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根系作为重要的吸收器官和代谢器官,其生长状况不仅直接控制着植物吸收水分和养分,而且制约着植株地上部分生长的好坏。温度是影响烤烟幼苗根系发育的重要因素之一。南方多数烟区育苗阶段早春低温严重,影响着健壮烟苗的培育。为此,选用云烟87(YY87)、Msk326(K326)和云烟85(YY85)等3个品种烤烟幼苗,在5~7℃条件下分别处理2,4及6d,研究烤烟幼苗根系在低温胁迫后的形态及生理生态响应。结果表明:YY87低温胁迫处理不同时间后,SOD,POD,CAT酶活性均有不同程度上升;K326在处理2 d及4 d后,3种酶活力均较对照明显下降;而YY85的SOD酶活性上升,CAT和POD活性则表现下降。就根系活力而言,YY87在不同低温处理时间均表现为上升;而K326及YY85则表现为短时间(2d)低温胁迫根系活力受到抑制,随着处理时间延长,其根系活力又逐渐增强。低温处理2d后,YY87根平均直径、根表面积和根体积显著下降,但随着胁迫时间延长则恢复正常;K326则在低温处理2d后根直径、根长、根表面积和根体积均达到最大,其后逐渐降低;YY85则表现根表面积和体积均有不同程度下降。由此表明,不同品种幼苗根系受到低温胁迫后其根系形态及生理生态指标存在着不同的响应机制。  相似文献   
本文用水培方法研究了沙棘短茎段插穗生根的机理。结果表明,在用外源激素处理、控温控湿条件下,沙棘可以用极短的茎段(1~3芽段)插穗产生不定根,进而形成新的植物。沙棘插穗不定根形成有两种方式:一是茎段切面先产生愈伤组织,然后再分化为不定根;二是直接由茎皮层内分生组织产生不定根;且不定根产生具"茎多部位生根效应"。沙棘插穗不定根形成属于"温度敏感型",最适温度为16℃~26℃。外源激素对沙棘短茎段插穗生根表现出良好的诱导效应,而且对插穗苗的生长发育一定的影响,ABT优于GGR;"壮根素"效果优于生根粉,不仅促进发根,而且促进成熟不定根的早期结瘤。  相似文献   
植物根系固坡效应模拟及稳定性数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生态环境保护的要求日益提高,植物护坡工程的理论和实践研究得到了发展。由于植物根系及其分布的随机性和复杂性,根土相互作用机理以及根系固坡的定量化研究工作还很不深入。本文对根系固土力学机制和根土复合介质抗剪强度模型进行了评述,将根系对土体的强度贡献以“表观凝聚力”表示,采用数值方法对植物根系固坡效应及其稳定性进行了分析,考虑根系强度增量以及护坡深度,在多种情况下进行了边坡整体安全系数计算。分析结果可为植物根系的力学效应评判、护坡植物的选取,以及其优化布设等纵深研究方面提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
钾素营养对水稻根系生长和养分吸收的影响   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
陈际型 《土壤学报》1997,34(2):182-188
本文研究了大田和盆栽试验中钾素营养对水稻根系形态、活力及其对养分吸收的影响。试验结果表明:(1)在氮磷肥的基础上施钾能促进稻根的生长;(2)土壤供钾潜力、钾肥种类和水稻品种的吸K特性均影响根系的生长;(3)在缺钾的酸性土壤上,吸钾强的品种,施钾的促根效应最为明显;(4)施钾能增加小于0.2mm的细根量,提高稻根的再生能力,影响N、P、K、Ca、Mg等营养元素的吸收及其在地上和地下部分间的分配;(5  相似文献   
本文利用发根农杆菌A grobacterizum rhizogenes1.2556感染滇黄芩再生苗的茎段和叶片,建立了毛状根培养及其植株再生体系。毛状根可直接从受伤的茎、叶外植体表面产生,在无外源激素的MS固体和液体培养基上自主生长,表现出典型的发根特征。毛状根茎段的诱导率较叶片高,最高可达到14.44%;经rolB基因PCR分析和甘露碱纸电泳检测,证明Ri质粒T-DNA已整合到滇黄芩基因组中并表达;毛状根在附加6-BA2mg/L和NAA0.2mg/L的MS固体培养基上直接诱导不定芽,并在MS培养基上生根,形成再生植株。获得的毛状根系经MS液体培养基培养30d后通过HPLC都能检测到黄芩苷,其中1个转化系黄芩苷含量为2.59%,是药材黄芩的0.20倍,而从3年单位时间黄芩苷生成量计算,毛状根是药材黄芩的7.18倍。本研究建立的毛状根培养体系,将对滇黄芩转基因技术的完善和利用毛状根生产黄芩苷的生物转化提供了实验基础。  相似文献   
大麦芽根发酵培养苏云金杆菌的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大麦芽根是啤酒工业的副产品,它含有较丰富的粗蛋白质和可溶性无氮物。采用麦芽根培养基,进行了苏云金杆菌HD-1发酵试验。结果表明,在适当的配比条件下,该菌生长良好,产晶体蛋白能力也正常。发酵液活孢子数可以达到3.7×109/mL,而原料成本只相当于对照鱼粉、玉米培养基的1/4。  相似文献   
Previous evidence indicates that differences in the concentration of underground organic reserves can drive the survival and growing ability of lucerne under cold and defoliation stresses. In order to provide the selection process with further information on compounds that may influence plant performance under grazing, we assessed variations in cold‐season concentrations of nitrogen and carbon reserves on genotypes that had been identified for morphological features that possibly enhance grazing tolerance. The selected genotypes encompassed distinct morphological patterns (defined as ‘models’) and different taxa within the Medicago sativa complex, as shown by different flower colours. Crown concentrations of reserves were determined on 90 genotypes, whereas root concentrations were measured on a subsample of 15 genotypes. Wide intergenotypic variation was observed for all reserve substances. Comparisons among models and among flower colour classes highlighted the high concentrations of crown carbohydrates and root and crown‐soluble proteins of the model coded as ‘D1’, characterized by prostrate, rhizomatous habit and long dormancy, which largely corresponded to plants with yellow or variegated flowers, typical of ssp. falcata and × varia, respectively. There was a strong ‘flower colour × storage organ’ interaction for sugar concentration, and the results suggested a preferential compartment of sugars in the roots of purple‐flowered genotypes that belonged to the ssp. sativa. A rank correlation analysis indicated a positive relationship between persistence after two years under grazing of half‐sib progenies deriving from 19 genotypes out of the 90 and crown concentrations of carbohydrates of the 19 mother plants.  相似文献   
齐香君  刘瑶 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(16):8823-8824,8842
[目的]为药用成分苦参碱及氧化苦参碱的来源提供新途径。[方法]考察了R1601菌株对苦参不同外植体在不同浓度乙酰丁香酮和侵染时间影响下苦参毛状根的诱导率;研究了培养基中的组分和浓度对苦参毛状根继代生长的影响。[结果]以苦参幼芽为外植体,在R1601菌液中添加100μmol/L乙酰丁香酮,侵染20 min,(25±1)℃,MS共培养基上暗培养2 d,苦参毛状根的诱导效果较好,诱导率28.6%,存活率46.7%;苦参毛状根在改良的继代培养基上生长良好。[结论]苦参毛状根的最佳诱导条件:以生长1周的苦参幼芽为外植体,R1601为菌株,添加100μmol/L的乙酰丁香酮,侵染20 min,(25±1)℃暗处诱导。  相似文献   
对植物表达系统产生重组药用蛋白进行了简单的介绍,重点论述了利用发根农杆菌诱导的毛状根培养系统表达重组药用蛋白的研究及应用情况。  相似文献   

The main objective of this case study was to explore the possible influence of forest management on the levels and distribution of biomass and carbon (C) in even-aged stands of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] in Denmark. Data originated from a long-term thinning experiment and an adjacent spacing experiment at stand ages of 58 and 41 years, respectively. Biomass of 16 trees from different thinning and spacing treatments was measured or partly estimated, and soils were sampled for determination of C stocks. All trees in each plot were measured for stem diameter and some for total height, to allow for scaling-up results to stand-level estimates. For trees of similar size, foliage biomass tended to be higher in the spacing experiment, which was located on slightly more fertile land. Foliage biomass increased with increasing thinning grade, but the effect could not be separated from that of tree size. At stand level, foliage biomass tended to increase with increasing spacing as well as with increasing thinning grade. For branchwood, stems and roots (including below-ground stump), the biomass increased with increasing tree size and stand volume at tree and stand level, respectively, but no differences between stands, spacings or thinning grades were observed, apart from that expressed by tree size or stand volume. At stand level, C stocks of all biomass compartments decreased with increasing thinning grade, while the distribution between compartments was hardly influenced. The ratio between above-ground and stem biomass was about 1.21 at stand level, while the ratio between below- and above-ground biomass was about 0.17. Thinning influenced the C stock of the forest floor and mineral soil oppositely, resulting in no effect of thinning on total soil C.  相似文献   
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