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The present research developed a bioeconomic model for control of Californian thistle (Cirsium arvense L. Scop.) in intensive, lowland sheep pastures in New Zealand. Production costs included two control methods: herbicides and defoliation, with defoliation encompassing both physical means and biocontrol measures. The model was used to examine the economic value of a research programme into biological control of the weed, given several different future scenarios. These scenarios were high herbicide prices, a price premium for lamb raised without chemical herbicides, and development of herbicide resistance. The model results were used to estimate national impacts. If the only change in the agricultural sector was the cost of the biocontrol to the nation's farmers, the research programme to find an effective biocontrol agent had little economic impact. If other factors changed, such as the price of petroleum or levels of herbicide resistance in the weed. the model's results suggested that intensive sheep farming could grow or shrink by as much as NZ$219 million dollars over five years. In the latter case, having an alternative control method reduced potential losses and increased potential gains, resulting in a net benefit of between NZ$81 million and NZ$153 million. This work extended prior research in several ways. First. Californian thistle reproduces via root buds, which affected the modelling of weed behaviour. Secondly, the model allowed optimistation over continuous levels of weed control for two different methods. Thirdly, the model accounted for both weed control and damage to nitrogen-fixing clover from herbicide use. Finally, the research investigated optimal weed control in several different alternative future states.  相似文献   
采用施胶木材纤维作为主体材料,加入短切碳纤维制成具有导电性能的短切碳纤维木质复合材料(SCFRW),通过表面电阻率测量实验,得到SCFRW表面电阻率离散数据.数据分析结果显示,碳纤维的加入赋予了复合材料良好的导电特性,且表面电阻率与温度呈现出负效应关系.为了更直观描述SCFRW样板表面电阻率在17~80℃连续的变化规律...  相似文献   
基于相似原理的轴流式灭火风机气动性能回归模型的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用最小二乘法原理对T40-2A轴流风机的气动性能实测试验数据进行了二次曲线拟合,得出了风压-风量和功率-风量之间的回归曲线方程,并运用回归分析原理对拟合曲线的回归效果进行了显著性检验,建立了该风机的无因次性能回归曲线模型,为实现该系列轴流风机在轴流式风力灭火机中的应用打下了良好的理论基础。  相似文献   
以新疆莎车县、沙雅县和阿克苏市棉花单产保险的费率厘定为例,在农作物风险及保险费率厘定理论分析的基础上,通过参数方法和保险精算技术,选择拟合3县(市)棉花单产风险的最优模型,对棉花单产风险4种分布假定下所精算的保险费率与其合理费率进行比较,以分析农作物单产风险分布对保险费率厘定的影响。实证研究结果表明:Logistic分布为拟合3县(市)棉花单产风险的最优分布,3县(市)棉花保险的合理纯费率分别是7.62%、6.32%和4.96%,在正态、正态化和Weibull3种分布假设下厘定的保险费率均存在误差,幅度从低0.2个百分点到高8个百分点。由此说明,单产风险分布模型的选择直接影响到农作物保险费率厘定的准确性,准确厘定农作物保险费率的关键在于正确选择单产风险分布模型。  相似文献   
城镇化道路应该是一种多元化的模式.该研究从路径演化的角度研究了山东省农村城镇化发展模式,概括了山东省农村城镇化的6种类型,分析了各种类型的发展路径及其特点,系统分析特定时空发展特点和环境因素,即不同路径选择的差异.  相似文献   
圆斑星鲽(Verasper variegatus)作为中国鲽形目(Pleuronectiformes)养殖鱼类的重要代表种类,具有生长速度快,可食用部分多,肉质细嫩等特点。为了探究圆斑星鲽形态性状与体重的关系,本研究分别测定11月龄、14月龄和17月龄3个不同生长期圆斑星鲽的体重及全长(FL)、体长(BL)、体高(BH)、头长(HL)、头高(HH)、尾柄长(CL)、尾柄高(CH)、吻长(SL)共计8个形态性状,分别进行相关分析和通径分析,剖析形态性状对于体重的直接作用和间接作用;利用回归分析的方法,建立各个时期以形态指标为自变量,体重为因变量的最优线性回归方程。结果显示,1)不同生长阶段,影响体重的重点形态指标存在差异,影响11月龄圆斑星鲽体重的主要形态性状为体高和体长,14月龄阶段为全长、体高和头长,17月龄阶段为全长和体高;2)11月龄、14月龄和17月龄形态性状对体重(Y)的多元回归方程分别为:Y=-186.412+17.381XBH+10.517XBL,Y=-362.484+13.145XFL+20.172XBH+21.199XHL,Y=-816.147+24.121XFL+40.575XBH;3)除本研究所包括的形态指标外,体厚可能为另外一个影响圆斑星鲽体重的重要指标。本研究阐明了体重与形态指标间的相关关系,为圆斑星鲽的良种选育提供了生物学依据。  相似文献   
在分析多组离合器参与的自动变速器换挡过程特点的基础上,指出该换挡过程是由连续系统与离散系统组成的混合系统,进而提出基于键合图理论的连续系统和基于有限状态机的离散系统的换挡过程混合建模方法。在Matlab/Simulink和Matlab/Stateflow平台上建立了包含多种状态的东方红1302R型橡胶履带拖拉机液压机械无级变速器的换挡过程仿真模型,仿真结果表明该建模方法能很好地模拟自动变速器换挡过程中离合器的动态行为,并通过仿真分析了其对换挡品质的影响。  相似文献   
柔性坐标测量机参数辨识方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
设计了一种六自由度关节式柔性坐标测量机,并对该测量机测量方程中的参数进行了辨识,提出了一种快速简易的单点锥窝标定方法。该方法基于单点锥窝提供的空间单点基准,利用非线性最小二乘中的高斯-牛顿法,求解测量机测量方程的参数值。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效提高测量机的整体精度,且操作简单、计算效率高。  相似文献   
A 10-year-old intact male Shih Tzu dog presented with hematuria. Double-contrast cystography revealed a polypoid filling defect at the apex of the urinary bladder. Ultrasonography revealed a heterogeneously hypoechoic intramural mass with minimal vascular flow beneath the submucosal layer. After partial cystectomy, a well-demarcated bladder leiomyosarcoma was diagnosed on histopathology. The patient was alive and well without any clinical signs, recurrence, or metastasis at the 29-month follow-up after the surgical removal of the bladder mass. Leiomyosarcoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis if mass-like lesions are observed in the urinary bladder, although this type of malignancy is rare in canines. Histopathological confirmation is important for predicting prognosis and determining further medical plans.  相似文献   
陈慈  赵姜  龚晶 《北方园艺》2021,(6):156-161
蔬菜废弃物产生量巨大,推动蔬菜废弃物的资源化利用对于实现农业绿色发展具有重要意义。由蔬菜废弃物的特点决定,多数的处理技术集中于肥料化应用。该研究重点分析了当前较为典型的蔬菜废弃物资源化利用的技术路径以及技术推广的可行性,并从技术集成创新、新装备研发、政策支持和社会化服务4个方面提出加快蔬菜废弃物资源化利用的建议。  相似文献   
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