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农业是一切非物质生产部门存在与发展的必要条件,重农固本是安民之基、兴国之要。但在农业生产发展过程中,部分农资生产、经营主体及农户为谋求更大的经济效益,忽视农产品质量安全问题,严重影响了我国农业的健康持续发展。基于此,加强农产品质量安全监管与农业行政执法就显得尤为重要。本文主要分析了柳州市农产品质量安全生产的现状,论述了农业执法在农产品质量安全监管中的作用,提出了合理化的改善建议,以期推动当地农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   
Experiments on incubation with phosphorus (P) changes in two Nigerian Alfisols, were evaluated on the effectiveness of P sources (ground phosphate rock, GRP-9% P, Pace-setter Organo-Mineral Fertilizer (PR-fortified P-S-OM, 11% P and single superphosphate, SSP-7.7% P, for reference). All samples were adjusted to water tension measured at M Ψ w = 0.03 MPa. Changes in applied P were evaluated at 2, 6, 12 and 24 weeks after which data were analyzed using analysis of variance and correlations. Over 24 weeks of incubation, SSP transformed mostly into iron (Fe)-bound P and GPR produced the highest inorganic phosphate ions and transformed largely into the soluble and more chemically stable residual P, in both soils. This fraction, had high and positive correlations (r = 0.69, p < 0.05) with soil properties and constituted a major source and sinks of plant available P. Thus, GPR contributing beneficial effects of residual phosphates.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the literature concerning the spatial distribution of weeds; highlighting the limitations of our current sampling and analytical methodologies, and suggesting how these inadequacies can be addressed. Most research studies have used discrete sampling, i.e. weeds are counted within a quadrat, on a grid basis. Few have mapped weeds at a whole-field scale, either with a resolution appropriate to spraying operations or key ecological processes. Statistical analyses used to describe the data can be divided into two main types, spatially implicit (also at the scale of the sampling unit) or spatially explicit, in which the location of individuals is included in the analyses. Spatially implicit methods can be strongly affected by quadrat size and mean density and are of doubtful benefit. More attention is required to address sampling resolution issues for spatially explicit methods. Our understanding of the formation and dynamics of spatial pattern, as well as predicting the consequences of site-specific management, can be improved with models. Unfortunately, most models consider only newly expanding patches and appear incapable of predicting spatial distributions when an area has been fully invaded. More detailed biological information is required if models are to become more realistic and informative. We also need to ensure that we understand the spatial processes in the context of the whole field environment, to optimize the success of site-specific weed management in the longer term.  相似文献   
玉龙喀什河平原区地下水矿化度的时空变异研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对玉龙喀什河平原区面积约942km^2的地下水进行两期取样检测矿化度,各取得了202个地下水矿化度样本,应用地质统计学方法(对取得数据进行了半方差函数分析)计算了均值、方差、标准差、变异系数等统计特征值。在此基础上,将分形理论与地质统计学原理相结合,计算了玉龙喀什河平原区在1999年和2003年的地下水矿化度,分形维数分别为1.67,1.43,变异系数分别为0.46,0.51,可见,2003年地下水矿化度的均匀性要比1999年差。初步研究表明,干旱区表层地下水的矿化度并非属理想分形的介质,它仅在一定的尺度内才具有分形特征。通过对1999年及2003年水样的分析,得出该地区地下水矿化度在空间与时间上皆存在明显的变异性。在空间尺度上,研究区地下水矿化度中部大于东西部;东北部大于西北部。在时间尺度上,随着时间的推移(1999-2003年)研究区中部的地下水矿化度有逐渐升高的趋势。  相似文献   
基于Landsat系列卫星遥感数据,利用目视解译法提取黄河乌兰布和沙漠段近40 a夏季河道演变特征值,对比分析两岸河道演变特征并分析其变化原因.结果表明:①以乌海水利枢纽为起点,1973-2015年黄河乌兰布和沙漠段左岸堆积面积最大的河段分布在11.5 ~36.7 km处,右岸堆积面积最大的河段分布在61.5~73.1 km处;②1973-2015年黄河乌兰布和沙漠段堆积与侵蚀总面积分别为82.73 km2和5.28 km2,其中1973-1989、1989-2000、2000-2005、2005-2008、2008-2010年和2010-2015年各时期的堆积速率分别为1.52 km2·a-1、2.36kim2·a-1、3.70km2 ·a-1、2.45 km2 ·a-1、1.22 km2·a-1和0.84 km2·a-1.黄河乌兰布和沙漠段整体呈现淤积状态,河道萎缩并向右迁移;③随着石嘴山水文站年均径流量的增大,河岸堆积速率呈逐渐降低趋势,而侵蚀速率变化趋势则正好相反.该研究有利于了解黄河上游沙漠宽谷河段的河道演变特征,为沙漠地区植被恢复及当地环境的治理提供理论依据.  相似文献   
基于克里金插值的耕地表层土壤有机质空间预测   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于环境变量与耕地表层土壤有机质的相关分析,分别采用普通克里金(OK)、逐步回归克里金(SWRK)和地理加权回归克里金(GWRK),对吉林省扶余市耕地表层土壤有机质进行了空间预测。结果表明:扶余市耕地表层土壤有机质分布存在中等空间自相关性,受资源开发、耕作方式等随机因素影响较小;受曲率和植被长势影响大,受一阶微观地形、复合宏观地形及汇流和沉积物运移影响小;在海拔高、植被少且土壤水分不足的阳面通风山丘区含量低;空间分布以西南部为低值中心向四周升高,高值区出现在东部边界。GWRK中环境变量参与了局部回归,其模拟精度最高且揭示了更多空间变化细节。本研究的结果可为较大空间尺度的耕地表层土壤有机质空间变异与预测研究提供可靠的方法借鉴。  相似文献   
调整农、林、牧结构,合理利用水土资源是干旱、半干旱低山丘陵区农业走出低谷,摆脱困境的重要措施之一。本文通过对敖包流域水土资源评价,系统环境辨识与诊断,明确系统发展优势和存在问题,运用系统工程的理论和方法确立了系统优化方案,为流域水土资源合理利用提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
指出了我国门窗的节能标准低下,多数门窗厂家整体技术水平低下,导致我国门窗的保温性能远低于西方发达国家,大量的能耗从门窗洞口等部位流失。分析了我国门窗节能的现状,阐述了国外节能门窗的应用状况,探讨了节能门窗的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   
根据福建省南靖县城镇化发展现状与存在问题,分析了城镇化发展战略的可能与需求,提出了城乡一体化进程的发展路径。  相似文献   
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