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山核桃天然群体家系种实和幼苗性状变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于岛石天然林山核桃自由授粉产生的44个单株果实与种子的表型及由种子实生繁殖1年生幼苗生长性状11个指标的数据,分别计算了各指标的特征值,并进行了方差分析,研究其自然变异.结果表明,果实和种子各表型变异程度不一,其中以果实质量的变异系数最大,为11.22%;其次是种子质量和出籽率,分别为8.64%和7.66%;种实各指标在采样单株间的差异均极显著.除果实质量与果形指数和种形指数之间无显著相关外,其余各指标两两间相关均极显著.1年生苗木苗高和地径变异系数分别达13.99%、10.28%,且各家系间差异极显著;苗高与地径的Pearson相关系数为0.552,相关性极显著.2个苗木生长指标与9个种实表型指标间相关性不显著.  相似文献   
根据国内外关于美国红枫组织培养的研究,以及实际生产中的经验系统阐述了美国红枫组织培养体系建立的具体过程及研究进展,并提出了存在的问题及展望,为美国红枫的大批量组培苗商业生产提供基础资料。  相似文献   
为了降低机插稻育秧、运秧劳动强度,在云南籼稻地区探索籼稻小苗机插技术。以吉优716为材料,设置160 g/盘(T1 )和180 g/盘(T2)2个播种量处理,秧龄9 d,每667 m2大田用秧6盘。以常规播种量70 g/盘,15 d秧龄,每667 m2用秧15盘为对照,比较分析了不同处理间秧苗素质、栽插质量、茎蘖动态和产量的差异。结果表明,虽然密播小苗处理秧苗素质不如对照,并且缺丛率较高,但每丛基本苗数、各时期的茎蘖数和有效穗数均显著高于对照,最终产量均高于对照。较高的有效穗数是机插密播小苗技术增产的主要原因。其中,T1处理用种量比对照减少了8.57%,秧盘数比对照减少60%,但产量比对照增加了9.0%,节本增效的效果明显,具有较大的推广潜力。  相似文献   
The spawning success of lithophilic salmonids is strongly influenced by the fine sediment content (“fines”) of spawning substrates, yet knowledge on the impacts of fines on the spawning of non‐salmonid lithophiles remains limited, despite their ecological and socio‐economic importance in European rivers. Consequently, the aim here was to use an ex‐situ experiment to investigate the impact of sand content on egg survival and timing of larval emergence of the surface‐spawning cyprinid European barbel Barbus barbus. Thirty incubator boxes within a recirculating system were filled with one of five experimental sediment mixtures (0%–40% sand by mass) that each contained 300 fertilised eggs at a depth of 50 mm. Emerged, free‐swimming larvae were captured and counted daily to assess grain‐size effects on larval survival and emergence. Specifically, total proportion of emerged larvae, cumulative daily proportion of emerged larvae and time required to reach 50% emergence were measured during the study. Whilst the proportion of sand in the sediments did not have a significant impact on egg‐to‐emergence survival (mean survival per treatment 75%–79%), it significantly affected the timing of larval emergence to the water column; early emergence was detected in treatments with elevated sand content (on average, 50% emergence after 12–13 days versus 19 days in the control). Similar to findings from salmonid studies, these results suggest high sand content in spawning gravels can influence timing of larval emergence and potentially cyprinid lithophilic fish survival.  相似文献   
建立红松无性系种子园和实生种子园的实践证明:嫁接母树的结实株数、结实率、公顷产种量、种子千粒重等9项种实性状均优于实生母树,关键种实性状指标结实率、公顷产种量、出种率、种子千粒重、出仁率分别是实生母树的3.67倍、2.74倍、1.16倍、1.02倍和1.12倍.  相似文献   
介绍在浙南地区发展较快的木荷容器苗的技术应用和推广模式,分析木荷容器苗的特点、技术应用,分析木荷容器苗的生产规模、生产方式以及应用前景方面存在的问题并提出一些对策和建议.  相似文献   
为了规范烤烟栽培模式,对清香型烤烟配套栽培技术进行了试验研究,提出了适时播栽、培育壮苗、精耕细作、盖膜待栽、控制施氮、合理追肥、"膜上"栽烟、科学管水、掀(揭)膜培土、病虫防治、拔节打顶、成熟采烤等配套栽培技术。  相似文献   
以苋菜试管苗为材料,研究多种因子对苋菜试管开花的影响.结果表明:(1)基本培养基MS和1/2MS对苋菜试管开花的影响不大.(2)单独添加NAA,可促进苋菜试管开花;苋菜试管开花对IBA含量的变化较敏感;6-BA含量为1.0 mg.L-1时的开花率最高,培养50 -60 d时可达58.7%.(3)不同单色光处理时,绿光与...  相似文献   

Nutrient‐release rates of controlled‐release fertilizer (CRF) with four different labeled release periods were evaluated. Samples (30 g) sealed with nylon mesh were buried at a clearcut forest site (Price soil series) in western Oregon, USA, in February 2000 and excavated every 7 weeks for 14 months to determine residual weight and composition. Cool, dry soil conditions apparently prolonged nutrient release beyond labeled rates; the fertilizer with the shortest release period (3–4 months) released approximately 72% of the fertilizer (by weight), whereas that with the longest release period (8–9 months) released 48%. Release varied among individual nutrients [nitrate (NO3)>ammonia (NH3)>potassium (K)>sulfur (S)>magnesium (Mg)>phosphorus (P)]. Minimal changes in micronutrient [iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and molybdenum (Mo)] contents were attributed to the formation of insoluble compounds with P. Variable release among individual nutrients demonstrates a limitation toward delivering a full range of nutrients and suggests that further refinement of CRF technology is needed to optimize nutrient availability under realistic field conditions.  相似文献   
热合板联动机构作为苗木捆扎机关键部件,在苗木捆扎过程中发挥着重要作用。为此,在对热合板联动机构工作过程进行理论分析研究的基础上,对热合板卡带问题的原因作了具体的阐述,并针对苗木自身的特征参数,在不影响其运动功能的基础上,对热合板的结构参数及附属拨块进行了优化改进,很好地解决了热合板运动不连贯,影响整机工作效率的问题。  相似文献   
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