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2009年10月在冀蒙农牧交错带选取3个样地,从柠条(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)根围0~10 cm、10~20 cm、20~30 cm、30~40 cm和40~50 cm 5个土层分别采集土壤样品,研究了丛枝菌根真菌的空间分布及其与土壤酶活性和土壤养分的关系.结果表明,不同样地和土层深度对丛枝菌根各结构真菌定殖率和孢子密度有显著影响.菌丝、泡囊、丛枝定殖率和孢子密度最大值均出现在0~20 cm土层.菌丝定殖率和脲酶活性呈极显著正相关,泡囊定殖率和孢子密度与脲酶、碱性磷酸酶、酸性磷酸酶活性呈极显著正相关.孢子密度与各土壤养分因子均呈极显著正相关.说明在冀蒙农牧交错带柠条能与丛枝菌根真菌形成良好的共生关系,丛枝菌根不同结构和孢子密度有助于土壤状况的监测和评价.  相似文献   
为研究棘孢木霉M45a在水稻体内的定殖规律及促生作用,利用其绿色荧光标记菌株M45a-GFP实时动态观测标记菌的定殖情况,并探究其对大田水稻的促生作用.结果 表明,M45a浸种处理对水稻苗期促生效果最好,其标记菌株M45a-GFP能有效定殖于水稻根系组织.大田促生试验表明,与清水对照相比,M45a浸种处理的水稻在生长50 d时其株高、地上部干重、根际土壤总氮和硝态氮含量显著增加,分别为8.1%、10.0%、14.92%和22.34%.因此,棘孢木霉M45a具有很好的开发潜力,为木霉菌肥部分替代化肥提供了一定的理论基础.  相似文献   
【目的】探究接种丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌对不同程度盐分和重金属胁迫下小果白刺Nitraria sibirica Pall.生长的影响,为重金属污染盐渍化土壤的植物-微生物联合修复提供科学依据和数据支持。【方法】采用温室盆栽的方法,模拟不同程度重金属Cd污染(干土中含0、2、5 mg·kg-1 Cd)NaCl型(干土中含0、1.5 g·kg-1 Na+)盐渍化土壤(Cd0Na0、Cd0Na1.5、Cd2Na0、Cd2Na1.5、Cd5Na0、Ca5Na1.5),研究接种AM真菌Funneliformis mosseae对Cd和NaCl胁迫下小果白刺的菌根侵染、元素吸收、离子平衡、生物量、Na+和Cd含量与吸收的影响。【结果】在重金属Cd和NaCl胁迫下,接种F. mosseae的植物根系平均菌根侵染率为12.68%~21.90%。与不接种CK相比,接种AM真菌使不同处理小果白刺总干质量增加101.35%~215.29%;地上部矿质营养元素增加47.55%~21...  相似文献   
从北京、武汉、南京、重庆、昆明五个梅园和野梅主要分布区的云南嵩明、四川木里、贵州茂兰自然保护区,以及北京林业大学的梅圃中分别于春、夏、秋、冬四季,采集梅花根际土壤300份。以梅花根际土壤和蛭石体积为1∶1混合作为栽培基质,种植三叶草,培养4个月后,应用染色镜检法测定丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)侵染三叶草根系的状况。结果表明:所有梅花根际土壤栽培三叶草都有丛枝菌根侵染;野生梅花根际土壤栽培三叶草的丛枝菌根侵染率高于人工梅园;四季的梅花根际土壤栽培三叶草丛枝菌根侵染在季节间无明显差异。  相似文献   
以红树林植物红海榄Rhizophora stylosa和秋茄Kandelia candel为对象,研究了2种植物的内生真菌的多样性。结果表明:红海榄和秋茄的枝、叶中分别分离到内生真菌30株和27株,内生真菌的优势属分别是茎点霉属Phoma和拟盘多毛孢属Pestalotiopsis;同种植物的枝和叶中内生真菌的定殖率差异显著;红海榄和秋茄内生真菌的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为1.7890和1.7473,Pielou均匀度指数分别为0.5260和0.5302。2种红树林植物的内生真菌显示出丰富的多样性。  相似文献   
复合微生物肥料对香蕉枯萎病防控作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,研究以枯草芽孢杆菌BLG010和淡紫拟青霉E16这2株防控香蕉枯萎病的专利菌株制备的3种复合微生物肥料(CMF1、CMF2和CMF3)对香蕉枯萎病发病率、香蕉生长指标、病原尖孢镰刀菌FOC和生防菌株BLG010和E16在香蕉根际定殖情况的影响。结果表明:(1)施用CMF1、CMF2和CMF3均明显降低香蕉枯萎病的发病率,分别降至60.00%,44.44%,26.67%;(2)与对照相比,CMF1、CMF2和CMF3处理能够显著提高香蕉生物量,株高、茎围、地下部和地上部鲜重,分别提高24.46%~44.80%,40.17%~101.43%,18.78%~47.06%,75.88%~109.11%;FOC数量下降11.57%~49.07%,BLG010和E16在根际中的定殖量分别提高27.55%和32.80%;(3)共聚焦显微镜观察发现根际中尖孢镰刀菌荧光强度减弱,体积缩小;(4)相关性分析表明,香蕉枯萎病发病率与尖孢镰刀菌FOC数量呈正相关,E16菌株数量与BLG010菌株数量呈正相关。施用复合微生物肥料不仅提高了对香蕉枯萎病的防治效果,而且促进香蕉生长和提高根际的生防菌株数量,具有较大生防潜力。  相似文献   
Verticillium wilt caused by a highly virulent, defoliating (D) pathotype of Verticillium dahliae is threatening olive production in Spain and other Mediterranean countries. This disease must be managed by an integrated strategy, in which biocontrol agents can play an important role. We have investigated the potential of Trichoderma asperellum strains for antagonism against V. dahliae and suppression of Verticillium wilt of olive caused by the D pathotype. First, we tested the antagonistic potential of T. asperellum strains Bt2, Bt3 and T25 against six V. dahliae isolates, four of the D and two of the nondefoliating (ND) pathotypes, in different in vitro assays. All T. asperellum strains overgrew the colonies of all V. dahliae isolates to a similar extent. However, extracellular compounds from strains Bt3 and T25 showed higher anti-V. dahliae activities than those of Bt2 in membrane assays. Also, growth of Bt2 was reduced by ND V. dahliae whereas that of Bt3 and T25 was not affected by V. dahliae-secreted compounds. In planta assays using strains Bt3 and T25, and ’Picual’ olive plants, showed that the two T. asperellum strains significantly reduced the severity of symptoms and the standardized area under the disease progress curve caused by highly virulent D V. dahliae, but not the final disease incidence. Strain T25 significantly increased growth of ‘Picual’ plants and displayed higher ability for colonizing the olive rhizosphere and establishing endophytic infection in olive roots than Bt3.  相似文献   
The responsiveness of the external mycelium of Glomus intraradices and Scutellospora calospora was tested in a multiple-choice experimental system in which mycelium encountered patches amended with nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P), either alone or in combination with a host plant. We hypothesised that only AMF mycelium with sufficient supply of photosynthate from an actively growing host would respond to the amendments provided. Mycelium was allowed to grow either 11 or 21 weeks before we analysed hyphal proliferation in amended patches introduced in mesh bags that were not reached by roots but by foraging mycelium only. Hyphal length, the AMF signature fatty acid 16:1w5, and root colonisation in new host plant seedlings were used to measure AMF growth and resource allocation in the patches. Mycelium from both fungal strains was able to colonise new host roots and sand in all patches but S. calospora was overall more responsive to the amendments than G. intraradices. G. intraradices grew equally into all patches, including the unamended control, whereas S. calospora produced significantly more hyphal length in the patch containing a host plant than in the rest of the patches. Both strains showed lower hyphal growth at the second harvest and mycelium of G. intraradices lost almost entirely its capacity to develop new mycelium in all choices presented. Lipid measurements showed this fungus did not use storage lipids to exploit the patches. S. calospora mycelium had reduced growth and colonisation ability but still showed some growth in the patches at the second harvest. A reduction in the content of NLFA 16:1w5 from the first to the second harvest suggested that S. calospora mycelium likely used storage lipids to sustain proliferation in the patches. The results indicated that S. calospora was more active and used more resources for foraging than G. intraradices and that external mycelium foraging was maintained mainly with recently acquired plant carbon (C). This supported in general our hypothesis but showed as well that the two AMF strains had different strategies and resource allocation to forage. The overall low response of both AMF to the choices presented suggested that the responsiveness of mycelium searching freely in the substrate is lower than that observed in experimental systems in which the amendments have been placed in close contact with actively growing mycelium fronts in close vicinity with host roots.  相似文献   
Exudates of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, a yeast commonly found in the rhizosphere, increased hyphal length of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi Gigaspora rosea and Gigaspora margarita. Rhodotorulic acid (RA), a siderophore compound obtained from R. mucilaginosa exudates, increased hyphal length and branching. Thus, the increase in the number of entry points and the higher AM root colonization of tomato plants in the presence of RA can at least partially be explained by the positive effect of RA on the pre-symbiotic stages of the AM fungi.  相似文献   
西府海棠幼苗根内可溶性糖含量对VA菌根侵染的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究根内可溶性糖含量对VA菌根侵染的影响,以西府海棠幼苗为试材,进行摘叶和环割处理,采用酸性品红染料-方格交叉法测定力根侵染率,滴定法测定每处理叶片和根系中可溶性糖含量。结果表明,接种处理苗高,茎叶和根系鲜重均显著高于不接种处理;环割和摘叶处理降低了根内可溶性糖含量,且菌根侵染率随根内可溶性糖含量的降低而降低。  相似文献   
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