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郑淑惠 《青海草业》2010,19(3):40-42,51
分析了退耕还林(草)现状,结果表明,退耕还林草的后续产业发展不足,提出发展退耕还林草的后续产业对策。  相似文献   
为探索乌苏里貉精液冷冻技术,通过试验,筛选出了适合于乌苏里貉精液的鲜精稀释液和冷冻保护液配方,摸索出了乌苏里貉精液的冷冻程序,包括降温、平衡和预冷冻等各技术环节以及冷冻精液的最适解冻温度,解冻后在生物显微镜下观察,精子活力均在4~5级。  相似文献   
高等学校举办干部教育培训,主要依靠普通高等教育的教师,特色鲜明,优势明显,但也存在一些问题。教师是教育质量的保障,提高高等学校干部教育工作的质量,就必须抓好教师队伍的建设,以增强干部教育的生命力。  相似文献   
通过对单优群落随机取样的调查与测定,分析了松嫩平原碱化草甸漳毛种群有性生殖的数量特征及营养繁殖特性。樟毛种群以营养生长和营养繁殖为主,成穗率仅为15.7%,结实率为41.6%。獐毛的匍匐茎在整个生长季均不断地增节伸长。至生长季末期,大多数匍匐茎可产生20~22个节,总长度可达269.5~304.5cm,节上可共产生85.5~l11.4个营养繁殖株。不同月份的匍匐茎,其营养繁殖具有相同的规律性。匍匐茎的营养繁殖株在翌春存活与繁殖的数量最少者为10株,多者达131株,基部1~2节无存活,3~19节可形成1~23株的营养繁殖株丛,最远存活的节营养繁殖株距母株294m。  相似文献   
Goats select some browse species more than others, given options. Seasonal trends of diet selection of Nguni goats indexed by intake were investigated in cafeteria-style experiments. The relationships between diet selection and plant chemical/physical traits of Vachellia nilotica, Vachellia robusta, Dichrostachys cinerea, Euclea crispa, Rhus lancea and Ziziphus mucronata, representing abundant species were studied in the dry and rainy seasons. Seasonal changes in browses affected diet selection. Selection of long shoot species, which were concomitantly broad-leafed, was higher than species with short shoots. Selection was higher for spineless than spinescent species. Diet selection correlated positively with increased leaf mass. In the rainy season, cellulose positively correlated with intake, number of bites and browsing time, whereas in the dry season, cellulose correlated with bite size. Diet selection tended to be driven more by shoot morphology and leaf mass than by either spinescence or plant chemistry. Plant chemical influence on diet selection was diverse in both seasons and showed no definite trend, whereas spinescence had no significant effect on short-term intake. The results represent important input to goat production and range forage species management.  相似文献   
以8年生‘东魁’杨梅为试材,调查了不同树形对杨梅生长结果和果实品质的影响。结果表明,不同树形能够使树高降低约50%,并能使果实成熟期提前1d以上。果实色差方面,开心形和圆头形在果实的明度L*、色调角h?和蓝绿值b*显著低于其他处理。在果实营养指标上,开心形和圆头形得到果实的可溶性固形物和固酸比显著高于其他处理。所有处理中,开心形得到杨梅果实的可滴定酸含量最低,而总多酚、总黄酮、总糖和Vc含量显最高,表明开心形树形有利于杨梅果实多种营养指标的提高。  相似文献   
Reasons for performing study: Associations between degree of ossification of the cartilages of the foot and injuries to other structures of the foot have been suggested, but have not been investigated by large scale studies. Objectives: To describe the frequency of grade >3 ossification of the cartilages of the foot (possibly significant ossification, PSO), mediolateral symmetry of ossification and left‐right symmetry between feet; and to investigate associations between PSO and injury of either the collateral ligaments (CLs) of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint or the distal phalanx. Hypotheses: Possibly significant ossification of the cartilages of the foot is associated with CL and distal phalanx injury. Distal phalanx injury is associated with a mediolateral difference in ossification grade of ≥2. Methods: Horses were examined for lameness localised to the foot by perineural analgesia, and underwent radiographic and magnetic resonance imaging examinations. Age, breed, occupation, duration of lameness, lame(st) limb, primary cause of lameness, and presence or absence of CL injury were recorded. Dorsopalmar (dorsoplantar) radiographs were examined and ossification of the cartilages of the foot graded using a modification of a previously published scale. Results: One foot from each of 462 horses was included for analysis. There was left‐right symmetry of ossification between feet, and significant association between grades of each foot, with lateral ≥medial cartilages. Possibly significant ossification occurred in the maximally ossified cartilage in 59 (12.8%) feet. There were significant associations between PSO of the maximally ossified cartilage of the foot and injuries of both the CLs of the DIP joint and the distal phalanx. There was no association between distal phalanx injury and marked asymmetry of the ossified cartilages of the foot. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Extensively ossified cartilages of the foot are significantly associated with CL or distal phalanx injury. Markedly asymmetric ossification did not increase the likelihood of distal phalanx injury and should be considered at a prepurchase examination.  相似文献   
通过对健康桑树人为接种病原菌诱导发病,探索了几种药剂对桑疫病的田间防治效果。试验结果显示,CH1000倍对桑疫病具有较高防治效果。处理后15天调查,CH1000倍先接种区和先喷药区的防治效果均达到82%以上,并高于环丙沙星,其余参试药剂效果较差。处理后27天调查,CH1000倍先喷药区防治效果仍达到82%以上,其余处理效果均较差。  相似文献   
应用前后对比分析法,对三峡水库重庆库区云阳县移土培肥一期与二期工程进行效益分析;得出移土培肥工程将给三峡库区带来巨大的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益的结论;说明该工程不仅能带动库区经济发展,并对其社会及生态环境产生深远影响。  相似文献   
雪凝灾后厩肥和尿素对新植鸭茅鲜草产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2007-2008年进行了厩肥和尿素配合施用对新植鸭茅Dactylis glomerata栽培草地鲜草产量的影响研究,结果表明,在经历了2008年年初持续20多天雪凝灾害之后,6个厩肥和尿素处理组合的鲜草产量差异显著,施厩肥30 000 kg/hm2与施尿素75、175、275 kg/hm2的处理组合的鲜草产量均极显著高于对照,厩肥施用量30 000 kg/hm2的处理组合鲜草产量较高,其中,鲜草产量最高的施肥组合为厩肥30 000 kg+尿素175 kg/hm2,而最经济的施肥组合应该是厩肥30 000+尿素75 kg/hm2。  相似文献   
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