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家蚕对BmNPV抗病性与中肠消化酶活性的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对6个现行家蚕品种中肠消化酶活性与家蚕对BmNPV病毒抗性比较与分析,以期寻找现行家蚕品种消化酶的活性与抗性的关系,为辅助家蚕育种及品种推广奠定基础.以DNS法测定不同品种海藻糖酶活性,以Fo-lion-酚法测定不同品种蛋白酶活性.以及以铜皂法测定脂肪酶活性,同时对不同品种家蚕4龄起蚕经口添加BmN-PV病毒进行抗性调查分析.结果表明,蛋白酶、脂肪酶酶活顺序为664×663较低,667×668相对较高,其他品种处于中间层次,对应抗性测定结果的相关分析表明,活性越强抗性越强,呈显著正相关关系;而海藻糖酶的活性与抗性的关系没有较好的相关性.因此,家蚕中肠消化液的蛋白酶、脂肪酶可能与家蚕对BmNPV病毒抗性有关.  相似文献   
The posterior silk gland (PSG) of silkworm is an important organ where fibroin is synthesized and secreted exclusively. Because fibroin constitutes 75-80% of the silk filament, the mechanism governing fibroin secretion, quality and yield of cocoon can be elucidated by the study on the PSG. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and image analysis system, the changes in the protein composition in the PSG cell were investigated on the day 1 (D1) and day 4 (D4) in the 5th instar stage from five different strains of silkworm (Bombyx mori). While differences at protein level between days and strains were far less than those observed at the gene level using EST analysis. The change trends in protein composition from D1 to D4 were diverse among the different strains. The results suggest that the secretion of fibroin is regulated by multiple proteins. The site of regulation and the proteins responsible for the regulation vary with the strain, which leads to differences between strains in the capacity of fibroin secretion in the PSG cell.  相似文献   
不同饵料配比对克氏原螯虾生长及抱卵的影响初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同饵料配比条件下克氏原螯虾生长和抱卵的情况。结果表明,不同饵料配比对克氏原螯虾生长和抱卵有明显的影响。适当增饲水草、蚕蛹和小杂鱼饵料的克氏原螯虾生长较快,其中适当增饲水草的克氏原螯虾,无论雄虾还是雌虾,在44d中生长速度均表现最快,分别达36.23%和27.17%。在投饵和水环境完全一致的条件下,雄虾的成活率和生长速度均低于雌虾。雌虾的成活率是雄虾的1.12倍,这与自然界中克氏原螯虾雌雄比例为1.13:1、雌性明显多于雄性的事实基本吻合。雌虾的生长速度是雄虾的1.09倍,即雌性个体增重比雄性略快。均衡的植物性和动物性营养配置,有利于雌虾的抱卵,抱卵率可达75%,适当增饲牛粪、虾仁饵料的雌虾抱卵率也高达71.2%。可见有利于克氏原螯虾生长的饵料配比,不一定适合于其生殖和繁育,应根据不同生育阶段应配制不同的专用饵料。  相似文献   
【目的】研究宿主湿度环境对球孢白僵菌致病力的影响,为采取适当防治措施以减少白僵病对蚕茧生产的危害提供参考依据。【方法】以广西象州蚕区球孢白僵菌感染家蚕获得的白僵病蚕尸体,观察不同湿度环境中白僵病蚕尸体形态的变化情况,并每隔15d进行一次分生孢子致病力测试。【结果】在25℃下的3种湿度环境(60%RH、75%RH和90%RH)中,白僵病蚕尸体在同一宿存时间内,球孢白僵菌活力与宿存湿度关系密切,在60%RH中宿存的蚕体保存较完好,60d后仍然可见淡黄白色的分生孢子,尸体质硬;随湿度增加,宿存病原活力逐渐降低。3种湿度条件下球孢白僵菌在2龄病蚕尸体中宿存30d内,对家蚕仍有很强的致病性,其半致死时间(LT50)分别为2.915、3.071和5.222d;在60%~75%RH条件下,宿存45~60d的球孢白僵菌对家蚕仍具有一定的致病力;而在90%RH条件下,宿存45d后球孢白僵菌分生孢子数量急剧下降,无法测定其致病力。【结论】球孢白僵菌在病蚕体中宿存60d内对家蚕的致死率仍然很高,因此及时清除病蚕尸体并使尸体病原性灭活,可降低白僵菌的二次感染。  相似文献   
The Yao silkworm is a unique silkworm resource producing yellow flat plate silk that has only been reared by the Baiku Yao ethnic group in Nandan County, Guangxi Province, China for a thousand years. Here, we report the mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of five Yao silkworm strains and 10 local Guangxi strains of the domestic silkworm (Bombyx mori) L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), and use the resulting mitogenomes and the available Bombyx mitogenomes to characterize their genome architecture and trace the evolutionary origin of the Yao silkworm. The five Yao silkworm mitogenomes exhibited genome architectures identical to typical set of 37 mitochondrial genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, and two ribosomal RNAs) and a high level of genome sequence similarity with the domestic silkworm. Mitogenome-based phylogenetic reconstruction provided solid evidence that the Yao silkworm shares a common ancestor with the domestic silkworm. Sliding window analysis uncovered a distinct variation pattern in the mitogenome between the Yao silkworm and the other domestic silkworm strains. The phylogenetic analyses revealed a basal placement of the Yao silkworm among all available domestic silkworm strains, indicating that the Yao silkworm is an ancient population of the domestic silkworm. Our data indicated that the Yao silkworm (B. mori) is a lineage of the domestic silkworm, which for the first time provides insights into the origin of the Yao silkworm.  相似文献   
主动免疫血管活性肠肽(VIP)对家鸽繁殖性能影响的初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将30对青年鸽随机分为三组,第一组用血管活性肠肽(VIP)类似物与牛血清蛋白(BSA)的偶联物进行主动免疫VIP,第二组注射与第一组等量的生理盐水,第三组不做任何处理。在试验的第一阶段,除第三组外,第一、二组鸽在产蛋后立即将书目是拿出,试验结果显示:第一组与第二组鸽月产蛋量和周抱窝数差异不显著。但第一、二组鸽产蛋量与第三组(自然饲养组)差异极显著。在试验的第二阶段(B处理过程)均不把蛋拿出,则三组  相似文献   
草本化栽培杂交桑在种茧育上的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本试验以杂交桑“沙2×伦109”为材料,以普通桑园的湖桑32号片叶育为对照,就草本化栽培杂交桑在种茧育上应用的可行性进行了探讨。结果表明,在配合施用叶面肥0.2%PGH-X的情况下,供试杂交桑在原蚕生长发育、茧质及制种成绩方面与对照区相近或持平,说明原蚕饲养采用草本化栽培杂交桑及条桑二回育形式具有可行性。使用叶面肥0.15%PGH-D可使原蚕5龄期经过延长,对家蚕生长发育表现一定调控作用。  相似文献   
山东省蚕业研究所保存的家蚕品种资源,从刚建所的30多个增加到现在的110多个,利用这些品种资源已育成了10对实用品种。为更好地利用种质资源,近年来进行了家蚕抗高温、抗氟及淀粉酶活性等方面的研究。  相似文献   
为了解家蚕雌蛾交配时间早迟与产卵的关系,对家蚕雌蛾羽化后1~5h交配对产卵速度、产卵量和卵质的影响进行了研究,结果表明:雌蛾羽化后4~5h交配的雌蛾产卵速度快、产卵量最多、不良卵最少。  相似文献   
本文利用不同的给桑量分别饲养四、五龄蚕,其结果表明:不同的龄期,给桑量对蚕茧的产量和质量的影响是不一致的.四龄期是影响和决定质量的主要时期,五龄是高产的最重要的环节.  相似文献   
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