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研究了不同温度、压力和时间条件下,高密度二氧化碳(DPCD)处理对蛋清液中沙门氏菌和大肠杆菌的杀菌效果,并对DPCD处理蛋清液中大肠杆菌的杀菌动力学进行了分析。结果表明,在15 MPa,45℃下DPCD处理60 min,沙门氏菌和大肠杆菌分别降低了4.46和5.57个对数值,其中大肠杆菌对DPCD处理较沙门氏菌敏感。30 MPa,45℃,DPCD处理30 min,可以完全杀灭蛋清液中的大肠杆菌。线性模型能较好地拟合DPCD对大肠杆菌的杀菌效果,其中30 MPa,45℃下D值最小为5.830。  相似文献   
The level of compaction induced on cultivated fields through trafficking is strongly influenced by the prevailing soil-water status and, depending on the attendant soil degradation, vital soil hydraulic processes could be affected. Therefore, understanding the relationship between field soil-water status and the corresponding level of induced compaction for a given load is considered an imperative step toward a better control of the occurrence of traffic-induced field soil compaction. Pore size distribution, a fundamental and highly degradable soil property, was measured in a Rhodic Ferralsol, the most productive and extensively distributed soil in Western Cuba, to study the effects of three levels of soil compaction on soil water characteristic parameters. Soil bulk density and cone penetration index were used to measure compaction levels established by seven passes of a 10 Mg tractor at three soil-water statuses corresponding to the plastic (Fs), friable (Fc) and relatively dry soil (Ds) consistency states. Pore size distribution calculated from soil water characteristic curves was classified into three pore size categories on the basis of their hydraulic functioning: >50 μm (f>50 μm), 50–0.5 μm (f50–0.5 μm) and <0.5 μm (f<0.5 μm). The greatest compaction levels were attained in the Fs and Fc soil water treatments, and a significant contribution to compaction was attributed to the existing soil water states under which the soil compaction was accomplished. Average cone index (CI) values in the range of 2.93–3.70 MPa reflected the accumulation of f<0.5 μm pores, and incurred severe reductions in the volume of f>50 μm pores in the Fs and Fc treatments, while an average CI value of 1.69 MPa indicated increments in the volume of f50–0.5 μm in the Ds treatment. Despite the differential effects of soil compaction on the distribution of the different pore size categories, soil total porosity (fTotal) was not effective in reflecting treatment effects. Soil water desorption at the soil water potentials evaluated (0.0 to −15,000 cm H2O) was adversely affected in the f<0.5 μm dominated treatments; strong soil water retention was observed with the predominance of f<0.5 μm, as was confirmed by the high water content at plant wilting point. Based on these findings, the use of field capacity water content as the upper limit of plant available soil water was therefore considered inappropriate for compacted soils.  相似文献   
快速充电技术的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了快速充电技术的基本原理,对快速充电方法和充电电源进行了重点分析,提出变压间歇充电法,同时提出采用模糊控制来实现具体的充电控制。  相似文献   
复合相变蓄热墙体材料应用于日光温室的效果研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
日光温室墙体作为集蓄热保温隔热于一体的墙体围护结构,对温室热环境的影响至关重要。现将课题组曾研制的复合相变蓄热墙体材料涂抹于日光温室后墙内表面,利用相变材料能够在较小的温度区间下蓄存和释放大量相变潜热的特点,研究日光温室相变蓄热墙体的蓄热能力。结果表明:涂抹相变蓄热材料后,在不用加大砖墙厚度的情况下可获得较大的蓄热能力。  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the mechanism of the radiosensitizing effect of maximum non-cytotoxic doses of tetrandrine (Tet) on nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines CNE1 and CNE2.METHODS: The cells were treated with ma-ximum non-cytotoxic doses of Tet (for CNE1 cells at 1.5 μmol/L and for CNE2 cells at 1.8 μmol/L), irradiation at 4 Gy, or combination of irradiation and maximum non-cytotoxic doses of Tet. The cell cycle distribution was analyzed by flow cytometry. The protein levels of γ-H2AX, cleaved caspase-3, p-CDC25C, CDK1, p-CDK1, cyclin B1, ERK and p-ERK were determined by Western blot.RESULTS: The expression of γ-H2AX was increased in CNE1 cells and CNE2 cells after combined treatment with irradiation and maximum non-cytotoxic doses of Tet. The percentages of CNE1 cells and CNE2 cells at G2/M phase in irradiation group were (18.09±0.42)% and (18.48±1.32)%, respectively, which were decreased to (15.88±1.04)% and (13.80±0.82)% in combined treatment group, respectively (P<0.05). Combined treatment enhanced the increase in the protein level of cleaved caspase-3 caused by irradiation. The protein levels of p-CDC25C and p-CDK1 were increased in a dose-dependent manner by Tet treatment (P<0.05), while the expression of CDK1 showed no difference among different doses of Tet treatments. The protein levels of p-CDC25C, p-CDK1 and CDK1 showed no difference after the treatment with maximum non-cytotoxic doses of Tet. The combined treatment with irradiation and the maximum non-cytotoxic doses of Tet decreased the protein levels of p-CDC25C and p-CDK1 (P<0.05), increased the expression of cyclin B1, and had no influence on the expression of CDK1 (P<0.05). The combined treatment resulted in an increase in the protein level of p-ERK1 (P<0.05).CONCLUSION: The maximum non-cytotoxic doses of Tet enhance the DNA damage and apoptosis in CNE1 cells and CNE2 cells caused by irradiation, and the mechanism might be associated with ending of G2/M arrest via activation of ERK/CDC25C/CDK1/cyclin B1 pathways.  相似文献   
本文研究了硒的价态(Se6+和Se4+)和浓度水平(0~100mgSe·L-1)对6种植物(大麦、小麦、花椰菜、萝卜、苜蓿和欧芹)种子萌发和根际生长特性的影响。结果表明,低浓度硒(〈1mgSe·L-1)对种子发芽促进作用不明显,而高浓度硒(〉4mgSe·L-1)则有显著抑制作用,不同种子对硒的抗性表现不同。根长和芽长的测定结果表明,低浓度对花椰菜和小麦种子生长具有显著促进作用,对欧芹种子表现出抑制作用。较高浓度(1~4mg·L-1)即对花椰菜、苜蓿和欧芹的根生长表现出抑制作用,高浓度对小麦、大麦和萝卜根生长有抑制作用,且使芽生长受到抑制的硒浓度高于根生长。比较价态,低硒时六价对花椰菜生长的促进作用显著高于四价,高硒时小麦和苜蓿对硒的抗性表现为六价硒强于四价硒,其余科属差异不显著。不同科属对硒的抗性为禾本科小麦和大麦最强,十字花科花椰菜和萝卜次之,豆科苜蓿较差,伞形科欧芹最差。  相似文献   
在宁夏银川地区三年(1983~1985)田间试验的结果表明,小穗原基出现是小麦通过春化阶段的形态标志。小穗原基出现之前,生长锥上的突起均属叶性器官原基。温度作为春化阶段的必要条件,从出苗到生长锥伸长表现为积温效应,从生长锥伸长到小穗原基出现表现为低温效应。  相似文献   
为了研究含有混合多种颗粒粒径的含沙水对离心泵过流部件磨损特性的影响,应用RN G k-ε湍流模型和SIMPLEC算法,基于颗粒离散相模型(DPM)和半经验的McLaury磨损模型,沙粒注入选用Rosin-Rammler分布的拟合方法,对1台半开式离心泵内固液两相流的磨损特性进行数值分析.研究结果表明:叶轮流道内沙粒组分...  相似文献   
建立了涡流管能量分离效率测试的实验系统,以水蒸汽为可凝组分的代表,通过对比含湿空气和干空气2种介质下的实验结果,研究了可凝组分的存在对涡流管能量分离效率的影响。得出可凝组分会显著降低涡流管的能量分离效率,但不会影响其能量分离规律;分析了涡流管关键结构参数和操作参数对能量分离效率的影响,得出了长径比、压比ε和冷流率θ对涡流管温度效率ηT、绝热效率η和制冷效率COP的影响规律。  相似文献   
季节性冻融土壤盐分离子组成与冻结层盐分运移规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对冻融过程中土壤盐分离子组成及冻结层盐分运移规律进行研究,在内蒙古河套灌区永联试验站开展了冻融期土壤水盐及其离子成分监测试验,分析了冻融期地温、冻结层深度、地下水埋深与水质、土壤含水率、土壤盐分及离子组成的变化规律,通过离子相关性分析确定了土壤盐分运移的主控离子成分和盐分类型,进一步利用二元水盐体系相图探讨了冻融期主控盐分的运移规律。结果表明:冻融期地温梯度变化主要发生在0~1.0 m范围土层中,地下水埋深在冻融期变化趋势为快速增大-缓慢增大-减少,地下水矿化度均值在融化期显著降低;研究区地下水中变异性最大的离子为Na~+、Cl~–和SO_4~(2–),土壤盐分运移和扩散是地下水矿化度变化的主要原因;土壤中Na~+、Cl~–与SO_4~(2–)与含盐量相关系数高于0.9,冻融期土壤盐分浓度变化的主控盐分类型为氯化钠和硫酸钠;冻结层积盐或者脱盐取决于土壤盐分梯度和不同盐分的共饱和点,研究区最大氯化钠浓度(质量分数1.55%)和最大硫酸钠浓度(2.01%)均低于各自的共饱和点,当冻结前土壤溶液浓度梯度为正(从上到下浓度增大)时,冻结层易积盐,反之冻结层主要表现为脱盐。研究对阐明冻融期冻结层盐分累积规律的成因具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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