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A field experiment was conducted to find out the critical physiological stages of irrigation schedules inducing better growth, physiological efficiency and seed yield potential of berseem ( Trifolium alexandrinum L., Var. S-99-1). For this purpose eight irrigation treatments were made comprised of four treatments of three irrigation (W1, W2, W3 and W4), three treatments of four irrigation (W5, W7 and W8) and one treatment of five irrigation (W6) at various physiological stages i. e. regeneration, flower initiation, full bloom, seed initiation and advance seed development stage.
Thus based on the experimental results the physiological role of watering in berseem seed production could be discussed as:
With-holding of irrigation either at regeneration or at full bloom stage developed potential water stress in plants as indicated by high proline content of irrigation treatments — W4, W1 and W7; and further brought out disturbance on the formation of carotene, synthesis of water soluble sugar and translocation of sugar towards reproductive organs during grain development stage. These stresses adversely affected the plant growth and flowering behaviour. The irrigation at seed initiation stage increased the seed yield. Continuous irrigation did not appear to be useful. Thus it can be concluded that irrigation at three critical physiological stages i. e. regeneration, full bloom and seed initiation was found to be essential for obtaining potential seed yield of berseem.  相似文献   
Abstract. Recent developments in in situγ ray spectrometry offer a new approach to measuring the activity of radionuclides such as 137Cs and 40K in soils, and thus estimating erosion or deposition rates and field moist bulk density (ρm). Such estimates would be rapid and involve minimal site disturbance, especially important where archaeological remains are present. This paper presents the results of a pilot investigation of an eroded field in Scotland in which a portable hyper pure germanium (HPGe) detector was used to measure γ ray spectra in situ. The gamma (γ) photon flux observed at the soil surface is a function of the 137Cs inventory, its depth distribution characteristics and ρm. A coefficient, QCs, derived from the forward scattering of 137Cs γ ray photons within the soil profile relative to the 137Cs full energy peak (662 keV), was used to correct the in situ calibration for changes in the 137Cs vertical distribution in the ploughed field, a function of tillage, soil accumulation and ρm. Based on only 8 measurements, the agreement between in situγ ray spectrometry and soil sample measurements of 137Cs inventories improved from a non significant r2=0.05 to a significant r2=0.62 (P<0.05). Erosion and deposition rates calculated from the corrected in situ137Cs measurements had a similarly good agreement with those calculated from soil cores. Mean soil bulk density was also calculated using a separate coefficient, QK, derived from the forward scattering γ photons from 40K within the soil relative to the 40K full energy peak (1460 keV). Again there was good agreement with soil core measurements (r2=0.64; P<0.05). The precision of the in situ137Cs measurement was limited by the precision with which QCs can be estimated, a function of the low 137Cs deposition levels associated with the weapons testing fallout and relatively low detector efficiency (35%). In contrast, the precision of the in situ ρm determination was only limited by the spatial variability associated with soil sampling.  相似文献   
利用NIM插件探测器及金硅面垒探头组装了植物活体水分探测仪;筛选并分析了仪器的最佳工作条件;检测了春小麦、玉米、苜蓿、豌豆、红豆草叶片鲜重的变化。结果表明;叶片水分随时间损失大的,其抗旱性差。叶片保水的秩序为:红豆草、豌豆>苜蓿>春小麦>玉米。  相似文献   
根据在北京郊区的试验,认为土壤水冻融过程可分为三阶段,其中第二阶段有聚墒现象,平均聚墒8.6mm,所聚的墒在融化过程中又逐渐消失。气温回升至-2℃左右是冻层下部由冻到融的转折温度。冬灌水保存到来年春季的数量有限,本试验中1m 土层内平均不足20mm。  相似文献   
本文对油罐本安型阻油切水阀研制过程中的几个技术关键之一 ̄二次启动进行了较详细的力学分析,研究了阻油切水阀的启动过程,分析了启动过程中液体在静止和流动两种情况下对浮球工作的影响,提出了启动机构方案。  相似文献   
灌溉水源是北方地区耕地后备资源能否有效开发的关键。当前,中国正在推动国家水网工程规划建设,为北方地区耕地后备资源开发提供了新的机遇。在以往研究基础上,该研究考虑北方地区已建、在建及规划的供水工程,基于自然适宜、利用高效、发展稳定三方面评价准则,结合三维魔方空间分类方法,开展了雨养情景和供水灌溉情景下耕地后备资源开发潜力分析。结果表明:雨养农业情景下,北方地区勉强适宜(Ⅱ级)、中度(Ⅲ级)和高度(Ⅳ级)适宜的耕地后备资源面积分别为2.9万、1.0万和0.6万km2。灌溉农业情景下,耕地后备资源面积明显增加,勉强适宜(Ⅱ级)、中度(Ⅲ级)和高度(Ⅳ级)适宜的耕地后备资源面积将分别达到5.4万、7.6万和6.5万km2,主要集中于新疆、内蒙古和甘肃3省(自治区)。该研究结果可为中国耕地后备资源开发利用及国家水网工程效益发挥提供参考。  相似文献   
土壤水热参数是研究土壤水热传输的基本物理参数。当前热脉冲探针法(HPP)可同步测定土壤水热参数,但该方法仅限于在点尺度下测定。与其具有相同理论基础的加热光纤法(SPHP-DTS),可将测定尺度增大至田间千米尺度,但其测定精度尚未得到有效验证。为了探知SPHP-DTS法的误差,本研究进行了SPHP-DTS法与HPP法测定土壤水热参数的对比试验。结果表明,以HPP为标准,加热光纤法测定热导率的精度RMSE为0.13 W?m-1?℃-1。SPHP-DTS法测定的热导率显著高于HPP法,主要原因在于加热光纤时产生的温度效应。通过热导率法测定土壤含水率时,在热导率测定误差的影响下,SPHP-DTS法的测定精度明显低于HPP法。SPHP-DTS法测定土壤水热参数的其他误差来源包括光纤与土壤之间多个界面的接触热阻、光纤的温度敏感性、噪音干扰以及温度梯度驱动下的水分迁移。本研究可为SPHP-DTS法提升土壤水热参数测定精度提供理论参考。  相似文献   
试验分别用温汤去雄杂交和两种化学去雄剂化学去雄诱导草地早熟禾雄性不育,结果表明,在两种化学去 雄剂作用下去雄效果比较理想,温汤去雄雄性不育率达100%。  相似文献   
喀喇昆仑山盖孜河水文水资源特性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
喀喇昆仑山河流自有水文资料记载以来 ,近 10年洪灾发生频率明显高于以往 ,人民的生命财产损失程度也大幅度增加。在分析了盖孜河流域的径流及气候多年变化过程后 ,认为洪灾频发的原因是近年来流域内降水及气温呈上升趋势 ,导致高山冰川退缩 ,河流径流增加 ,洪灾增大、频率增高 ;小区域多年气候变化过程从侧面印证了我国西北地区气候由暖干向暖湿变化。  相似文献   
利用人工增雨为农田需水服务的信息系统框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国北方地区水资源严重短缺、农田水分供需矛盾日益尖锐的现状 ,提出了首选人工增雨为农田补水的思路 ,并初步设计了一个利用人工增雨为农田需水服务的农田需水信息系统框架。  相似文献   
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