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利用东北农作区58个气象站点1961—2010年的逐日气象数据,基于Simulation of Evapotranspiration of Applied Water(SIMETAW)模型分析气候变化背景下东北农作区春小麦生育期内作物需水量(Crop evapotranspiration,ETc)和灌溉需要量(Evapotranspiration of applied water,ETaw),以及典型站点春小麦的灌溉需求指数(Irrigation demand index,IDI)的时空变化特征。结果表明:近50年来,东北农作区日平均温度呈显著上升趋势,平均降水量下降趋势不明显,平均太阳辐射及作物蒸散量呈显著下降趋势。春小麦生育期作物需水量和灌溉需要量呈下降趋势,其分布均表现为西多东少。50年来春小麦作物生育期需水量下降主要集中于松辽及兴安岭南部地区,东部地区变化趋势不明显;生育期灌溉需要量下降集中于松辽及兴安岭地区,三江平原地区略有增加,长白山地区多年保持平稳。  相似文献   
An aquaponics system (AS) is an integrated system that combines a recirculating aquaculture system and a hydroponics system (HS). It is designed to recover nutrients released from fish and transfer them to plants to provide a system more environmentally-friendly than the two systems working separately. As a result, several AS are under development, but little information is available about their overall performances. The aim of this study was to assess nutrient-use efficiency and environmental impacts of an AS, specifically a common carp-lettuce AS located in a greenhouse. Nutrient budgets of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were calculated and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was performed for the AS and for a lettuce Individual Hydroponics System (IHS), similar to the HS of the AS, operating in the greenhouse at the same time. The experiment was performed over a 52-day cycle, which corresponds to the growing time required to harvest marketable lettuce. The nutrient budgets were well balanced, with 24.6% of the N unaccounted-for, most likely due to N2 gas emission, and 6.6% of the P unaccounted-for, most likely due to having underestimated the quantity of sediment. At the beginning of the experiment, N represented 55.9%, 37.1% and 0.1% of the total N input in the formulated feed, stocked fish and lettuce seedlings, respectively. At the end of the experiment, N represented 47.6% and 0.4% of the total N input in the harvested fish and lettuce, respectively. At the beginning of the experiment, P represented 56.94%, 40.20% and 0.03% of the total P input in the formulated feed, stocked fish and lettuce seedlings, respectively. At the end of the experiment, P represented 51.52% and 0.42% of the total P input in the harvested fish and lettuce, respectively. LCA clearly indicated two environmental impact hotspots: the origin of nutrients and energy use. One kg of lettuce growth in the AS clearly had lower environmental impacts than that in the IHS for climate change, acidification, eutrophication, land competition and cumulative energy demand; however, a decrease in water dependence was not observed. The indicator for net primary production use highlighted the dependence of the AS on natural resources, especially fish meal and fish oil. Compared to the use of chemical nutrients in the IHS, the use of nutrients from formulated feed in the AS decreased climate change impact but increased the use of natural resources.  相似文献   
通过解译宁夏中部红寺堡区1989年、1999年、2006年、2012年TM遥感影像,获取该区域生态移民前后4期土地利用数据,对1989~2012年以来土地利用变化情况进行了分析。结果表明,各个时间段的土地利用变化差异性显著。1989~1999年,由于大规模的土地开荒和红寺堡灌区的建设,耕地面积持续增加,同时该区域开始有了水浇地,而林草面积相应减少;1999~2006年,由于退耕还林还草政策的实施,耕地中的旱地被逐渐退耕为草地或发展为水浇地,林草面积开始由减少转为增加,区域土地利用开始合理化;2006~2012年,随着生态移民工程和生态建设工程的成熟发展,林草覆盖面积进一步增加,水浇地面积继续稳步增加,而未利用地和旱地面积持续下降。研究结果为区域土地资源的合理利用及生态移民工程的进一步顺利开展提供可靠依据。  相似文献   
Rather than a human-centric, the basic strategy of achieving Sustainable Development Goals must be focused on restoring and sustaining planetary processes. The urgency of meeting the demands of the humanity must be reconciled with the necessity of enhancing the environment. Increasing and restoring soil organic matter content of the degraded and depleted soils is critical to strengthening planetary processes.  相似文献   
通过对半地下带保温夹套的发酵罐与普通发酵罐24 h的温度变化和6 d的产气量的对比试验分析,结果表明:采用半地下带保温夹套发酵罐发酵,24 h的温度变化缓慢,受外界温度变化影响小,高温持续的时间较长,利于微生物发酵;产气总量多,持续时间长。  相似文献   
Corrigan LJ, Winfield IJ, Hoelzel AR, Lucas MC. Dietary plasticity in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in response to long‐term environmental change.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2011: 20: 5–13. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract –  In the face of widespread environmental change impacts, there is a need to better understand mechanisms promoting flexibility and resilience of ecosystem components to such change to inform strategies for conservation. Glacial relict species are especially vulnerable to such changes. We investigated the behavioural responses of a native, glacial relict species, Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) to long‐term environmental changes. It was hypothesised that changes in feeding behaviour would occur as a key intermediary to reduction in habitat availability (through climate change and eutrophication) or competitive interactions [with introduced roach (Rutilus rutilus)]. Stomach content analysis was used to assess the diet of 199 charr caught from Windermere, United Kingdom, in the months of March, June, September and November 2003–2007. The results were compared to data from 1940 to 1951 prior to the environmental changes and revealed a marked increase in the contribution of benthic invertebrates in the present diet. Stable isotope analysis confirms the results of the stomach analysis, suggesting that the charr have switched their diet from zooplanktivory towards benthivory. We discuss the possibility that habitat modification and roach population expansion in Windermere have contributed to changes in charr diet. Complementary studies suggest that this diet shift is more likely to be a response to the increasing roach population than to habitat modification; however, further study in Windermere would be required to elucidate the exact mechanism. Long‐term data sets such as these provide information that is useful for determining the directivity of ecological change and the capability of species to respond to change.  相似文献   
2007年4月-2009年4月对上海白莲泾河段水体环境质量进行了调查,取黄浦江南码头上1个断面和白莲泾上的3个断面,于每月大、小潮当日采集各断面水样,获得了该河段的各项水质指标。2007年10月,白莲泾河道断流,泵闸工程实施。根据监测结果,以DO、BOD5、CODMn、TN和TP为指标参数,利用标准类别指数评价法对建闸工程施工活动的环境影响进行评价,结果发现:TN、TP是白莲泾河段的最主要污染指标,TN的权重系数均超过40%,甚至50%,均为劣Ⅴ类;TP的权重系数均超过10%,甚至30%,其含量是地表水Ⅳ类标准的0.8~5.6倍。总体上,白莲泾河段3个站点的水质劣于黄浦江站点,而施工前水质优于施工后。施工前,大潮期白莲泾河道IV类水比例为29%,较小潮期(8%)高出21%。建闸施工后,大小潮期间出现劣V类水的比例分别为87%和88%,潮汐对白莲泾河段并无显著影响。  相似文献   
Behavioral and physiological traits of ectotherms are especially sensitive to fluctuations of environmental temperature. In particular, niche-specialist lizards are dependent on their physiological plasticity to adjust to changing environmental conditions. Lizards of the genus Phymaturus are viviparous, mainly herbivorous, and inhabit only rock promontories in the steppe environments of Patagonia and the Andes. Herein, we examine the vulnerability of the southernmost Phymaturus species to global warming: the endemic Phymaturus calcogaster, which lives in a mesic environment in eastern Patagonia. We studied body temperatures in the field (Tb), preferred body temperatures in a thermogradient (Tpref), the operative (Te) and environmental temperatures, and the dependence of running performance on body temperature. P. calcogaster had a mean Tb (27.04°C) and a mean Te (31.15°C) both lower than their preferred temperature (Tpref = 36.61°C) and the optimal temperature for running performance (To = 37.13°C). Lizard activity seems to be restraint during the early afternoon due high environmental temperatures. However, both, the high safety margin and warming tolerance suggest that the expected increase in environmental temperatures due to global warming (IPCC report in 2018) would not threaten, but indeed enhance locomotor performance in this population.  相似文献   
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