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油松侧柏混交林效益及种间关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对陕西省淳化县干旱阳坡立地上,10年生人工油松侧柏混交林的研究结果表明,侧柏属浅根型树种,根系系集中分布在0~40cm深的土层中,而油松根系在0~60cm深的土壤中呈均匀分布。混交林的根系在土壤剖面上,垂直分布趋于均匀。行间混交林、株间混交林均能显著提高油松、侧柏的胸径、树高和材积生长量,同时能增强土壤中磷酸酶、蛋白酶和脲酶的活性,改善土壤肥力状况。尽管株间混交林能明显改善林地的土壤水分─物理性质,提高油松、侧柏的枝叶生物产量,但行间混交林在这些方面却表现出强烈的负效应。混交林对油松、侧柏针叶中的氨、磷含量的影响,随混交方式而截然不同。  相似文献   
基于整数小波变换和改进零树编码的图像压缩方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了基于整数小波变换和改进零树编码的图像压缩方法:先进行整数小波变换,将图像变换到小波域,再用改进的零树编码对图像进行压缩。给出了试验结果以及与EZW压缩方法的比较,结果表明,整数小波变换和改进零树编码相结合应用于图像压缩是有效的,在一定程度上能缩短计算时间,并提高峰值信噪比。  相似文献   
刺槐20个数量性状主成分分析研究结果表明:前5个主成分累计贡献率达85.93%,数量性状可分为4大类群,类群内部因子是正相关,类群之间因子是负相关或不相关。根据主成分因子负荷量及其主要指标组合,至少可看出5个因子对立木的作用。采用相关系数矩阵进行分类,优于用协方差矩阵进行分类。  相似文献   
G. Singh 《林业研究》2009,20(2):144-150
Tree-crop interactions were monitored by measuring tree growth characters of Prosopis cineraria L. and Tecomella undulata L. and yields of Vigna radiata (L) in agroforestry systems in degraded lands of Indian Desert. Potential competition for resource between the trees and associated crop was analyzed by measuring soil water contents, soil organic matters and NH4-N at different depths of soil layers i.e., 0–25 cm, 25–50 cm and 50–75 cm in the experimental plots. The plots size were 16 m × 18 m (D1), 20 m × 18 m (D2) and 32 m × 18 m (D3) with tree densities of 208, 138 and 104 trees·ha−1 after June 2002, respectively. Results showed that tree height increased by 3% to 7% during June 2002 to June 2004. Collar diameter increased by 30% and 11% in D1, 23% and 19% in D2 and 18% and 36% in D3 plots, respectively, in P. cineraria and T. undulata in two years period. The increase in crown diameter was 9% to 18% in P. cineraria and 11% to 16% in T. undulata. Tree growth was relatively greater in 2002 than in 2003. Yield of V. radiata increased linearly from D1 to D3 plots. Lowest soil water content at 1 m distance from tree base indicated greater utilization of soil water within the tree rooting zone. Concentrations of soil organic matters and NH4-N were the highest (p<0.05) in 0–25 cm soil layer. P. cineraria was more beneficial than T. undulata in improving soil conditions and increasing crop yield by 11.1% and thus more suitable for its integration in agricultural land. The yield of agricultural crop increased when density of tree species was appropriate (i.e., optimum tree density), though it varied with tree size and depended upon resource availability. The result indicated bio-economic benefits of optimum density of P. cineraria and T. undulata over traditional practices of maintaining random trees in farming system in arid zones. Biography: G. Singh (1961– ), male, Scientist E and Head, Division of Forest Ecology, Arid Forest Research Institute, New Pali Road, Jodhpur-342005, India.  相似文献   
山东广翅蜡蝉主要危害乐昌含笑、杜英、马褂木、喜树、枫香等树种。在嵊州1 a发生2代,以卵在枝条或叶脉内越冬,4月中旬开始孵化,吸取新叶或嫩梢的汁液危害,6月初出现成虫,6月中下旬产卵,7月中旬第2代若虫孵化,9月上旬第2代成虫羽化,9月中旬第2代成虫产卵。5月初至10月用敌敌畏加吡虫啉、阿维菌素1 000~2 000倍液防治,效果均达95%以上。  相似文献   
长白山林区天然阔叶林培育大径木高产林分的结构分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用省级固定样地和伐区调查设计中小班全林每木样地相结合的方法,以天然阔斗林高产大径木林分结构为载体,详细分析了影响该林分结构的三个主要因子:林木最大保留直径(LDT),相邻径级立木株数之比(q)和林分保留断面积(RBA)。分析结果表明,培育大径木的林分结构条件是;LDT不超过54cm,q的取值范围为1.2~1.6,RBA不超过30m^2。  相似文献   
The disease known as pitch canker results from infection of Pinus species by the fungus Fusarium circinatum. This fungus also causes a serious root disease of Pinus seedlings and cuttings in forestry nurseries. Pinus radiata and P. patula are especially susceptible to the pathogen, but there are no records of pitch canker on P. patula in established plantations. To date, only planting material of this tree species in nurseries or in plantations at the time of establishment have been infected by F. circinatum. Symptoms of pitch canker have recently emerged in an established P. patula plantation in South Africa and this study sought to determine whether the symptoms were caused by F. circinatum. Isolates from cankers were identified as F. circinatum using morphology and DNA-based diagnostic markers. Microsatellite markers were then used to determine the genetic diversity of a collection of 52 isolates. The entire population included 17 genotypes representing 30 alleles, with a greater number of genotypes collected from younger (three- to six-year-old) than older (12- to 19-year-old) trees. Both mating types of F. circinatum were present, but no evidence of sexual recombination was inferred from population genetic analyses. This is the first record globally of pitch canker on P. patula trees in managed plantations. It is of significant concern to South Africa, where P. patula is the most important Pinus species utilised for plantation forestry.  相似文献   
森林结构调查最小面积的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用4块100m×100m的天然林样地材料,分别利用角尺度和双相关函数分析4块大样地中不同面积的窗口(小样地)对应林木个体的空间分布格局。结果表明,小样地面积不同其对应林木的空间分布格局也不同,随着样地面积逐渐变大,对应林木的空间分布格局趋于稳定,这意味着森林结构分析必须在一定大小的样地上进行。根据本研究资料,样地面积最小应为2500m2。  相似文献   
哈尔滨市6种绿化树种生理特性比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了全面了解各绿化树种的生理生态特性,增加哈尔滨市园林绿化树种及其生态功能的多样性,为绿化树种的选择提供理论依据。对东北乡土树种白桦、蒙古栎、糠椴、紫椴、茶条槭和黄檗二年生幼苗的生理指标进行测定,通过这6种树种生理指标的研究,对各树种的适宜应用作综合的评价分析,结果表明:这6树种最大光合速率分别为:茶条槭9.70μmolCO2/m^2·s,白桦7.67μmolCO2/m^2·s,黄檗5.88μmolCO2/m^2·s,紫椴5.51μmolCO2/m^2·s,糠椴5.20μmolCO2/m^2·s和蒙古栎4.04μmolCO2/m^2·s。6树种之间呼吸速率的差异不显著,平均为1.01μmolCO2/m^2·s。水分利用效率的种间差异较大,茶条槭、糠椴和蒙古栎高于黄檗、紫椴和白桦。所以从生态园林的角度,在水分短缺的地点,选择绿化树时应先考虑水分利用效率高的茶条槭、糠椴和蒙古栎,而在土壤水分条件较好的可适当优先考虑净光合能力强的树种。  相似文献   
生态园林绿地建设中应用树木与草坪效果对比分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
姜国义 《防护林科技》2001,1(1):25-26,57
本文从树木与草坪在用水量、观赏时间、造价、管理成本和环保上的 5项指标进行对比 ,论述了风沙、干旱地区的绿地建设应该是树木为本 ,花草点缀 ,乔木为主 ,灌木为辅的原则。  相似文献   
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