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The variation in the basic‐density level of 45 stems of Sitka spruce from two Danish sites has been examined. It is shown that the basic‐density level, i.e. the basic density as a function of ring width, within the juvenile wood decreases with (1) increasing distance from the pith and (2) increasing height in the stem (same ring number from pith provided). Furthermore, the basic‐density level seems to decrease with increasing stand quality, which may affect the pattern of variation in basic‐density level if the stand quality class varies with age. The basic density of the juvenile wood is markedly higher in Sitka spruce than in Norway spruce, whereby the risk of stem cracks probably is reduced.  相似文献   
淡水中培养的生物膜,去氨氮能力随盐度上升及升盐速率的增加而逐渐下降,当盐度由0.6升至13.3、23.9和31.3并稳定48 h后,氨氮去除率分别为100%、93.0%和86.9%;当按不同的速度降盐至淡水环境时,生物膜去氨氮的能力逐步得以恢复,特别是降到淡水时,去氨氮率均达90%以上,基本达到淡水中生物膜去氨氮的能力。经24~36 h的吸附作用,沸石对氨氮的吸附能力强于瓷质生化环,生化环48 h去氨氮的能力(95.1%)接近沸石(100%)。以沸石为滤料的滤器去氨氮能力与速率随沸石用量增加而增强。24 h内天然沸石吸附作用去氨氮能力强于生物沸石,生物沸石48 h对氨氮的去除率(99.2%)略超过天然沸石(95.2%)。  相似文献   
X射线强度直接计数法无损检测木材生长轮密度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中初步探讨了X射线强度直接计数法无损连续检测木材生长轮密度的理论。作者主要根据X射线服从指数衰减规律,采用按一定步长移动的扫描方式,并结合应用D/max-3B型X射线衍射仪(日本)提出了试样制作要求和试验方法。通过实验对兴安落叶松、杉木等进行了测试,其结果与称重法比较基本一致。这一研究表明,应用X射线强度直接计数法,优于X射线照像法和γ射线强度直接计数法,它简化了测试过程,提高了检测速度,是一种检测木材密度的有效手段,可用于木材科学研究和生产实践。  相似文献   
通过新型农药60.00%唑醚·代森联(百泰)WG和25.00%吡唑醚菌酯(凯润)EC防治苹果轮纹病、炭疽病的试验研究,结果表明60.00%百泰WG、25.00%凯润EC的防治效果与对照药剂70.00%甲基托布津WP的防效相当;而储藏期百泰、凯润的防治效果比较理想,要显著优于对照药剂。  相似文献   
祁连山青海云杉径向生长对气候的响应   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为探明树木径向生长对气候变化的响应,以祁连山中部下限青海云杉为研究对象,采用年表气候相关分析和特征年分析方法,研究了青海云杉的年轮宽度、早材宽度、晚材宽度标准化年表与月均温度和降雨量的关系。结果表明:年轮宽度、早材宽度、晚材宽度与6、7月的月均温度显著负相关。年轮宽度、早材宽度与3、5、6月的降雨量显著正相关,与9月的降雨量显著负相关;晚材宽度与降雨量无显著相关,晚材宽度对气候的敏感性弱于早材宽度。特征年分析进一步发现:当夏季温度高于同期温度而夏季降雨量又低于同期降雨量时,容易形成窄年轮;相反,当夏季温度低于同期温度而夏季降雨量又高于同期降雨量时,容易形成宽年轮。表明春季和夏季降雨量对祁连山中部下限青海云杉的径向生长有促进作用,而夏季温度有抑制作用。   相似文献   
为了明确江西省南昌市郊区梨轮纹病菌的种类归属,本文从果园采集呈典型症状的梨轮纹病样本,采用组织分离法进行病菌分离和病菌纯化,获得5个梨轮纹病菌分离株,其培养性状相同且与已报道的葡萄座腔菌Botryosphaeria dothidea的培养性状一致。用菌饼对离体梨枝条进行接种,结果5个分离株均导致典型病斑,对该病斑进行再分离,又分离到与原接种菌一致的病原菌。任选其中的一个分离株NC-1进行rDNA-ITS序列扩增和序列测定,获得片段长为543bp的核苷酸序列,通过BLAST分析,发现该序列与GenBank中葡萄座腔菌的同源性高达100%。结果表明,南昌市郊区梨轮纹病菌属于葡萄座腔菌。  相似文献   
[目的]研究土壤稳定入渗速率(fc)的时间变化规律对土壤剖面水分运动和溶质运移的影响,为流域水文循环模型研究提供理论支持。[方法]以中国科学院长武黄土高原农业生态试验站附近典型的土地利用类型为研究对象,利用双环入渗法采集玉米地、苹果园和刺槐林地2021年4—10月的fc值。[结果](1)fc值空间分布的最大相关距离是7.12 m;(2)土壤容重与fc值呈显著负相关,而土壤初始含水量与fc值无显著相关性(p>0.05);(3)4—5月各土地利用类型的fc值随时间增加而增加;6—10月,各土地利用类型的fc值随时间的变化特征存在差异,表现为玉米地随时间的增加先增加后下降,苹果园随时间的增加而增大,刺槐林随时间的增加先增大后趋于稳定。方差分析表明,不同土地利用类型的fc值受时间影响显著(p<0.05)。[结论]观测期内,受耕作、降雨、根系活动与土壤干湿交替变化以及枯枝落叶层的影响,不同土地利用方式下f  相似文献   
对于环模制粒机主轴滚动轴承,选择合适的润滑脂,分析润滑机理,进行最小油膜厚度计算,考虑轴承润滑寿命影响因素和修正系数,进行轴承润滑寿命计算,讨论影响因素,提出维护保养措施,为合理和正确地使用轴承润滑提供依据.  相似文献   
AIMS: To compare two methods of applying rubber rings to the pedicles of yearling stags to induce analgesia in the antler prior to removal. To compare the application of a rubber ring with that of a lignocaine ring block of the antler pedicle on the efficacy and time course of the analgesia produced in yearling stags.

METHODS: Rubber rings were applied to the pedicles of 36 yearling stags that required velvet antler removal. The standard method, a doubled-over ring expanded and lowered down from the distal end of the antler and released midway down the pedicle, was compared with a cable-tie method on the other pedicle, where a ring was pulled around the pedicle by an electrical cable tie threaded through the ring. Brief electrical stimulation (train-of-four mode) was applied proximal and distal to the ring before, and at regular intervals for 1 hour after, application of the ring to a level that produced an auriculopalpebral reflex response.

In a second experiment, each pair of antlers per yearling stag (n=36) was allocated to one of three pairs of treatments, viz no treatment (control) and the cable-tie method as described above, control and local anaesthesia (a ring block of 2 ml 2% lignocaine per cm pedicle circumference), or the cable-tie method and local anaesthesia. Electrical stimulation (tetanic mode) was applied to each antler approximately 25 mm distal to the pedicle/antler junction before, and at intervals up to 1 hour after, application of treatments at a level required to produce a head/neck avoidance behavioural response.

In a third experiment, the two electrical stimulation protocols used above were directly compared by measuring the response of stags (n=8) to one protocol on each pedicle/antler prior to, and at intervals for 1 hour after, application of a rubber ring. At the end of each treatment in all three experiments, analgesia of the antler was established as a nil behavioural response of the stag to a saw cut to the antler (the ‘nick test’).

RESULTS: For both methods of application of a ring the minimum electrical stimulation required distal to the ring to elicit a reflex response increased from around 16 to 55 mA by 60 minutes. In contrast, the electrical stimulation required proximal to the ring remained low (~17.0 mA) throughout. No stag subjected to either of the methods of application responded to the nick test 60 minutes after application of the ring.

The electrical stimulation required to produce a behavioural response increased very rapidly in stags treated with local anaesthetic and at a slower rate in those treated with the cabletie method but showed no significant increase in control stags. After 4 and 30 minutes, for local anaesthesia and the cable-tie method, respectively, 95% of stags were not responding to 80 mA. A significantly greater proportion of stags with antlers treated with local anaesthetic and the cable-tie method did not respond to the nick test than controls, and there was no significant difference in the frequency of the response between stags with treated antlers.

The minimum current required to produce a response proximal to a rubber ring was slightly higher on average for train-of-four electrical stimulus (mean 18.1 (SD 2.6) mA) than for the tetanic mode (mean 11.9 (SD 2.5) mA). The increase in minimum current required to produce the respective response to stimulation distal to the ring was similar for both methods, although the maximum predicted value (67.4 mA) was lower for train-of-four than for the tetanic mode (84.5 mA). No stag responded to the nick test =60 minutes after application of the ring.

CONCLUSIONS: The cable-tie method was no different from the standard method as a procedure for producing analgesia in the antlers of yearling stags and should be accepted as an appropriate procedure for applying analgesic rings to yearling stags. The analgesia produced in the antlers of yearling stags by rubber rings applied by the cable-tie method to the pedicle was similar to that of a lignocaine ring block, but the time course for the development of analgesia was markedly different. Given that a lignocaine ring block is accepted as an adequate method of pain relief for antler removal, the application of rubber rings followed by a period of =30 minutes after application can be advocated as a viable alternative for pain relief.  相似文献   
竹缠绕复合管环刚度测试试验   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
测试了竹缠绕复合管母管的环刚度值,与母管承插连接后的环刚度值,以及母管与束节连接后的环刚度值。结果表明:DN 600管承插连接后的环刚度值为承口和插口环刚度值之和的97.3%;DN 600和DN 1 000管束节连接后环刚度值分别为束节和母管环刚度值之和的116%和107%。试验结果可为优化竹缠绕复合管的连接结构提供参考。  相似文献   
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