test and a water-soaking test at 20°C. The dimensions in the cross section of the boards were measured after soaking in water. Results show that the choice of pressing parameters affects all the mechanical and physical properties tested. A statistical analysis revealed that the pressing temperature is the most influential parameter. Boards pressed at 200°C delaminated rapidly in water, whereas boards pressed at 225°C delaminated only at core-positioned layers after 48 hours and boards pressed at 250°C did not delaminate at all in water. Compared to panels pressed at lower temperatures, boards pressed at 250°C had the highest density, a higher shear and bending strength and a lower water absorption.  相似文献   
‘真情’非洲菊是从‘热带草原’和‘大雪桔’的杂交后代中选出的新品种。花红色,小半重瓣,花形平展,花心暗红色,花梗粗壮,直径约6.5 cm,可周年开花。耐弯茎,瓶插寿命12 ~ 13 d。适合种植于亚热带或温带地区,热带地区可在冬季栽培。  相似文献   
为了对G324牵引车的车架进行强度分析及改进,根据牵引车的实际工况,选择对车架影响较大的弯扭工况进行分析,利用HyperMesh有限元软件建立了某牵引车车架结构有限元分析计算模型。通过计算得出该车架在这两种工况下的应力分布云图,对车架进行改进并分析增加L板和将鞍座瓦轮板改为平板以及取消加强板3种模型的实际情况,得出满足车架强度要求的具体模型,为牵引车车架的设计及改进提供参考依据。  相似文献   
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