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Pluviographic data at 15 min interval from 6 stations in Pulau Penang of Peninsular Malaysia were used to compute rainfall erosivity factor (R) for the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE). Three different modelling procedures were applied for the estimation of monthly rainfall erosivity (EI30) values. While storm rainfall (P) and duration (D) data were used in the first approach, the second approach used monthly rainfall for days with rainfall ≥ 10 mm (rain10) and monthly number of days with rainfall ≥ 10 (days10). The third approach however used the Fournier index as the independent variable. Based on the root mean squared error (RMSE) and the percentage error (PE) criteria, models developed using the Fournier index approach was adjudged the best with an average PE value of 0.92 and an average RMSE value of 164.6. Further, this approach was extended to the development of a regional model. Using data from additional sixteen stations and the Fournier index based regional model, EI30 values were computed for each month. ArcView GIS was used to generate monthly maps of EI30 values and also annual rainfall erosivity (R). The rainfall erosivity factor (R) in the region was estimated to vary from 9000 to 14,000 MJ mm ha− 1 h− 1 year− 1.  相似文献   
本文结合南平市农村科技信息化服务平台建设的现有基础和存在问题,提出进一步推进闽北农村科技信息化服务平台建设的工作思路。  相似文献   
Increase in atmospheric concentration of CO2 from 285 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in 1850 to 370 ppm in 2000 is attributed to emissions of 270 ± 30 Pg carbon (C) from fossil fuel combustion and 136 ± 55 Pg C by land‐use change. Present levels of anthropogenic emissions involve 6·3 Pg C by fossil fuel emissions and 1·8 Pg C by land‐use change. Out of the historic loss of terrestrial C pool of 136 ± 55 Pg, 78 ± 12 Pg is due to depletion of soil organic carbon (SOC) pool comprising 26 ± 9 Pg due to accelerated soil erosion. A large proportion of the historic SOC lost can be resequestered by enhancing the SOC pool through converting to an appropriate land use and adopting recommended management practices (RMPs). The strategy is to return biomass to the soil in excess of the mineralization capacity through restoration of degraded/desertified soils and intensification of agricultural and forestry lands. Technological options for agricultural intensification include conservation tillage and residue mulching, integrated nutrient management, crop rotations involving cover crops, practices which enhance the efficiency of water, plant nutrients and energy use, improved pasture and tree species, controlled grazing, and judicious use of inptus. The potential of SOC sequestration is estimated at 1–2 Pg C yr−1 for the world, 0·3–0·6 Pg C yr−1 for Asia, 0·2–0·5 Pg C yr−1 for Africa and 0·1–0·3 Pg C yr−1 for North and Central America and South America, 0·1–0·3 Pg C yr−1 for Europe and 0·1–0·2 Pg C yr−1 for Oceania. Soil C sequestration is a win–win strategy; it enhances productivity, improves environment moderation capacity, and mitigates global warming. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
江西省水土流失现状与发展趋势分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于第一次全国水利普查江西省水土保持情况普查数据,分析了江西省目前水土流失的总体变化状况以及不同区域的水土流失分布特征,并结合历史上水土流失调查及普查数据分析了江西省水土流失的发展趋势。结果表明:2011年与2000年相比,土壤侵蚀总面积减少了6 975.32 km2,减少幅度为20.84%,中度以上各级土壤侵蚀强度的面积均有不同程度的减少,该省水土流失总体上在减轻,水土流失的形势在向好的方向发展。但随着全省经济发展和开发建设项目增多,局部人为恶化水土流失的现象仍将长期存在,水土保持工作任务依然艰巨。  相似文献   
生物肥料磷的利用效率:生物有效性和组分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although to date some technologies producing bio-based phosphorus (P) fertilizers have been proposed and implemented, the efficient use of the recovered products is still limited due to legislative constraints and lack of insights in the P release with time and in the corresponding mechanisms. The aim of this work was to evaluate the fertilizer performance in terms of P release and use efficiency of recovered struvite, FePO4-sludge, digestate, and animal manure as compared to fossil reserve-based mineral triple superphosphate (TSP). First, product physicochemical characteristics and P fractions in the context of European fertilizer legislation were assessed. Next, a controlled greenhouse experiment was set up to evaluate plant reactions as well as changes of P availability in a nutrient-rich sandy soil with high P status and a nutrient-poor Rheinsand soil with low P status. Soil P fractions were determined in the extracts with water, ammonium lactate and CaCl2, and in soil solution sampled with Rhizon soil moisture samplers. Based on all results, it is worth conducting long-term field trials to evaluate the P release effect of struvite and digestate as compared to animal manure and TSP on different soil types with varying P status. These products showed promise as sustainable substitutes for conventional P fertilizers and could contribute to a more efficient use of P in agriculture. A refined classification of P application standards/recommendations in terms of soil P status, soil texture, and fertilizer characteristics, next to the crop P demand, is recommended. Moreover, the additional use of Rhizon samplers for determination of direct available P, including dissolved organic P, is proposed for better understanding and categorization of different P fertilizers in environmental and fertilizer legislations.  相似文献   
楚纯洁  赵景波 《土壤学报》2016,53(2):311-321
以西安少陵塬S3古土壤剖面为研究对象,通过地球化学分析并结合野外剖面观察,探讨该剖面的元素迁移、化学风化特征及其所揭示的气候变化等问题。结果表明:(1)少陵塬剖面S3黏化层具有3层结构,根据铁质胶膜发育、Ca CO3迁移等可以将S3剖面构型划分为黏化层(Bts1-Bts2-Bts3)、风化淋滤黄土层(BC)和Ca CO3结核淀积层(Bck);(2)Bts层Ca O与Ca CO3迁移程度最大,淋失率分别达到了-99.3%、-83.1%,Sr、Na2O和Mg O也发生了显著迁移,而Fe2O3、Al2O3和Rb则在黏化层略有富集,尤其Fe2O3和Al2O3在Bts3层有明显富集;(3)少陵塬S3古土壤介于初等风化向中等强度风化的过渡阶段,风化作用由BC→Bts2→Bts1→Bts3逐渐增强,Bts3已基本完成初期脱Ca、Na风化过程;(4)依据Ca CO3与Fe2O3的迁移富集特点确定,少陵塬剖面S3古土壤Bts3发育时的土壤为弱碱性,而Bts1和Bts2为碱性;初步确定少陵塬S3为黄褐土,S3发育时期西安地区的年均降水量为800 mm左右。  相似文献   
[目的]揭示砒砂岩与沙复配土壤冻融特征及其对风蚀的影响,为毛乌素沙地土地整治可持续性提供理论依据。[方法]利用陕西省榆林市榆阳区气象资料和土壤观测数据,结合含水量变化规律,以砒砂岩与沙复配土壤为研究对象,沙土为对照,探究2种土壤冻结层形成差异、冻融过程及积雪消融特点。[结果]由于含水量的差异,复配土壤与沙冻结层形成特点具有差异,沙地表层通常会形成土壤干层,从表层之下冻结,而复配土壤的冻结层在地表形成;复配土壤的最大冻结深度为116.0cm;大于沙地的最大冻结深度96.0cm,且冻结层融解时间晚于沙地一周;积雪覆盖条件下,沙地表层存在1.0~6.4cm的土壤干层,而复配土壤表层不存在干层,复配土壤积雪盖度和厚度均大于原始沙地,阳坡尤为显著。[结论]土壤冻层和积雪在复配土壤地表形成了2层保护层,减少了休闲期的风蚀作用。  相似文献   
选择3种不同水保措施的径流小区,即百喜草(Paspalum natatu)全园覆盖处理、全园敷盖处理和全园裸露处理,分析和测定了不同坡位和深度土层中土壤有机质、全N和全P空间异质性之间的关系。结果表明:(1)有机质含量随着土层增加整体呈先增加后减少的趋势,在自上而下坡面上,有机质含量全园覆盖区无明显变化,全园敷盖区有递增趋势,全园裸露区则先增加后减少;(2)全N含量随着深度加深均呈下降趋势,各处理间无显著性差异。在坡面上,全N含量大小为:全园覆盖区全园敷盖区全园裸露区,且全园敷盖处理在坡面中部有富集作用,全园覆盖和全园裸露处理自上而下呈下降趋势;(3)全P含量随着土层加深,全园覆盖区逐渐减少,全园敷盖区和全园裸露区先增加后减少。在坡面上,全P含量大小为:全园敷盖区全园覆盖区全园裸露区,且在坡面中部有富集作用。该研究可为亚热带地区红壤坡地养分恢复途径提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Fertilization of grain legumes with zinc (Zn) can affect both marketable yield and Zn content of the grain, which is important in addressing human nutritional deficiencies in certain regions of the world. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the response of three different market classes of lentil to Zn fertilization using ten surface soils from Saskatchewan (Canada). The distribution of Zn among labile and stable fractions chemically separated from the soil was also determined in the ten prairie soils and related to the lentil responses observed. The three market classes of lentils (large and small green, small red) were grown without Zn (control), and with 2.5 and 5 kg Zn ha?1 added as zinc sulfate to each soil prior to planting. Zinc fertilizer application significantly influenced grain yield and was soil dependent. A significant increase in grain yield over the control was observed from application of Zn on some low organic matter, high pH Brown Chernozem soils whereas a decrease in grain yield over control was observed in other soils such as a Black Chernozem of high organic matter content and low (<7) pH. Lack of positive yield response to addition of Zn were related to measured high diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) extractable and plant root simulator (PRS) resin membrane probe Zn, and large amounts of native Zn in exchangeable and iron/manganese (Fe/Mn) oxide bound fractions. Application of Zn fertilizer generally increased the grain concentration of Zn. For example, an increase of ~20% in Zn concentration over control was observed when 5 kg Zn ha?1 was added to a loamy textured low organic matter Brown Chernozem soil. Overall, small green lentil was more consistent in producing a positive response to Zn fertilizer application on soils with low plant available Zn compared to large green lentil and small red lentil.  相似文献   
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