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猪源致病性沙门氏菌四环素耐药基因tetC的PCR扩增及序列分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
四环素类抗生素作为一类广谱抗生素,现已产生严重的耐药性.作为人兽共患病原菌的沙门氏菌,也存在大量这样的耐药菌株,使得本病的发病率和死亡率都不断上升.本研究对规模化猪场分离的经动物试验和生化试验鉴定的致病性沙门氏菌16株、药敏质控菌ATCC25922和沙门氏菌标准株C79-13对进行了四环素、金霉素、土霉素的药敏试验,结果表明16株致病性沙门氏菌对四环素类抗生素表现出普遍耐受性,耐药率达100%.其中MIC值>128μg/mL的高耐药菌株13株,高耐药率81.25%;MIC值为32μg/mL的低耐药菌株3株,低耐药率18.75%.设计沙门氏菌四环素抗性基因tetC的引物,对16株致病性沙门氏菌的tetC基因做PCR扩增,结果12株菌获得以质粒为模板长约400bp的特异性扩增产物,未能从染色体扩增到产物.分别对临床分离的1株低耐药菌株(DY1)和1株高耐药菌株(SL1-3)的tetC基因扩增产物进行序列分析,结果表明菌株DY1和SL1-3的tetC的核苷酸同源率为97.7%;菌株DY1与质粒PBR322中tetC的核苷酸同源率为98.7%;菌株SL1-3与质粒pBR322中tetC的核苷酸同源率为98.4%,说明对于耐药程度和地方来源各不相同的菌株,在核苷酸序列上同源率很高.本文用PCR技术对规模化猪场分离的致病性沙门氏菌的四环素耐药基因进行了研究,以期对四环素耐药性的分子流行病学进行监测,克服了药敏试验只能检测耐药表型的缺点,为有效控制沙门氏菌感染提供理论基础和科学依据,在兽医、食品卫生和公共卫生等方面具有重要的意义. 相似文献
动物性饲料中沙门氏菌的分离鉴定与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过常规分离培养鉴定技术,对一些饲料厂及养殖场的配合饲料69份、浓缩饲料77份、鱼粉44份、肉骨粉39份进行了沙门氏菌的分离鉴定,结果从229份样品中分离到沙门氏菌27株,分离率11.8%(27/229)。其中配合饲料分离到7株,阳性率10.1%(7/69);浓缩饲料分离到6株,阳性率7.8%(6/77);鱼粉分离到8株,阳性率18.2%(8/44);肉骨粉分离到6株,阳性率15.4%(6/39)。 相似文献
湖北省某规模化猪场断奶腹泻仔猪180头,尸体解剖观察到部分组织有干酪样病变,全身浆膜有不同程度的出血点,肠壁厚薄不均,弹力下降。随机选取腹泻严重的猪10头、正常猪3头,对肠道内容物进行分离培养,并生化鉴定得7类菌属。它们依次为伤寒沙门氏菌、产气杆菌、埃希氏菌、克雷伯菌属肺炎杆菌、变形杆菌属普通变形杆菌、志贺菌属、弗劳氏柠檬酸菌。所占比例分别为:87.5%、57.1%、100%、28.6%、28.6%、14.3%、28.6%。小鼠致病性试验,各菌属的致死率分别为100%、60%、10%、20%、40%、60%、80%。结果表明:引起该猪场断奶仔猪腹泻的优势病原菌为伤寒沙门氏菌。 相似文献
A case of infectious arthritis of a cervical vertebral articulation and vertebral osteomyelitis in a foal caused by Salmonella is described. Ultrasound images of the cervical facet joints were suggestive of septic arthritis and ultrasound facilitated needle placement for arthrocentesis and joint lavage. Due to the uncommon location of the infection, diagnosis of septic arthritis was not immediate and, despite aggressive intra‐articular lavage and instillation of appropriate intra‐articular antibiotics after hospitalisation, we were unable to resolve the infection in this foal. Radiographs did not show evidence of osseous involvement until later in the course of the infection. Septic arthritis should be suspected in cases with similar clinical and laboratory findings and radiographic changes may not be present early in the course of infection. Ultrasound imaging provided the most useful diagnostic information regarding infection of the cervical joints, facilitating both diagnosis and treatment. 相似文献
ABSTRACT 1. Chicken salmonellosis is a common zoonotic infectious disease transmitted both vertically and horizontally. Avian beta-defensins (gallinacins) play an important role in the innate defence of the host and provide broad-spectrum immunity against multiple pathogens. 2. To detect the relationship between immune genes and salmonella carrier status and susceptibility to salmonellosis in chickens, polymorphisms with carrier-state susceptibility to salmonella and, hence, developing salmonellosis, were investigated in three avian beta-defensin genes (AvBD4, AvBD5, and AvBD14) in a Chinese local chicken breed, based on a case-control study. 3. Fifteen, twenty and nineteen SNPs were found in AvBD4, AvBD5 and AvBD14, respectively. Among the 54 total SNPs, four resulted in non-synonymous substitution of amino acid changes. Five SNPs in AvBD5 and four SNPs in AvBD14 were significantly associated with salmonellosis susceptibility (P < 0.05). Using the PHASE program, thirteen, ten and twelve major haplotypes were constructed in AvBD4, AvBD5 and AvBD14. Logistic regression analysis revealed that five haplotypes in AvBD5 and six haplotypes in AvBD14 were significantly associated with salmonellosis susceptibility, but no significant haplotype in AvBD4 was detected. A total of six strongly susceptible haplotypes with odds ratio (OR) values greater than 2.0 and four strongly resistant haplotypes with OR value less than 0.5 were revealed in the three genes examined. 4. These results suggested that the AvBD5 and AvBD14 genes may play an important role in the susceptibility to salmonellosis in chickens. 相似文献
采用肉汤微量稀释法,选用22种常用抗菌药物,对98株动物源沙门菌进行药敏试验,结果显示:菌株对磺胺类、四环素类药物及萘啶酸普遍耐药,对氨基糖苷类药物耐药率较低,对氟喹诺酮类药物高度敏感;菌株多重耐药率为67.35%(66/98).采用PCR方法检测菌株Ⅰ类整合子的流行情况,并分析其携带的耐药基因盒.结果98株沙门菌中Ⅰ类整合子的检出率为50.0%(49/98),并且均携带耐药基因盒,基因盒以dfrA17-aadA5的组合形式最为常见;Ⅰ类整合子阳性菌株的多重耐药率为95.92%(47/49),阴性菌株的多重耐药率为38.78%(19/49).上述结果表明Ⅰ类整合子普遍存在于兽医临床耐药沙门菌中,其流行与菌株多重耐药性具有一定的相关性. 相似文献
2006年夏季郓城某貉场,突然发生不明原因的疫病,引起大批幼貉死亡及妊娠母貉流产、产弱仔和死胎。为查明病因,进行了流行病学调查、临床症状观察、病理剖检及实验室检查等,最后确诊为由沙门氏菌引起的一起貉疫病。根据细菌学检查和药敏试验结果,提出了有效防制措施。经治疗,取得了较好的效果。 相似文献