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通过对白屈菜低温应答过程的转录组分析发现膜脂不饱和化相关基因的表达在一定过程中发生变化,脂肪酸去饱和酶基因FAD2在随温度的变化趋势为正"V"型,且表达量变化显著。利用NCBI等在线软件对序列进行相关生物学信息分析,并对白屈菜FAD家族成员FAD2基因的完整开放阅读框(ORF)进行克隆,并命名为CmFAD2。选用克隆载体pMD-19-T,转化大肠杆菌DH5α,测序验证序列正确性及完整性。将目的基因与植物表达载体pRI-201-AN连接构建重组DNA pRI-201-AN-Cm FAD2,电击法转化农杆菌LBA4404,利用菌液PCR法验证成功。该基因可作为药用植物抗寒品种创制的候选基因。  相似文献   
阐述了森林健康理念和森林康养的基本概念,介绍了森林健康理念和森林康养的发展现状,分析了森林健康与森林康养产业之间的关系。结果表明:森林康养产业的理论基础就是基于森林健康理念继承发展来的,必然会促进森林健康产业的发展。运用森林健康理念指导森林康养产业发展是森林康养产业可持续发展的有效途径,森林健康理念在中国会不断完善和发展,也更有利于中国森林康养产业的发展。展望康养产业,会形成一种新的经济形态,成为国民福祉。  相似文献   
韦雨涓 《广东园林》2020,42(5):92-96
欧阳修自幼与园林结缘,仕宦四十年,所到之处植花造园,笔耕不辍,留下数座园林景观、二十多篇园亭记及百余首园林诗词,撰写了现存最早的牡丹专著《洛阳牡丹记》,为后人研究园林提供了珍贵的史料。欧阳修的园林活 动和园林书写与其宦海沉浮、文学创作紧密相关。欧阳修热爱但不耽溺于园林,其崇尚自然、开放自适,不拘于形,不役于物的园林观,拓宽了园林审美的视域,启发了后人对“物”的审美思考,为园林理论注入了新鲜血液。欧阳修进一步打开了园林的大门,推动了园林的开放,为园林的繁荣与普及做出贡献。  相似文献   
畜牧养殖业污染问题是畜牧养殖生产过程中的常见问题,对于养殖业也有一定的影响,直接影响畜牧产品质量及动物疫病防治工作。该文针对畜牧养殖业污染现状进行分析研究,阐述畜牧养殖污染问题现状,并综合新疆地区的畜牧养殖业发展状态,提出畜牧养殖污染问题综合治理的有效对策。  相似文献   
为保护右江流域生态环境,协调郁江乃至珠江上下游各方经济利益,更好的激励上游地区生态环境保护行为,通过分析右江流域水生态现状、存在问题、现有生态补偿政策环境及其在郁江流域、珠江流域中的地位和作用,利用外部性理论,分析提出了右江流域水生态补偿模式。通过对标对表有关生态保护规划和区划成果,立足百色市实际,提出了右江流域水生态补偿内容、补偿主客体、补偿标准和补偿方式,初步构建右江流域水生态补偿机制框架,并提出有针对性的补偿政策建议,为水生态补偿实施提供了参考。  相似文献   
In this study, we examined summer and fall freshwater rearing habitat use by juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the quickly urbanising Big Lake drainage in south‐central Alaska. Habitat use was assessed by regressing fish count data against habitat survey information across thirty study sites using generalised linear mixed models. Habitat associations were examined by age‐0 and age‐1+ cohorts separately, providing an opportunity to compare habitat use across different juvenile coho salmon life stages during freshwater rearing. Regression results indicated that the age‐0 cohorts were strongly associated with shallow, wide stream reaches with in‐stream vegetation, whereas age‐1+ cohorts were associated with deeper stream reaches. Furthermore, associations between fork length and habitat characteristics suggest cohort‐specific habitat use patterns are distinct from those attributable to fish size. Habitat use information generated from this study is being used to guide optimal fish passage restoration planning in the Big Lake drainage. Evidence for habitat use partitioning by age cohort during freshwater juvenile rearing indicates that pooling age cohorts into a single “juvenile” stage for the purposes of watershed management may mask important habitat use dynamics.  相似文献   
针对南疆地区水资源短缺、作物水分利用效率低等问题,以棉花为试验材料进行田间小区试验,在棉花现蕾期、开花期以及结铃期分别设置3个亏缺灌溉水平(W1:50%ETc,W2:65%ETc,W3:80%ETc,ETc为作物蒸发蒸腾量),以全生育期100%ETc灌溉处理为对照(CK),研究膜下滴灌条件下,不同生育期亏缺灌溉对棉花生长、产量、氮素吸收和水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:现蕾期亏水对棉花株高、叶面积指数、地上干物质生长、氮素吸收和产量有不同程度的抑制效应,但复水后补偿效应显著,其中轻度亏水(W3)在籽棉产量减少3.48%的条件下,WUE高达1.57 kg/m3,显著高于CK的1.48 kg/m3;开花期亏水,棉花的各项生长指标均有显著降低,复水后补偿效应不显著,不利于棉花生长发育;结铃期亏水对棉花地上干物质累积、氮素吸收和产量均有显著的抑制效应,但在W2和W3水平下,WUE均达1.51 kg/m3.综合考虑在保证棉花产量的同时达到节水增产的目的,可在棉花蕾期进行80%ETc灌水,其他生育阶段实施充分灌溉,来控制营养生长,促进生殖生长,获得更高的水分利用效率.  相似文献   
Cost‐effective strategies for using chemically amended organic fertilizers need to be developed to minimize nutrient losses in surface and groundwater. Coupling specific soil physical and chemical characteristics with amendment type could increase their effectiveness. This study investigated how water‐extractable phosphorus (P) was affected by chemical amendments added to pig slurry and how this effect varied with soil properties. A 3‐month incubation study was conducted on 18 different mineral soils, stored at 10 °C and 75% humidity and treated with unamended and amended slurry which was incorporated at a rate equivalent to 19 kg total P (TP )/ha. The amendments examined were commercial‐grade liquid alum, applied at a rate of 0.88:1 [Al:TP ], and commercial‐grade liquid poly‐aluminium chloride (PAC ), applied at a rate of 0.72:1 [Al:TP ]. These amendments were previously identified by the authors as being effective in reducing incidental losses of P. The efficacy of the amendments varied with the soil test P, the degree of P saturation (DPS ) and the Mehlich aluminium, iron and calcium, but not soil texture. Chemical amendments were most effective in soils with DPS over approximately 20%. Due to their high cost, the incorporation of amendments into existing management practices can only be justified as part of a holistic management plan where soils have high DPS .  相似文献   
The increased recognition of the importance of soil is reflected in the UN Post‐2015 Development Agenda with sustainable development goals that directly and indirectly relate to soil quality and protection. Despite a lack of legally binding legislation for soil protection, the European Commission remains committed to the objective of soil protection. However, the achievement of a legally binding framework for soil protection relies on the implementation of a soil monitoring network (SMN) that can detect changes to soil quality over time. As beneficiaries do not pay for the provision of soil information, the options for soil monitoring are limited. The use of existing data sets should be considered first. Using Ireland as an example, this research explored the opportunities for a SMN for Ireland considering three existing national data sets. The options for a SMN are considered in terms of their spatial and stratified distribution, the parameters to be measured and an economic analysis of the options proposed. This research finds that for Ireland, either a 10 or a 16 km2 grid interval stratified by land use and drainage class offers the best potential in relation to the spatial distribution of existing data sets to reflect local data at a national level. With existing data, the stratified SIS data using the 16 km2 grid offers the best value for money, with baseline costs for analysis, excluding field costs, of between €706 481 and €2.8 million. Acknowledging the impossibility of measuring all parameters with ideal frequency, this study proposes a two‐tier system for optimized monitoring frequency. Parameters must anticipate future policy requirements. Finally, the implementation of a SMN must be accompanied by standardized methods, defined thresholds and action mandates to maintain soil quality within allowable limits.  相似文献   
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