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杨兴华  何清  霍文  程玉景 《干旱区研究》2012,29(6):1100-1104
利用策勒绿洲-荒漠过渡带风沙前沿输沙资料及风速风向资料,分析这一区域近地面输沙的方向分布特征。结果表明:① 风沙前沿起沙风风向以W、WNW为主,风向变化比较单一;② 观测点输沙量集中于NW、WNW、W、SW、WSW 5个方位,合计占总输沙量的68.3%;0~40 cm高度年输沙量为96.0 kg,年合成输沙量为45.9 kg,合成输沙方向为102.5°;③ 观测点年输沙势为43.2 VU,年合成输沙势为31.04 VU,输沙势的方向分布与实测输沙量存在较大差异。  相似文献   
通过对毛乌素沙地不同水分梯度根系垂直分布的研究表明:不同水分梯度根系分布随土壤深度的增加呈指数形式下降,不同梯度由于土壤水分、植被根系类型的差异,不同水分梯度植被根系的空间分布也有差异,不同梯度根量随土壤垂直深度的模拟方程分别为:y=9.5736e-0.1341x,R2=0.8859(I);y=16.246e-0.2037x,R2=0.9301(II);y=32.001e-0.1904x,R2=0.9544(III);y=28.336e-0.1993x,R2=0.9484(IV)。不同水分梯度土壤含水率变化程度不同,同一水分梯度各层土壤含水率变化幅度亦有差异,0.1m土壤含水率变异系数最大,随着土壤深度增加变异系数减小,根据土壤含水率变异系数分析我们将各层土壤水分垂直变化划分为活跃层(0-0.1m)、次活跃层(0.2-0.6m)、相对稳定层(1m)(I、II、III);而对IV梯度划为活跃层(0-0.1m、1m)、相对稳定层(0.3m)。根系生物量垂直分布与其对应土壤含水率有明显相反的关系,土壤含水率的变化与根系生物量的变化趋于相反,当土壤含水率增大时相应区域根系生物量减小;反之则增加。随水分梯度的增加各梯度最高水分利用层逐渐向表层发展,从第I梯度0.4m的6.84到第IV梯度0.1m的14.33。  相似文献   
和田河流域沙和基岩的角闪石成分及石英~(18)O值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用电子探针和氧同位素测试等手段,分析了和田河流域沙物质及某些有关基岩所含角闪石的种类、普通角闪石的化学成分和石英的δ~(18)O值。沙物质和岩浆岩(钾长花岗岩)在所含角闪石种类以及普通角闪石化学成分上的差异性明显大于相似性,说明后者为前者提供的角闪石有限。另外,沙丘沙含有多种变质成因的角闪石。产生这种现象的合理解释是:变质岩风化产物是沙的重要物源。沙物质中石英δ~(18)O值介于变质石英氧同位素成分范围,并且粒度愈细的石英,δ~(18)O值愈高。根据基岩中云母片岩所含石英颗粒最细、δ~(18)O值最高的特点判断,细沙物质在风扬过程中混入了较多的高δ~(18)O值细粒变质石英。  相似文献   
Determination of the threshold shear velocity is essential for predicting sand transport, dust release and desertification. In this study, a wind tunnel experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of salinity and moisture on the threshold shear velocity of saline sand. Saline sand samples (mean particle size of 164.50-186.08 μm and the total silt, clay and salt content of 0.80%-8.25%) were collected from three saline sand dunes (one barchan dune and two linear dunes) in the Qarhan Desert, Qaidam Basin of China. Original saline sand samples were placed in two experimental trays for wet and dry processing to simulate deliquescence and desiccation, respectively. Surface moisture content ranging from 0.30% to 1.90% was generated by the steam method so that the saline sand can absorb water in a saturated water vapor environment. The motion of sand particles was determined by the observers with a solid laser. The laser sheet (0.80 cm thick), which was emitted by the solid laser, horizontally covered the sand surface and was bound to the sand. Results show that the cohesion of saline sand results from a combination of salt and water. The threshold shear velocity increases exponentially with the increase in crust thickness for the linear sand dunes. There is a positive linear correlation between the original moisture content and relative threshold shear velocity. The threshold shear velocity of dewatered sand is greater than that of wet sand with the same original moisture content. Our results will provide valuable information about the sand transport of highly saline soil in the desert.  相似文献   
利用基本气象资料和欧洲中心数值预报产品资料,对发生在2006年4月10~11日临夏地区的一次扬沙和强寒潮天气过程进行了分析.结果表明:临夏地区扬沙伴有强寒潮天气发生,在大气环流调整过程中,冷空气活动是造成扬沙和强寒潮灾害的主要动力,高空急流是大风的动量来源,蒙古气旋和冷锋是触发这次扬沙、强寒潮天气的重要天气系统.高、低空冷、暖平流的空间配置使降温更为剧烈.同时,涡度和散度对扬沙和寒潮的落区有很好的指示作用.在受灾区,对流层和近地面层为不稳定层结,从而引起强烈垂直上升运动,导致低层强烈辐合,出现了10~11日的灾害性天气过程.  相似文献   
根据怀来县自然气候条件和水土资源利用现状以及在沙漠化形成和防治过程中的重要地位,分析了该县粮果生产和生态环境的矛盾,针对首都圈生态环境建设的整体需求,总结提出了适宜该县不同区域的水土资源高效利用的优化模式和农业节水技术。其宗旨是杜绝过度垦殖现象,调整农业结构布局,实施"退耕还林还草"工程和农业节水技术,提高该区水土资源的生产效率,建设稳产高效农业和林果业,增加当地群众的经济收入,形成环京津地区的天然绿色防线。  相似文献   
Hai ZHU 《干旱区科学》2019,11(5):685-700
Soil moisture is critical for vegetation growth in deserts. However, detailed dataregarding the soil moisture distribution in space and time in the Gurbantunggut Desert have not yet been reported. In this study, we conducted a series ofinsitu observation experiments in a fixed sand dune at the southern edge of the GurbantunggutDesert from February 2014 to October 2016, to explore the spatio-temporal variation of soil moisture content, investigate the impact of Haloxylonammodendron (C. A. Mey.) Bungeon soil moisture content in its root zone, and examine the factors influencing the soil moisture spatial pattern. One-way analysis of variance,least significant difference testsand correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that the soil moisture content exhibited annual periodicity and the temporal variation of soil moisture content throughout a year could be divided into three periods, namely, a moisture-gaining period, a moisture-losing period and a moisture-stable period.According to the temporal and spatial variability, the 0-400 cm soil profile could be divided into two layers: an active layer with moderate variability and a stable layer with weak variability.The temporal variability was larger than the spatial variability in the active layer,and the mean profile soil moisture content at different slope positions displayed the trend of decreasing with increasing relative heightand mainly followed the order of interdunearea>westand east slopes>slope top.The mean profile soil moisture content in the root zone of dead H. ammodendronindividuals was significantly higher than that in the root zones of adult and young individuals, while the soil moisture content in the root zone of adult individuals was slightly higher than that in the root zone of young individuals with no significant difference.The spatial pattern of soil moisture was attributable to the combined effects of snowfall, vegetation and soil texture, whereas the effects of rainfall and evaporation were not significant. The findings may offer a foundation for the management of sandy soil moisture and vegetation restoration in arid areas.  相似文献   
为探究地下水中腐植酸(HA)和Cd~(2+)复合污染物对黏土胶粒在饱和多孔介质中迁移的影响,本文选择蒙脱石和高岭石两种黏土胶粒作为研究对象,采用同步注射柱实验,在饱和石英砂柱中分别同步注射黏土胶粒与腐植酸、Cd~(2+)或腐植酸+Cd~(2+)混合液,来研究腐植酸和Cd~(2+)与黏土胶粒的共迁移。结果显示:高岭石在石英砂柱中的沉降速度依次为:无Cd~(2+)无腐植酸(3.72 min-1)仅有Cd~(2+)(2.82 min-1)Cd~(2+)与腐植酸共存(2.01 min-1)仅有腐植酸(0.46 min-1);蒙脱石在石英砂柱中的沉降速度依次为:无Cd~(2+)无腐植酸(1.02 min-1)仅有Cd~(2+)(0.97 min-1)Cd~(2+)与腐植酸共存(0.85 min-1)仅有腐植酸(0.30 min-1)。研究结果表明,腐植酸和Cd~(2+)对蒙脱石和高岭石胶粒的迁移效果比较一致,它们均能促进两种黏土胶粒的迁移,促进作用腐植酸最强而Cd~(2+)较弱;腐植酸和Cd~(2+)之间存在拮抗作用,即二者的加合作用反而小于腐植酸单独作用。通过对黏土胶粒的粒径和Zeta电位进行测试分析,可推测腐植酸和Cd~(2+)是通过不同的机理来促进黏土胶粒的迁移:腐植酸通过改变黏土胶粒表面的电性来抑制黏土胶粒的沉降,而Cd~(2+)通过促使黏土胶粒聚凝来降低其沉降。这些发现有助于更好地理解天然土壤胶粒在环境中的迁移和浓度分布。  相似文献   
单叶蔓荆对滨海沙地土壤养分和木麻黄生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
宋天英 《福建林业科技》2002,29(2):44-45,53
通过对比分析蔓荆地、非蔓荆地主要养分、木麻黄生长量及蔓荆林地小气候变化特点的试验研究表明 ,单叶蔓荆能促进木麻黄生长 ,可作为海滨沙地、风口地段固沙造林的先锋植被  相似文献   
砂土是地球表面常见的一种覆盖物,由于风力和水力的搬运作用导致传统浅层采样器所采集的样芯信息量不足,并且由于砂土颗粒之间的内聚力小流动性大,传统环刀压入方法无法采集到长度大于20cm并且具备连续层序信息的样品。为此提出一种柔性软袋式取芯技术,采用内置柔性袋取芯机构的外螺旋钻具对砂土进行钻取采样,以提高采样的样芯长度并保持层序信息。分析了取芯钻具与砂土相互接触的机理以及对采样样芯的扰动情况,通过仿真模拟的比对揭示了传统环刀压入法对样芯扰动的原因。搭建了试验台并针对传统环刀压入法与柔性软袋式取芯方法的采样率进行了对比试验,结果显示后者取芯率随转速增加下降10.4%,前者随压力增加提高16.4%,使用柔性软袋方法取芯率均值从13.08%提高到84.08%,并能保持连续的样芯层序信息。  相似文献   
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