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Yield levels in smallholder farming systems in semi-arid sub-Saharan Africa are generally low. Water shortage in the root zone during critical crop development stages is a fundamental constraining factor. While there is ample evidence to show that conservation tillage can promote soil health, it has recently been suggested that the main benefit in semi-arid farming systems may in fact be an in situ water harvesting effect. In this paper we present the result from an on-farm conservation tillage experiment (combining ripping with mulch and manure application) that was carried out in North Eastern Tanzania from 2005 to 2008. Special attention was given to the effects of the tested treatment on the capacity of the soil to retain moisture. The tested conservation treatment only had a clear yield increasing effect during one of the six experimental seasons (maize grain yields increased by 41%, and biomass by 65%), and this was a season that received exceptional amounts of rainfall (549 mm). While the other seasons provided mixed results, there seemed to be an increasing yield gap between the conservation tillage treatment and the control towards the end of the experiment, and cumulatively the yield increased with 17%. Regarding soil system changes, small but significant effects on chemical and microbiological properties, but not on physical properties, were observed. This raises questions about the suggested water harvesting effect and its potential to contribute to stabilized yield levels under semi-arid conditions. We conclude that, at least in a shorter time perspective, the tested type of conservation tillage seems to boost productivity during already good seasons, rather than stabilize harvests during poor rainfall seasons. Highlighting the challenges involved in upgrading these farming systems, we discuss the potential contribution of conservation tillage towards improved water availability in the crop root zone in a longer term perspective.  相似文献   
This study used whole-farm management, nutrient budgeting/greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and feed formulation computer tools to determine the production, environmental and financial implications of intensifying the beef production of typical New Zealand (NZ) sheep and beef farming systems. Two methods of intensification, feeding maize silage (MS) or applying nitrogen (N) fertiliser, were implemented on two farm types differing in the proportions of cultivatable land to hill land (25% vs. 75% hill). In addition, the consequences of intensification by incorporating a beef feedlot (FL) into each of the farm types were also examined.Feeding MS or applying N fertiliser substantially increased the amount of beef produced per ha. Intensifying production was also associated with increased total N leaching and GHG emissions although there were differences between the methods of intensification. Feeding MS resulted in lower environmental impacts than applying N even after taking into account the land to grow the maize for silage. Based on 2007/08 prices, typical NZ sheep and beef farms were making a financial loss and neither method of intensification increased profitability with the exception of small annual applications of N, especially to the 75% hill farm. These small annual additions of N fertiliser (<50 kg N/ha/yr applied in autumn and late winter) resulted in only small increases in annual N leaching (from 11 to 14 kg N/ha) and GHG emissions (from 3280 to 4000 kg CO2 equivalents/ha). Limited N applications were particularly beneficial to 75% hill farms because small increases in winter carrying capacity resulted in relatively large increases in the utilisation of pasture growth during spring and summer than the 25% hill farms. Intensification by incorporating a beef feedlot reduced environmental emissions per kg of beef produced but considerably decreased profitability due to higher capital, depreciation and labour costs. The lower land-use capability farm type (75% hill) was able to intensify beef production to a proportionally greater extent than the higher land-use capability farm (25% hill) because of greater potential to increase pasture utilisation associated with a lower initial farming intensity and inherent constraints in the pattern of pasture supply.  相似文献   
李毅  李敏  曹伟  张江辉 《农业工程》2010,(1):94-102
盐渍土膜下滴灌过程中的土壤理化性质存在空间变异性,对灌溉管理有一定影响。该文根据3个不同尺度下土壤采样及颗粒尺寸分布(PSD)测定结果,探讨了土壤PSD分维和颗粒体积分数之间的定量关系,分析了各尺度和综合尺度下土壤PSD分维和颗粒体积分数的经典统计特征和地质统计特征,根据颗粒体积分数的半方差函数计算了不同尺度颗粒体积分数的分形维,并做出了等值线图。研究表明,土壤PSD分维与黏粒的体积分数呈正相关关系,黏粒体积分数增大引起PSD分维增加的原因在于细颗粒的比表面积比粗颗粒的大;各尺度土壤PSD分维及颗粒体积分数均无强变异特征;不同尺度下土壤PSD分形维的半方差函数中块金和基台值均非常低;50 m尺度土壤PSD分维和黏粒体积分数的等值线图具有类似的集中度和走势,而砂粒体积分数和粉粒体积分数则具有相反的集中度和走势。该研究说明土壤PSD分维和颗粒体积分数都有一定的尺度依赖性。  相似文献   
太行山前平原井灌农田点尺度土壤水分动态随机模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于中国科学院栾城农业生态系统试验站2002—2008年夏玉米生长期内的土壤水分观测数据及2000—2008年的降水(灌溉)、气象、生物数据,结合Laio土壤水分动态随机模型研究了太行山山前平原典型农田点尺度土壤水分动态的随机性。结果表明:研究区2000—2008年夏玉米生长期内日平均降水量为10.71 mm,降水频率0.290 9,其中小雨、暴雨的发生频率表现出明显上升趋势,中雨的发生频率呈显著下降趋势,大雨发生频率表现出微弱下降倾向;玉米生长期的土壤含水率6月份处于增长期,7月份达到生长期最高值并稳定在32.2%的水平,8月份以后下降并在9月份趋于稳定;Laio模型模拟得到土壤相对湿度的概率密度函数在曲线形状(峰值、峰值出现的位置、90%置信区间)与数字特征(中位数、均值、方差)方面与观测结果一致(α=0.05),模型在井灌区具有很好的适用性,且可以将灌溉作为一次降雨事件来处理;应用Laio模型得到在多年平均降雨条件下,32.1 mm的田间净灌溉量可以在50%水平上使夏玉米生长期内的土壤含水率保持在田间持水量的80%以上。  相似文献   
采用试验测量法,以温室环境参数为变量,建立了不同时间尺度下番茄蒸腾量和椰糠水分蒸发量回归模型以分析温室无土栽培番茄蒸腾规律和椰糠水分蒸发规律。结果表明,1h、1d时间尺度下番茄蒸腾量回归模型的决定系数分别为0.673 8、0.801;68d(整个试验周期)时间尺度下,1号番茄累积蒸腾量与累积有效积温、累积辐射积的拟合决定系数分别为0.998 4、0.993 6。1d时间尺度下,椰糠水分蒸发量特性方程的回归系数为0.891;58d(整个试验周期)时间尺度下,椰糠累积水分蒸发量与累积有效积温和累积辐热积回归方程的决定系数分别为0.999和0.992 7。随着时间尺度增大,番茄蒸腾量和椰糠水分蒸发量与环境参数的相关性显著提高。  相似文献   
以无水乙醇为燃料,运用荷电雾化技术,实验研究了锥-射流喷雾模式下双网格燃烧器的燃烧与热损失特性。结果表明,在当量比Φ为0.85~1.40区间内燃烧稳定,圆形片状火焰附着于燃烧网格附近,火焰直径与燃烧器内径相当。火焰温度、燃烧效率均随当量比的增大先上升后下降,在当量比Φ=1时分别达到最大值1 197.38 K、93.26%。尾气温度随当量比的增大而降低,壁面热损失随当量比增大而增加。壁面热损失与燃料完全燃烧释放热量比例为27.25%~33.08%,其中辐射热损失略高于对流热损失。燃烧器热效率在当量比Φ≤1下可达69%。双网格燃烧器可实现小尺度条件下液体乙醇的良好喷雾、蒸发与燃烧。  相似文献   
研究了山东省桓台县高产麦田系统中N肥对土壤硝态氮(NO3--N)积累及冬小麦产量和吸N量的影响。结果表明,冬小麦收获后施用150kg/hm2N肥的0~90cm土层土壤NO3--N与小麦播种前相比,基本保持平衡;而常规施用300kg/hm2N肥则使0~90cm土层土壤NO3--N含量显著提高,特别是60~90cm土层土壤NO3--N含量上升了39.9kg/m2,对浅层地下水造成潜在污染。建议供试条件下的合理施N肥量为150kg/hm2,这样既兼顾产量,又兼顾生态效益。  相似文献   
发展节水灌溉应注意的几个原则性技术问题   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
21世纪初期,我国将以空前的规模发展节水灌溉事业,计划安排大量的全国性节水灌溉项目。为了合理、高效地开展这些项目的规划、设计、建设与运行管理工作,使其节水效果好、经济效益高,提高出应注意以下五方面原则性的技术问题:节水灌溉的涵义与目的、技术措施体系、尺度效应、效果评估指标体系、主攻方向。并对这些问题进行了具体论述。  相似文献   
利用钴圃分别慢照射普通小麦减数分裂期前、配子体时期、合子幼胚期的植株。结果表明:照射合子幼胚期对当代(M_1)结实率的影响较小,对下一代(M_2)出苗率的影响较大,M_2代的出苗率可作为选择照射合子幼胚期适宜剂量的主要指标。慢照射当代是辐射损伤的主要世代,M_2代的损伤已很轻,是突变显现的第1个世代。文中讨论了照射植株的世代划分问题。  相似文献   
改进层次分析法用于农用运输车综合性能的评价   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
该文在分析传统层次分析法标度不足的基础上,提出了一种基于转化函数和调和系数的新标度,建立了利用新标度的层次分析法,该方法体现了奖罚原则和合理性原则,且新的标度与传统标度的判断矩阵的一致性相当,因此,改进的层次分析法更加合理、有效。用改进的层次分析法对农用运输车综合性能评价可知,影响农用运输车综合性能评价的主要因素有发动机配套性能、价格、服务网点及服务质量。该研究为农用运输车管理部门、制造企业和用户正确评价农用运输车综合性能提供了一种有效的方法  相似文献   
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