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[目的]探究黑土区农田田间持水率的空间变异性机制.[方法]利用传统统计学和多重分形方法量化了田间持水率的空间变异强度,分析了造成田间持水率空间变异性的局部信息;利用联合多重分形方法确定了田间持水率与土壤基本物理特性在多尺度上的相关性.[结果]研究区域田间持水率具有多重分形特征,随土层深度增加,田间持水率的空间变异程度先...  相似文献   
猪场生产管理系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养猪业是我国农村经济支柱产业,随着猪场管理的集约化程度不断得到提高,对生产过程的优化和管理提出了更高的要求.将信息技术应用到猪场生产管理中对提高猪场的生产管理水平、降低生产成本,提高经济效益具有重要意义.为此,在对猪场业务进行深入分析的基础上,提出了猪场生产管理系统设计框架,把该系统划分为生猪管理、猪舍管理、用户管理、成本管理4大部分,并采用自顶向下的模块化的设计和面向对象的程序设计方法开发了一套完整的信息系统.  相似文献   
为了建立健全产品质量安全风险管理体系,加强产品质量安全风险预警的要求,同时最大程度地利用过去成功的风险评估案例,构建了基于案例推理的产品质量安全风险评估系统。针对某种产品,根据专家的知识建立风险评估指标体系,并将每个评估指标赋权重,计算与案例库中的各个案例相似度,寻找出最大相似度案例,据此,辅助相关人员对目标案例进行风险分析与评估。  相似文献   
Standard procedures to assess P availability in soils are based on batch experiments with various extractants. However, in most soils P nutrition is less limited by bulk stocks but by strong adsorption and transport limitation. The basic principle of root‐phosphate uptake is to strip phosphate locally from the solid phase by forming a radial depletion zone in the soil solution, optionally enhanced by release of mobilizing substances. Microdialysis (MD), a well‐established method in pharmacokinetics, is capable to mimic important characteristics of P root uptake. The sampling is by diffusional exchange through a semipermeable membrane covering the probes with their sub‐mm tubular structure. Additionally, the direct environment of the probe can be chemically modified by adding, e.g ., carboxylates to the perfusate. This study is the first approach to test the applicability of MD in assessing plant available phosphate in soils and to develop a framework for its appropriate use.We used MD in stirred solutions to quantify the effect of pumping rate, concomitant ions, and pH value on phosphate recovery. Furthermore, we measured phosphate yield of top‐soil material from a beech forest, a non‐fertilized grassland, and from a fertilized corn field. Three perfusates have been used based on a 1 mM KNO3 solution: pure (1), with 0.1 mM citric acid (2), and with 1 mM citric acid (3). Additionally, a radial diffusion model has been parametrized for the stirred solutions and the beech forest soil.Results from the tests in stirred solutions were in good agreement with reported observations obtained for other ionic species. This shows the principal suitability of the experimental setup for phosphate tests. We observed a significant dependency of phosphate uptake into the MD probes on dialysate pumping rate and on ionic strength of the outside solution. In the soils, we observed uptake rates of the probes between 1.5 × 10−15 and 6.7 × 10−14 mol s−1 cm−1 in case of no citrate addition. Surprisingly, median uptake rates were mostly independent of the bulk soil stocks, but the P‐fertilized soil revealed a strong tailing towards higher values. This indicates the occurrence of hot P spots in soils. Citrate addition increased P yields only in the higher concentration but not in the forest soil. The order of magnitude of MD uptake rates from the soil samples matched root‐length related uptake rates from other studies. The micro‐radial citrate release in MD reflects the processes controlling phosphate mobilization in the rhizosphere better than measurements based on “flooding” of soil samples with citric acid in batch experiments. Important challenges in MD with phosphate are small volumes of dialysate with extremely low concentrations and a high variability of results due to soil heterogeneity and between‐probe variability. We conclude that MD is a promising tool to complement existing P‐analytical procedures, especially when spatial aspects or the release of mobilizing substances are in focus.  相似文献   
One hundred and sixty strains of Pseudomonas syringae subsp. savastanoi from Olea europaea, Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Nerium oleander, Fraxinus angustifolia and Retama sphaerocarpa, and four type strains of other pathovars were studied, investigating 102 phenotypic traits, among which we include biochemical characteristics, assimilation of different carbon sources, sensitivity or resistance to antibiotics and indoleacetic acid (IAA) production. Results were analysed with an affinity dendrogram via the Jaccard coefficient. They indicate an influence of environmental factors on the formation of the 15 phenons obtained, since isolated (knot) strains from the same species but different geographical areas are segregated. Segregation, also detected in strains from different hosts within the same area, added to the pathogenicity test helps to characterise these strains as different pathovars.  相似文献   
多杀菌素的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一类由发酵产物分离的新颖大环内酯化合物多杀菌素,它对鳞翅目害虫活性很高,且对大多数的咀嚼式口器害虫有效。阐述了其化学结构、物理性质、生物活性、开发过程、全合成中的难点以及对分子改造的最新研究。  相似文献   
研究经济鱼类的资源密度重心及其时空异质性有助于深入了解其渔场形成过程,并为其渔业资源的可持续利用和科学管理提供参考依据。本研究基于2009—2014年南海捕捞信息网络中的南海北部海域底拖网渔业生产数据,运用重心分布、自举法(Bootstrap)和地统计等方法研究了大眼鲷资源密度重心分布和时空异质性。结果发现,2009—2014年大眼鲷资源密度总体上呈逐年降低的趋势,且差异极显著,最高值为2012年的(26.69±7.34) g/(h·kW·nets)。不同年份大眼鲷资源密度重心均分布在南海北部50~100 m等深线间,资源密度重心年际分布差异不显著,主要集中于调查海域中部。大眼鲷资源密度在70~90 km的尺度范围内呈强烈的空间自相关格局及良好的空间结构性(块金系数25%),主要受环境因素的作用;在90 km以上的尺度范围,空间自相关性较弱,受随机成分影响较大。  相似文献   
王璐  王海燕  何丽鸿  刘鑫 《土壤通报》2016,(5):1223-1230
以吉林汪清林业局金沟岭林场中41块天然云冷杉针阔混交林样地为对象,采用主成分-聚类分析,结合GIS技术,对该区域土壤肥力质量进行综合评价。结果表明,按主成分-聚类分析结果将41块样地分为4类:第1类土壤肥力质量综合得分为11.17~18.86(优),包括5块样地;第2类土壤肥力质量综合得分为3.01~7.44(良),包括8块样地;第3类土壤肥力质量综合得分为-6.97~1.27(一般),包括24块样地;第4类土壤肥力质量综合得分为-12.40~-9.63(差),包括4块样地。然后采用Arc GIS软件对综合得分进行普通Kriging插值,其标准均方根预测为0.9544,在1的附近,这基本达到插值精度的要求。从生成的研究区土壤肥力质量综合得分空间分布图来看,森林土壤肥力质量由西向东呈现先降低后升高的趋势;由北向南,森林土壤肥力质量变化幅度逐步减小,表明研究区南部土壤肥力质量变化较北部均匀。就研究区的整体土壤肥力质量而言,土壤肥力质量中等以上(优,良,一般)样地数占所研究区样地总数比例为90.24%,表明所研究区森林土壤肥力质量整体处于良好水平。  相似文献   
为了阐明林冠叶面积指数、枯落物厚度等植被因子及降雨量影响下的林地土壤水分空间异质性变化规律,在宁夏六盘山香水河小流域选择了2个35a华北落叶松典型坡面(东南坡A、南坡B),遵循空间格局分析的小支撑、多样点设计原则,结合所选坡面特征,利用线状样带取样法,测定了坡面上各样点的表层(0—20cm)和亚表层(20—40cm)土壤水分、林冠叶面积指数、枯落物层厚度、坡度及离开最近一棵树主干的距离,采用经典统计结合地统计学方法,分析了降雨前后土壤水分空间变异特征;利用Pearson相关分析法分析了降雨前后坡面土壤水分与主要环境因子的数量关系;经Kriging插值得到了实验坡面降雨前后的土壤水分空间分布图。结果表明:本研究选择的2个坡面上表层和亚表层土壤水分均存在显著的空间自相关性,呈现明显的斑块状分布格局。A、B坡面雨前表层土壤水分的块基比分别为0.20和0.16,有强烈的空间自相关性;亚表层的块基比均为0.50,具有中等的空间自相关性;表层土壤水分变程分别为27.6m和23.7m,亚表层土壤水分变程为54.9m和186.0m,空间自相关性存在于较大的范围内。降雨后A、B坡面的表层土壤水分的块基比分别为0.13和0.11,亚表层的块基比为0.28和0.20;表层土壤水分变程分别为17.7m和17.3m,亚表层土壤水分变程为31.4 m和42.6 m,空间自相关性存在的范围变小。Pearson相关分析表明,A坡面土壤水分的空间变化在雨前主要受样点离开树木的距离和坡度的影响,雨后则主要受样点上方叶面积指数和枯落物厚度的影响。由此可见,此次11mm降水使2个坡面上土壤水分的空间异质性增加、空间自相关性增强,且乔木林冠层和枯落物层对降雨的截持和再分配是雨后土壤水分空间异质性增大的主要原因。  相似文献   
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