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An original variable valve timing mechanism with two-mode intake timing was developed according to the structural characteristics of small medium displacement motorcycle engine. Based on cycle simulation, the effects of the VVT mechanism structural parameters, control parameters and operational parameters on the engine performance were analyzed by embedding the VVT mechanism operational mode and control strategies in the engine cycle simulation. Optimum design for the late intake valve closing, the valve lift, as well as the switching speed of the VVT system was carried out. It has been proved that power and torque of the JH125 motorcycle engine can be effectively improved by loading the new type VVT system.  相似文献   
大机械作业对黑土区耕地土壤三相比与速效养分的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对收获和深松整地机械作业前后典型黑土区耕地土壤的三相比、速效N、P、K含量的测定和分析,揭示了机械作业对三相比与速效养分的影响,对科学指导机械作业、解决黑土资源的保护与开发利用之间的矛盾具有重要意义.研究结果表明:(1)将土壤三相作为一个有机整体置于二维三系图中分析土壤结构性状是探讨土壤三相比的一种新的、有效的方法手段,可以直观看出机械作业下土壤三相比的变化情况以及向理想结构逼近的趋势特征.(2)大机械作业后上层耕作区土壤三相比大幅逼近理想状态,对耕作区土壤结构的改良作用明显优于中机械作业,但大、中机械作业后下层非耕作区均表现出不同程度的积累压实作用.(3)大机械作业可以显著增加土壤速效磷的含量,提高幅度范围为20.07%~380.91%,并以深松作业对表层耕作区的影响最大.大、中机械作业均增加了土壤速效钾的含量,提高幅度分别为10.04%~20.61%和17.05%~27.52%.与速效磷和速效钾相比,土壤速效氮对机械作业的反应不敏感,除中机械作业对下层非耕作区的影响外,其余差异均未达到显著水平.  相似文献   
针对我国东北黑土深松结合秸秆还田措施对土壤呼吸变化特征影响不清晰、土壤有机碳平衡不确定的问题,以东北典型黑土区--绥化市青冈县为例,开展了田间原位监测试验,研究了不同深松深度(深松25 cm、深松35 cm)结合不同秸秆还田(秸秆还田、秸秆不还田)处理对土壤呼吸(包括根呼吸)和土壤有机碳平衡的影响。结果表明:不同田间管理条件下,土壤呼吸速率呈现"先升高,后降低",在7月中旬至8月初呼吸速率达到峰值的变化特征;各个生育期土壤累积呼吸量对总呼吸的贡献有所差别,其中以春玉米拔节期和吐丝期土壤呼吸对总呼吸贡献最大,分别占35.3%~41.2%和25.9%~31.9%。与农民习惯处理(不深松、秸秆不还田,FP)相比,深松结合秸秆还田处理提高了土壤呼吸速率并显著提高土壤呼吸累积量53.2%~108.0%(P<0.05);FP处理土壤有机碳表现为入不敷出,土壤有机碳平衡值为-647 kg C·hm^-2。单独深松处理(T1)土壤有机碳平衡表示为碳亏损,碳支出比FP高102.3%,有机碳损失最严重。单独秸秆还田处理(T2)、深松25 cm+秸秆还田处理(T3)和深松35 cm+秸秆还田处理(T4)较FP分别增加了土壤有机碳收入448.5%、477.7%和448.9%,土壤有机碳平衡均为正值,均能有效固存有机碳;与FP相比,深松和秸秆还田及两者结合的处理均能显著增加玉米产量13.8%~22.4%(P<0.05),达到12 t·hm^-2高产水平。深松结合秸秆还田措施能有效增加土壤活性,提高作物产量,是东北黑土地力提升和有机碳固存的推荐田间管理技术。  相似文献   
It was previously shown that nitrogen fertilization immediately after commencement of SD exposure enhanced the floral induction effect of SD in June-bearing strawberries (Sønsteby et al., 2009). In order to optimize the timing of such fertilization under field conditions, seasonal timing of floral initiation in the strawberry cultivars ‘Frida’, ‘Polka’, ‘Korona’ and Florence’ was studied in the field at five contrasting latitudinal and altitudinal geographic locations in Norway and, for comparison, under controlled environment conditions with 12 h photoperiod and temperatures ranging from 9 to 18 °C. Serial collections and dissections of crowns from the various locations revealed that floral initiation was successively delayed with increasing latitude and altitude of the location, and with decreasing temperature under controlled environment conditions. Both in the field and in the phytotron, floral initiation was earliest in ‘Frida’ closely followed by ‘Polka’ and in due course by ‘Korona’ and finally ‘Florence’ which was particularly slow to respond. Floral initiation in the phytotron was progressively advanced with increasing temperature and was optimal at 15–18 °C. Flowering time in the field was mainly determined by thermal relations in the spring and early summer, and accordingly, it was strongly delayed with increasing latitude and altitude of the location. In addition, late floral initiation in autumn also delayed flowering in the spring. Based on these observations, optimal timing of autumn fertilization for the various locations and cultivars are suggested.  相似文献   
在不确定性和竞争性的策略互动环境中,根据投资时机相对性和绝对性的不同要求可以将期权博弈模型划分为绝对时机选择和相对时机选择两个类型。我们首先综述投资时机选择的期权博弈理论文献;然后以“随机最优停止问题”为研究基点,分别探讨投资时机选择的完全信息与不完全信息期权博弈模型;最后论述基于“追随-抢先模型”的投资时机选择期权博弈评价。  相似文献   
A dicarboxylic acid polymer (AVAIL) modifies the soil immediately around fertilizer—potentially improving crop phosphorus (P) uptake efficiency and yield. Study objectives were to evaluate potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) response to seasonal applications of liquid and dry AVAIL blended P fertilizer on calcareous soils with low to moderate soil test P. Field experiments conducted 2005–2008 included comparisons of monoammonium phosphate (MAP; 11-52-0) broadcast and/or ammonium polyphosphate (APP; 10-34-0) liquid band applications with or without AVAIL in various fall or spring applications. AVAIL increased US No. 1 yields for selected P rate/source/timing combinations in each of the four years; increased United States No. 1 yields overall in 2006 and 2008; and increased total yield and yield of large (>284g) tubers in 2006. The greatest responses to AVAIL occurred on soils with high lime concentrations. No seasonal advantage was observed in any case.  相似文献   
通过旋转分电器外壳改变点火提前角来研究其对燃用M20甲醇-汽油和E20乙醇-汽油(甲醇、乙醇体积分数均为20%)混合燃料电喷汽油机的性能和排放的影响.试验结果表明:汽油机燃用M20和E20时最高压力点比纯汽油分别提前1℃A(曲轴转角)和0.5℃A,最佳点火提前角分别提前约2℃A和1℃A;随着点火提前角的增大,燃用2种燃料的汽油机性能和排放变化趋势相似,均表现为扭矩和功率增大,能量消耗率降低,CO、HC和NOx排放量增加.  相似文献   
随着机械化耕整地设备的快速普及,在生产效率提升的同时,也因连年重复性的耕整地和轮式机具对土壤产生的压实造成土壤退化和犁底层深厚问题.为有效改善传统耕整地作业造成的耕地土壤退化问题,打破耕地犁底层的不良影响,深松整地作业近年来得到了快速推广与应用.在玉米生产过程中,应用深松整地技术能有效改善玉米生长环境并提高玉米产量.从...  相似文献   
Natural clay minerals can play an important role in crude remediation of wastewater polluted with the heavy metals (HMs) Cu,Zn and Ni.The presence and timing of addition of natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) have a significant effect on the HM removal by clay mineral sorbents.However,the influence of the presence of DOM on the remediation of the used clay mineral sorbents once saturated with HMs is largely unknown.To resolve this,clay mineral-rich soil column of varying composition,loaded (i) with Cu,Zn and Ni only,(ii) first with DOM followed by Cu,Zn and Ni,or (iii) with DOM,Cu,Zn and Ni simultaneously,was used in a set of desorption experiments.The soil columns were leached with 0.001 mol L-1 CaCl2 dissolved in water as control eluent and 0.001 mol L-1 CaCl2 dissolved in DOM as treatment eluent.During the preceding loading phase of the sorbent,the timing of DOM addition (sequential or concurrent with HMs) was found to have a significant influence on the subsequent removal of the HMs.In particular when the column was loaded with DOM and HMs simultaneously,largely irreversible co-precipitation took place.Our results indicate that the regeneration potential of clay mineral sorbents in wastewater treatment will be significantly reduced when the treated water is rich in DOM.In contrast,in manured agricultural fields (where HMs enter together with DOM),HM mobility will be lower than expected from interaction dynamics of HMs and clay minerals.  相似文献   
为了利用排种器实验台进行精密播种机排种器的试验研究,设计了排种器实验台的调速系统.首先,介绍了排种器实验台变频调速系统的硬件构成;然后,基于计算机与变频器之间的串行通讯协议,利用VC 的MSComm通讯控件,用VC 6.0语言开发了排种器实验台变频调速系统的控制程序,实现了排种器实验台计算机与变频器的串行通讯.该系统具有操作方便、调速手段多、可靠性和抗干扰能力强等特点,可以满足排种器实验台需要对速度进行实时调节的要求.  相似文献   
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