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基于空间数据库的林分生长模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将林分作为研究对象,以森林二类调查数据和相关图形为基础数据资料,选择林分生长模型,运用ScanIn地图矢量化软件系统进行专业的矢量化,借助于GIS相关软件建立属性数据库与图形数据库并运用ID连接,用二次开发语言VB编程开发功能,形成林分经营管理空间数据库,力求实现计算机分析、预测功能的更准确、更切实、更科学。同时,将此思路付诸于现实林分管理中,为科学地管理森林、经营森林、规划森林提供有效的帮助。  相似文献   
脐橙糖度光谱图像检测技术研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对采集到的不同波长的光谱图像灰度分布进行洛伦茨分布(LD)、高斯分布(GD)、指数分布(ED)函数拟合,通过比较发现洛伦茨分布为最优灰度分布拟合函数.将脐橙的糖度与洛伦茨分布函数拟合所得参数分别进行多元线性回归,建立最佳单波长、最佳双波长组合、最佳三波长组合和最佳四波长组合的校正方程.结果表明:利用光谱图像技术无损检测脐橙糖度是可行性的.  相似文献   
It is important to predict how many individuals of a predator species can survive in a given area on the basis of prey sufficiency and to compare predictive estimates with actual numbers to understand whether or not key threats are related to prey availability. Rugged terrain and low detection probabilities do not allow for the use of traditional prey count techniques in mountain areas. We used presence–absence occupancy modeling and camera‐trapping to estimate the abundance and densities of prey species and regression analysis to predict leopard (Panthera pardus) densities from estimated prey biomass in the mountains of the Nuvadi area, Meghri Ridge, southern Armenia. The prey densities were 12.94 ± 2.18 individuals km?2 for the bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus), 6.88 ± 1.56 for the wild boar (Sus scrofa) and 0.44 ± 0.20 for the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The detection probability of the prey was a strong function of the activity patterns, and was highest in diurnal bezoar goats (0.59 ± 0.09). Based on robust regression, the estimated total ungulate prey biomass (720.37 ± 142.72 kg km?2) can support a leopard density of 7. 18 ± 3.06 individuals 100 km?2. The actual leopard density is only 0.34 individuals 100 km?2 (i.e. one subadult male recorded over the 296.9 km2), estimated from tracking and camera‐trapping. The most plausible explanation for this discrepancy between predicted and actual leopard density is that poaching and disturbance caused by livestock breeding, plant gathering, deforestation and human‐induced wild fires are affecting the leopard population in Armenia.  相似文献   
天然草地合理载畜量是反映草地合理利用强度的基本单位。为提高草地合理载畜量的划分精度,根据“极大似然逼近原理”,创建了异质因子控制下的“线性回归+区域化值残差修正”数据空间化方法。以全国草地资源调查汇总数据中县域理论载畜量和1∶400万中国草地资源图为基础数据,采用分省控制构建了理论载畜量与植被类型-生产力异质植被斑块的线性回归模型,其判定系数由全国模型下的0.867提高到0.937,拟合优势度较高,所获得的中国公里格网草地合理载畜量分布图空间化精度也较高。中国公里格网草地合理载畜量分布图不仅表明了不同类草地因生产力的不同有不同的放牧要求,也体现了不同环境条件下草地载畜能力的差别,有效反映了单位面积内草地植被载畜-生产力水平,为生态治理和草地资源保育工作中合理制定草地利用强度提供了理论参考。  相似文献   
研究膀胱无细胞基质(bladder acellular matrix graft,BAMG)在兔组织工程膀胱中的应用。按文献改进方法制作BAMG,从兔膀胱中分离出上皮细胞和平滑肌细胞,体外培养约4周,与无细胞基质材料复合成组织工程膀胱,对同一兔实施膀胱次全切术,用组织工程膀胱替代。术后进行膀胱造影,组织切片检查,提示组织工程膀胱功能良好。本方法获取的BAMG可用于兔的组织工程膀胱替代手术。  相似文献   
为探究LED脉冲光对作物光合特性的影响,探讨在不影响作物正常生长的前提下如何进一步降低能耗,提高照光效率,选用叶用莴苣(Lactuca sative L.)为试验材料,设置5个占空比水平(20%、40%、60%、80%和100%)和14个频率水平(1、2、4、8、16、32、64、128,256、512、1 024、2 048、4 096和8 192Hz),共计70个处理,以连续光(占空比100%)为对照,探讨不同形式脉冲光对叶片净光合速率(Pn)的影响,并构建脉冲光占空比和频率与净光合速率之间的响应模型。通过对模型边际效应、交互作用以及光能利用率(LUE)的分析得出:占空比和频率都对Pn增长有促进作用,随着占空比和频率的增加,Pn也随之增加并最终趋于稳定状态直至与连续光处理的Pn无显著差异;占空比越高,叶用莴苣叶片的Pn达到饱和的频率越低;当Pn达到饱和状态时,脉冲光下的LUE要显著高于连续光。综上,占空比20%、频率512Hz为最佳占空比与脉冲光频率组合。该结果可为优化LED植物节能补光灯光源参数设计及研发提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
为了掌握海兰褐蛋鸡早期的生长发育规律,运用Gompertz、vonBertalanffy和Richards三种非线性模型对0~10周龄的海兰褐蛋鸡体重数据进行了拟合与分析。结果表明:三种模型均能很好地模拟海兰褐蛋鸡早期的生长过程,拟合度均在0.99以上,但vonBertalanffij模型拟合效果更好,此模型拟合的生长曲线拐点周龄为19.98周,拐点体重为2358.44g,最大周增重为159.94g/周。yonBertalanffy模型在模拟海兰褐蛋鸡早期生长状况方面为理想的数学模型,此研究结果可作为科学饲养该鸡种的重要参考。  相似文献   
塞北兔生长发育及生长曲线的拟合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Logistic非线性动物生长模型拟合塞北兔初生到6月龄的平均体重,进行生长曲线分析.结果表明:①根据Logistic生长曲线方程原理,确定了塞北兔生长曲线方程参数a=24.2593,b=0.9297,并对方程进行了拟合,建立了塞北兔生长曲线方程y^^=6596.5589/(1+24.259 3e^-0.9297x)(P〈0.05);②Logistic方程能很好的拟合塞北兔的生长过程,拟合度均在0.95以上,生长的拐点时间为3.43月龄,拐点体重为3298.28g,极限体重参数6596.5589g。  相似文献   
狂犬病毒中和试验的病毒回归试验表明,病毒攻毒液的实际剂量与理论剂量不完全一致.建议在新版<中华人民共和国兽用生物制品质量标准>中增加对病毒攻毒实际剂量范围的规定,以使结果的判定更为合理.  相似文献   
Reasons for performing study: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is diagnosed rarely in equine practice although it may be under‐recognised. A greater awareness of the condition and therapeutic considerations would be to the benefit of such cases presenting in practice. More investigation into the pharmacological management of these cases is needed. Objectives: Three cases of diabetes mellitus were investigated using a specific test for insulin sensitivity and pancreatic β cell function in order to define accurately and characterise the existence of T2DM in all 3 subjects. Methods: The insulin‐modified frequently sampled i.v. glucose tolerance test was performed in each case and the data so obtained were subject to minimal model analysis of insulin‐glucose dynamics. Cases were then monitored following treatment using a combination of dietary modification, metformin, glibenclamide and pergolide. Results: Marked insulin resistance was identified in each case and, furthermore, severe pancreatic β cell dysfunction was present therefore classifying each case as end stage T2DM. Treatment was nevertheless associated with restoration of normoglycaemia in all cases. Conclusions: T2DM in horses may be more common than generally considered. In some cases individuals may respond to therapy aimed at restoring insulin sensitivity and pancreatic function. Drugs used in other species for the treatment of T2DM have not yet been adequately tested in horses. Potential relevance: T2DM should be considered as an important differential diagnosis in mature to elderly horses and ponies suffering from weight loss, polydipsia and polyuria. Clinicians should be encouraged to offer treatment and management advice when such cases are encountered.  相似文献   
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