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无人机喷雾作业边界探测识别是无人直升机喷雾的重要内容,如果喷雾最大喷幅超过目标区域,会导致药液流失,造成环境的严重污染。为此,基于无人直升机平台,选取二维激光扫描传感器、姿态传感器等传感器搭建了一套二维激光扫描探测系统。该系统利用二维激光传感器探测无人直升机距离作物冠层和田埂的高度,计算冠层和田埂距离差值,并把高度差值作为分割阈值,实现无人直升机作业边界的提取,同时进行了田间试验验证。  相似文献   
冯凯月  马利霞  于东升  陈洋  王鑫  宋洁  刘晓利 《土壤》2022,54(4):856-864
土壤侵蚀量是土壤退化风险评估的重要指标,地基激光雷达(TLS)为土壤侵蚀量动态监测提供新技术手段,但野外不同地表覆盖条件对监测精度的影响尚不明确。基于2019年11月和2021年7月在鹰潭红壤生态实验站获取的地表裸露、石块、稀疏象草、马尾松、马尾松+石块,马尾松+稀疏象草等不同地表覆盖条件的6个径流小区两期TLS数据,运用移动曲面拟合滤波和反距离加权插值方法估算土壤侵蚀量,结合实测侵蚀量数据评价TLS精度,并探讨不同地表覆盖条件下TLS的最小变化识别度(minLOD)。研究表明,TLS监测精度与土壤侵蚀量呈正相关关系,更适用于中等强度以上或长时间发生明显侵蚀的土壤侵蚀区监测。不同地表覆盖条件下minLOD为4~60 mm,TLS监测相对误差(RE)依次为:地表裸露(RE=–9.4%)<马尾松+石块(RE=12.6%)<石块(RE=15.5%)<稀疏象草(RE=–18.9%)<马尾松(RE=23.4%)<马尾松+稀疏象草(RE=–25.2%);地表覆盖条件不仅影响土壤侵蚀强度、地表粗糙度,也产生点云滤波及空间插值误差,进而影响TLS识别minLOD准确度和土...  相似文献   
中国6种犬科动物直针毛的扫描电镜分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用扫描电镜对我国分布的6种犬科动物背部和腹部直针毛的鳞片花纹类型进行研究.结果表明,6种犬科动物直针毛鳞片花纹类型主要有杂波型、长瓣型、杂瓣型、扁平型和方瓣型,毛鳞片形态在属间和种间存在差异,同一种类身体不同部位毛的鳞片形态也有差异,同一根毛的不同部位也存在差异.依据本项研究,笔者探讨了利用犬科动物毛鳞片花纹进行物种识别的可行性及需要注意的问题.  相似文献   
三维激光扫描系统在林业中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
该文介绍了三维激光扫描系统的组成、工作原理及仪器的性能指标、特点和操作方法.通过甘肃省小陇山林区实验,首次将三维激光扫描系统引入林业调查.通过三维激光扫描仪获取单株立木空间点云数据,利用软件建立了立木三维模型.从三维模型上可直接量测立木树高、胸径、冠幅和计算立木材积,利用获取的材积可进一步建立立木材积方程和编制立木材积表.通过与伐倒木实测数据对比,采用该系统获取的测树因子和立木材积均满足林业调查的精度要求.研究表明,采用三维激光扫描系统可实现对疏林单株立木的无损伤、高效、精准监测,可在森林资源调查中应用.  相似文献   
This study was conducted based on the evidence of fish habitats in North India being affected by organophosphate pesticides draining from agricultural fields into bodies of water, especially during the rainy season. Various tissues of fish such as scales, gills ovaries, kidney, and liver have been studied from the toxicological point of view, but the toxicological effects of aquatic pollutants on fish cornea have not been investigated to date. We conducted comparative toxicological studies on the cornea of Cyprinus carpio communis using two sublethal (0.038 and 0.126 ppm) concentrations of monocrotophos pesticide for 30 days. Corneas from all the groups were evaluated by a scanning electron microscope. The fish exposed to the monocrotophos pesticide developed corneal necrosis due to the formation of crystalloid‐like structures, thinning and shrinkage of microridges on the corneal epithelium. After 30 days, fish from the monocrotophos‐treated tank were transferred to normal environmental conditions. After 60 days under natural condition, epithelial cells did not fully recover. In conclusion, exposure to monocrotophos induces irreversible changes in the cornea of C. carpio communis. As fish and mammalian visual systems share many similarities, the reported finding may offer useful insights for further toxicological and ophthalmological studies in humans.  相似文献   
A radiolabelling method is generally used to determine the foliar uptake of xenobiotics. This technique cannot provide any information on the localization of chemicals inside leaf tissues. The influence of an alcohol ethoxylate surfactant on the uptake of three fluorescent dyes, difluorofluorescein (hydrophilic), rhodamine B (moderately lipophilic) and a naphthalimide dye (lipophilic), into the leaves of three contrasting species, bean (Vicia faba), wheat (Triticum aestivum) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea), at 16 h after treatment was measured using a conventional wash‐off method and also visualized in vivo by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Whereas the lipophilic dyes showed greater intrinsic uptake than the hydrophilic one, the enhancing effect of the surfactant on uptake was more pronounced for the latter. CLSM revealed that the presence of the surfactant increased the transport of difluorofluorescein into the epidermal cells of bean and wheat leaves, but not cabbage leaves. Rhodamine B showed greatest transcuticular diffusion in all three species, but most of the dye moved into the vacuole of the epidermal cells. The naphthalimide dye was strongly retained by the wax–cuticle layer of all species, even in the presence of the surfactant. CLSM has proven to be an attractive tool for studying xenobiotic diffusion. The results obtained using fluorescent dyes are believed to be applicable to the foliar uptake of herbicides.  相似文献   
基于具有并行调形功能的多点快速曲面造型系统和自主开发的激光扫描测量机,提出了三维板类件多点闭环精确造型的概念,并应用PID控制算法进行了多点闭环成形实验,得到了符合设计要求的工件形状。讨论了三维板类件多点成形逆向工程的实现问题。  相似文献   
面向风云静止卫星地表温度产品的缺失数据修复方法对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
静止卫星地表温度数据是研究昼夜温度变化规律及全球气候变化的重要参数。但常见的静止卫星地表温度数据,如风云二号F星地表温度产品(FY-2F LST)由于受到云、雾霾和气溶胶等大气因素的影响,往往会出现数值缺失的现象。针对该问题,一系列基于温度昼夜变化模型(diurnal temperature cycle,DTC)的静止卫星地表温度产品空值数据修复方法被提出,如VAN2006方法;此外,常见的三次样条插值(Cubic spline)和智能的反向传播网络(back-propagation network,BP)利用像元时间连续性原理,通过温度预测实现地表温度产品空值数据修复在理论上也是可行的。模拟不同类型的像元缺失情况分析和比较了3种方法的温度修复结果。研究表明,在空值数量较少的情况下,3种方法修复结果都比较理想,其中Cubic spline方法效果最好;随着空值数量增加,3种方法修复效果都不同程度变差,其中VAN2006衰退较缓慢,Cubic spline衰退最快;当空值数目继续增多且达到一定数量时,VAN2006仍可以较为真实的还原地表温度数据,并且优于BP,其中Cubic spline修复结果最差,难以反映实际地表温度。对14种不同空间大小空值区域实验研究进一步说明3种方法对地表温度空值修复具有可行性,但修复效果与空值区域大小无关,时间序列中空值数量是最主要的影响因素。  相似文献   
Cytological studies were carried out to elucidate the importance of cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDE) during infection of wheat spikes by Fusarium graminearum. Scanning electron micrographs revealed that at 6–24 hours after inoculation (hai) of single spikelets with macroconidia of F. graminearum, the fungus germinated by forming several germ tubes and developed a dense hyphal network in the cavity of the spikelet. At 24–36hai, the fungus formed infection hyphae which invaded the ovary and inner surface of the lemma and palea. Transmission electron microscopical studies revealed that the fungus extended inter- and intracellularly in the ovary, lemma and rachis and caused considerable damage and alterations to the host cell walls. In different tissues of healthy and F. graminearum-infected wheat spikes the cell wall components cellulose, xylan and pectin were localized by means of enzyme-gold and immuno-gold labelling techniques. Localization of cellulose, xylan and pectin showed that host cell walls which were in direct contact with the pathogen surface had reduced gold labelling compared to considerable higher labelling densities of walls distant from the pathogen–host interface or in non-colonized tissues. The reduced gold labelling densities in the infected host cell walls indicate that these polysaccharide degrading enzymes might be important pathogenicity factors of F. graminearum during infection of wheat spikes. The results revealed that, infection and colonization of wheat spikes by F. graminearum and reactions of infected host tissue were similar to those reported for F. culmorum.  相似文献   
Fungal colonisation of winter wheat cv. Cadenza by Fusarium culmorum, F. graminearum and Microdochium nivale was studied under conditions designed to avoid the splash dispersal of conidia from infested compost, to evaluate the possibility that systemic growth may transfer infection from the stem-base to the head. At decimal growth stages 33, 59, 77–87 and 95 the extent of fungal growth was assessed using a sample of 72 plants, by the recovery of fungal species from the stem-base, from each node and from the ear. Each of the fungi was recovered from stem tissues above soil level in some, apparently symptomless, plants. Symptoms of Fusarium foot rot were seen in an increasing proportion of plants during grain-fill and desiccation. There was an inverse relationship between recovery and the height above stem-base from which the stem tissue was excised. F. culmorum was the most frequently isolated fungus and it was also recovered from the highest position in plants. Only 3% of plants were colonised above the second node and none of the fungal species were recovered from either the fifth node or the ear. This suggests that colonisation and systemic growth from Fusarium infested compost is unlikely to contribute to the development of ear blight symptoms in winter wheat.  相似文献   
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