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为了探究加工番茄在滴灌栽培条件下地上部干物质分配动态和产量形成过程,该文通过定量分析加工番茄的生长发育特征,设置不同品种的播期试验,构建了基于分配指数(partitioning index,PI)和收获指数(harvest index,HI)的加工番茄地上部干物质分配与产量预测的模拟模型。利用与建模数据相独立的试验资料对模型进行了初步检验,结果表明,模型对不同播期、品种的加工番茄各生育期(出苗至开花、开花至坐果、坐果至红熟、红熟至拉秧期)干物质量,全生育期总干物质量、地上部茎、叶、果干质量的预测结果与1:1直线间的R2分别为0.9754、0.9936、0.9840、0.9713;0.9856;0.9595、0.9798、0.9671;RMSE和RE分别为0.029 t/hm2、11.43%;0.074 t/hm2、5.09%;0.250 t/hm2、6.83%;0.102 t/hm2、5.71%;0.504 t/hm2,8.06%;0.332 t/hm2,14.62%;0.200 t/hm2,10.84%;0.549 t/hm2,18.30%。模型对加工番茄产量的预测结果与1:1直线间的R2为0.9658,RMSE和RE分别为5.806 t/hm2、8.07%。该模型对于不同播期、品种的加工番茄干物质分配与产量的预测值与模拟值之间符合度较高,表明模型具有较好的预测性和适用性。该研究可为滴灌加工番茄精准栽培提供理论参考。  相似文献   
应用两相分离技术研究红壤微生物组成的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集了鄂南不同母质和利用现状的6个红壤样,用2%PEG+6%Dextran两相分离技术(Aqueous two-phase partitioning technique,简写为A2PP)纯化细菌,测定细菌生物量,研究两相分离技术在土壤微生物研究领域的可应用性。结果表明:(1)采用0.1%胆酸钠、钠型离子交换树脂、玻璃珠与土壤一起在4℃下振荡2h,能较好地分散土壤细菌。供试土样细菌分离率介于0.41。0.60之间,不同母质发育的红壤相比,细菌分离率高低依次为:砂页岩〉花岗岩〉第四纪红色粘土;(2)A2PP技术能较好地纯化土壤中的细菌。6个供试原样的细菌多与土壤颗粒及有机质结合在一起,而两相分离技术能够得到较为纯净的细菌个体,土样细菌大多被分离存在于PEG相中,纯化率为63%~78%;细菌提取率介于0.31-0.48,不同母质发育土壤细菌提取率顺序与细菌分离率顺序相同;(3)供试土样的细菌形态都以小球状、小杆状细菌为主。  相似文献   
In order to delineate the contribution of primary vs. secondary circulatory circuits in the gill for acid-base and ionic regulation, the flow and composition of the fluids in the central venous sinus (CVS) and the systemic circuit of rainbow trout were studied by application of a previously developed microcannulation technique during normocapnic and hypercapnic conditions. The average haematocrit (Hct) of blood from dorsal aorta (DA) and sinus venosus (SV) ranged from 20.1 to 26.7%, whereas average Hct in the fluid from the branchial vein (BV), representing drainage from the central venous sinus (CVS), was in the range of 4.2 to 7.0%. Under normocapnic conditions, the largest fraction of cardiac output, 92.9%, was directed through the systemic vascular circuit, whereas the CVS circuit was perfused with 7.1 % of cardiac output. Hypercapnia did not significantly affect the blood flow distribution between the two circuits. The pattern of acid-base regulation in dorsal aortic blood reflected the characteristic response of fish exposed to environmental hypercapnia. Upon initiation of environmental hypercapnia (2% CO2), plasma PCO 2 was elevated in all three flow compartments (CVS, DA, SV), inducing an extracellular respiratory acidosis of about 0.4 pH units. pH and [HCO3 -] values in the DA were consistently lower, than those for both CVS and SV sites throughout the hypercapnic period. During the 8h of exposure plasma bicarbonate concentration was elevated by about 12 mM, complemented by a fall in extracellular [Cl-] of about 10 mM in all three compartments. The amount of HCO3 - gained at the CVS site during 8h of hypercapnia (3.3 mmol · kg-1) exceeds the amount accumulated in the extracellular space (2.1 mmol·kg-1), suggesting the CVS as the main site of ionic acid-base regulation in trout.  相似文献   
热带森林林冠对降水再分配作用的研究综述   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
森林林冠对大气降水的再分配是水分输入森林的第一个环节,其过程涉及到森林生态、森林水文、森林气象及水土保持等诸多方面 热带地区森林林冠水文研究有其自身的特点,也存在着很多问题 对热带地区林冠降水截留、穿透降雨和树干径流的研究进展和现状进行简要概括,总结其中得到认可的规律性认识和依然存在的争议,以期对热带地区森林林冠水文生态效应有个较为正确和全面的认识 需要在热带地区林冠降水再分配研究中加以关注的方面包括:(1)附生植物、大型藤本植物、板根、不定根等热带雨林特有现象在水量和降水化学元素输入与分配中的作用;(2)对热带雨林以外的其他森林类型的林冠截留降水过程的研究;(3)对林冠降水再分配各过程的更为精确的数学表述,或改进现有的机理模型使其能够更为准确的反映各森林类型的降水再分配过程;(4)对热带美洲、热带亚洲和热带非洲森林林冠降水再分配的全景式了解和认识  相似文献   
The impact of soil (1, 2 kg ha?1) and foliar (100, 200 mg L?1) boron (B) with control (no B) was evaluated on phenology and yield formation of Camelina each applied at stem elongation and flowering stages. Foliar (200 mg L?1) or soil B (2 kg ha?1) resulted in earlier flowering and maturity, increased fruit bearing branches (19.68%), number of siliqua, seeds per siliqua (4.6%), biological yield (15%), seed yield (24%), harvest index (11.4%) and oil contents (23%) than no B. Increased fruit bearing branches, seed filled siliqua or seed numbers, harvest index and oil quality can be attributed to changes in dry matter accumulated of stem with simultaneous increase in siliqua dry weight with foliar or soil applied B. In crux, foliar (200 mg L?1) or soil applied (2 kg ha?1) B seems promising to improve seed and oil yield, harvest index of Camelina sativa under B deficient condition.  相似文献   
脐橙叶片矿质营养元素含量的分区分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示矿质营养元素在脐橙叶中分区分布特征,以枳砧和枳橙砧纽荷尔脐橙为对象,测定新叶和老叶的叶尖、叶缘、中部、叶基和翼叶等5个分区中10种元素(N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn和B)的含量,并分析各分区离子组成的差异。主成分分析显示,第一主成分(PC1)和第二主成分(PC2)分别解释了总变量的43.4%和21.1%,明确区分了新叶和老叶,大致区分了叶不同分区,发现新叶翼叶与其他分区具有明显差异,而老叶本叶各分区的离散程度明显大于新叶本叶各分区。两种砧木脐橙新叶中钾含量分布表现为翼叶叶基中部叶缘≈叶尖,镁含量表现为叶尖≈叶缘中部叶基翼叶;两种砧木脐橙老叶中锰含量表现为叶尖≈叶缘中部叶基翼叶,硼含量表现为叶尖叶缘中部叶基翼叶。N、P、B在新叶本叶各分区以及P、Ca在老叶本叶各分区间含量都没有显著差异。枳砧脐橙新叶翼叶Mn、Cu和Zn的含量与叶片其他分区没有显著差异,而枳橙砧脐橙新叶翼叶Mn、Cu和Zn的含量都分别显著低于叶片其他分区。结果表明,不同元素叶片分区分布特征存在明显差异,翼叶的元素含量和离子组成与叶片其他分区差异明显。  相似文献   
Detailed studies have been undertaken to define pruning regimes for Eucalyptus nitens, but little is known of E. globulus responses to pruning although this is a more commonly planted species. This paper describes experiments that aimed to identify (a) levels of pruning that reduce E. globulus growth, (b) physiological processes contributing to those growth responses, (c) the incidence of decay and factors influencing decay incidence following pruning of E. globulus, and (d) comparative responses of E. nitens and E. globulus to live branch pruning. Results of a field experiment indicated that removal of between 30 and 50% of the crown length was appropriate for E. globulus plantations verging on canopy closure. The significant reduction in height growth associated with removal of 50 or 70% of crown length suggested pruning should remain below 50% of crown length if reduced stem growth of pruned trees was to be avoided. Stem volume was only significantly reduced over the period of the experiment by 70% pruning, but it was estimated that standing volume following removal of 50% of crown length would be reduced by 82 m3 ha−1 over a 20-year rotation if there were no other silvicultural interventions. The growth responses observed were probably related to large reductions in leaf area following 50 or 70% removal of crown length. Trees responded to pruning by changing patterns of biomass partitioning to favour stem growth at the expense of branch growth. A glasshouse study determined that light-saturated net CO2 uptake (Amax) increased following pruning. E. nitens seedlings had both a higher baseline Amax and higher Amax following pruning than did E. globulus, which could partially explain the greater effect of pruning on E. globulus growth than has been observed for E. nitens in other studies. This result, as well as apparently different patterns of foliage distribution through the crowns of E. globulus and E. nitens, suggested that models of pruning responses need to be parameterised for both species. In addition, a more conservative pruning regime may be appropriate for E. globulus than E. nitens. Pruning increased the frequency of branch traces with decay infection, and there was a trend towards increasing decay outbreaks with increasing pruning severity. Decay outbreaks were more likely to occur following pruning of high angle or larger diameter branches.  相似文献   
为解决预分方案制定效率低的问题,该文提出一种基于德劳内三角化和二分查找法的地块分配算法。首先生成待分配地块的最小边界几何(minimum bounding geometry,MBG),对MBG进行三角剖分;其次在地块内通过累加三角形的面积执行查找,接近合同面积时采用二分查找法进行微调;最后遍历项目区内所有地块直至生成土地预分配方案。通过对算法进行编程实现,以试验区的土地整治项目为例对算法的可行性进行验证,并从分配效率、精度和形状指数3个方面对结果进行评价。结果表明:项目区内的地块划分仅需231 s,与仅用二分查找法相比,采用该文方法分割效率提高29.3%,精度提高28.2%,形状规则度提高18.2%;在减少农用道路占地面积的同时,分割后的地块具有良好的通达性。该方法可满足自动创建和动态调整土地分配方案的需求,为在一定约束条件下制定最优土地分配方案提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
有毒有机污染物大多为人工合成的异生物合成物,具“三致”与生物难降解等特性,对环境和人类健康造成了严重的威胁。本文论述了两相分配生物反应器对有毒有机污染物的降解原理及其应用现状。该反应器基于热力学平衡原理,通过引入有机相,消除有机污染物对微生物的抑制作用,在快速降解污染物的同时实现体系的自控。现有研究表明。可高效降解苯、苯酚、BTX、多环芳烃等有毒有机污染物。此外,对该反应器的进一步研究与应用进行了展望。  相似文献   
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