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Abstract– Juvenile chinook salmon in the Waitaki River, New Zealand and demonstration channels, living at about 16°C, increased in length by 0.32 mm day−1 between 4 November and 4 March. They gained weight quickly, accumulated large visceral fat deposits and had high conditions factors. At 1600 h, stomachs averaged half full. The number of prey tended to decline as the fish grew and consumed larger items. Initially the diet was based mainly on chironomid larvae, but by December it included a diversity of prey in more equal proportions. These included Deleatidium in the Waitaki; amphipods in the demonstration channels; various trichopterans, hemipterans, elmid beetles, zooplankton. terrestrial dipterans and a variety of other prey. There were significant differences between sites in numbers of prey consumed and these probably reflected differences in the benthos. Diets in the Waitaki differ from those in the Rakaia River and the food of juvenile salmon appears closely linked to the availability of a diverse range of possible prey.  相似文献   
周鸿进  毛祝新  黄德君  傅华 《草业科学》2011,28(6):1198-1202
摘要:对青藏高原地区6个垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)居群8个不同生育期的可溶性糖(WSC)和粗蛋白质(CP)含量进行了测定。结果表明,居群间不同生育期WSC和CP含量存在显著差异(P<0.05),种源地来自青海共和县居群和甘肃临潭县居群WSC含量在整个生育期显著高于其他4个居群;CP含量甘肃玛曲县居群显著高于其他居群。整个生育期,WSC含量呈单峰曲线,初花至盛花期最高(P<0.05),初花期WSC含量最高为6.91%,最低为1.58%,CP含量整体表现为下降趋势,完熟期最低。不同居群间WSC和CP含量均表现出一定变异度,其变异系数变幅分别为36.47%~51.29%和4.76%~20.29%。相关性分析表明,WSC与CP含量呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
为更有效地防治内蒙古自治区四子王旗地区家畜微量元素代谢病,合理使用微量元素添加剂,采用实地采样和实验室分析相结合的方法,对该地区短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)荒漠草地土壤-牧草-家畜生态系统中微量元素的水平进行检测。结果显示,土壤中铜和硒处于缺乏状态。牧草中铁和锰元素处于过量状态,硒为缺乏状态。与健康绵羊的各项指标相比较,血浆中铁和锰分别于夏秋季节和全年高于正常水平,硒和铜元素分别于秋季和冬季低于正常水平;肝脏中铁和锰全年高于正常水平,铜冬季低于临界值,硒元素秋冬季节低于正常水平;被毛中铁全年高于正常水平,而铜和硒全年低于正常水平。结合放牧绵羊对各种矿物质的进食量和消化率进行综合分析表明,该地区为高铁、高锰、低硒的生态环境,同时铜和锌处于季节性缺乏状态。  相似文献   
CASE HISTORY: Three weanling Thoroughbred fillies were presented during autumn with depression, muscle rigidity and, in one case, colic symptoms and cardiovascular shock.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: All fillies had abnormal physical examinations that included elevated heart rates and respiratory rates coupled with muscle rigidity through the back and rump. Biochemistry revealed markedly elevated creatinine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase which indicated a myopathy.

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT: All three horses were diagnosed with presumptive equine atypical myopathy. The horses received supportive therapy as per the literature available at the time regarding this condition; two responded to supportive therapy and survived, and one was euthanased due to a rapid deterioration in clinical status.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Following post mortem of one case, histology of the trapezius muscle demonstrated an acute, severe myofibre degeneration.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Atypical myopathy and a very similar disorder termed seasonal pasture myopathy in North America are potentially fatal, pasture-related syndromes that have been described in Europe and America but have not been previously described in New Zealand. This report describes three presumptive cases of this unique syndrome in New Zealand for the first time; it outlines the characteristics of the condition; and includes recently published information regarding diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   
南美斑潜蝇及其寄生蜂消长规律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对云南省南美斑潜蝇及其主要寄生蜂潜蝇姬小蜂和潜蝇茧蜂的种群消长规律进行了研究。南美斑潜蝇在昆明关上菜区于 4、7、10月出现 3个高峰。潜蝇姬小蜂在春季蚕豆上种群数量较高 ,是控制南美斑潜蝇的主要蜂种。潜蝇茧蜂在秋季大棚内种群数量较高 ,是控制大棚南美斑潜蝇的主要蜂种。这两种寄生蜂对作物寄主有明显的选择性 ,潜蝇姬小蜂在春季的蚕豆、豌豆和芹菜上种群数量较高 ,潜蝇茧蜂在秋季的莴笋上种群数量较高  相似文献   
The modification of natural habitats requires behavioural plasticity, which may be challenging for ‘specialist’ species. Quantifying habitat requirements and behavioural responses of specialists to landscape transformation is thus a priority for baseline data to inform conservation practices. Using camera-trap surveys of the forest-dependent Lemon Dove Aplopelia larvata in conjunction with detailed microhabitat-scale covariates, we assessed habitat use during two periods in the year: autumn–winter and spring–summer (which largely encompassed peak breeding). We used occupancy modelling of forest-structural covariates to produce models of the probability of occupancy and detection of Lemon Doves in patches of the Indian Ocean Coastal Belt Forest of South Africa. The average occupancy and detection probability as indicated by the top-performing models was 0.39 ± 0.08 and 0.26 ± 0.05, respectively, during autumn–winter, and 0.37 ± 0.08 and 0.25 ± 0.04, respectively, during spring–summer. Although occupancy and probability of detection remained relatively constant between seasons, there was seasonal variation in the influence of individual covariates for both measures. The overall trend of positive influences on Lemon Dove occupancy was that of complex and diverse habitat structures and high plant species richness. The specific covariates that influenced occupancy positively during spring–summer may reflect the ecological requirements for nestling provisioning for both dietary needs and an avoidance of potential disturbance. Thus, while Lemon Doves may be less habitat-specific during autumn–winter, conservation management plans for safeguarding the breeding success of the species are advised to ensure adequate protection of large forest patches with complex and diverse interior structures and minimal disturbance.  相似文献   
采用高寒草甸、高寒草原、高寒沼泽化草甸和温性草原4种西藏高原典型草地类型地上生物量定点观测数据,分析其地上生物量季节动态变化特征和生长规律。结果表明,高寒沼泽化草甸地上生物量最高,其中围网草地年均地上生物量达384.45 g·m-2,比无围网草地地上生物量高73%,且是温性草原类草地生物量的6倍,是高寒草甸和高寒草原类草地的12~14倍,与自由放牧相比,围栏禁牧措施可以明显提高草原地上生物量,是改良退化草地最有效的措施之一;温性草原草地生产力大于高寒草甸和高寒草原,城市附近山地草地生物量明显大于远离城市的地区,表明城市化进程降低了天然草地放牧强度,是恢复退化草地生产力的有效途径之一;属半干旱气候类型的西藏高原中部,降水是制约草地植被生长的主要因子;草地地上生物量的绝对增长速率和相对增长速率季节动态均在生物量达到高峰期前为正增长,之后为负增长。区域水热条件差异及其季节性变化导致了不同草地类型或同一类型不同区域的草地最快生长期出现的时间存在一定差别。  相似文献   
本研究以内蒙古乌兰察布市四子王旗家庭牧场调研数据为基础,利用ACIAR草畜平衡模型对荒漠草原家庭牧场在全年放牧和季节牧场及补饲措施的家畜需求与草地供给之间的能量平衡关系进行模拟研究,目的是了解家庭牧场的草畜平衡状态,为草地畜牧业管理提供理论依据。结果表明,划分季节牧场利用可增加家畜在冬季的实际能量摄入,减少在夏季的能量摄入;补饲可以缓解在家畜关键生长期对于能量的需求,并在不额外增加补饲量的条件下,划分季节牧场的家畜也表现出冬季实际能量摄入增加,夏季能量摄入减少。  相似文献   
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