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加强农业面源污染综合防治是加快推进中国农业发展全面绿色转型,实现乡村全面振兴的重要任务。近年来,在多方的共同努力下,中国生态环境改善取得了一定成效,但重点流域的农业面源污染问题仍然突出。该研究在分析中国农业面源污染现状的基础上,通过资料收集、现场调研、专家座谈等多种方式梳理和分析了农业面源污染综合防治在治理主体、投入要素、技术体系与产业链条方面的瓶颈,解析了整建制全要素全链条农业面源污染综合防治的内涵,阐述了国家农业绿色发展先行区浙江平湖在践行整建制全要素全链条农业面源污染综合防治方面的先进做法及应用效果。总结了典型案例在网格化健全污染综合防治“整建制”、特色化延伸综合防治“全链条”、以及全方位保障污染综合防治“全要素”三个方面开展的相关工作,以期为探索形成农业面源污染综合防治整体解决方案,示范带动农业发展全面绿色转型提供支撑。  相似文献   
湖州市是一座江南古城,有着浓厚的文化底蕴.湖州太湖旅游度假区位于湖州市境内,其区域内河道网络纵横交错,产生了众多的桥梁和滨水地带.为进一步提升湖州滨湖度假区环境品质,增加度假休闲氛围,打造国内一流休闲旅游度假区,现对滨湖休闲景现带的景观设计理念进行研究探讨.  相似文献   
采用考虑墙体位移模式和转角的土压力计算方法,能较好地反映挡土墙实际工作条件下的位移情况,并且能计算挡土墙任意转角下的主动土压力,避免了采用库仑主动土压力理论计算得到土压力偏小而使设计安全度降低的缺点。因此,本文提出的土压力计算方法对挡土墙的设计及验算有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
内蒙古北部荒漠草原带的严重荒漠化及其治理   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
位居干旱气候区的内蒙古高原中北部的荒漠草原地带 ,面临着严重荒漠化的威胁。目前已有 90 %以上的天然草场退化与沙化 ,变成寸草不生的不毛之地。大大扩展了我国北部沙尘暴频繁发生的地带 ,成为北方生态安全最危险的地区。这是多年来盲目增畜 ,超载过牧 ,滥垦乱挖的掠夺式生产经营中又加上干旱气候因素的耦合作用所造成的必然恶果。面对这一严峻形势 ,急需采取果断措施抢救荒漠草原地带的整体生态环境。应立即实行禁牧封育 ,人畜转移 ,调整结构 ,移民扩镇。使荒漠草原地带与农牧交错地带以及城市之间建立起产业化可持续发展的新途径  相似文献   
内蒙古大兴安岭林区发展草地畜牧业潜力分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古大兴安岭林区草地资源较为丰富,发展林区草地畜牧业的潜力较大,但该地区草地资源和利用不均衡,有的草地严重超载,造成草场退化;而有此可利用草地尚未被充分利用,本文着重对充分利用的区域和自然条件优势及丰富的草地资源,发展林区畜牧业,建立绿色畜产品基地的潜力和对策,进行了切实可行的分析。  相似文献   
During a 6-year study, effects of two contrasting regimes of pesticide use on pitfall and suction catches of Collembola were monitored in an arable field under a rotation of grass and winter wheat. Current farm practice (CFP) represented conventional fungicide and herbicide use plus applications of organophosphorus (OP) insecticides, whereas reduced input approach (RIA) utilised minimum inputs of fungicides and herbicides and excluded any use of insecticides. Compared with RIA, the CFP regime caused a substantial decline in the abundance and diversity of Collembola in the field, including the local disappearance of one species, without recovery during the study. At the field edge, which was protected during OP applications by a 6-m unsprayed buffer zone, effects of the CFP regime were less severe, and were not persistent in the long term. Some Collembola species occurred only in field-edge samples. Pitfall and suction sampling yielded remarkably similar patterns of catches, indicating that pitfall trapping may be appropriate for detecting long-term changes in collembolan abundance caused by intensive agricultural management practices.  相似文献   
甘肃省发展草业具有土地、气候、生物和劳力优势。根据4个生态经济区的特点,分别讨论了草业发展与生态建设的关系。牧区生态保护与草业开发和草地畜牧业的产业更新;河西农区草畜产品生产和荒漠生态系统保护;河东黄土高原区保持水土与草畜产业链延伸;特别是甘肃省陇南山区最适于发展包括生物柴油的新型生物产业。  相似文献   
Tomato spotted wilt (TSW) disease is a serious constraint to tomato production in various regions of the world. The effect of TSW on tomato yield is largely influenced by time of infection. Early infection usually results in severe stunting of the seedling and even death of the plant. Plastic film mulches affect both the incidence of TSW, and plant growth and yield of tomato. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of root zone temperature (RZT) as affected by plastic film mulch on the manifestation of symptoms of TSW, and growth and yield of tomato plants either artificially inoculated with tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) or under natural TSW infection. In artificially inoculated plants as well as in plants under natural TSW infection, vegetative top fresh weight (FW) and fruit FW both increased with the length of time after transplanting that the plants remained free from TSW symptoms. The root zone temperature was highest under black mulch (seasonal mean = 27.5 °C), followed by gray (27.0 °C), silver (25.8 °C), and white (24.8 °C) mulches. The plants grown on black mulch showed the earliest appearance of TSW symptoms, and had significantly reduced vegetative growth and fruit yields compared to plants on the other mulches. In conclusion, utilization of plastic mulches that created conditions of high RZT stress resulted in reduced plant growth and yield and predisposed the plants to earlier expression of TSW symptoms compared to plants grown at RZTs more favorable to tomato plant growth (optimal RZT = 26.1 °C [Díaz-Pérez, J.C., Batal, K.D., Granberry, D., Bertrand, D., Giddings, D., Pappu, H., 2003. Vegetative top growth and yield of tomato grown on plastic film mulches as affected by the appearance of symptoms of Tomato spotted wilt virus. HortScience 38, 395–399]). Since these plant responses to TSW under heat stress occurred in artificially inoculated plants as well as in plants under natural TSW infection, high RZTs probably affected the plants directly, independently of any possible effects on the thrips vectors.  相似文献   
海峡西岸经济区现代农业发展战略思考与若干对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建设海峡西岸经济区是福建省委、省政府提出的新一轮创业的发展战略,全面推进现代农业发展是海峡西岸经济区先行创业过程中必不可少的重要任务.本文阐述了海峡西岸现代农业建设的战略定位,即以壮大品牌农业引领现代农业发展,以强化安全农业保障现代农业发展,以闽台农业合作推进现代农业发展;并提出了海峡西岸现代农业发展中的若干思路与对策.  相似文献   
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