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近红外光谱技术在水果内部品质无损检测中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对近红外光谱分析技术在水果内部品质无损检测的应用问题,简单介绍了近红外光谱的基本原理;描述了国内外近红外光谱分析技术无损检测水果内部品质的最新研究进展;并指出当今国内外研究中存在的问题和今后进一步的研究设想。  相似文献   
One-year-old potted clone plants of four willow species (Salix matsudana × alba, S. babylonica, S. psammophila and S. cheilophila) were cultivated and irrigated with saline solutions of different concentrations, while their electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) parameters and other physical parameters were monitored. The results indicate i) that under salt stress, height and basal diameter of all species are inhibited, and ii) that relative conductivity of cellular exudates increases while intracellular resistance (ri) and extracelluar resistance (re) drop. Both ri and re were positively correlated with height growth and basal diameter while they were significantly and negatively correlated with electric conductivity. The concentration of Na + in the shoots of willows was negatively correlated with both ri and re , whereas the concentration of K+ in the shoots was positively correlated with both ri and re . Hence, electrical impedance spectroscopy is a reliable tool for evaluating the capacity of willow species for tolerance to saline soils, with r i as the most accurate parameter.  相似文献   
Three large deformation rheological tests, the Kieffer dough extensibility system, the D/R dough inflation system and the 2 g mixograph test, were carried out on doughs made from a large number of winter wheat lines and cultivars grown in Poland. These lines and cultivars represented a broad spread in baking performance in order to assess their suitability as predictors of baking volume. The parameters most closely associated with baking volume were strain hardening index, bubble failure strain, and mixograph bandwidth at 10 min. Simple correlations with baking volume indicate that bubble failure strain and strain hardening index give the highest correlations, whilst the use of best subsets regression, which selects the best combination of parameters, gave increased correlations with R2=0.865 for dough inflation parameters, R2=0.842 for Kieffer parameters and R2=0.760 for mixograph parameters.  相似文献   
K. Lorenz  C.M. Preston  E. Kandeler 《Geoderma》2006,130(3-4):312-323
To reduce soil destruction by urban sprawl, land use planning has to promote the use of soils within cities. As soil functions are now protected by law in Germany, urban soil quality has to be evaluated before soil management. We studied contributions from elemental carbon (EC) and soil organic matter (SOM) quality in topsoil horizons at seven sites in Stuttgart, Germany, differing in impurities by technogenic substrates. The most disturbed site was found at a disused railway area while high-density areas, public parks and garden areas showed varying degrees of disturbance by anthropogenic activities. For most soils, compounds derived from plant litter dominated organic matter (OM) quality characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Although high contents of EC (up to 70% of soil organic carbon) were indicated by thermal oxidation, this was not confirmed by aromatic C intensities in NMR spectra. Only for the highly aromatic railway soil were results for elemental carbon by thermal oxidation and NMR similar. As other technogenic substrates beside EC like plastics may also contribute in the long-term to OM in urban soils, new analytical techniques are therefore required. This knowledge will promote the evaluation of urban soil properties and their sustainable use.  相似文献   
田间冬小麦抽穗期长势分析——基于可见-近红外光   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了快速估测大田冬小麦叶绿素含量指标,指导冬小麦抽穗期追肥管理,基于光谱分析技术在可见光和近红外波段(325~1 075 nm)处,对陕西省杨凌区揉谷镇粮食基地的冬小麦进行长势检测、分析。试验在1 000 m×600 m区域内划分为30个采样区进行数据采集,使用ASD Field Spec Hand Held光谱辐射仪(Analytical Spectral Devices.,USA)采集冬小麦的冠层光谱反射率数据,使用SPAD-5 0 2 Plus便携式叶绿素仪测量小麦倒一叶和倒二叶的叶绿素指标(SPAD值),使用G738 CM型手持式GPS记录采样点的位置信息。分别进行冠层光谱反射率小麦倒一叶和倒二叶的预处理,结果表明:冠层反射光谱倒二叶的SPAD值相关系数高于倒一叶。基于相关性分析,选取4个敏感波段538、661、740、850 nm分别与预处理前后的光谱数据进行多元线性回归分析,结果表明:预处理后的模型精度较高,建模精度R2=0.8 3,验证建模精度R2=0.7。同时,绘制了大田作物长势分布图,可为冬小麦抽穗期追肥提供支持。  相似文献   
基于近红外傅里叶特征提取方法的土壤含水率检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以湖北地区的3种土壤为研究对象,利用偏最小二乘法建立了处理后样品的土壤含水率分析模型,模型预测值与标准值的决定系数为0.995,交叉验证预测均方差为0.801%,模型预测决定系数为0.992,预测均方差为0.912%,利用该模型预测黄土高原地区黄绵土含水率误差均大于4%.利用近红外光谱傅里叶变换特征提取方法对湖北地区黄棕壤、稻田土和潮土建立土壤含水率PLS预测模型,模型决定系数为0.988,交叉验证预测均方差为1.106%,且该模型预测黄绵土的误差均在2%左右,精度较传统模型有较大提高.  相似文献   
维生素C是人类必需的营养素,结球甘蓝作为主要蔬菜品种之一富含维生素C。该试验利用可见/短波近红外光谱分析技术,开展结球甘蓝维生素C含量的快速检测方法研究。首先通过Kennard-Stone(K-S)法将样本按照6:1划分为校正集(60个样本)和验证集(11个样本),分别利用反射率和吸光度的原始光谱、一阶导数(first derivative,FD)和二阶导数(second derivative,SD)光谱预处理后对应的6个数据集,建立偏最小二乘(partial least squares,PLS)回归模型。针对最优光谱预处理方法处理后的光谱,设置5个置信水平(0.95,0.975,0.99,0.995,0.999 5),利用逐步回归(stepwise regression,SR)进行建模波长选择,以各置信水平对应的各组优选波长进行多元线性回归建模。结果表明:利用FD光谱预处理方法可以提高PLS回归模型精度,验正集R~2从处理前的0.85提高到0.96,是该研究的最佳光谱数据预处理方法。利用降维后的7个主成分继续建立PLS回归模型,校正集R~2为0.92,交互验证均方根误差(root mean squared error of cross validation,RMSECV)为0.658 0 mg/100 g,验证集R~2为0.96,预测均方根误差(root mean squared error of prediction,RMSEP)为1.620 4 mg/100 g。PLS回归模型预测维生素C含量,检测精度高,可以代替传统检测方法,为结球甘蓝的品质评定提供一种新的途径。进一步分别应用8,6,5个优选波长进行多元线性回归建模,校正集R~2平均为0.78,RMSECV平均为3.760 9 mg/100 g,验证集R~2平均为0.73,RMSEP平均为2.879 2 mg/100 g,虽然R~2有所降低,但波长点少,利用较少的波长变量来预测维生素C含量,降低模型复杂度,可以为便携式检测仪器开发提供技术支持,以提高结球甘蓝内部品质评定作业效率。  相似文献   
采用光声光谱法进行测量,利用加权修正的方法建立了盐酸克伦特罗光声光谱实时在线测量模型,分析了猪肉中水对其测量的干扰机制,为盐酸克伦特罗测量仪的设计提供理论基础。设计了猪肉中盐酸克伦特罗光声光谱检测试验系统,并将光声光谱法和传统的紫外光谱法进行对比,绝对误差明显降低,验证了该方法可行性及快速性。  相似文献   
研究采集宁夏区内各市县(固原、海原、同心、中卫、中宁、永宁、平罗)抽取玉米样品120批,用近红外分析仪扫描定标样品集获得玉米近红外光谱图,利用偏最小二乘法建立模型,并分别经过无预处理、均值中心化、标准正态变量转换、一阶导数、标准正态变量转换结合去趋势校正(SNV+D)预处理光谱,获得水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维预测模型,分别是经过MC、SNV+D、SNV+D、SNV+D光谱预处理后效果最好。预测决定系数R2 p分别为0.951、0.976、0.728、0.897,相对分析误差RPD除粗脂肪为2.62外,其他均大于3的近红外预测模型,通过预测模型验证集验证后,并对模型预测值与实测值进行U检验,结果为差异不显著(P>0.05)。该近红外预测模型对玉米中水分、粗蛋白、粗纤维具有较佳预测效果,粗脂肪的预测精度有待进一步提高。  相似文献   
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