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Ocean net pen production of Atlantic salmon is approaching 2 million metric tons (MT) annually and has proven to be cost- and energy-efficient. Recently, with technology improvements, freshwater aquaculture of Atlantic salmon from eggs to harvestable size of 4–5 kg in land-based closed containment (LBCC) water recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) has been demonstrated as a viable production technology. Land-based, closed containment water recirculating aquaculture systems technology offers the ability to fully control the rearing environment and provides flexibility in locating a production facility close to the market and on sites where cost of land and power are competitive. This flexibility offers distinct advantages over Atlantic salmon produced in open net pen systems, which is dependent on access to suitable coastal waters and a relatively long transport distance to supply the US market. Consequently, in this paper we present an analysis of the investment needed, the production cost, the profitability and the carbon footprint of producing 3300 MT of head-on gutted (HOG) Atlantic salmon from eggs to US market (wholesale) using two different production systems—LBCC-RAS technology and open net pen (ONP) technology using enterprise budget analysis and carbon footprint with the LCA method. In our analysis we compare the traditional open net pen production system in Norway and a model freshwater LBCC-RAS facility in the US. The model ONP is small compared to the most ONP systems in Norway, but the LBCC-RAS is large compared to any existing LBCC-RAS for Atlantic salmon. The results need to be interpreted with this in mind. Results of the financial analysis indicate that the total production costs for two systems are relatively similar, with LBCC-RAS only 10% higher than the ONP system on a head-on gutted basis (5.60 US$/kg versus 5.08 US$/kg, respectively). Without interest and depreciation, the two production systems have an almost equal operating cost (4.30 US$/kg for ONP versus 4.37 US$/kg for LBCC-RAS). Capital costs of the two systems are not similar for the same 3300 MT of head-on gutted salmon. The capital cost of the LBCC-RAS model system is approximately 54,000,000 US$ and the capital cost of the ONP system is approximately 30,000,000 US$, a difference of 80%. However, the LBCC-RAS model system selling salmon at a 30% price premium is comparatively as profitable as the ONP model system (profit margin of 18% versus 24%, respectively), even though its 15-year net present value is negative and its return on investment is lower than ONP system (9% versus 18%, respectively). The results of the carbon footprint analysis confirmed that production of feed is the dominating climate aspect for both production methods, but also showed that energy source and transport methods are important. It was shown that fresh salmon produced in LBCC-RAS systems close to a US market that use an average US electricity mix have a much lower carbon footprint than fresh salmon produced in Norway in ONP systems shipped to the same market by airfreight, 7.41 versus 15.22 kg CO2eq/kg salmon HOG, respectively. When comparing the carbon footprint of production-only, the LBCC-RAS-produced salmon has a carbon footprint that is double that of the ONP-produced salmon, 7.01 versus 3.39 kg CO2eq/kg salmon live-weight, respectively.  相似文献   
我国陆上水产养殖工程化装备现状及发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔业工程化装备是水产养殖业实现集约化、规模化养殖的重要前提和保障。近年来,作为我国重要水产养殖方式的陆上水产养殖业快速发展,为我国广大人民提供了大量优质蛋白源,也为我国满足不断增长的食品需求和安全保障作出了重要贡献。为我国陆上水产养殖工程化装备的研究及应用提供参考,对十二五期间我国池塘养殖和工厂化养殖设施装备的发展现状、存在的主要问题以及国外发展现状等进行分析,并对今后我国陆上水产养殖工程化装备的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
高职高专水产养殖技术专业实践教学改革与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高水产养殖技术专业教学质量,经过几年的教学改革与实践,坚持以就业为导向,深化教学改革,突出实践教学,强化技能训练,全面培养水产养殖高技能应用型人才。使毕业生综合素质和技能水平明显提升,特别是在实践动手能力和解决实际技术问题的能力方面显现出明显优势,深受行业系统用人单位的普遍欢迎。  相似文献   
为恢复和保护濒危淡水贝类资源,该文根据物质平衡原理,以具有代表性的淡水彩虹贝类为研究对象,设计并构建了一套小型的室内淡水彩虹贝循环水养殖系统,该系统由养殖池、生物过滤器、蓄水池、循环水泵、充氧系统和自动投饵装置等环节组成。并在该循环水系统中对钩介幼虫2日龄的彩虹贝幼贝进行了为期60 d的养殖(2011年6月21日到2011年8月20日),整个养殖周期内,彩虹贝幼贝养殖系统环境稳定,水质稳定良好,彩虹贝幼贝壳长日增长量为15.2μm/d,彩虹贝幼贝的最大相对增长率发生在第40天到第50天,其相对生长率为32.4%,和之前池塘流水、跑道式等养殖模式相比,该循环水系统养殖的彩虹贝幼贝获得了更高的生长率。该研究可为淡水贝类的人工繁育和养殖提供参考。  相似文献   
微孔曝气流量与曝气管长度对水体增氧性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了探究曝气流量与曝气管长度对增氧性能的影响,在不同曝气流量、不同曝气管长度条件下进行了室内水体底部微孔曝气增氧试验。分析了曝气流量与曝气管长度对氧体积传质系数、增氧量和氧利用率的影响。研究结果表明,当曝气流量为0.27~0.55 m3/s、曝气管长为0.9~1.5 m时,所对应的氧体积传质系数在0.63~1.1 h-1变化,增氧量在6.8~12.9 g/h变化,氧利用率在6.87%~9.28%变化,且在一定的曝气管长度下,氧体积传质系数、增氧量均与曝气流量成正比,而氧利用率则与其成反比关系;在一定的曝气流量下,曝气管长度对氧体积传质系数产生的影响表现为先高后低再高的趋势;氧体积传质系数与修正的饱和溶解氧浓度是否作为增氧量的主要影响因子取决于曝气管长度;曝气流量对氧利用率较曝气管长度更为敏感。研究还发现,微孔曝气系统中存在着最优曝气管长度,使得增氧性能最佳,并建立了最优曝气管长度与曝气流量、水深、输入压力、最优初始气泡直径的相关关系式,为低碳经济下微孔曝气系统的设计和运行提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
为去除贝类养殖过程中残留的农药扑草净,研究了不同处理(正常、超声波震荡、紫外线照射和不同pH)条件下高锰酸钾、过氧化氢和次氯酸钠对扑草净的降解效果.结果显示,次氯酸钠对扑草净的降解率最高,其降解效果不受紫外线照射、超声波震荡以及水体pH变化的影响.高锰酸钾和过氧化氢对扑草净的降解率较低,超声波震荡和紫外线照射辅助处理对...  相似文献   
Dispersal of root pathogens is a major concern in closed hydroponic cultures. To limit dispersal, ultraviolet (UV) disinfection technology has been used to remove pathogens but its effect on non-target bacterial populations is largely unknown. In this study, the circulating solution was disinfected with various UV doses (i.e., 19, 38, 59, 88mJcm–2) before recirculation. At the beginning of the experiment, the hydroponic solution was inoculated with Pythium aphanidermatum at 6.7±1.5CFUmL–1. Four months later the population density of P. aphanidermatum reached 1030CFUmL–1 in the control and 1028, 970, 610, and 521CFUmL–1 in the solutions treated by the above UV doses. In all UV-treated solutions, significant (P<0.05) reduction of both Pythium and bacterial populations was noted. For the former, its reduction did not result in decrease of Pythium root rot nor increase of tomato fruit yield. For the latter, its reduction showed a concomitant decrease of the populations in the rhizosphere. The bacterial populations in the rhizosphere were 6.77×109CFUmg–1 fresh roots at the beginning of the experiment and were 7.89×108, 9.93×107, 7.33×107, and 3.51×107CFUmg–1 fresh roots at the end of the experiment in the control, UV38, UV59, and UV88 treatments, respectively. The bacterial density also decreased with time in the control (UV0) although at a low rate. The results suggest that the attempt to control Pythium root rot by UV irradiation of recirculating solutions to remove P. aphanidermatum also affects the non-target bacterial populations in the rhizosphere. The interaction between the target pathogen and non-target bacterial flora in UV-treated hydroponics needs further investigation.  相似文献   
2006年11月22日,日本发布实施了《水产养殖用药第20号通报》(以下简称"第20号通报"),对水产养殖用药种类、有效成分、适用对象、适应病症、用法、用量、休药期等有关规定进行了调整。"第20号通报"是目前日本指导本国水产养殖者安全用药的准则。介绍了日本水产养殖管理体系、对"第20号通报"的内容进行了解析,并就如何规避风险、确保我国水产品进出口贸易健康发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
为了能改善水质、渔业增殖和修复生态环境,EM菌的应用得到了广泛的关注,成为近几年研究的热点。鉴于此,本研究系统梳理了EM菌的定义及来源,综述了国内外近几十年EM菌在水产养殖中的作用效果及其作用机理,阐述了影响EM菌作用效果的因素等;发现EM菌在调控微生物生态结构、降低水环境中有害物质、提高免疫、增重增产等方面有着显著的效果,但EM菌技术的基础理论研究还比较薄弱,且生产技术及应用过程等还存在着不足。因此今后应提高生产技术,建立和提高筛选系统,并开发EM菌在水产养殖研究和应用的新领域,为水产养殖创造更大的经济价值,并为可持续养殖提供可能。  相似文献   
通过检测除氮型改性凹凸棒土(Al@TCAP-N)和火山石的内部及周围水体有关氮、磷、有机物分解的酶活性和水质指标,利用高通量测序对材料和水体中的细菌和真菌进行分析,以研究尾水处理系统初沉区中水质净化材料处理尾水营养盐的机制。结果表明,Al@TCAP-N和火山石能增加其周围水体微生物碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、硝酸盐还原酶(Nar)活性;火山石能在早期(0~6 h)提高其内部有机磷水解酶(OPH)、氨单加氧酶(AMO)的活性;Al@TCAP-N能在后期(36~48 h)增加其内部脱氢酶(DHO)的活性;净化材料相互对比发现,火山石内部的酶活性整体高于Al@TCAP-N内部的酶活性;本试验表明水质处理最佳时间为36 h,总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)的去除率分别为22.61%、9.52%和22.16%。在实际应用过程中,可通过Al@TCAP-N的吸附和火山石负载的微生物的双重作用降低水中营养盐的含量。浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)、变形菌门(Protepbacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和壶菌门(Chytridiomycota)分别是材料表面微生物细菌和真菌中的主要门类。火山石能在净化初期促进有机磷化合物分解和硝态氮(NO3--N)转化为亚硝态氮(NO2--N),Al@TCAP-N在净化后期促进有机物的分解。Al@TCAP-N和火山石能促进水体中含磷化合物的分解和氮的转化。  相似文献   
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