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李泽鑫  高爽  王昌昆  刘国华  胡登辉 《土壤》2024,56(3):639-645
星载高光谱仪器的光谱通道以及光谱分辨率和信噪比等核心参数设置直接影响土壤有机碳定量反演精度。本研究开展了卫星载荷光谱分辨率、信噪比、光谱特征波段对不同土壤类型有机碳反演影响的研究,提出了基于大气传输模型、光谱分辨率分析模型、信噪比分析模型、特征波段的提取分析模型以及偏最小二乘回归反演模型的面向不同土壤类型有机碳监测的高光谱卫星“地面–大气–仪器–观测–反演”全链路仿真分析方法,实现了土壤类型、大气效应、仪器特性参数、反演方法的耦合影响分析。结果表明:①3种类型土壤有机碳反演的最佳光谱分辨率均在10~20 nm。②不同土壤类型对观测的信噪比需求不同。对于Phaeozem的有机碳监测,较另外两种土壤有更高的信噪比需求。③在不同特征波段提取分析方法下所需的最佳光谱分辨率和信噪比一致。不同类型土壤光谱数据提取出的特征波段不同,其中反演效果最佳的土壤类型为Chernozem,特征波段数为26个,R2=0.826 5,RMSE=3.438 9 g/kg。④反演模型与仪器特性参数无耦合关系,同一类型土壤不同反演算法的最佳光谱分辨率和信噪比需求一致。⑤Chernozem有机碳最佳反演参数需求为光谱分辨率15 nm,信噪比大于506.66,特征波段提取数为26个;Kastanozem有机碳最佳反演参数需求为光谱分辨率17 nm,信噪比大于331.42,特征波段提取数为22个;Phaeozem有机碳最佳反演参数需求为光谱分辨率15 nm,信噪比大于432.51,特征波段提取数为19个。  相似文献   
准确、及时地监测区域作物长势状况对农业规划和政策的制定与调整具有重要的意义。遥感技术作为一种收集大面积作物长势信息的有效手段,正日益受到关注。为提高冬小麦长势遥感监测的准确性和全面性,该研究基于田间实测的冬小麦拔节期地上鲜生物量(aboveground fresh biomass,AFB)、叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)、叶片叶绿素相对含量(soil and plant analyzer development,SPAD)和叶片氮含量(leaf nitrogen content,LNC)4种生长相关理化参数,利用熵值法获取各参数权重构建冬小麦理化复合参数(physico-chemical composite parameter,PCCP)。利用显著性检验和籽粒产量数据分析复合参数在量化冬小麦长势方面的性能。然后,以Sentinel-2A作为数据源,分析不同遥感指数与LAI、SPAD、AFB、LNC和PCCP的相关性。选取相关性较高的遥感指数作为反向传播(back propagation,BP)人工神经网络(artificial neural networks,ANN)的输入,建立冬小麦长势遥感监测模型,对PCCP进行估计。评价模型精度并用于监测研究区冬小麦长势分布特征。赋权结果表明,作物物理参数的权重大于生化参数,其中LAI的权重最大,为0.387,AFB和SPAD次之,LNC的权重最小,为0.105;PCCP性能评估结果表明,与单一理化参数相比,PCCP值能更好地揭示作物长势状况的差异,其与最终籽粒产量的相关性更好, 决定系数提高0.035~0.468,均方根误差减少46.2~520.0 kg/hm2;在遥感监测过程中,PCCP比单一理化参数有更好的应用潜力,BP-ANN长势遥感监测模型模拟PCCP精度较高,在测试集中决定系数为0.830,均方根误差为0.080;研究区冬小麦总体长势稳定且分布集中,呈现"中部差,南北好"的空间分布特征。因此,构建作物理化复合参数用于量化作物长势是提高长势监测可靠性和准确性的一种有效方式,可为冬小麦田间管理提供科学依据,服务于发展智慧农业和建设农业强国的战略需求。  相似文献   
矿区生态是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,准确监测矿区生态对保护生态环境、维持生态平衡具有重要意义。遥感技术为矿区生态监测提供了有效手段,针对遥感生态指数(remote sensing ecological index,RSEI)在矿区生态监测中存在监测精度低、针对性弱和指标权重空间上均一化问题,该研究对RSEI进行了改进。首先,考虑矿区特殊的生态成因,在绿度、热度、湿度、干度的基础上加入煤尘污染因子构成矿区遥感生态指数;然后,利用地理加权主成分分析法确定各指标的空间权重,构建了地理加权遥感生态指数(geographically weighted-remote sensing ecological index,GW-RSEI);最后,以山西省大同煤田为例,基于多期遥感影像对GW-RSEI在矿区生态监测中的有效性、适用性进行了验证。结果表明:GW-RSEI能准确捕捉矿区大气中的煤尘污染,从整体和局部尺度实现了矿区生态的精准监测,有效提高了矿区生态监测的精度;地理加权主成分分析法能够明确表征矿区生态的空间异质性和生态环境变化的空间连续性;2000—2020年大同煤田的GW-RSEI均值分别为0.51、0.48、0.46、0.59、0.56,整体生态环境经历了先恶化后改善的过程,其东南部生态环境变化趋势与整体一致,而西北部生态环境呈现先改善后恶化的变化趋势。研究成果为准确监测矿区生态提供了一种更加科学、有效的方法。  相似文献   
本实验对川东北地区自然状态下柑橘大实蝇成虫羽化监测,诱蝇球诱集方式监测大实蝇、小实蝇和南亚果实蝇在柑橘弃管园中田间虫量实验。掌握了川东北地区柑橘大实蝇成虫羽化始见日在5月10日,盛期在5月中下旬;田间成虫监测发现诱集盛期在6月中下旬,终见日在7月25日;测算了大实蝇羽化和田间成虫始盛期、高峰期、盛末期的期距分别是34、31、37天,为确定防治柑橘大实蝇最佳时期提供依据。在南充嘉陵区老石坎地区监测出主要是南亚果实蝇,橘小实蝇虫量较少。  相似文献   
以重大干旱年份2010年为例,采用冬小麦生长期的MODIS数据,提取邢台市归一化植被指数(NDVI)和地表温度数据(LST),计算温度植被干旱指数(TVDI),制定农业干旱监测等级,利用该指标对邢台市2010年重大旱情进行分析,并利用降水数据和20 cm土壤湿度数据进行结果验证。结果显示:利用MOD11A2数据反演的地表温度与实测地表温度对比平均误差为0.295℃,反演结果能够代替实地温度进行计算;利用实测20 cm深度土壤相对湿度数据与该地区计算的TVDI值做线性拟合,拟合度R2最高为清河县站点0.722,最低是任县站点0.598,整体效果较好;从验证结果来看,TVDI能够较好地反映出邢台市整体的实际旱情。邢台市2010年冬小麦主要生长阶段中返青拔节阶段整体旱情等级较高,而且出现大面积重旱区域,进入抽穗阶段重旱区域减少,正常或湿润区域范围扩大,整体旱情减轻。  相似文献   
朱千锋 《湖南农机》2011,(11):66-67
在很多的行业、部门中,都存在着因为现场与能够处理数据的管理机构隔着较远的距离,或者因为现场无人值守而导致取得的第一手数据无法及时的进行上传,但是,又必须要定时的对部分现场数据进行及时的了解和传送,这样的话对现场的情况就能够起到实时监控或者准时监控的目的。这时,各行业部门中就非常需要得到一种能够满足该项要求的单片机数据采集及远程通信系统来提供可靠的技术支持。  相似文献   
Campylobacter, a major zoonotic pathogen, displays seasonality in poultry and in humans. In order to identify temporal patterns in the prevalence of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. in a voluntary monitoring programme in broiler flocks in Germany and in the reported human incidence, time series methods were used. The data originated between May 2004 and June 2007. By the use of seasonal decomposition, autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions, it could be shown that an annual seasonality is present. However, the peak month differs between sample submission, prevalence in broilers and human incidence. Strikingly, the peak in human campylobacterioses preceded the peak in broiler prevalence in Lower Saxony rather than occurring after it. Significant cross-correlations between monthly temperature and prevalence in broilers as well as between human incidence, monthly temperature, rainfall and wind-force were identified. The results highlight the necessity to quantify the transmission of Campylobacter from broiler to humans and to include climatic factors in order to gain further insight into the epidemiology of this zoonotic disease.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: 1,3‐Dichloropropene (1,3‐D, CAS No. 542‐75‐6) is a broad‐spectrum soil fumigant used to control numerous species of soilborne plant‐parasitic nematodes. 1,3‐D consists of two isomers, (Z)‐ and (E)‐1,3‐D. There are a number of low‐level chlorinated compounds that could potentially be produced as a part of the 1,3‐D manufacturing process. 1,3‐D and its metabolites, as well as potentially related chlorinated compounds, represent potential groundwater contaminants. RESULTS: This study has investigated the hydrolytic stability, under biotic and abiotic conditions in the laboratory, of an extensive representative list of 1,3‐D and potentially related chlorinated compounds in order to predict their environmental fate. All of these compounds showed intrinsic hydrolytic instability under both abiotic and biotic test conditions. Furthermore, a monitoring programme was carried out. Twenty‐five wells were monitored in five Italian regions characterised by historical and existing use of 1,3‐D. The parent compound, its two major metabolites and potentially related chlorinated compounds were not detected in the well water at > 0.1 µg L?1 at any sampling location. CONCLUSION: The soil fumigant (E,Z)‐1,3‐D, its metabolites and potentially related chlorinated compounds constitute a low risk to groundwater. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Fire blight is the most devastating bacterial disease of rosaceous plants. Forecasting fire blight infections is important to allow for countermeasures that reduce economic damage in pome fruit production. Current computerized forecasting models are solely based on physical factors such as temperature and moisture, but not on the actual presence of the pathogen Erwinia amylovora. Although the inoculum concentration is considered to be crucial for infection and disease outbreak, most current approaches used for identification of fire blight inoculum including morphological, biochemical, serological, and DNA‐based methods are nonquantitative. Based on a real‐time PCR approach previously published, an improved protocol to be used directly on whole bacteria in the field is described. The method allows for early detection and quantification of the pathogen prior to the occurrence of first symptoms. There is a clear correlation between bacterial abundance and subsequent disease development. However, in some cases, no disease symptoms could be observed despite a pathogen load of up to 3·4 × 106 cells per blossom. Integration of the amount of pathogen detected into refined prediction algorithms may allow for the improvement of applied forecasting models, finally permitting a better abatement of fire blight.  相似文献   
Cyprodinil is a representative of the new class of broad-spectrum anilinopyrimidine fungicides. The effect of cyprodinil on mycelial growth of Botryotinia fuckeliana on solid agar medium depends on the composition of the medium and on the age of the mycelium to be used for the bioassay. An in-vitro method was developed to study the sensitivity distribution to cyprodinil in two wild-type populations of B. fuckeliana from fruits of strawberry with grey mould. To validate the applicability of the method, sensitivities to cyprodinil, mepanipyrim and pyrimethanil were monitored in populations of B. fuckeliana from grapes with grey mould from different vineyards, including one trial vineyard where reduced performance of cyprodinil had been encountered. The monitoring procedure was based on the inhibition of the mycelial growth on a synthetic medium containing L -asparagine (asp-agar) amended with the active ingredients. The mycelium was grown on asp-agar discs, starting from a spore suspension, for 17 h prior to the beginning of the test. This procedure proved to be efficient. The two wild-type populations from different sampling sites showed similar distributions of the sensitivity to cyprodinil. Some isolates from the trial site with reduced performance of anilinopyrimidines showed reduced sensitivities to cyprodinil, mepanipyrim and pyrimethanil, demonstrating cross-resistance between these anilinopyrimidines.  相似文献   
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