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  • 1. Recreational shore fishing along the coast of the marine reserve of Cap de Creus (NW Mediterranean) was studied in 2007 and 2009 based on roving creel surveys (on‐site angler surveys during which anglers' harvests are examined by the survey clerk). The study aimed to assess the biological impacts of this leisure activity on coastal fish stocks and the potential risks arising from the use of exotic baits.
  • 2. Recreational shore fishers employ seven different fishing techniques, of which the bottom fishing rod (a fishing rod whose hooks, together with the bait, lie on the bottom or near it by means of a heavy weight) is by far the most widely used method (nearly 90% of observations). In total, 25 fish species were identified in the catch from the bottom fishing rod.
  • 3. The estimated annual shore fishing catches (c.3 tons) are much lower than those obtained by recreational boat and spear fishing (c.20 tons each), and those from commercial (artisanal) fishing (c.50 tons). The weighted mean vulnerability index and trophic level values in the catch from the bottom fishing rod are 52.2 and 4.03, respectively.
  • 4. A minimum of 43% of the baits used by the shore anglers were live, non‐native species (mostly polychaetes).
  • 5. Overall, results highlight the impact of shore angling on coastal fish communities of a protected area and the increasing environmental risks arising from the use of exotic marine baits, which constitute a potential and unregulated vector of introduction of non‐native species in the Mediterranean. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
对黄河源区黑土滩人工草地在封育和放牧两种不同管理方式下,从8月到翌年的4月进行了地上植物量及牧草营养成分动态研究,结果表明:从8月到翌年4月牧草的自然损失量为138.7g/m~2,损失率为34.3%,家畜的采食量为174.9g/m~2,草地的实际利用率为43.3%;整个冷季牧草总体营养价值呈下降趋势,封育草地粗蛋白降低了56.87%,粗脂肪降低了51.09%。该类草地在夏季属碳氮营养型(CN),冬季属碳营养型(C)。  相似文献   
于2011和2012年对河池蔗区进行病虫害调查发现,为害河池甘蔗生产的主要病害为黑穗病、梢腐病、煤烟病,主要虫害为甘蔗螟虫、绵蚜、蓟马等.指出当前蔗区病虫害防治存在防治适期掌握不对、防治时期不统一、盲目使用和滥用农药、防治意识不强、缺乏科学指导等主要问题,并提出做好病虫害监测、做到统防统治、给予科学的技术指导、增强蔗农防治意识和改善品种单一化的种植局面等建议.  相似文献   
盐碱地渗水调配养殖南美白对虾技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍了利用黄河三角洲地区丰富、闲置的重盐碱地,经过合理调配水质,在反复试验的基础上设计出一套合理的健康养殖技术方案,实施了大面积南美白对虾盐碱地健康养殖。尤其是通过在用盐碱地渗出的咸水与淡水混合调配成的,盐度为5~20的养殖用水中,添加一定浓度的钾离子,有效提高了虾苗的成活率。  相似文献   
一项新科技在示范、推广过程中,凭借龙头企业的经济实力,发挥其对草坪产业开发的拉动与扩张能力。采用先示范、获效益、再利用农民专业合作社等多种形式,把农民自愿地组织在一起,从事某一项草坪产业,实现土地的流转和产业专业化,促进农村经济发展、农民增收、农村面貌改善。  相似文献   
为发掘更好的彩叶观赏树种蓝果树种质资源和进一步开发利用及保存,采用400 m2的标准样法对黔中地区11个县(市、区)的蓝果树种质资源进行调查,观察土壤颜色、测量土层厚度和海拔;测量树高、胸径、冠幅、枝下高及代表植株的5~12片叶的叶长、叶宽,并观察其叶形和叶色;记录样地内所有伴生植物的种类。结果表明:蓝果树生长的土壤多为酸性的黄壤,土层厚度在24~212 cm 之间,海拔在1021~1439 m 之间。平均叶长在8.1~12.7 cm 之间,平均叶宽在3.6~6.2 cm 之间,叶色方面主要变化有绿色间紫红色或红色、铁锈红色、绿色。21个样地中蓝果树的平均年龄多在10~20年,多数胸径小于10 cm,平均胸径最大的30.9 cm,其次为19.0 cm。21个样地中均有的伴生植物都为酸性土壤的指示性植物。初步查清了黔中地区蓝果树种质资源,为发掘更好的蓝果树种质资源和良种选育、进一步开发利用及保存提供基础参考。  相似文献   
  1. The expansion and intensification of marine uses have severe cumulative impacts on marine ecosystems and human well-being, unless they are properly managed with an ecosystem-based management approach.
  2. A systematic conservation planning approach, using marxan with zones , was applied to generate alternative marine spatial plans for the Aegean Sea. Relevant human uses were included and their cumulative impact on a wide set of key biodiversity features was considered in the analysis. Different cost scenarios were developed to gain insight on the effects of the approaches used to assess socio-economic factors, and their potential impact on spatial plans.
  3. The spatial plans generated differed greatly depending on the method used to estimate opportunity costs and evaluate human activities in monetary terms.
  4. The vulnerability weights (the relative vulnerability of ecological features to specific human activities and their impacts) that were estimated based on a cumulative impact assessment, allowed the assessment of each zone in contributing to the achievement of conservation targets, through a transparent planning approach.
  5. Results indicate that special care should be given to how socio-economic activities, their impact on the ecosystems, and related costs are incorporated into planning.
  6. The proposed approach demonstrates how EU member states may effectively comply with the new Biodiversity Strategy 2030 targets, while planning for the sustainable use of their marine resources.
【目的】最近十余年,是我国杂交稻优质化从修订审定指标引导到全面推进的重要时期,回顾这一时期我国优质杂交稻的选育与推广进程,对于完善和指导未来的水稻育种具有重要的意义。【方法】试验材料与数据来自2009-2020年我国杂交水稻主要品种的推广面积统计汇总、品种审定试验结果及品种系谱资料。分析了各主要稻区优质杂交稻品种的推广应用总体情况,梳理了主要优质杂交稻品种利用的不育系、恢复系及各系列品种推广面积,还回顾了各稻区主栽品种更替历程。【结果】这一时期,我国优质杂交稻品种推广面积持续快速增长,各主要稻区品种优质率显著提升,但高档优质稻品种仍然缺乏。优质杂交稻品种的亲本来源比较单一,集中于15个骨干不育系和9个恢复系。此外,分析结果还显示我国各主要稻区主栽优质杂交稻品种总体上进行了1~2次大规模更替。【结论】过去12年来,得益于水稻科研育种技术创新驱动,我国杂交稻优质化育种进程明显加快,各稻区优质杂交水稻品种不断涌现,推广面积快速增加,生产主推优质品种比重显著提升。  相似文献   
长期以来,在以刑事惩罚和预防犯罪的再次发生为主导的立法思想的指导之下,刑事司法一度将重心放在对被告的惩罚上;近代,随着人权保护思潮的掀起,对被告的保护又一度占据着刑事司法的主导地位。20世纪70年代以来,在西方国家开始出现了旨在恢复因犯罪而破坏的社会关系的刑事和解制度,并且一度得到了很多国家立法和司法的青睐。刑事和解与我国宽严相济的刑事政策具有内在的一致性,本文着重探讨了在我国农村地区构建刑事和解的问题、意义与价值。  相似文献   
2013年8月,“北京市主要常规造林树种目录”正式公布,主要特点就在于大大突出本地优良树种的地位,包括原生性森林类型中的许多建群种和优势种,如椴树、栎树、槭树和白蜡树等。这是我国绿化造林历史中的巨大变革,有利于生态文明和生态城镇建设。该文简要地探讨了这方面的某些问题,提出相应的意见,供有关部门参考。  相似文献   
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