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The magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features, signalment, clinical history and outcome of 55 horses with a penetrating sole injury were evaluated. Our aim was to describe MR imaging findings within the hoof capsule, assess the utility of the technique and give recommendations for the optimal MR imaging protocol to evaluate such injuries. Data from five equine hospitals were analyzed retrospectively. The tract was more likely to be visualized in animals scanned within the first week postinjury. There was no significant predisposition based on breed, age, or gender. T2*W transverse sequences were the most useful for assessment of solar penetrations due to their orientation perpendicular to the deep digital flexor tendon, the reduced scanning time, and the T2* capability of enhancing magnetic susceptibility caused by hemorrhage.  相似文献   
通过调查发现,针刺采胶结合电石刺激和施用未沤熟的有机肥会提高橡胶树死皮病的发生。针刺采胶结合电石刺激的橡胶树死皮停割率为45.7 %-63.0 %,而胶刀割胶结合乙烯利刺激的4个林段橡胶树死皮停割率为6.4 %-27.8 %。施用未沤熟的有机肥,死皮停割率达到33.6 %,而施用沤熟有机肥的死皮停割率为6.7 %-21.5 %。  相似文献   
1前言湖南省洞口县第二例牛尿素中毒,制做了简易竹洞针,进行左赚部套洞针(竹洞针)穿刺术放气,灌入食醋,葡萄糖输液等抢救和治疗方案。牛场存栏328头,239头中毒,发病率72.9%,治疗239头,治愈216头,治愈率90.4%,较首例牛尿素中毒病例治愈率100%,降低9.6个百分点,瘤胃膨气病病牛128头,治愈105头,治愈率82.0%,较洞口县首例牛尿素中毒病例治愈率100%,下降18.0个百分点;并对牛瘤胃膨气病最佳抢救时间和尿素养牛正确用量用法进行了探索,供同行参考。  相似文献   
Radiography was used to evaluate 32 horses presented for puncture wounds into the navicular bursa. At the initial radiographic examination, 21 horses had no radiographic signs of osteomyelitis, while 11 did. The mean-time interval between injury and radiographic examination was 20.6 days for horses without evidence of osteomyelitis and 59.3 days for those with evidence of osteomyelitis. Radiographic signs of osteomyelitis of the navicular bone included flexor cortical destruction and irregularity of the flexor surface. Other abnormalities included pathologic fracture of the navicular bone, subluxation of the distal interphalangeal joint, or secondary joint disease. The lateromedial and palmaroproximal-palmarodistal oblique projections were most useful for identifying abnormalities of the navicular bone. There was a high correlation between horses that had positive presurgical radiographic signs and surgical findings. However, approximately 50% of horses that had negative radiographic findings initially had positive surgical findings. Ten of 21 horses with negative radiographic findings on initial examination had evidence of bony lesions when reevaluated from 3 weeks to 6 years later. Nine of 11 horses with radiographic signs of osteomyelitis on initial radiographic examination were euthanatized or had an unsatisfactory outcome. Seven of 10 horses with radiographic signs on reexamination were euthanatized. Thirteen of 20 horses with positive surgical findings for navicular bone infection were euthanatized or had an unsatisfactory outcome.  相似文献   
为比较不同板栗品种之间果实质地差异,采用质构仪穿刺测试和质地多面分析(TPA)法测定了16个品种板栗果实的质地特性。结果表明:板栗果实表型和质地性状变异丰富,穿刺果面硬度、果肉平均硬度、TPA硬度间呈极显著正相关,且均与果面韧性、果面脆性和紧实度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);单果质量和果实横径与果实硬度呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。主成分分析将17个指标(果实表型和质构仪参数指标)组合形成果实硬度、咀嚼特性、果实大小和黏附性因子4个主成分,其累计方差贡献率为89.298%。聚类分析可将这些板栗品种根据质地和表型参数分为7类,不同类别之间差异较大,表明这些特征参数可作为板栗种质资源的评价指标,为板栗鲜食品质鉴定、加工利用和品种选优提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The standard technique for placing a needle into the canine lumbar subarachnoid space is primarily based on palpation of anatomic landmarks and use of probing movements of the needle, however, this technique can be challenging for novice operators. The aim of the current observational, prospective, ex vivo, feasibility study was to compare ultrasound‐guided vs. standard anatomic landmark approaches for novices performing needle placement into the lumbar subarachnoid space using dog cadavers. Eight experienced operators validated the canine cadaver model as usable for training landmark and ultrasound‐guided needle placement into the lumbar subarachnoid space based on realistic anatomy and tissue consistency. With informed consent, 67 final year veterinary students were prospectively enrolled in the study. Students had no prior experience in needle placement into the lumbar subarachnoid space or use of ultrasound. Each student received a short theoretical training about each technique before the trial and then attempted blind landmark‐guided and ultrasound‐guided techniques on randomized canine cadavers. After having performed both procedures, the operators completed a self‐evaluation questionnaire about their performance and self‐confidence. Total success rates for students were 48% and 77% for the landmark‐ and ultrasound‐guided techniques, respectively. Ultrasound guidance significantly increased total success rate when compared to the landmark‐guided technique and significantly reduced the number of attempts. With ultrasound guidance self‐confidence was improved, without bringing any significant change in duration of the needle placement procedure. Findings indicated that use of ultrasound guidance and cadavers are feasible methods for training novice operators in needle placement into the canine lumbar subarachnoid space.  相似文献   
质地是检测水果品质的重要标准,物性分析仪测得的力学指标可以准确地反映水果的品质特性。试验采用物性分析仪对苹果进行穿刺试验,测得不同测试形态、不同加载速率下试样的屈服力、破裂力、破裂深度、破裂能和果肉平均硬度等力学性质。结果表明:不同的测试形态对试样的力学特性有显著影响,对苹果整果试样纵向和轴向截面穿刺得到的力学指标较稳定。由整果纵向穿刺力学指标的相关性分析得出:除了果肉平均硬度,其他各力学指标间均有极强的相关性。  相似文献   
倒伏是限制我国糖料蔗生产的核心问题之一.茎秆机械强度是决定蔗茎抗倒伏性能的重要性状,由于缺乏精准评价甘蔗机械强度的有效方法,甘蔗抗倒伏研究进展严重受阻.本研究针对甘蔗倒伏、折断的问题,分别建立一套基于穿刺力和折断力的蔗茎力学表型测定方法,对117份甘蔗品系蔗茎机械强度精准评价,并对茎秆抗倒伏差异品种('桂糖 42号'和...  相似文献   
目的 探讨血管生成素-2(angiopoietin-2,Ang-2)在脓毒症型急性肺损伤(Acute Lung Injury,ALI)中的变化及影响。方法 45只SD大鼠随机分为对照组10只,采用假手术处理;模型组35只,采用盲肠结扎穿孔术(cecal ligation and puncture,CLP)制作ALI模型(即盲肠结扎/脓毒症型);于假手术及CLP术后24h处死全部大鼠,取肺石蜡包埋,行苏木素-伊红(HE)染色观察肺组织变化及酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测血清Ang-2的水平。结果 对照组大鼠光镜下肺组织结构清楚,肺泡腔清晰,肺泡隔基本无水肿、炎症等特殊改变;模型组光镜下见部分肺泡萎陷,肺泡壁通透性增加,可见较多中性粒细胞及少许巨噬细胞浸润,肺泡间隔增宽等。S模型组血清Ang-2水平(10.72±1.49)ng/ml明显高于对照组(3.87±0.26)ng/ml(P<0.01);死亡鼠血清Ang-2水平(11.48±1.52)ng/ml亦显著高于存活鼠(7.69±1.83)ng/ml(P<0.05)。结论 Ang-2在脓毒症型ALI中具有重要病理作用,血清高Ang-2水平提示预后较差。  相似文献   
脓毒症是重症监护病房(ICU)的一种常见疾病,目前临床上对脓毒症的治疗效率不高。更为严重的是脓毒症患者的死亡率仍然很高,其内部的病理生理过程尚不清楚。许多种类的脓毒症的动物模型已经建立,其中盲肠结扎穿孔(CLP)模型,代表临床脓毒症最理想的模型。然而就CLP模型造模的死亡率、炎症反应以及病理变化而言不同的实验室之间结果有较大差异。目的:为了建立在有限实验条件下稳定性重复性好的大鼠模型,为后续的研究打下了基础。方法:1、确定了实验条件下盲肠结扎程度与大鼠死亡率之间关系。2、收集组织切片,确定其病理改变。3、在相同造模程度下,2种不同麻醉(水合氯醛和异氟烷)分别麻醉的大鼠,观察CLP大鼠死亡率的影响。结果:1、成功确定模型中大鼠盲肠结扎的程度。2、组织病理切片显示脓毒症的典型病理组织损伤,符合进一步研究的需要。3、在研究中发现相同造模程度下异氟醚麻醉组CLP大鼠死亡率为25%;水合氯醛麻醉组CLP大鼠死亡率达68.75%。  相似文献   
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