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The Andean seed crop quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is traditionally grown under drought and other adverse conditions that constrain crop production in the Andes, and it is regarded as having considerable tolerance to soil drying. The objective of this research was to study how chemical and hydraulic signalling from the root system controlled gas exchange in a drying soil in quinoa. It was observed that during soil drying, relative gs and photosynthesis Amax (drought stressed/fully watered plants) equalled 1, until the fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) decreased to 0.82 ± 0.152 and 0.33 ± 0.061, respectively, at bud formation, indicating that photosynthesis was maintained after stomata closure. The relationship between relative gs and relative Amax at bud formation was represented by a logarithmic function (r2 = 0.79), which resulted in a photosynthetic water use efficiency WUEAmax/gsWUEAmax/gs of 1 when FTSW > 0.8, and increased by 50% with soil drying to FTSW 0.7–0.4. Mild soil drying slightly increased ABA in the xylem. It is concluded that during soil drying, quinoa plants have a sensitive stomatal closure, by which the plants are able to maintain leaf water potential (ψl) and Amax, resulting in an increase of WUE. Root originated ABA plays a role in stomata performance during soil drying. ABA regulation seems to be one of the mechanisms utilised by quinoa when facing drought inducing decrease of turgor of stomata guard cells.  相似文献   
不同基质及生根剂浓度对五种园林植物扦插生根的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以5种园林植物为材料,进行不同基质与不同生根剂浓度对植物扦插生根的比较研究.结果表明:月季、大叶黄杨最适宜的基质是河沙,小叶女贞、八角金盘最适宜的基质是珍珠岩,鹅掌柴最适宜的基质是混合基质.月季、大叶黄杨最合适的生根剂浓度为3 000 mg/kg,小叶女贞最合适的生根剂浓度为5000mg/kg,八角金盘、鹅掌柴最合适的生根剂浓度为1000mg/kg.  相似文献   
从种子芽势、作物茬口、播种量、镇压次数、育苗苗龄方面调查分析了甜菜产生叉根的原因。  相似文献   
The reuse of saline treated industrial wastewater generated by textile firms mixed with municipal domestic effluent for irrigation was used to asses its effect on the mineral content of three olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars under greenhouse and field conditions during two complete vegetative cycles. Chemical analysis of the treated wastewater indicated that the element concentrations fall within the permissible range of irrigation water used for plants. However, little impermissible accumulation of Na and Mg higher than the recommended maximum concentration was observed. Irrigation water with six electrical conductivities (EC = 0.78, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 dS m−1 in treatments T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, respectively) were compared in the greenhouse experiment. The olive trees in the field experiment were trickle irrigated with potable water and treated wastewater (average EC = 4.2 dS m−1). The results of the greenhouse experiment showed that leaf N, Cu, Mn, Fe, Pb, and Na contents increased with increasing salinity of the treated wastewater. This increase was accompanied with a decrease in K and Mg contents. Leaf Ca and Cl concentrations were not considerably affected. Ion analysis in roots indicated that the contents of P, Na, Cl, Mn, and Pb increased while K decreased as treated wastewater salinity increased. Consequently, in most cases T4 and T5 gave a highly significant increase or decrease in accumulation of the previously mentioned minerals. A considerable variation in the studied cultivars was noticed. ‘Nabali’ was considered the most tolerant cultivar for the high salinity levels of the treated wastewater; its transporting selectivity of Na from root to leaf was higher and more Na was retained in the roots. Tissue analysis of leaves indicated that the element concentrations were within the adequate levels except those of Fe in ‘Nabali’ and ‘Manzanillo’, Na in ‘Improved Nabali’ and Cu in ‘Nabali’ and ‘Manzanillo’. In view of these findings, the negligible accumulation of minerals in leaves and roots indicated that this kind of textile effluent can be used as a valid alternative for irrigation of olive orchards with continuous monitoring of mineral levels.  相似文献   
不同灌溉和施肥方式对杂交稻生长和根际环境的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对杂交稻中优218不同灌溉方式和氮肥管理下水稻生长和根际环境的变化进行研究,结果表明,水稻好气灌溉条件下各施肥处理产量均高于传统灌溉处理,产量比淹水灌溉增产10.5%~11.3%,主要表现在每穗粒数增加而提高产量。好气灌溉与淹水灌溉比较各生育期地上部干物重和叶面积指数均增加,土壤氧化还原电位提高,放线菌数量显著增加。增加有机肥降低土壤氧化还原电位和提高放线菌数量,在好气灌溉条件下施相同氮素有机肥放线菌数多于化肥。  相似文献   
田间条件下水稻根系分布及其与土壤容重的关系   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
 采用大田和筒栽方法研究了超高产三系杂交稻协优9308和两系杂交稻两优培九在穗分化期和开花期根系生长和分布及土壤容重对根系分布的影响。结果表明,在田间条件下,土层15 cm内水稻根系占根系总量的89%~98%,深层根系丛间比丛中比例高。不早衰的协优9308根系生长量较两优培九大。土壤容重提高,根系总生长量下降,且深层根系的量和比例下降。就深耕法对水稻根系生长和分布的影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   
战健  邓科  张娣  孟博  周一帆  邓燕 《热带作物学报》2022,43(6):1183-1190
甘蔗(Saccharum spp. hybrid)是我国食糖生产的重要原料,当前生产中普遍存在施氮量高而氮肥利用率低的问题。除了优化施肥管理,种植氮高效的甘蔗品种也是减氮增效的重要途径之一。本研究以云南蔗区推广的早熟高产高糖甘蔗品种‘云蔗05-51’和‘云蔗081609’为试验材料,设置0、0.1、0.5、1、5、10 mmol/L 6个供氮水平开展水培试验,在苗期测定植株生物量、根系形态、氮浓度与累积量、氮素吸收利用效率等指标。结果表明:(1)2个品种地上部、根系及整株生物量均随供氮水平的升高呈先升后降趋势,‘云蔗081609’根系生物量先于其地上部达到峰值,‘云蔗05-51’则相反,‘云蔗05-51’和‘云蔗081609’达到最佳生长需要的供氮量分别为0.5、1 mmol/L,相同供氮水平下‘云蔗081609’生物量高于‘云蔗05-51’;(2)随供氮水平上升,2个品种的根系总长度和平均根直径先上升后趋于稳定,根表面积持续增加,比根长先升后降,相同供氮水平下‘云蔗081609’的根系总长度、平均根直径和根表面积高于‘云蔗05-51’,比根长则低于‘云蔗05-51’;(3)2个品种植株氮浓度及累积量随供氮水平的升高总体呈先上升后稳定的趋势,相同供氮水平下‘云蔗081609’的植株氮累积量高于‘云蔗05-51’;(4)随供氮水平的增加,2个品种的单位根长吸氮量呈先升后稳定的趋势,单位根表面积吸氮量则呈先升后降并趋于平稳,氮素生理利用效率均随供氮水平升高显著降低,在0.1~10 mmol/L范围内‘云蔗081609’单位根长的吸氮量高于‘云蔗05-51’,但单位根表面积吸氮量变化趋势基本一致,品种间氮素生理利用效率无差异。综上表明,‘云蔗081609’在苗期对氮的吸收量高于‘云蔗05-51’主要得益于更好的根系生长,苗期适宜需氮量低于‘云蔗05-51’。  相似文献   
南瓜根系及根部土壤水浸液化感作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈淑芳  曹晓华 《热带作物学报》2011,32(12):2268-2273
以黄瓜、西瓜作受体材料,研究南瓜根系及根部土壤水浸液的化感作用。结果表明,南瓜根系及根部土壤水浸液对受体种子萌发率、萌发指数、幼苗根长、苗高和苗干重存在化感促进或抑制效应。对指标进行综合效应分析,发现南瓜根系及根部土壤水浸液化感作用呈现浓度效应及受体差异性,一定浓度水浸液处理对受体种子萌发阶段、幼苗生长阶段及整体生长有促进作用,但西瓜较黄瓜对浓度敏感,0.02 g/mL南瓜根系及根部土壤水浸液对黄瓜化感促进强度最大,0.04 g/mL处理下,表现为化感促进强度降低或微弱抑制作用;0.02和0.04 g/mL南瓜根系水浸液及0.04 g/mL根部土壤水浸液对西瓜则表现为强烈抑制现象。  相似文献   
选取山莓(Rubus corchorifolius L.f.)、插田泡(R.coreanus Miq.)、光滑悬钩子(R.tsangii Merr.)、茅莓(R.parvifolius L.)4种野生悬钩子健壮植株为材料,通过扦插、分株和根蘖、压条等试验,研究其最适繁育方式。结果表明,4种悬钩子的木质化结构不充分,扦插生根较为困难;山莓可通过分株和根蘖的方式繁殖;插田泡可通过分株、根蘖、压条的方式进行繁殖;光滑悬钩子主要通过分株和根蘖的方式繁殖;茅莓可通过分株、根蘖和压条的方式繁殖。  相似文献   
Metal toxicity and soil acidity affect plant growth. A hydroponic experiment was conducted to simulate effects of pH and copper concentration [Cu] on early growth and biomass production of high-yielding rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L. cv. ‘NIAB 6’). The rice seedlings were allowed to grow in Yoshida nutrient solution with 1 (control), 8, 16, and 32 μM Cu at buffered pH levels of 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5, respectively. Shoot and root growth, leaf chlorophyll content, and root lipid peroxidation and K+ leakage of 15-day-old rice seedlings were determined. Results show that [Cu] had significant adverse effects on rice seedlings. Shoot height and root length were reduced by 18%–60% and 7%–69%, respectively, compared with the control, and shoot and root weight decreased by 26%–56%, and 25%, respectively, in response to progressive increases in [Cu]. Similarly, leaf chlorophyll content decreased by 150%–245% compared with the control treatment. Rice seedling roots suffered from significant increases in lipid peroxidation followed by K+ leakage (> 8–23 times) in response to increasing [Cu]. Averaged across [Cu], seedling growth and biomass were greater at pH 5.5 than at other pH treatments. In some instances, increasing pH minimized the adverse effects of Cu at low concentrations on rice seedlings.  相似文献   
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