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(沈阳农业大学,辽宁沈阳 110161)  相似文献   
节水灌区指标体系与总效益评价方法探讨研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着节水灌区建设规模日益增大,针对节水灌区的评价指标和评价效益的方法研究也在进一步深入。本文所介绍的方法是对灌区监测得到的信息及人为调查得来的信息进行综合分析研究,结合专家群决策以及AHP方法来确定权重系数,从而通过计算可得到评价指标和评价效益相对应的评价数据,进而确定节水灌区建设及效益的满意程度。通过实例进行计算分析,得到较为满意的结果,可为灌区的策略性发展建设提供依据。  相似文献   
本研究旨在明确基质栽培条件下番茄较佳的施肥次数,为科学施肥提供理论支持.以番茄品种'喜临门'为试材,在生育期间施肥总量相同的前提下(N 542.30 kg/hm2、P2Os 212.6 kg/hm2、K2O 680.4 kg/hm2),设置5个施肥次数,CK:次/20天,8次、T1:次/4天,36次;T2:次/8天,1...  相似文献   
为在大规模基质栽培中高效利用草炭资源,开展了菌渣部分替代草炭的栽培基质对樱桃番茄生长、产量及养分吸收的影响。利用充分腐熟的菌渣部分替代栽培基质中的草炭,以草炭和蛭石(2:1,V:V)为对照,进行田间试验,研究添加不同比例菌渣的栽培基质理化性状,及其对樱桃番茄生长、产量及养分吸收的影响。结果表明,不同比例菌渣替代草炭混配基质,其基质容重、孔隙度和pH均在理想基质要求范围之内,和对照相比,添加草炭后,基质碱解氮含量降低,钾元素含量升高,较高比例的菌渣复合基质导致樱桃番茄叶绿素含量降低,产量下降,而适宜比例的菌渣复合基质适宜樱桃番茄生长。T1(草炭:菇渣:蛭石:珍珠岩=3:3:3:1)处理适宜樱桃番茄生长,产量与对照差异不显著,果实品质好。适宜比例的腐熟菌渣替代草炭,既能保证樱桃番茄产量、品质,又能降低基质配制成本。  相似文献   
采用桶栽试验,研究了不同施用量下,基质改良剂对江苏滨海高钠盐粉土理化性质及西红柿产量的影响。结果表明,与不使用改良剂处理(CK)相比,施用基质改良剂处理表层土壤干密度降低1.06%~9.39%,孔隙率增加1.10%~9.69%;土壤含盐量减少21.16%~25.64%;基质改良剂处理的土壤,其碱化度(ESP)、pH、土壤交换性Na+、土壤Na+和Cl-均较CK下降,且与基质施用量负相关;各处理土壤Ca2+和SO24-质量摩尔浓度分别较CK增加了150.00%~271.4%和3.8%~88.9%,且与施用量正相关。施用改良剂后,西红柿增产6.04%~30.95%,基质改良剂对江苏省滨海滩涂高钠盐粉砂土具有较好改良效果,其最佳施用量约为8.4~9.0t/hm2。  相似文献   
为了实现椰糠基质有效氮含量的快速实时检测,基于漫反射光谱设计了椰糠基质有效氮近红外检测仪。该检测仪的硬件系统主要由前处理装置、气力输送装置、重力式沉降样品室、近红外光谱检测装置、样品回收装置和空气压缩机等组成。制备了不同有效氮含量的椰糠基质样本135个,采用研制的检测仪获取了样本原始光谱数据,并建立了椰糠基质有效氮含量的最优偏最小二乘回归预测模型,其校正集相关系数和验证集相关系数分别为0.973和0.965,校正集均方根误差和验证集均方根误差分别为14.025 mg/(100 g)和15.757 mg/(100 g),残差预测偏差为3.72。基于MFC开发工具,采用C/C++语言开发了检测仪硬件控制及实时检测分析软件界面,将建立的最优有效氮光谱预测模型移植到软件程序中,实现了椰糠基质有效氮近红外检测仪功能硬件控制及有效氮检测的一键式操作。试验验证结果表明,所研制仪器预测值与国标测量值相关系数为0.883,测试集均方根误差为18.605 mg/(100 g)。该检测仪实现了椰糠基质有效氮含量的快速实时检测,并且预测性能较好,可以满足快速评价椰糠基质养分的实际需求。  相似文献   
介绍近几年黑龙江省农机购置补贴工作的实施措施和成效,指出购机补贴工作中存在的问题.并对今后的农机购置补贴工作提出几点建议,以促进全省农机结构更加趋向合理化,推动农业机械化水平进一步提高,实现粮食增产、农业增效、农民增收。  相似文献   
油菜基质块苗移栽机取苗装置设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对现有油菜基质块苗取苗装置在取苗过程易脱苗和基质损失率高等问题,设计了一种往复夹取式取苗装置。根据垂直苗盘取苗、平行铅垂线投苗的取苗臂位置要求,确定了取苗装置各构件尺寸关系,构建了取苗臂的运动学模型,得出其位移方程及相对运动轨迹。以减小取苗轨迹水平间距及取苗轨迹高度为优化目标,基于Matlab软件优化取苗装置各构件参数为:主动杆长度75.10mm,取苗臂长度335.26mm,从动杆长度100.42mm,机架长度171.32mm,该参数组合下,取苗轨迹水平间距为173.20mm,取苗轨迹高度为29.56mm。构建了取苗回程苗块的动力学模型,分析了苗块临界脱苗方程,结合苗块力学特性参数测定试验,得出最小取苗夹持力为7.07N,确定了末端执行器气缸缸径为20mm。应用ADAMS软件获得仿真取苗轨迹,运用高速摄影技术测定实际取苗轨迹高度和取苗轨迹水平间距,经对比分析,实际值与理论值、仿真值的相对误差均小于3%,验证了取苗装置设计的合理性。台架试验表明,取苗成功率为93.33%,脱苗率为2.86%,基质损失率为3.75%,满足油菜基质块苗移栽要求。  相似文献   
During the last glacial period (Weichselian), wind-blown loess was deposited over the undulating landscape of central Belgium, which had been formed in surfacing Tertiary marine sediments. Since valleys were filled up with a thicker loess layer than hill tops, the present topography is much smoother. This smoothing was enhanced by subsequent erosion processes. Reconstructing the paleolandscape at a detailed scale is almost impossible by conventional procedures based on soil augerings. Therefore, the use of the electromagnetic induction sensor, EM38DD, was evaluated as an alternative for mapping the depth to the Tertiary clay substrate. On our 2.7 ha study site, located in the loess belt of central Belgium, a strong non-linear relationship (R2 = 0.86) was found between the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa), measured by the vertical dipole orientation of the EM38DD and the depth to a Tertiary clay substrate. These predictions were validated by independent observations of the depth to the Tertiary clay and a correlation coefficient of 0.83, with an average error of 0.22 m, was found. So, our dense ECa measurements (2 by 2 m resolution) allowed us to build a three-dimensionall surface of the depth to the Tertiary substrate, reconstructing the paleotopography beneath the loess cover. This paleotopography revealed distinct erosion patterns on the surface of the Tertiary clay. The continuity of these was confirmed by an analysis of surface flow patterns conducted on the reconstructed paleotopography. The non-invasive, time- and cost-effective electromagnetic induction sensor was found to offer new perspectives to reconstruct and analyse in detail the Quaternary paleotopography beneath the loess cover.  相似文献   
Bamboos are one of the fast-growing and multiple use species in the world, and thus bamboo forests/plantations play an important role in C sequestration at regional and global levels. We studied aboveground litterfall, litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics for two years in two subtropical bamboo ecosystems in Southwest China so as to test the hypothesis that litter quality determine the rate and nutrient dynamics during decomposition of different litter fractions. Mean annual total aboveground litter production ranged from 494 to 434 g m-2 in two bamboo stands (P stand, dominated by Pleioblastus amarus and H stand, hybrid bamboo dominated by Bambusa pervariabilis x Dendrocalamopsis daii). Bulk (-80%) of litter production was contributed by leaf litter in two stands followed by twigs and sheathes. Different litter fractions represented considerable variations in the rates of mass loss and nutrient release. Variation of the mass remaining after 2 years of decomposition was significantly explained by initial C/N ratio and initial P concentration. Initial concentrations of N, P, Ca, and Mg explained 57.9%, 95.0%, 99.8% and 98.1%, respectively, of the variations of these elements mass remaining after 2 years of decomposition. The patterns of nutrient dynamics and the final amount remaining were mainly determined by their initial litter substrate quality in tl~ese two subtropical bamboo plantations.  相似文献   
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