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Dietary selenium (Se) influences the glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and the thyroid hormone system in vertebrates, but these relations are poorly described in fish. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of Se supplementation on Senegalese sole larvae, focusing on GPx activity and thyroid status. Two groups of larvae were fed on either control (C) or Se‐enriched live feed, from 2 days after hatch (DAH) until 34 DAH. Senegalese sole larvae fed Se‐enriched live feed significantly increased their whole‐body Se, compared to larvae from C group. The activity of GPx was higher in larvae from Se group, suggesting that the levels of this mineral were suboptimal in the control diet. TH levels were also higher in larvae fed Se‐enriched live feed, suggesting that Se may have a positive influence on the TH production in early life stages of marine fish larvae.  相似文献   
目的为了解云南常见食药用昆虫中的汞、硒含量及安全性,本研究收集了云南省较为常见的食药用昆虫共计42种。方法采用微波消解和电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)同时测定了这些食药用昆虫中的汞和硒含量。结果肉食性昆虫的汞含量普遍高于植食性昆虫,水生昆虫的汞含量远远高于陆生昆虫(t-test, P < 0.01),但所有测试样品汞含量均没超相应的国家标准限制。硒的含量在水生昆虫中最高,且与汞的含量呈现很强的相关性(R2=0.824 1);陆生昆虫中的平均硒含量较低,不同种个体之间差异较大,且陆生昆虫中的硒、汞含量不存在相关性(R2=0.000 8)。结论开发水生类食药用昆虫时需要加强汞含量检测,同时也提示在水生昆虫中硒对汞存在一定的拮抗作用。  相似文献   
Protective effects of antioxidant additives of selenium and vitamin E on rats that consumed maize naturally contaminated with mycotoxins were explored in this paper. Thirty-two Wistar female rats were randomly divided into four groups. The control group was given the basic diet with normal maize. The contaminated maize group was given the diet in which normal maize was replaced by mycotoxin-contaminated maize. The selenium group and vitamin E group were respectively fed mycotoxincontaminated diet supplemented with 0.4mg · kg−1 selenium from yeast or 100 mg · kg−1 vitamin E. The trial lasted for 4 weeks. Compared with the control group, antioxidative status was decreased significantly in the contaminated maize group. However, the status in the selenium group and vitamin E group was increased significantly compared with the contaminated maize group. The activities of enzymes related to liver function were significantly higher in the contaminated maize group than those in the control group, whereas they were significantly lower in the selenium group and/or the vitamin E group compared to the contaminated maize group. It is concluded that selenium and vitamin E were able to alleviate oxidative stress and liver function damage due to the consumption of maize naturally contaminated with mycotoxins.  相似文献   
采用水培研究了不同浓度硒(0尧0.05尧0.5尧1尧2尧4 mg/L)对蕹菜产量和品质的影响。结果表明、硒浓度为1 mg/L 时、蕹菜生长状况最佳、产量最高;而当硒浓度大于2 mg/L 时、蕹菜生长受阻、产量下降、且产生中毒现象。随着 硒浓度的增加、蕹菜硒含量尧可溶性糖含量均不断增加、而维生素C 含量先降低后增加、蛋白质和硝酸盐含量均先增 加后降低。与对照相比、硒浓度为0.05尧0.5尧1尧2尧4 mg/L 的各处理、蕹菜硒含量增加幅度分别为108.35%尧1 706.23%尧 3 097.99%尧5 920.38%尧12 308.82%、蕹菜蛋白质含量增加幅度分别为20.09%尧12.50%尧11.61%尧3.57%尧6.25%;硒浓 度臆2mg/L 的各处理、蕹菜可溶性糖含量增加幅度分别为34.74%尧41.91%尧48.32%尧57.30%。低硒浓度(0.05尧0.5 mg/ L)使蕹菜维生素C 含量略有降低、而高硒浓度(逸1 mg/L)显著增加了蕹菜维生素C 含量、硒浓度臆2 mg/L 的处理使 蕹菜硝酸盐含量增加、而硒浓度为4 mg/L 时、蕹菜硝酸盐含量显著下降。综合考虑、硒浓度为1 mg/L 的处理显著增 加了蕹菜产量、提高了蕹菜品质、是蕹菜水培最适合的硒施肥水平。  相似文献   
富硒花生品种筛选及外源调控花生富硒生产技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究通过田间试验,测定不同花生品种的自然富硒能力及对外源硒的利用指数,然后通过施用外源硒,研究不同调控措施对花生籽粒硒含量及外源硒利用率的影响,为富硒花生生产提供技术参考。研究结果表明:自然条件下,12个花生品种春花生籽粒的硒含量在0.041~0.180 mg/kg,秋花生籽粒的硒含量在0.039~0.066 mg/kg,外源硒的利用指数为2.3~3.7。施用外源硒肥均能显著提高花生籽粒硒含量,含硒肥料基施、淋施和叶面喷施情况下,花生籽粒对外源硒的利用率分别为0.056%~0.064%、0.23%~0.25%和3.74%~4.99%。可见,不同花生品种间硒的富集能力和对外源硒利用能力均有差异,而叶面喷施的硒肥施用方式下花生对外源硒的利用率最高。  相似文献   
Selenium (Se) biofortification via crops is one of the best strategies to elevate the daily Se intake in areas where soil Se levels are low. However, Se fertilizer recovery (SeFR) is low and most of the Se taken up accumulates in non‐harvested plant parts and returns to the soil with plant residues. A pot experiment with soil was undertaken to study the efficiency of inorganic Se (Na2SeO4) and Se‐enriched plant residues for biofortification, as well as to identify the bottlenecks in Se utilization by Brassica napus L. The soil was fertilized with Na2SeO4 (0 and 7 µg Se kg?1) or with Se in stem or leaf residues (0 and 7 µg Se kg?1). A treatment with autoclaved soil was included (0 and 7 µg kg?1 as Na2SeO4) to unravel the impact of microbial activity on Se uptake. The Se‐enriched plant residues produced a lower Se uptake efficiency (SeUPE) and SeFR than did inorganic Se, and soil autoclaving enhanced Se accumulation in the plants. The time required for decomposition seems to preclude crop residues as an alternative source of Se. Furthermore, B. napus had a limited capacity to accumulate Se in seeds. The study shows that the bottlenecks in Se biofortification appear to be its low bioavailability in soil and poor loading from the silique walls to seeds. Thus, improved Se translocation to seeds would be a useful breeding goal in B. napus to increase SeFR.  相似文献   
[目的]分析甘肃省民勤县骏枣园土壤硒分布状况及有效性,为富硒骏枣产业发展提供理论依据。[方法]采用连续浸提的方法对民勤县3个骏枣园0—60 cm土壤全硒及各形态硒含量进行测定、并对其分布特征及有效性进行了分析。[结果](1)土壤全硒含量变幅为24~520μg/kg,平均值为210.625μg/kg,全硒表现为不缺乏。(2)在0—60 cm土层内,随着土层深度增加,3个果园土壤全硒含量逐步减少,且均呈现:六沟>张坝>新果园关系。表层土壤(0—20 cm)属于足硒类型,亚表层土壤(20—40 cm)以足硒和少硒为主,底层土壤(40—60 cm)表现为足硒、少硒和缺硒。(3)土壤有效硒含量42.5μg/kg,占全硒的20.2%。其中,水溶态硒含量为1.1~1.4μg/kg,交换态硒含量1.4~2.8μg/kg,两者仅占有效硒的7.7%,其余为有机态硒。3个枣园土壤有机态硒含量为:新果园>六沟>张坝。(4)土壤有效硒随着开垦年限延长而增加,即新果园>六沟>张坝。(5)全硒、有效硒和无效硒均呈现:树下>行间。[结论]民勤县骏枣园土壤全硒不缺乏,但有效硒缺...  相似文献   
本文研究了硒的价态(Se6+和Se4+)和浓度水平(0~100mgSe·L-1)对6种植物(大麦、小麦、花椰菜、萝卜、苜蓿和欧芹)种子萌发和根际生长特性的影响。结果表明,低浓度硒(〈1mgSe·L-1)对种子发芽促进作用不明显,而高浓度硒(〉4mgSe·L-1)则有显著抑制作用,不同种子对硒的抗性表现不同。根长和芽长的测定结果表明,低浓度对花椰菜和小麦种子生长具有显著促进作用,对欧芹种子表现出抑制作用。较高浓度(1~4mg·L-1)即对花椰菜、苜蓿和欧芹的根生长表现出抑制作用,高浓度对小麦、大麦和萝卜根生长有抑制作用,且使芽生长受到抑制的硒浓度高于根生长。比较价态,低硒时六价对花椰菜生长的促进作用显著高于四价,高硒时小麦和苜蓿对硒的抗性表现为六价硒强于四价硒,其余科属差异不显著。不同科属对硒的抗性为禾本科小麦和大麦最强,十字花科花椰菜和萝卜次之,豆科苜蓿较差,伞形科欧芹最差。  相似文献   
张宣葡萄产区土壤硒含量与葡萄品质关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查分析了张宣地区葡萄园产区土壤硒分布状况,并与葡萄品质进行了相关分析,结果表明:张宣葡萄产区表层土壤硒含量低于中国表层土壤硒含量,在怀涿葡萄产区总面积占67.74%的土壤属于缺硒土壤,24.73%产区土壤为少硒土壤,足硒土壤面积较少;宣化葡萄产区面积达81.82%产区土壤为足硒土壤;土壤硒含量与土壤有机质含量呈极显著正相关,与土壤pH呈极显著负相关,偏相关分析显示该产区土壤有机质与土壤硒含量的关系更密切;土壤硒含量与葡萄果实Vc有负相关关系,与果实中pH、单粒重呈正相关关系,分析表明土壤硒与酿酒葡萄品质关系密切;土层深度在土壤硒含量与葡萄品质的关系中影响不大。  相似文献   
增施硒肥对连作地块烤烟生长发育及内在品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探讨增施硒肥对连作地块烤烟生长状况及品质的影响,降低烤烟连作障碍.【方法】采用田间灌根及叶面喷施试验.试验设CK(不施硒肥),T1(硒肥375 mL/hm2),T2(硒肥750 mL/hm2),T3(硒肥1 500mL/hm2),T4(硒肥3 000mL/hm2)5个处理.【结果】连作地块适量增施硒肥可有效减少病害的发生,提高烟叶产量与质量,提高烤后烟叶的硒含量,改善内在品质.增施1 500、3 000mL/hm2硒肥时,团棵期的烟株株高显著高于对照,分别较对照增加了19.5%、42.5%;增施750、1 500mL/hm2硒肥时,产量较对照极显著增加了7.0%、8.3%,产值较对照极显著增加8.5%、9.2%,上等烟比例较对照极显著增加2.5%、3.2%;增施1 500mL/hm2硒肥时,烤后烟叶的硒含量达到最高,其内在品质表现最佳,进一步增加硒肥用量对烟叶硒含量没有显著的影响.【结论】当硒肥用量在1 500mL/hm2左右时,可有效促进连作地块烤烟的生长发育,改善内在品质.  相似文献   
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