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为提高直驱式AMT换挡品质的稳定性,针对2自由度电磁执行器的特性引入逆系统控制方法。阐述了执行器的结构及工作原理,通过建模分析了执行器参数耦合现象,执行器静态特性测试表明其输出特性具有非线性的特点。引入逆系统方法并分析系统的可逆性,建立执行器的伪线性系统并根据线性系统理论设计状态反馈控制器。扩张状态观测器的引入提高了系统在摩擦阻力时变条件下的输出特性稳定性。仿真与试验结果表明,基于逆系统方法的换挡控制受参数变化影响小,位移控制精度较高,执行器输出特性较为稳定,基于逆系统方法的直驱式AMT换挡性能较为突出,有利于提升AMT竞争力。  相似文献   
为了解决总线式农机导航控制系统中的事件响应及数据延迟问题,将农机导航控制功能划分成不同优先级的多个子任务模块,将有限状态机理论引入作为导航控制系统多任务调度的理论基础。基于有限状态机理论和实际导航控制过程建立导航事件与导航控制任务的关联关系,并对每个任务设有优先级,实现了对导航控制事件的快速分级响应。最后,采用基于本文提出的多任务调度方法的插秧机自动导航控制系统进行了实车路径跟踪实验。实验结果表明:本文所提调度方法可以很好地完成导航控制任务,直线路径平均跟踪误差为3.28cm,曲线路径平均跟踪误差为5.0 4 cm。  相似文献   
农村电网负荷波动大,变压器负载率不能在合理的范围内,因此配电变压器根据负荷的变化自动改变容量具有重要意义。现有的调容开关均为机械有触点式,不适合频繁动作,可靠性低。为此,提出了采用复合开关作为调容开关的配电变压器有载自动调容方案,该复合开关由电力电子开关与机械式有触点开关并联组成。针对变容过程中出现的过压、过流及其限制问题,利用Mat Lab/SIMULINK仿真软件对有载自动调容变压器调容过程进行仿真研究,结果表明:调容开关调容时会产生过电压与过电流,通过在调容开关两端并联合适大小的缓冲电阻,可以有效地抑制该过电压与过电流。  相似文献   
In recent years, agricultural land in Switzerland has been increasingly used as temporary access ways for heavy machinery in road and pipeline construction operations. The Swiss soil protection law requires that measures are taken to prevent soil compaction in such operations, but gives no criteria to determine tolerable loads. We studied the compaction sensitivity of a loess soil (Haplic Luvisol) at different soil moisture conditions in a field traffic experiment and by a numerical model on the computer using finite element analysis. Two plots, one wetted by sprinkling and one left dry (no sprinkling), were traversed by heavy caterpillar vehicles during construction of a large overland gas pipeline. Compaction effects were determined by comparing precompression stresses of samples taken from trafficked and non-trafficked soil. A finite element model with a constitutive relation, based on the concept of critical state soil mechanics, was used to interpret the outcome of the field trials.

We found significantly higher precompression stresses in the trafficked (median 97 kPa) compared with the non-trafficked (median 41 kPa) topsoil of the wet plot. No effect was evident in the topsoil of the dry plot as well as in the subsoils of the wet and the dry plot. The observed compaction effects were in agreement with the model predictions if the soil was assumed to be partially drained, but disagreed for the wet subsoil if fully drained conditions were assumed. Agreement between model and experimental results also required that the moisture dependence of the precompression stress was taken into account.  相似文献   

Heavy sugarbeet harvesters may compact subsoil. But it is very difficult to study this by field experiments that resemble agricultural practice. Therefore, an analysis was made by a finite element method (FEM) for a relevant calcaric fluvial soil profile, the mechanical properties of which were largely known. Measuring data of this Lobith loam soil includes preconsolidation stress, compression index and swelling index, all as a function of depth. Using these three types of soil parameters calculations have been done for tyre sizes, inflation pressures and wheel loads that occur with heaviest sugarbeet harvesters available on the European market in 1999. Because no values on soil cohesion were available, the calculations were done for several cohesion levels. The results include the detection of regions with Mohr–Coulomb plasticity and regions with cap plasticity (compaction hardening). For the soil studied—a typical soil strength profile for arable land with ploughpan in the Netherlands in the autumn of 1977—all studied combinations of wheel load and inflation pressure did not induce compaction in and below the ploughpan. The size of the region with Mohr–Coulomb plasticity decreased with increasing cohesion. It appeared from a sensitivity analysis that, although soil modelling may use a great number of soil parameters, the most important parameters seem to be: preconsolidation stress and cohesion. There is an urgent need for data of these parameters that are measured on a great range of subsoils and subsoil conditions.  相似文献   
沽源县动物检疫工作的现状、存在问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沽源县的动物检疫工作起步较早,在屠宰检疫、提高人员素质上取得了可喜的成绩,但产地检疫、机构设置等方面相对薄弱,因此,今后要从强化监督管理、改革机构设置、仪器设备到位着手,改变当前的被动局面.  相似文献   
固态发酵大豆制备的抗氧化肽的活性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘明  罗远栩  倪辉  吴永沛 《大豆科学》2007,26(3):381-385
综合评价用固态发酵法制备的大豆抗氧化肽的抗氧化活性.通过T-AOC方法测定总抗氧化能力、通过水杨酸法测定·OH、通过邻苯三酚法测定O2ˉ、通过卵磷脂法测定脂质体过氧化、通过POV值法测定抗油脂自氧化.大豆抗氧化肽的总抗氧化能力为50.07 U、对羟基自由基的清除率达到85.68%、抑制邻苯三酚自氧化能力达到23.61 U/mL、抑制脂质体过氧化率为34.58%、对油脂过氧化抑制抑制率为30%.用固态发酵法制备出的大豆抗氧化肽具有较强的还原能力、能清除羟基自由基、抑制邻苯三酚自氧化,并能够对脂质体过氧化和油脂过氧化具有一定的清除作用能力.  相似文献   
提出一种机器人稳态分析新方法,以D-H矩阵的逆矩阵,构建由工具坐标系到机械臂关节空间坐标系之间的线性射映关系,即一种新型的雅可比矩阵,由此导出由工具坐标系到关节坐标系之间力和力矩的传递函数。和传统的稳态分析方法相比,减少矩阵叉积次数,且能得出和关节空间力和力矩关系相一致的表态式,并能用D-H矩阵验证求解的正确性。  相似文献   
为了深入了解南海上层海洋热力状态的变化规律,利用1980—2015年共36年GODAS月平均海温资料,将5~366 m的垂直平均海温表征南海地区海洋上层的热含量,分析了南海海洋上层热状态的水平和垂直分布特征以及季节和年际变化特征。结果表明:年平均南海热含量水平分布表现为东高西低的形势,垂直纬向平均分布表现为暖水厚度和温跃层深度东厚(深)西薄(浅),垂直经向平均表现为暖水厚度南厚北薄,温跃层深度中间浅两边深;南海地区海温变化幅度在75~200 m处最大,不同深度海温距平均具有明显的年际和年代际变化特征;南海区域平均热含量在秋季最高,春夏次之,冬季最低,其年际变化明显,且在1998年之后出现明显的突变,由负值转变为正值,表现出明显的增温趋势;热含量季节EOF主模态空间分布形势表现为东高西低的特征,对应的时间序列在20世纪90年代末存在年代际转折,由主要为负值转化为主要为正值,表现在空间分布上,则为南海地区热含量由西高东低型转化为东高西低型。  相似文献   
热风干燥过程中山药水分状态的变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解山药的水分赋存状态的变化,以襄阳道地山药为材料,分别在60、70、80、90、100 ℃条件下进行热风干燥,采用低场核磁共振(LF-NMR)和差式量热扫描(DSC)技术,每隔15 min测定山药在热风干燥过程中的水分状态及迁移规律。结果表明,在60~90 ℃条件下,温度越高,干基含水率的降速越快。山药的T2弛豫图谱有3个较为明显的吸收峰,随干燥进程的延续,各峰面积均明显减少,其中自由水所在峰的面积降幅最大,表明干燥过程中自由水散失最多,而且自由水逐渐向半结合水和结合水迁移,冷冻峰和解冻峰也随之变小。但在100 ℃下干燥时,样品可能因表面板结导致干基含水率、低场核磁吸收峰升高,冷冻和解冻峰面积增加。因此,在实际干燥过程中,山药的热风干燥温度不宜高至100 ℃。  相似文献   
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