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中国水土流失问题的初探 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
长期以来,水土流失直接威胁着人们赖以生存的环境,在所有的生态破坏中,水土流失称之为“环境破坏第一杀手”。针对我国山地丘陵面积大、地质条件复杂、人为破坏加速、水土流失严重的实际情况,通过丰富的历史资料和整治经验及野外工作所积累的大量数据分析,以生态恢复学为指导,总结了水土流失的基本特点,研究了水土流失治理与经济可持续发展的关系,探讨了水土流失给生态安全造成的巨大危害,展望了水土保持的预期目标,根据中国的实际情况,提出了综合治理的基本思路。 相似文献
科尔沁草甸湿地土壤碳氮剖面分布及生长季动态特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用定位观测的试验方法,于2016年5-10月及2017年8月对科尔沁草甸湿地0~100 cm土层土壤有机碳、全氮剖面分布及生长季动态特征进行了实验分析,旨在为科尔沁草甸湿地保护提供科学指导并为干旱半干旱地区湿地土壤碳氮储量估算提供借鉴。结果表明:1)科尔沁草甸湿地土壤有机碳、全氮含量整体随土层深度下降,0~20 cm土层间下降显著,20 cm以下趋于相对稳定,范围分别为11.9~23.5 g·kg-1和0.66~1.50 g·kg-1。2)各土层土壤碳氮含量月间差异显著(全氮40~60 cm土层除外),变化幅度随土层深度先减小后增大;土壤碳氮密度(100 cm)生长季变化大于年际变化,有机碳密度全生长季呈上升趋势,范围为15.44~20.82 kg·m-2,全氮密度生长初期明显下降,之后趋于相对稳定,范围为1.01~1.16 kg·m-2。3)土壤有机碳含量与全氮含量呈极显著正相关;植被和水文是影响其分布、变化的关键因子。科尔沁草甸湿地生长季土壤有机碳、全氮密度变化较大,且表现为潜在的碳汇和氮源,但年际间碳汇潜力未充分发挥,本研究建议禁牧力度应加大并增加氮肥投入以提高科尔沁草甸湿地生态系统功能。 相似文献
采用大田随机区组试验法,研究了不同施肥水平下全膜双垄沟播玉米土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮和速效磷的动态变化情况。结果表明:整个玉米生育时期0~20cm土层各处理的土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮和速效磷变化趋势与20~40cm土层基本一致。土壤有机质和碱解氮含量随着玉米生育时期的推进而不断降低,且分别在抽雄期和灌浆期达到最低值,成熟期有机质和碱解氮含量又略有回升。全磷含量从苗期到成熟期逐渐降低。全氮和速效磷含量在玉米生长前期不断增加,且分别在抽雄期和拔节期达到最大值,之后随着生育期的推进而不断降低。两个土层的土壤养分含量存在着明显的垂直递减规律。西北干旱半干旱地区全膜双垄沟播玉米种植密度确定为6.75×104株/hm-2时,最佳施肥量为纯N 210kg/hm2、P2O5168kg/hm2。 相似文献
侵蚀果园长期植草的生态效益分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对山地果园不合理开发引发的土壤侵蚀和土壤退化问题,将适生牧草套种于幼龄侵蚀果园,开展水土流失、土壤肥力及果树生长的定位观测。结果表明:套种平托花生(Arachis pintoi)、圆叶决明(Chamaecrista rotundifolia)1~12年,年地面径流系数0~0.0136,均值为0.007左右,仅为清耕处理的1/10,基本无土壤侵蚀发生;套种11年,套种区0~30 cm土层的土壤pH值比清耕分别提高0.25~0.30个单位,0~15 cm土层土壤有机碳、碱解氮、有效磷质量分数比清耕提高7.595~6.728 g·kg-1,26.84~31.89 mg·kg-1,3.57~4.62 mg·kg-1;轻组有机碳质量分数在0~30 cm土层呈套种平托花生>套种圆叶决明>清耕的变化趋势,重组有机碳质量分数在0~15cm土层亦呈相同变化趋势。套种处理有助改善果肉糖酸比和商品果率,牧草综合利用可明显提升果园建园初期的经济效益,尽管套种处理给果树带来一定的减产。 相似文献
A study was conducted to evaluate the macro and trace mineral contents of ten enset varieties collected from Sidama zone of
southern Ethiopia. Samples of leaf lamina, leaf midrib, pseudostem and corm were taken from ten enset varieties at the age
of 5 to 6 years during the main rainy season. The dry weight of each variety and fraction were also determined. Mineral contents
in fractions of different enset varieties were analysed and compared with nutrient requirements of ruminants. The contribution
of different enset fractions to the total dry weight was variable (P < 0.05), the highest being from pseudostem and the lowest
from leaf lamina. There were varietal differences (P < 0.05) in macro and trace mineral content in different fractions except
phosphorus (P) content of leaf lamina. Most enset fractions were rich sources of major minerals such as P, potassium (K),
calcium (Ca) (except corm) and magnesium (Mg). Sodium (Na) content was very low. Most fractions were rich in iron (Fe) and
manganese (Mn), but deficient in copper (Cu), except leaf lamina. Zinc (Zn) content was high in corm, but low in other fractions.
This account of the macro and trace mineral content of different enset varieties and fractions could help in strategic supplementation
intended to alleviate mineral deficiencies. 相似文献
不同耕作措施对西北绿洲灌区冬小麦农田土壤呼吸的影响 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
在西北绿洲灌区多年田间定位试验基础上,研究了免耕秸秆覆盖(NTS)、免耕不覆盖(NT)和传统耕作(T)3种耕作措施下冬小麦农田土壤呼吸变化特征及其对土壤温湿度的敏感性。结果表明,3种耕作措施土壤呼吸速率日变化和生育期变化呈单峰曲线。免耕秸秆覆盖处理土壤呼吸速率日峰值出现在15:00,免耕不覆盖和传统耕作处理出现在14:00。3种耕作措施土壤呼吸速率生育期峰值出现在冬小麦开花期。从冬小麦返青至成熟,免耕秸秆覆盖和传统翻耕处理土壤呼吸平均速率分别较免耕不覆盖处理高43.01%和33.33%。3种耕作措施下土壤呼吸对土壤温度的敏感性(Q10)依次为NT>NTS>T,敏感性为1.93~3.00;3种耕作措施下土壤呼吸对土壤含水量不敏感。说明在西北绿洲灌区,不同耕作措施下冬小麦农田土壤呼吸主要受耕层土壤温度的控制。 相似文献
选萨福克羊、德国美利奴羊、特克塞尔羊、乌珠穆沁羊以及右玉本地绵羊5个绵羊群体共250只,通过耳组织提取基因组DNA,用2对微卫星引物进行PCR扩增,通过电泳分型、凝胶成像系统分析各位点等位基因及全部个体的标记基因型,计算基因频率、多态信息含量(PIC)和杂合度等,从分子水平上分析5个绵羊品种的遗传多态性.结果表明:BM3413和OB2这2个位点的等位基因数分别为7和8,多态信息含量PIC>0.5,杂合度为0.827 1~0.846 7,均属于高度多态性位点,用于作为与生产性能相关的遗传标记是较理想的. 相似文献
Comparison of emission estimates for non‐CO2 greenhouse gases from livestock and poultry in Korea from 1990 to 2010 下载免费PDF全文
It has often been claimed that non‐carbon dioxide greenhouse gases (NCGGs), such as methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated greenhouse gases, are significant contributors to climate change. Here we nvestigate emission estimates of methane and nitrous oxide from livestock and poultry production, which is recognized as a major source of those NCGGs, in Korea over the period of 1990 through 2010. Based on the data on livestock and poultry populations, emission estimates of methane and nitrous oxide are first derived based on the Tier 1 approach. Then, the Tier 2 approach is adopted to obtain emission estimates of methane and nitrous oxide from cattle, which are known to be the largest sources of these NCGGs and account for about 70% of emissions from livestock and poultry in Korea. The result indicates that the Tier 2 estimates of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from enteric fermentation and manure management are significantly different from the Tier 1 estimates over the analysis period. 相似文献